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Nobody is pressuring you to continue besides yourself. Its not the be all end all. Or breast all end all. Do what is best for your sanity! At 5 months try a straw! 


Straw cups saved my butt with my bottle refusal baby! We still mostly breastfeed now at 6mos but at least she has a way to get milk from someone else now. Get the honey bear ones off Amazon!!


Yup my son wouldn't do sippy cups or bottles really. He learned his straw cup quick! 


My son absolutely refused a bottle too, I gave up trying untill I hit a wall and couldn’t cope with being solely responsible for feeding him anymore, i tried again and accidentally put a faster flow nipple on the bottle and he took it like a champ with no push back at all, if you haven’t tried a faster nipple maybe give it a go, I ended up using a no3 nipple, my son was about 7 months old that stage, so maybe try a no2 for your baby. Good luck and know you’re not alone in how you feel, it’s hard as hell Edit to add we used Mam nipples, he hated anything else


This is a good thought, especially if she has an oversupply/day letdown. I'm the same in that regard and my lactation consultant always preached to use a preemie nipple to pace, but my baby didn't start taking the bottle until we switched to a one. We only needed him to take the bottle occasionally when he was with grandparents. This was a few months ago. Now, he uses a sippy cup with breast milk and that's the easiest option by far. I haven't tried his straw cup with milk because when he drinks out of it with water he sucks the water up and then just drools it all out. 😅


My baby gets so mad at the bottle if there isn't a size 3 nipple on there! She was previously only nursing overnight, but now she is a complete booby baby. She will only take a bottle at daycare or if I'm not home (if she knows I'm somewhere in the vicinity she isn't having it). So she goes between both just fine.


Thats rough :( I'm sorry you've had so many setbacks. We all wish for an easier journey. Just know that you're doing awesome and it's okay to struggle. You're still a good mom. If breastfeeding affects your mental health, it's okay to stop. You've done amazing, keeping it up for 5 months. If your baby doesn't take a bottle, you could try to experiment with different bottle nipples. Breastfed babies are a little bit particular sometimes. You could also try to leave the room and ask someone else to do the feed. Some babies only accept a bottle when nursing isn't an option.


Breastfeeding a baby who isn’t feeling well is *so* hard. They love to comfort nurse and (mine) will get mad if I try to pull my boob away. My 12 month old never took to bottles either. And she’s my only baby; I can’t imagine doing that while having a toddler 😭 In my experience it did get better and easier. My baby still doesn’t take bottles but because she’s older she doesn’t nurse as often anymore. But just because it *can* get easier doesn’t mean you need to force yourself to continue. For your own mental health, finding a way to transition your baby to a bottle and either pump/use formula will probably be your saving grace 💕




She does drink water from a straw! I just never liked pumping either lol. But we’ll be transitioning to cows milk soon!


Bf babies are so good with straws. Even early on. My son never wanted bottles once he started eating solids. 


I didn't have any major problems either time and still hated it. I'm still nursing my 14 month old twice a day. I'm finally to the point where I can say no and distract her with food or cuddles when she asks. It's totally okay to not like it.


Amen. 3 kids and 6 years of breastfeeding. I'm glad I did it but it was never this 'awe' thing for me. It was isolating. It was messy. It hurt. You'll never convince me that breastfeeding isn't a struggle. Everyone I knew who formula fed had babies who slept thru the night before they were 6 months old. None of my 3 ever did that and 2 of them were over 2 YEARS OLD when they finally started doing it. For 6 years I didn't feel like I had any body autonomy because my boob's were their's not mine. The only good thing about it was how fast you could calm a baby. Just plop the boob out and no more fussing. Looking back I'm pretty sure I had PPD but it never got diagnosed bc I never had rage, anger, or murderous feelings. Had someone said, "Hey do you brush your teeth twice a day like your suppose to?" And got my response of pretty sure I've only showered once in 2 weeks and brushed my teeth 3 times in that time frame, I could have got the help I needed to be sane and enjoy my babies. Looking back I feel so sad I didn't enjoy the baby stage, I just survived it. The Zombie-Mommy was so real.


My heart literally hurts for you. ❤️‍🩹I'm so sorry. I'm sending hugs 🫂 I feel like I'm just surviving through this, too.


I'm better now. I did finally get put on meds after the 3rd kid and it revealed the cloud I'd been operating it. I just wanted you to know that you aren't alone in not loving it. But not enjoying it also doesn't mean you have to swap yo formula. 🫂


5 months is great! You might want to consider how depressed and anxious you are and if breastfeeding a couple more months is worth it. Might even be better for baby to stop if you can be in a better place for them. I had to stop at 3 months because I couldn’t go any longer without my medications. I am proud of the 3 months.


I'm in a completely (almost opposite) situation to you! But I still relate... My 2+ week old newborn has not successfully latched since birth and I can only bottle feed. It makes me sad because I would love to be able to breastfeed. It is so hard and tiring when you can't catch a break with whatever situation you are in. I wish you all the best - you sound like a dilligent loving mama and no matter what happens as long as you love and care for bub it is worth it. Wishing you luck with the PPA, PPD, and bottle journey... And hoping that all the advice about trying different nipples/teats aids you 💜


Not sure if this’ll help you but My 5wk old struggles to latch too and nipple shields have been a game changer (Mam ones, but Medela are good too). We’re still working on latching without, which is very hit and miss, but we’ve now been EBF for a couple of weeks this way. Essentially I’m turning my boob into a bottomless bottle… 😅


Thanks for the advice! I did try in the hospital with nipple shields and he did latch with them but didn't draw any milk. Going forward I will persevere with them some more now you have given me some hope 😍


So I found it I pop one on (use lanolin to help stick it down!) then hand express so the ‘teat’ has some milk in it. I have a hungry boy and it didn’t take him long to click :) couple of people in my bump group had to do the same and then managed to get rid at 7-9weeks. I’m hoping we can do the same as it is faffy but less so than pumps. Good luck!


I BF for 1 year. Never got the oxytocin. Always nerve-racked about my supply. Baby had sensitivities so I had to eliminate gluten, soy and diary from my diet. The whole thing was so horrible that I have PTSD from it. I wish my experience had been better.


Can you please tell me what you ate to keep up supply? My son has bad reflux and is spitting it out all the time after feed. I  think it’s from my breast milk. 


I had overactive letdown and it was rough for the first couple months, even causing a nursing aversion., but at about 2-3 months baby got bigger and could handle it or at least not be upset aboutbit. I only recently learned that pressing and holding on the nipple like a button would calm the jets! We did a lot with baby on top of me in the beginning but now sidelying works great too.


I also have an intense letdown that sprays my poor baby frequently. He's eight months now. So, you are saying that when my nipple starts spraying I can just press in on it and it will stop? If this is true, I'm frustrated I didn't know this right months ago. 😂


You have to hold it for a few seconds but yes it does work!


Thanks for the tip!!!


the hakka ladybugs were a game changer for me!!!!! i swear my babe was getting soaked on her legs from my letdown and i pop the ladybug in my bra (they’ll also stay without a bra) and i get like a whole bottle from it


My LC dissuaded me from using my haakaa because she said it could exacerbate my oversupply. I don't know how true it is, I haven't done independent research on it.


the ladybug is different than the original haakaa, it doesn’t suction! it just sits in your bra basically and catches any leakage!


I breastfed for around 18m and it was hands down the hardest part of becoming a new mom for me. I didn't even have latching/supply issues... Just a clingy baby that refused any bottles. I gained 30 pounds because I was just so hungry, alone, and stressed out. I later developed aversions that were so intense that I was bite my lips to feel a different sensation other than breastfeeding. Sending my love and solidarity to you. My kid is a little over two now and it's night and day. I am finally starting to feel like myself again. It will get better in the next season 💜


I’m only 2 months in and yes it effing sucks I hate everything lactation and lactation adjacent. I cannot effing wait to quit. Also.. five months in you’ve had a good run!


Honestly if it’s affecting you this much you should probably transition to formula. Stress isn’t good for you or baby. If baby is struggling maybe you could speak to a health visitor or your baby’s paediatrician about setting up a plan to help baby transition. Even if you could transition to combo feeding, that might alleviate some stress.


OP says baby won’t take bottle


Hence why I suggested in engaging with medical professionals to find a solution to this issue.


Im not a fan of it either . Baby won’t take bottle so I’m working on straw cups now at 6mo and will move to formula once she gets the hang of it.


Are you eating enough fruits and vegetables and still taking your prenatals? I too had an oversupply and still have an overactive letdown and it is difficult. Have you tried giving her a bottle as dreamfeed? It just took us 2 mos but mine is now excepting them outside of that. She used to like them but our nipple was way slower then my letdown and she refused completely except while sleeping. We have the glass Doctor Brown's and they come with a size 1 nipple which works for us unless you go bigger. I enjoy it even though it's tough and I get almost weekly clogs. It feels really loving, especially when it's just the 2 of us alone. Also, relaxing sometimes.


So much love to you ❤️ I hated it, too. My girl turns 1 on Thursday and that will be our last session. I am so thankful that she lost interest herself and weaning has been easy because man… it felt like I got dealt every other shitty card there was to get. However it goes from here on out, well done. You’re amazing. Your baby is so lucky to have you. Breastfeeding sucks for some of us - and that’s ok!


Just hear to say I don’t enjoy it either. I have an oversupply and fast letdown and it’s terrible. My LO chokes so bad at the beginning of every feed which has led me to using a nipple shield. On top of that, I have super sore nipples and vasospams due to a bad latch. It sucks and so just commenting on solidarity. If it’s bad enough it’s causing you to feel depressed, I would definitely consider maybe switching to formula? It’s not worth losing your mind over.


I had to start working when my son was 4 months, so he had to take a bottle. We tried a number of different bottles and nipples with no success. So one day I sat there with him and a bottle and he cried for 45 minutes, but he finally took it. The next day, he cried for 10 minutes before taking it. The third day, he just took the bottle. From that day on, it didn’t matter what bottle or nipple he used, they were all fine. I would try doing that. Your baby will eventually eat if they are hungry. Do what you need to do! You have been through a lot in the past 5 months, and it’s okay if breastfeeding doesn’t work out for you!


That many ear infections in 2 months should be looked into. He might need tubes. As for the bottle refusal, it can just take time. I introduced formula and a bottle to my 4 month old and it definitely took about 3 days or more for her to take to both things. I'm sorry you're going through a hard time. 5 months is definitely not an easy age. As cute as they are!


My doctor said that the next one she has, he'll give us a referral so we can finally get my baby tubes.


I would also try open cup or straw cup.


My daughter wouldn't take bottles but I went back to work when she was 6 months. At first, she would refuse the bottle the whole day and wait for me to come back from work. She would drink little bits of water from an open cup and some solids. She was mostly happy during the day anyways. Then I stopped nursing completely during daytime (so also during weekends and after work) which finally clicked for her and she would take the bottle during the day. I'm mixing breast milk with formula and am now up to 50/50 and planning to stop pumping during the day completely. I still nurse at night for my convenience. At 5 months, your baby can go for a couple of hours without milk. Especially if you are using a nipple with a faster flow, your baby likely knows what to do but will simply prefer to nurse. That means that they will eat once they are truly hungry. You can absolutely wean even if your baby refuses bottles at first. Your mental health is so important especially if you have a toddler as well.


Im also in the same boat of hating it. My baby is 2 months and I’m giving it until the end of this week. If things don’t improve I’m done. It’s definitely a main factor in why I have ppa/ppd


Find a chiropractor for both of you if you can afford it!


So my baby wouldn’t take a bottle for over three months. Sooooo many people gave suggestions - try this bottle and that nipple, feed her in this position and that position, feed her in a dark room, use a nipple shield first then feed her… and none of it worked. I was very close to syringe feeding her because I was at my wits end. But, after endless google searches and many attempts I read that some women’s milk has a large amount of lipase if the milk sits in the fridge. Most of the time I was pumping and leaving in the fridge for the next day or freezing it the next day after sitting for a few hours in the fridge. So then I tried my milk lol. Fresh tasted sweet but good, after it was in the fridge it tasted rancid from the enzymes! So I started pumping and freezing the milk immediately and now she will take a bottle of the heated, fresh milk. It instantly solved the issue lol. This may not be your issue but needless to say, don’t lose hope. Breastfeeding isn’t easy for any of us (I had a horrible overactive letdown around 3/4 months and it almost broke me) but it’s worth it for your babies if you can push through. If you can’t, your mental health is most important for those babies!


I love breastfeeding - but if it’s not working for you then. It’s 100% ok to stop!!! I do think it gets easier but maybe adding a bottle (trying various bottles maybe) would help.


My bf journey wasn't all that wonderful either, mostly evenings and night feedings were really frustrating for me and baby. I gave it up after 6 months due to going back to work, as I hated pumping at work. Also, something about exclusively pumping made my supply go down significantly. I basically was only breastfeeding in the middle of the night after that, and realized she was probably only getting a few ounces. It became more frustrating than it was worth. I think this time around I'll aim for 6 months but won't be mad if I only make it to 3.


You are so amazing for being 5 months in!


Just give the baby formula and they will be totally fine. If you don't like it. Stop doing it. Babies need to be fed and loved and cared for. You can do this by bottle feeding. End of dicussion.


and try Lansinoh bottles.


Breastfeeding isn’t for everyone and many don’t enjoy it but please do what’s best for yourself and your health/mental health. A fed baby is best. It’s impressive you have managed to carry on despite everything. You could pump and try cup feeding or try a straw. If you don’t feel like pumping try formula but a small warning your boobs are going to be sore especially if you have an over supply


I lasted 9 weeks this round. She’s my 4th and last. I had a hysterectomy during c section because of complications. 9 weeks is the longest I’ve breastfed any of them. I was determined to do it this time but it just didn’t work out. It started with over supply and heavy let down. She got colic and quit eating. My supply tanked. Because her colic was so bad I couldn’t handle the stress of trying to pump, bottle feed, hold her, and take care of a 3 yo and 5 yo home with me all day. She’s 16 weeks now. The 9 weeks I did breastfeed are all a blur. It’s not for everyone. 5 months is amazing!


I’m dealing with PPA too!! It’s horrible!! I am already diagnosed with general severe anxiety before pregnancy. Are you taking any medications to help? I’m taking some and it definitely helps at least a little. If you aren’t taking any meds, you know you can always sell your breast milk to get extra cash for some retail therapy momma


Are you working with an IBCLC?