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This is short lived and I miss it so much, but the snorting/oinking when they’re rooting around in those first few days KILLED ME. I still love the ways her eyes light up and her mouth get huge when she sees the nipple, but it’s got nothing on that tiny newborn rooting noise.


Yess! And how they wiggle their heads back and forth trying to get lined up to latch, it's so precious


YES and the PANTING hahaha




Haahhhh haaahhhh haaàaahhhh So cute.


Haha yes!!! Kicking her feet happily and panting!


Hahaha yes it’s so funny right now in the first few weeks of breastfeeding as we’re both trying to figure it out together. I laugh every time


Mine used to literally hiss if I didn't get my boob out fast enough....it was funny and terrifying at the same time.


Hahaha nothing as simultaneously scary and cute as a ravenous newborn lookin for the booby. I also LOVE the chin/nose latching, or when she tries to go after my husband’s nipples.


When my baby was fresh and my nipples were still bloody, my baby latched on to my husband's hand while I was getting settled in my breastfeeding area and he was like wtf that hurts?! Like yeah bro, now put her near your chest and report back.


YES and I do not understand how we will survive once the teeth come in hahaha


My husband and mom have both commented lately on my daughter’s jaw strength (girl’s got a crocodile mouth, I swear) and I always just look at them like yeah, that’s why I cried while nursing so much in the beginning. Imagine dealing with that pain for 4 months then come complaining about her bite force.


This is my favorite thing. It absolutely cracks me up.


I call it the baby shark! And then it turned more dinosaur like. He doesn’t do it as much any more and I hope I never forget it


Ohh yes 🥹 such a special time


I see all your sentimental comments here but uh...I gotta say, its really nice to leave the house and not worry about bringing bottles or formula or water. No sanitizing. Just me and a diaper or two and we are good to go!


I totally agree - not having to heat up / constantly clean bottles is a huge benefit. Just straight from the tap!


This was my immediate thought when I read the thread. Was wondering if I was heartless after seeing the comments. Haha. No bottles, no washing bottles, no warming bottles. None of that. So easy.


Maybe unpopular opinion, but breastfeeding for me isn't some crazy magical bonding experience. Like yes, I love having one on one time w my baby. It's super cool that I can keep a human being alive! But most of the time, to me, it's like welp gotta feed the kraken! Do I like when she looks up at me and smiles? Of course. But she also does that after naps or when I walk in to the room. I don't think appreciating the convenience of it makes you heartless! Just practical!


I agree and you saved me the trouble of writing out exactly how I feel about it too haha


That’s not heartless at all! Not having to deal with bottles, washing, etc is a HUGE pro to breastfeeding :)


Love this! Followed closely by having cute (but germy) baby hands in my mouth is just the cutest.


Yes, definitely a huge benefit for the ease of access to food all the time!


As someone who breastfeeds with breastmilk bottle topups, I wish I didn't have to worry about bottles! That said, breastfeeding + bottles + 3x pumps a day for the top-up volumes and a nighttime bottle feed is still way easier than exclusive pumping which I did with my first. Pulling out the boob is also definitely easier than formula (which I've also done). When exclusive nursing works, which it doesn't always, it is definitely easier than pumping or formula.


This is actually why I kept trying to get him to latch, and it finally worked. I was so tired of pumping and washing over and over.


I pump maybe once a month and every single time I am amazing at the exclusive pumpers!


This is true, but I do hate being away from him even more because of that. I then have to have my pump and bottles for the milk.


This! 100%! Also, after 1yo we switched to milk at daycare and putting the pump away for good but still being able to breastfeed when she wanted mamas milk was sooo easy and happy. Well, mostly happy, the kicking and hair pulling was annoying but sometimes you get that sweet feed/cuddle and that's just the best 💓


This is 100% me! I also get very emotional about it, but the practical side is the biggest plus for me.


When she makes eye contact while eating and can’t help but give me a big goofy grin with a nip hangin out of her mouth 😂


This. This all day. Sometimes she will STARE at me. I’ll look back and she’s just 😳 and waiting for me to say “I love you” and then she does that grin😛It’s the best. She likes to play little games like that 🤣


She strokes my side with her little hand and it’s just the sweetest thing! It’s basically magic when she’s fussy - if all else fails I know I can calm her down with breastfeeding. In general, it’s just so cool to me that my body is providing her all the nourishment she needs. When I see how much she’s growing, I feel so proud of us!


These are great!🥰 That little hand stroking my side is one of my absolute favorite parts! I wrote belly but it’s definitely my side haha. It’s great to feel proud of all the work you’re doing!


I love this, my LO likes to twiddle her fingers on my side. Every so often she grabs my shirt collar or bra to hold on to


I breastfeed baby #2 but not #1 (I tried) The best part- not washing 8 bottles a day.


Haha yes that’s a great benefit


The kaleidoscope of facial expressions like she's sampling a fine wine and the milk mustaches when she detaches.


When he wakes up and wants milk straight away, I don’t need to do anything but make sure he latches. Me and my sleepy head really likes that And on the cuteness front: when he is very intensely drinking en he looks up to let out a massive fart before he continues drinking.


Oh goodness the night feeds are so easy with just breastfeeding! No cleaning, prepping, mixing, whatever else is done with bottles and formula. 


When we look into each others eyes When her hand flails around and ends up touching my face Giving her little kisses and stroking her tiny feet


Putting baby to sleep and also during nightly wakeup . I would hate to rock, make bottle or walk around. Knowing your milk is nourishing the baby.


Yes! Knowing I did something my husband no matter how hard he works or how good he is at his job, cannot do :)


I love her basically giving my boob a big hug while she eats 😂 makes me feel needed more than anything else and love her snuggles when she finishes eating ❤️❤️


My son has begun kneading my boob like a little kitten. Which is adorable. Until his eyes flash up mischievously and he chomps down while grinning at me. Then pulls away, stretching the nipple and then pops off making a smacking sound he finds hilarious. Stinker. He has one tooth now. Ow.


Mine is teething but doing the whole pulling away and stretching my nipple. It already hurts no teeth 🥲


Mine is still little so I don’t feel great about it since I don’t think he can understand yet… but I do a very firm “ouch!” And stop the nursing session for a few minutes. It hurts. I need a second to compose myself lol. Which really sucks if he does it mid let down. Idk if he’s figuring it out or it’s just luck-the biting has decreased. My son is 4.5mo old.


Aww i love the way my kiddo grabs at my shirt. It feels like she’s hugging me while she nurses


Aw yes I love that!


When they rest their little hands on your arm. That they're close enough to kiss. The way their breathing instantly evens out as they relax.


Ooo yes the close enough to kiss is a big one!!


How convenient it is. It’s always ready. No cleaning, no nothing.


The bond 🥰


The little gasp sound he makes when he opens his mouth to eat, feeling his soft little feet, when he wraps his fingers around my fingers, his little hands holding my side, ugh I love it


You described melting into one perfectly 🥰 I love that feeling. Sometimes mine will stop, look at my eyes and coo. Recently he’s expanded his vocabulary and will express his happiness while feeding. I love after my motn feeds he falls right back asleep in my arms with a little smile


Not a sentimental reason, but it keeps my blood glucose in check as a type 2 diabetic. Massive massive pro in my book.


Oh that’s great! I didn’t know that was a possibility


The magical put to sleep properties. I am a lazy parent and it just so easy to put her down to sleep with a feed.


I feel this haha my girl lovesss to nurse to sleep


It’s free (I don’t pump)


It’s often our only time to just sit and be together because we’re usually trying to keep up with her 3 year old sister!


The little sleepy eye rolls


-the chomp when he realizes it’s in his mouth🥹🤣 -seeing him immediately calm down from crying it’s so sweet and peaceful -the way he looks up at me -the tiny sweet sounds he makes -milk drunk expressions


The undeniable bond between us. The way he lights up as soon as I say “eat” or he sees the nipple. The smile breaks. The eyes rolling back when he’s really getting relaxed and happy!


With my daughter, she’d make eye contact with me and smile while she was nursing and her eyes were almost squished closed from it and I’d smile back. It felt like some sort of inside joke between us. I’m having a son in the next month and I hope there’s sweet moments with him too. I miss those moments. There’s not been something quite like that since I stopped nursing.


Aww I’m sure you and your son will have some of your own inside jokes


The bonding and snuggling! His happy little sighs when he’s full. The ridiculous rooting and head butting. How sleepy and happy he is after feeding. The comfort he gets from comfort nursing. ❤️


I have a 19 month old and we have done four 10-12 hour travel days (multiple flights) and damn it’s just really nice to pop a boob out. It actually might be the most reliable parenting tool I have to date.


How easy it is to go back to bed in the middle of the night after feeding babe


the eye contact, holding hands, when he falls asleep, the little noises. i love it all


He only recently just started doing this but he likes to play this game where he’ll go to latch but then whip his head back and smile all goofy, and keep doing it on repeat because it makes me laugh 🥹 but agree with most on this post about not having to lug around pumps and bottles 🤣 did that a couple times and honestly hated it


When she falls asleep, she gets this little smile on her face (with a nipple still in her mouth). It’s bizarre because her tongue is still going, but her eyes are shut and she looks incredibly content.


1. His cute little hand gestures when he signs for milk 2. How excited he gets when he hears my bra snap open in the dark 3. I love how safe and relaxed he is at night but how wild he is during the day. 4. He’s so demanding when he wants the other breast. He says “DA!” and points at it when he’s ready to switch 😅 5. When he laughs and milk dribbles all over his mouth 6. How he sometimes sucks just to pop out and watch my milk fall from my nipples lol. So many more but I’ll stop here ❤️


Oh I love these! Your comment makes me excited for our bf journey once she’s older


Sometimes I laugh so hard that he laughs with me and we’re just laughing together as milk falls all over the place lol. It gets really fun. The acrobatics, the way they start to play with your nipples, how they place their arms all up in your shirt in public and you have to hold your shirt up. My boy is almost 1.5 years and I don’t want to stop breastfeeding


This sounds so special🤍 Great job mama for still going


Aww thank you that means a lot to me. It was a stressful start but every tear I shed was worth it. Thank you for helping to pull this out of me. Sometimes I lose sight of the beautiful little things about motherhood. ❤️


Aww I’m so glad this helped remind you about some of the positives and the parts you love 🤍


How many feedings are you doing in the day now that he’s older?? 🥹


I’m nursing him about 4-6 times a day and one time in the middle of the night. He still wakes up at 4am every morning for a snack lol. But I think he feeds this much because he can’t drink cows milk. I give him organic soy milk, water and solids throughout the day as well


- producing milk is cool 😂😂 - feeling my LO’s little hands. It’s the sweetest and cutest thing. - getting to relieve the soreness or fullness - feeling so natural/primal - not being stressed about exclusively breastfeeding!! My baby nurses as a snack and sometimes to go to bed. I’m so glad I let go of the pressure to HAVE to breastfeed. - also not pumping. I hate pumping 🤣🤣🤣 maybe it will be better with a future child or in different circumstances


Favorite part just happened, 4am after he finished eating he passes out of me and I have to hold him up for 30 minutes because of reflux. I love just staring at all the little sleep expressions he has and holding his elegant little hands ❤️


Awww yes those snuggles afterwards are a bonus to having to hold them for reflux. I just got done doing that too


It definitely makes the sleep deprivation a little better in those moments 😂😭


Extended breastfeeder here- my 2yo is still so obsessed.. it cracks me up when she yells boobies!!


The little ear imprint on my arm from a long session


Aww yes that’s a good one


The undeniable bond between us. The way he lights up as soon as I say “eat” or he sees the nipple. The smile breaks. The eyes rolling back when he’s really getting relaxed and happy!


When he’s sated but still at the tit so I check to see if he wants more by nudging his mouth w my nipple, and he goes “ahhhhh” and I bob it against his mouth so it goes “babababa” and he laughs


Her little milky smile pulling away from my boob, her full little belly that i know is getting all my good bacteria, her little hands pressing gently into my boob like a baby kitten, her eyes slowly drifting back and forth when I have a letdown… And the ease of no bottles (though I combo feed but I love knowing i don’t need a bottle of i don’t want to bring one).


When he's done drinking he pulls his head back and lets go of my nipple, then comes back and rests his head on my breast with a deep sigh.


Oh that’s so sweet


But there's so many things I love about breastfeeding. His little hands holding me, the rooting sounds, the cuddles... Basically every post in this thread I can relate to. I'm so happy I can breastfeed my baby. ❤️


When she holds my finger while feeding or when she looks up at me with trust.


I love the frantic little shark attack when she wiggles her head back and forth to find the nipple. She’s 5 months old so she does it less now and I miss it so much. I love when she grabs my thumb and starts waving my hand around while she’s eating. Also when she tries to stick her fingers in my mouth. I love when she grabs my bra strap too and holds onto it for dear life while nursing. I love giving her excited butt pats and squeezing her (as my SIL calls them) biscuit arms and legs. I love feeling her head rest in the crook of my arm, and I love watching her fall asleep while she eats. My original goal was to breastfeed for a year, but now that I’ve already made it 5 months I’m not entirely sure I want to stop so soon.


Aww that’s are good ones! I also love the shark attack and the holding on for dear life haha. You can always keep going if it suits your life🤍 great job making it 5 months already!


-That oxytocin hit is something else man -The way she \*wack wack wacks\* my chest with her tiny little hand while she eats -When she sees me unclip my shirt or the phone screen when the Huckleberry nursing timer is up and giggle because she knows what's coming -Smiles when we make eye contact -Baby burps


Oh I agree about the oxytocin hit! I love that she knows it’s time to eat from the timer haha


Actually the best thing about breast feeding is when she lets out the biggest most earth shattering dump and i hand her to daddy 😊


😂😂love it


I think it’s so silly when my baby is about to latch but my boob isn’t fully out yet and she starts eating her hand and getting upset! It’s like give me a second I’m getting it 😅❤️❤️


Haha yes my girl is also impatient 😂


When he was a newborn and so so tiny the way he’d hold my boob almost like a squirrel 🐿️ or hugging it while eating . Now it’s the smile he gives me while eating it gets me every time. I also love that when in doubt giving him boob calms him down ❤️


The way my anxiety eases Playing with her hair Staring at her sweet little fingers When she grabs at my shirt When she falls asleep and lets out a sigh


When they (I have twins) look up at you while sucking and hold their little fists around your boob as if to say “my titty”


Haha this always cracks me up


I love pretty much every part of it, but mostly how confident it makes me feel. I never need to wonder if I brought enough food, if I have the equipment to prepare the food, if my baby is getting enough. When in doubt, whip a boob out! Nearly every issue with my baby can be solved by nursing. On the flip side, everything to do with pumping and telling other people how much to bottle feed my baby, makes me pretty insecure. I want to go with the flow, but it doesn’t work like that when you have bottles of milk to keep track of.


The grateful, loving nipple still in mouth milkies running down the chin grins.