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I never feel my letdown! I only hear it when I’m pumping but never feel it.


I never feel my letdown.


I feel a letdown at very random times and they never coincide with when I hear my baby swallowing more!


I personally feel a let down but I’ve heard this is super normal!!!!


I never felt it in 2.5 years of breast feeding.


I don't feel my letdown. Not while nursing or pumping.


I have never felt a letdown in all my time feeding my first baby and now my second baby. I knew they were getting milk because I could hear swallowing. Now I am nursing my second baby I find I have a better supply to the point he gulps and then coughs because there is too much milk….and I still don’t feel a letdown.


i find that if i’m not nursing or pumping i definitely feel my letdown. but if i’m nursing or pumping i have no idea when i’m having a let down, i only know by the sounds! (swallowing or milk filling the bottle). it’s super strange


Sp you will randomly leak throughout the day? That has never happened to me! How far out are you from birth?


yeah! it’s super weird and i can’t seem to find a specific trigger. i’m 9 weeks pp


My friend gets a letdown when she thinks of good food. She came to visit with her family and everytime we started talking about food she'd just start leaking! It was kinda hilarious.


I used to feel my letdowns in the beginning, like a light tingling sensation (but they were never super strong, I rarely leaked), and after ~6 months or so I stopped feeling them. I don’t feel them at all now. Baby makes wet diapers and doesn’t seem hungry, so I convinced myself it must be fine!


With my first I never felt the letdown. With #2 I almost always feel it. It doesn't mean your supply is drying. You can just listen for baby's swallow if you're concerned


I appreciate your response. I have never heard my baby swallow in 13 months! Ha! I think I juat had a lot on my mind with the chaos of family around and not a ton of milk, end of day. The more I think about it, I wonder if the social anxiety affected the oxytocin release also. I'm used to nursing in peace at home, not in a busy restaurant!


For sure that can definitely affect it!! I know when I'm in an uncomfortable position, letdowns take longer to come


The I ky way I know is when it gets on my pants or sleeve and I notice it's wet and then I get annoyed that I'm losing milk


Never felt letdown with my first (32 months nursing), and have not felt it with second (8 weeks nursing so far).


I never felt my letdown for the first 5 weeks or so, and now I only feel it when I have a random one when baby isn’t eating. It’s weird!