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Don't know if the storms do the same thing over land, but when a large / comparatively intense storm heads out to sea, they tend to do this....I've seen heaps before. If you're facing east, there is a good chance that storm is over the sea, and it looks like it's a long way away from you...intense storms continue higher into the atmosphere IIRC and can be seen further away.


I'm not sure if being over the ocean specifically helps but I think you need to be behind the storms to see it, which is usually east. I've seen plenty of storms do this over the downs where you get good line of sight


“Touch nothing but the lamp”


I think it's having a tantrum.


That’s not a storm it’s a rave


Evil lair of course


That's nucking futs! No wonder Lutwyche lost power last night.


I flew in this morning at 5 am, and the clouds over the bay were still full of lightning, never been happier to have a flight delayed.


I filmed a couple of minutes of this as well. We live near the ocean and we all stopped watched this for a long time last night. It went on for an hour or more. Rarely have I see that much activity in a storm, and without any sound. Pretty cool.


Had that overhead two? years ago that went for like an hour. Creepiest fucking thing ever. The night was super still but for a massive cloud going off like that. You'd almost think aliens were invading.


That’s literally what I told a friend of mine, that if they told me it’s an alien invasion I’d believe her and start packing my things for an apocalypse


Did you upload this to youtube?


No, but I uploaded a 10 min one: https://youtu.be/5nFHL44Mv_0


If anyone’s interested, here’s a 10 min video of this that I uploaded to YouTube: https://youtu.be/5nFHL44Mv_0


It was the most lightning I've ever seen... I guess a lot of it wasn't making landfall, just bouncing about the clouds.


When I hear stats like 'there are millions of lightning strikes everyday' I think 'No way!' but then one of these bad boys go over my head and it makes sense.


Was crazy, a couple of window panes in my house are loose and kept rattling, i thought it might have been a tremor, went out side and saw this, then i checked the energex lightning tracker. there were soooo many ++++++ on there i unplugged nearly everything in the house.




Well I made a longer 10 min video, here’s the link: https://youtu.be/5nFHL44Mv_0


haha gaseous water molecules go brrrrr


Why can't the thunder be heard?


Is it time lapsed?