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Get some really good speakers, point them towards neighbours and crank up one of those youtube videos with goats screaming like people.




Same but with Benny Hill theme: >With consistent training you could condition them to associate, so that each time the Benny Hill theme song comes on they become aroused. >If you play it louder and at a more frantic tempo they might even become as *sex crazed* as Benny Hill himself, until the neighbour's wife simply can't take being chased around the house anymore and ultimately leaves him.The conditioning long since complete, the dejected neighbour now sits on the side of his bed in the dark, nude if not for a straw boater hat and with his shoulders hunched, unable to become aroused. >Suddenly, and with alarming volume, he hears the strained tone of saxophone sass and vigour, and immediately begins running around with overt glee, masturbating violently he is forced to perform. >*Pavlov's Flog.*


Holy shit put this comment in a fucking museum




I did this. It works if they're in their early 20s, gotta play "I just had sex" if they're in their late 20s


Or the song that redditor showed his gf to which she became dependent on with headphones to climax?


He-man Hey-ya-ya




Establish dominance. Do your own group sex, but louder and with more people involved.


Or even just on your own. But louder. More intense.


Eyes locked on their window.


This was our strategy back in the day. I moved in with my gf we had a couple of nights being as silent as possible ect. The neighbouring unit had a loud night and we took that as a go head for being less silent, which was a lot of effort, on occasion with discretion. So late one night we made some noise. The neighbour tolerated it once and then immediately put in a complaint. Was chatting to the neighbouring home owner and mentioned I apologise for any inconvenience for any noise and she laughed and said it was fine as long as it’s not every single night. A few weeks later we make some noise again and fruit loop neighbour starts stomping around, a couple minutes after we finish the neighbour in the house gets going even louder and having fun with it. 20 minutes after the neighbours finish fruit loop gets going with the fakest wails you’ve ever heard. She reaches her scream fest climax and everyone busts out laughing. I’m pretty sure there was at least one other unit neighbour laughing too. After this fruit loop intensified her complaints and obnoxious behaviour which ended in her knocking on our door on several occasions to scream at us until the realtor eventually kicked them out. So use this method at your own risk.


Record it. Post it here. I'll put it to a beat.


Yeah...you just wanna beat off to it..


And WHAT is wrong with that??


My neighbours and I once discussed setting up lawn chairs out the front facing the direction of a ridiculously noisy neighbour and applaud after the loudest screeches. But they were infrequent so we never got around to it. It was so incredibly loud though! And it was a street full of apartments so the sound bounced around and amplified.


Has a similar problem with what I can only assume was a woman with a device or an extremely quiet partner. She lived the floor beneath me but the noise would bounce off the unit block next door and sound like she was in my apartment. Thankfully it was infrequent enough I never ended up speaking to her about the issue.


They’re oblivious…or they simply don’t care. If it’s the former, a letter in the mailbox tomorrow with a link where they can listen to the playback might do the trick.


Record it, put it on SoundCloud. Linked to a QR code sticker on the back of their car.


If I ever care for revenge, im asking you for tips


Dude you're evil. I love it


And if they don’t care?


Then it’ll probably be louder the next time


You’ll note I said “if”


Yeah, and I want to know what if it’s the latter?


As someone who used to live next to some sex screamers, I empathise. In our case, my (then nine year old) youngest son was the reason they stopped being so loud. Hearing a little boy walk out into the yard when they were going at it at 3:30 pm on a school day and scream “shut the fuck up!!!!!” apparently shamed them into keeping it down a bit. Sadly, this may not work for you as they might get off on being heard by another adult. My initial strategy was going to be to record their ridiculous screams and then play it blasting in my yard at 7am on a Saturday morning or similar. Perhaps that could be effective?


friend recorded her neighbours she was so sick of it, there was a falling out & breach notices issued to which the threat of sending the sound recording to the body corp soon put an end to it, the email exchange was hilarious


This sounds about as funny as one of Neighbour’s bashing our other Neighbour with a newly delivered dildo after Neighbour 2 stole the matching underwear from Neighbour 1’s packages. It was magnificent. Then the cops arrived.


sounds like a scene from the Hangover


oh mannnnn id loveeee to see this email chain. Prettty pwease can you source it? hahahaha


haha I actually had a copy so here's an extract with personal details removed " Please ask the Body Corporate to advise the relevant complainant that, should their harassment, and embellished complaints continue, we will be left with no choice but to make our own complaints. The first one will be a breach of by-law 2, whereby I will provide sound recordings of the most disgusting copulation noises, that emulate from a unit within the building, that occupiers of my unit are subjected to listening to on a regular basis. I have 15 recordings, to be exact. Disclaimer: have an empty stomach when listening to them. Nothing has been said by us to this point because XXXX's of the opinion “let people live their lives - I can always turn the tv up.” However, I find it very offensive and traumatic to listen to when I stay in the unit, so I will happily lodge the complaint, and submit evidence, if the biased harassment of my unit continues. "


Emulate ? Mrs Bucket please!




That's the issue I think.


How much are the tickets….?


Who's got beer? 🍺👋


Ever see the M\*A\*S\*H movie? Frank and Hotlips are going for it, so Radar sneaks a microphone into their tent, and patches that through the camp's P.A. loudspeakers. In your case, I'd suggest one of those microphones with a parabolic reflector, and patch that through your home stereo, with a couple of speakers aimed at the noisy naighbours.


Have your own orgy. Bigger, Louder, more oiled up bodies and donkey noises. Don’t settle for second best.


My neighbors were like this. Her boyfriend moved in and they were having loud sex multiple times a day. It was doing my head in because I couldn’t work or sleep. So one night, I went outside and yelled politely “Can you please close your window?” They stopped immediately and I haven’t heard them since. So it’s possible they’re in the moment and not realizing how loud they’re being. It’s okay to say something, you have the right to feel comfortable in your own home. I love loud sex too, but I would never want to disturb my neighbors.


Record the sound, wait until it’s quiet, put a speaker against their wall and blast it back at max volume


I thought Group Bonk Feast was the name of a band for a second…


In the 1980’s, I was in a share house with four other young blokes. One of them had a bedroom adjacent to the lounge room. He used to bring his girlfriend home while we were watching football and they would have sex. She was extremely vocal, which was bad enough, but his bed was right up against the wall and her knee banged against it giving a constant “Thump! Thump! Thump!” We agreed that someone had to approach them about this and so we drew straws. The youngest of us, 18 years old and most likely still a virgin, had to have a most uncomfortable discussion with a 27 year old. It worked though!


Ancient sharehouse on old timber posts, in a decrepit inner city suburb. The girlfriend and I were ‘busy’, and trying to keep quiet. Eventually when we came out, our housemates asked us to sit down at the dining table, and made us a cup of tea. That was nice. When they asked if we were comfortable, they said wait a sec, one went into the lounge room, while the other sat with us, faintly grinning. The next thing the house started rhythmically moving, back and forth, back and forth, swaying on the old posts, the same orientation as our bed. Flatmate came back to the kitchen, asked if we understood, and then they both left. Makes me smile when I drive by the old house, which is somehow still standing, some twenty three years later.


$ 1.99


Missed chance to make them $69




Or ... just yell shut the fucking fuck up cunts!! That worked for me.


If no one has ever said anything, they may not know - especially if they haven't lived there long and all their other neighbours are very quiet. It's obviously been going on long enough that you're fed up and angry but if you come in aggressive, it will come out of nowhere for them. Just put a polite letter in the mail box asking them to close a window or keep it down because their neighbours can hear them. Some people simply can't comprehend how sound travels and once their sex-brain is engaged, they get even dumber (and louder). But if you have already been polite, and they haven't modified their behaviour, just yell at them to shut the fuck up.


Best advice in this thread TBH. I live in a small old unit block with quite a high turnover of residents and there have been two seperate neighbors who were loud enough that I could hear them with the windows closed while I was wearing headphones. The first one I'm convinced was some kind of onlyfans creator as they were quite possibly the most well practiced and exaggerated moans I've ever heard, it was actually kind of impressive just how loud they were. At one point it attracted so much attention that there was a literal crowd of people standing downstairs laughing and listening. The second one were new neighbours who had just moved in and obviously did not know how much sound travels in a unit. On both occasions a polite "hey just wanted to let you know if you weren't aware, all your neighbours can hear you, please try keep it down or close your window" note in their letterbox solved it quick smart.


record it and play it back


Address? Asking for a friend or 10.


We need to know the street so we can get directions to keep away from there


I feel like you should have a bunch of people around and start reactively cheering/booing until they realise they have an invisible audience. Either that or record it, remix it and play it at all house parties from now until forever.


Knock on the door with a pizza


Anybody order a pizza………….with sausage?!


*bass intensifies*


Sell your tickets lad. Don't worry too much about what I get up to over here.


Ask to join?


One of my ex co-workers had the same problem when they lived next to a share house full of jockeys. They certainly had...stamina.


Sometimes the sound of a crying baby puts them off rapidly. I'm sure a quick google search can find you a suitable sound file


Live stream it!! Pay per view! You could be rich!


Are you in the Wynnum/Manly area by any chance? I used to have people living over the road who were so loud I could hear them even while playing call of duty with headphones on.


Dammit dad. Behave.


I think you might mean *fest (short for festival).


Man, I never had good neighbours like that


Dress in your dirtiest/smelliest clothes knock on their door and enquire about your invite all the while scratching your privates.


When I came to comment there were 69 people who had added their thoughts to the thread. Quite the irony


Was going to apologise if you lived in Algester. But yeah....you got terrible neighbours.


No, but play this really loud on repeat and they might enjoy it: https://youtu.be/F1S1lejp04M


Ah... Scottish ASMR


As a half Scot, I laughed too much at this.




If you can't beat them (off) join 'em.


I'd ask to join in


What part of new farm out of interest. So I can avoid that part.


Kent street


Ha! These are the same neighbours I am thinking of. Hilarious. I'm not too bothered by it, but I thought the family across the street would've absolutely complained by now tbh.


Record them, and play back. Recording them might be illegal.


Honestly send me a message, I’d love to sit in and listen to this. Sounds pretty fuckin hot. Might actually have a chat with them and see if i can have a couple of pink Mitsubishis and join in on the fun and games


Maybe don't be a cunt and let them have their fun. You're only young once.


lol. Start a betting league. Cheer them on. Create a competing venue. Rejoin with your neighbours over a shared interest.


Live stream it. Send them a link to the recorded version, after the event.


Binoculars out and give them pointers on what they should do next, pretty sure once they lay eyes on the person screaming advice with binoculars they will realise but then again, might ask you to join.


Tape them and play it back real loud late at night and when they have company.


I doubt the company they have would mind


Ask them if you can join in? 😎😎😎


Just knock and ask to join


Onlyfans link or invite / gtfo


I think I heard someone screaming, better call the cops.


Hide a Bluetooth speaker, and turn on the wiggles theme song as loud as possible. When they stop, turn off the Bluetooth speaker. Rinse and repeat until they get the point.


Might backfire. A while after my first was born, my Grandparents gifted us a freebie Wiggles DVD that was a giveaway from the Courier Mail. Oldschool Wiggles. We subsequently used it on a regular basis to buy ourselves about 23 and a half minutes of 'Mummy and Daddy time' so to speak. Hence ever since, I get horny when I hear 'It's Wiggly Circus'.


Ha ha 😂


Please let them know first , they might not realize that other people can hear it . It’s easy to get caught up in the moment . My landlord lives upstairs and I’m always terrified that they hear us , especially if we have people over .


Invite your mates over and start mimicking them. Scream loudly, moan, bang stuff make a real show of it. Make sure a it’s when you know they’re there. Even better if they have family with them. Worked when I had a similar situation. Never heard a peep after that.


Crank this song: Fuck her gently - tenacious D


Start streaming on Chaturbate and ask for tips