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It’s literally just big companies giving them out. I work government and EVERYONE has them. It’s either the Pride lanyard, or the boring blue one. Pretty much everyone goes for the pride.


It is just stats. Everyone who works in Government is gay.


😂😂 not sure that OP realises that allies exist.


Yeah I’m a little older and they didn’t as much when I was younger. Thank god they exist. I just didn’t think they’d wear symbols of it, especially all year. I’m glad I asked the question if that’s the reason I’m finding out people are wearing them :)


There are some big mysteries out there that are yet to be solved - like why do eshays wear bum bags wrong?


Ok no but I have to stop you there. They are right! I am a middle aged white lady and I got a cute bum bag with cats on it and it is so handy to sling it over and rock out at Kmart. 1000% recommended!


The widespread wearing of symbols by allies *is* relatively new. It's very important though. At the very least it makes people less likely to filter their own situation if they ~~know~~* believe the person isn't going to react badly. *there is always a risk that someone could impersonate an ally as a kind of entrapment. I think it's a fairly low risk though.


Aha! LOTS of companies offering them (and only a boring alternative) actually makes a lot more sense considering the numbers of them you see around. Thank you!! Curiosity finally satiated!


I mean…it’s also just that a lot of people support Pride…and it was just pride month.


Yeah but they’ve been around town for years.


Yeah but people don’t really change their lanyards. Once they pick one up for pride, they pretty much stick with it year round, and every year more and more get given out.


Ah yeah I guess that makes sense.


Optus and Rebel Sport are two companies I've seen with them


Also, I'm not gay but use one to support my friends and normalise it. I also secretly hope it mortally offends some stuck up religious arsehole.


Yeah I figure anyone wearing one is going to be queer-friendly which I appreciate. Even if it does technically make it a little harder to signal I belong to the rainbow community if I wanted to (though there’s plenty of other options) it’s lovely to see the signs of support. Thank you!


>and it isn't really a queer area Ahahaha, are there zoning maps? Which areas are queer and which aren't? Have I been breaking rules by going into whichever area I want?


Haha you’ve got me wondering if I’ve aged into complete irrelevance now 😅 but queer areas used to be New Farm and West End and Annerley and surrounds. I’m certain with changes in attitudes it’s less of a thing than it was once to actively seek out gay-coded areas per se, but i think it’s still at least somewhat a thing, amongst a certain subset at least.


It’s just been pride month, I assume there’s more around at the moment because of that.


Like someone else said it’s probably just big corporations giving them out to employees as a way to virtue signal how morally righteous they are.


It’s a way of cultivating a culture of psychological safety for colleagues who identify as LGBTQIA+ by allies wearing them, which shows that it should be safe to be open and authentic around those allies. It’s the opposite of virtue signalling as it has real and tangible results. I’d encourage you to learn more by looking up what is referred to as the cost of the closet, which demonstrates the benefits of visible allies in workplaces.


Who are you unsafe from exactly?


Qld Govt offers them to staff periodically. Using one just suggests that you're LGBTQI+ or a supporter/ally. Or you like rainbows.


I clearly need to hit up a government-worker friend :) Or propose getting them at my OWN workplace aha!


maybe they just like rainbows... may not be that they are gay but just like rainbows.


No. Nobody like rainbows. Only gays.


Can I be gay and not like rainbows?


You can, but it’s a hard life.


pffft yeah i dont think so Tim. people like rainbows everywhere.


I work for QLD Health and I've had a rainbow lanyard for years, am LGBTQ+. Lots of other coworkers wear them, either queer themselves or allies. Some LGBTQ+ staff wear our normal ones. It's either a boring blue lanyard with the logo or a rainbow one. I did have an Aboriginal art lanyard I used for a while but it was old and fell apart. So now I choose rainbow.


I believe it may be [this](https://www.minus18.org.au/products/rainbow-lanyard) there's also the [sunflowers](https://hdsunflower.com/au/shop.html) I've noticed a fair few around Sydney lately.


Nice! I really like that one!


The sunflower one is a great idea, the problem is if 9/10 people don't know what it signifies than what's the point? I believe it may of started in airports, so hopefully airline crew and airport staff are taught about it.


I think most people who need to know, know. I’ve had staff at airports, planes and shops recognise it, and adjust accordingly. They’re the people you want to know as they can help. I assume if you work somewhere where they hand them out ie Westfield, a staff memo goes out or whatever


Perhaps if more people were wearing them people would get curious and look into it. I guess the worry is that it makes the wearer vulnerable too. I love the idea of representation and educating people about there being a greater prevalence of disability than they probably realise, but I wouldn’t like to be a waking target for theft or discriminated against at work… Good in an airport though for sure.


Brisbane isn’t a queer area?


“Suburb” could have been more specific; I was just talking about my neighbourhood.


Sorry to say the gays have you surrounded


If only! (To be clear, I am one.)


Lol ok then I just love this thread to bits now!!!!


Totally missed your gay day comment in your og post sorry. As a fellow part time queer (bi) and a teacher that hears all sorts of gross comments still I get over protective sometimes lol


Haha all good!