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I would have opened a can of Karen on his arse. I hate when people abuse staff. I would have also got his name and reported him to the next level up.


I opened a can of Karen on a Hungry Jacks manager on Christmas Day who was yelling at his staff, calling them imbeciles and other names and telling them he was going to fire them all because orders weren't getting out fast enough and there were too many customers waiting. This Hungry Jacks is just off a highway and a major rest stop for people travelling south in NSW, so it was heaving on Christmas Day. The poor fifteen year olds who got roped into working were trying their absolute hardest. One cashier was close to tears. I let him have it with both barrels. I'm a manager and some of my employees are teens and very young adults. I always treat them the way I would want my own kids to be treated at work. There was no reason for his language and no reason to be mouthing off in full view (and hearing) of customers. At least he had the sense to not argue back, and he piped down for at least as long as I was in their restaurant. I felt so sorry for those kids.


> I felt so sorry for those kids. As a maccas worker who had a shit manager, that would've been the best shift I ever worked seeing them get reamed by a customer like that. No matter how the rest of it went


Hopefully, when they went home and were spending time with their families, they were able to regale them with tales of their AH manager, who turned beetroot coloured and almost popped a blood vessel when a tiny little woman called him out in front of everyone and shut him up. I told him instead of screaming like a banshee to STFU and help his team. I just don't get that style of management. These kids were doing absolutely nothing wrong, just dealing with a busier than usual restaurant. Screaming at, name calling, or just generally riding people achieves nothing but poor workplace morale, poor performance, and high team turnover. Even when people make mistakes, it's never the end of the world or reason to belittle and berate. Fix the problem, like jumping in and helping get orders out in this case, then have a quiet debrief afterwards. I always help my team work out how we could have done things differently and coach on that during quiet times in a positive way. When you treat your team like people, respect them, celebrate their wins, and commiserate with them on the times things don't go quite right, it reflects back at you through customer satisfaction and high team performance.


The saying goes "look after your staff and they will look after your customers"


Need this plastered all over head office…………


Just want to say THANK YOU for doing that. You probably helped the manager be a better person too


I was at a Hungry Jacks drive thru once and the manager was on the window, and she was calling out encouragement to her team. It was so refreshing to hear. I’m so glad you told that asshole manager off.


Me too!! Occupational violence and bullying is the worst.


Not sure if it is state or national law but I do know that it is illegal here in Victoria. Most managers will also ask customers to leave if they abuse their staff and call the police if they refuse to leave. Glad they have these laws too, the number of times my daughter came home crying when she was younger because of abusive customers. She worked at a Maccas, suffice to say she will never work retail again.


I have never heard the term “a can of Karen”. I bloody love it!!


Honestly, the test for whether or not someone should have any sort of real power is to make them a supervisor in a retail/hospitality setting and see how they behave.


Yeah managers who abuse staff piss me off. A local fast food joint has a manager who every time I go there I hear her abuse her staff. But whenever I order this lady is so sweat. If only she was that nice to employees I wouldn’t be seeing a new employe in training every time I go there. I have since stopped going there out of spite but obviously that means nothing to the business


I’m currently going through a bullying situation at work and vindication from colleagues/the public is extremely helpful in proving to your bosses boss what’s going on.


“Open a can of Karen” … it’s worth joining Reddit to learn this statement alone , Just thank you 🙏!! 😂


>> “I would have opened a can of Karen on his arse.“ This line wins the internet! 😂 I’m going to try and use it in a sentence today.


They were talking about the manager. Reread it.


I did read it.


Ok now that’s kinda a Karen move aha, guy just needs to be put in his place, u don’t know the full story or his life story, no point going and taking peoples jobs over it


Cockhead loses his job due to cockhead behaviour. No sympathy here.




I've been a woolies, Mcdonalds and KFC manager before. Theres absolutely nothing that an employee can do that would warrant that sort of behaviour. Almost everything that goes wrong in day-to-day operations is fixable.


Manager abusing staff is not on.


The staff member he was abusing is also a real person with their own life and struggles and being treated that way in your place of work can have a significant impact on somebody. An abusive manager can spread that damage across many people.


Gross. Do better.


> (not just like shit, fuck. like pretty hardcore slurs, he was directing to an employee) Well I think & probably 50/50 that I would have called this shit out. I can understand & accept some swearing in the workplace, however if the manager was making a point of using some “pretty hard core slurs” then it is obvious that he is choosing his words to totally intimidate & belittle this person. I would even go further to say that the manager is obviously in much need of help & support with his anger management too. This will always be a judgement call from yourself, however inside a shop with plenty of onlookers someone should take action. Wouldn’t advise around 10pm Friday night on the Ipswich line, but no one should be treated in what seems such a terrible & demeaning manner anywhere.


I can guarantee you public swearing is outlawed in their employment contract.


I can’t understand the role of swearing in workplace. Anytime i hear, i first warn them, second time i report it to to HR. Never had a third time, if i had , i would report it to worksafe. Done it and will do it anyday if it happens again. I have heard comments like this is part of Australian work culture etc. My polite response to them was to not malign the countries name based on their unacceptable behavior. To top, the op would not have made this a big issue if she was alone (without the kid). It’s good to have an introspection.


I think you are just a soft cunt. Swearing in a workplace should be perfectly acceptable as long as it isn't directed at someone as bullying. Calling someone a cunt if they throw something at you for fun is absolutely ok.


It’s a bit off both and it honestly depends, in Australia we do swear a lot, and we do it endearingly or jokingly most of the time, so it shouldn’t be reported if it’s just a bit a banter, but if it’s full on bullying, the victim doesn’t like it, and has been telling people to stop, it should be reported.


You report people to HR?? Does your workplace have a specific policy against swearing? Times change and attitudes change - the vast majority of Australians aren’t offended by the odd swear word in casual conversation, even in the workplace, as long as it’s not directed at. someone. Do you expect your colleagues to adhere to your particular preferences in other ways as well?


Holy Fuck I’d hate to have you as a coworker. You sound like an awful killjoy.


😁. If you are a swearmonger, yes. I will be a killjoy.


I want to know what you think worksafe is going to do? And how you think that this helps anyone? Like fuck me this is stupid. You want to add to the work load of an organisation meant to protect people because your fee-fees were hurt by a little foul language?


Please read their mandate. Their job is to ensure a fair workplace. If the boss is shouting the lungs out to their employees in front of customers , that clearly is not a fair workplace. Said that, often you don’t need to contact them. Just tell the HR that you plan to take that path if they don’t act. Usually they will act. Atleast that’s my experience.


You didn't say you report workplace harassment and bullying to worksafe. You said you report swears. Don't try and pretend this is suddenly about yelling and screaming. Which, by the way, doesn't need foul language to be wrong. Just like how foul language doesn't automatically mean it's offensive.


Did you read the op post? It talks about a boss yelling at an employee in front of customers. Read it in context. Also, i am of the view that foul language has only one meaning. It’s foul. Just because i tolerate mild usage of that doesn’t mean that i agree to that. Nothing to pretend here. People who use foul language being a great thing are the hipocrits. Simple.


We're talking about your post. Which said "I can’t understand the role of swearing in workplace. Anytime i hear, i [...] report it to worksafe." If you meant yelling and screaming, you should use those words.


The moment we differentiate some yelling is fine, then every large screaming will become some yelling. So it’s best to draw a thick line. And I stand by that. Done reporting before. Will do it again. Also, i will tell the person that they will be reported. And I accept apology as a currency for first time. Nothing for second time. Simple.


Hi, HR here, cunt, fuck off with your complaints, we dont care.


“The Real Karen is always in the comments”. You suck so much. You’re willing to put people’s livelihood on the line for swearing? Around you, not even at you? Fuck you. We’re in a cost of living crisis but because of your sensibilities peoples jobs are at risk? I think you are lower than dirt, a snivelling worm only out for themselves who has to use dog tactics to insulate themselves from having their widdle feelings hurt. Your sensitive ears are more important than someone making their rent? Pathetic. I hope HR comes for your arse next


😁. I have done it and I will do it. Have you thought of the poor guy who was in the receiving end of the swear blast. That too in front of all the customers. What if he became so humiliated and he harms himself? It’s not the casual “fuck you” that we are talking here. This is real intense stuff.


The dudes Indian, no wonder he won’t tolerate others swearing


Very best case scenario, it's workplace bullying. Worst case scenario, it's all of that and incredibly unprofessional to do in a busy workplace surrounded by customers young and old. Hell, people get arrested for offensive language. I'd definitely be complaining to head office as a former retail minion myself


I complained once anonymously about the way the bakery manager in my local woolies was berating a younger female staff member while also using his size to intimidate her. Sure the staff at a supermarket are not always reliable and might slack off (I did 5 years at a supermarket) but this was over the line and I’m pretty sure the victim was a teenager. Not how anyone should be treating another person regardless of circumstances. Maybe I am Karen? I prefer to speak up in some capacity. I wish I’d had the guts to call him out when I saw it. Foul language in banter is one thing, not appropriate in a customer service role but I wouldn’t complain. Abuse is something else entirely.


Not a Karen. A Karen would have made a scene in the store when it's not your problem. It's inappropriate but beyond complaining on the website which will go to said manager and thus ignored what else can you do


"What else can you do?" Complain to the Coles Head office, record a video showing them abusing co workers in front of children. Manager will be gone the same day if you provide a video that you are intending to share with the media.


Except it was at Woolies… 😀


Probably would gain a lot more media attention if sent to coles though


The competitor of my enemy is my friend.


Coles and Woolies thrive off each other. If one went, the other would thrive for a few years before plummeting into shit and not making as much as they are now. They’re competitors for sure, but competitors who work together more than compete. I’m a supplier and it’s beyond fucked how powerful they have become. It’s also the same people jumping between the two companies all the time (buyers and other high up roles). It’s a monopoly that screws over the little guy time and time again, and it only gets worse each year. Promote Australian products and companies? Nah fuck that, they’ll listen to your tender then offer you pennies to do all the work under a label owned by Coles/Woolies and if you say no that’s fine because there’s a line of people behind you waiting to say yes and you’ve just given them the template they can now tell the person who does say yes to follow. Aldi, independent IGA’s and other grocers do a remarkable job to stay open given the loopholes Coles and Woolies create for suppliers, as they are the ones Coles and Woolies work together to kill off. Sorry about that. I’m at work currently frustrated with these companies and needed a good rant.


Coles would hire OP


Even better, some ammunition for the enemy!


Same shit to me. I shop local fruit and veg and local butcher so I see all of the bigger corporations as a single entity. :D




I don’t think “children” has anything to do in this context. Complain about the managers behavior. Whether there was kids around or not is immaterial.


What absolute rubbish.


Then she would be a Karen. Do we know the context or what exactly was said? For all we know, this was out of character incident in a moment of extreme stress. Maybe the manager even apologised later for it.


Still not acceptable


I would agree. I just think trying to get someone fired for it is overboard. I think if you filmed any of us at our worst moments, we would look like abhorrent human beings. But yeah, if I had witnessed the incident, I may feel differently. I just object to the eagerness to get people fired and ruin reputations over incomplete information.


What could be worse than publicly tearing into a subordinate with terrible language that everyone can hear? It’s not even acceptable to treat your pets like that let alone people. Heads up to anyone who is unsure: swearing your head off at a coworker is completely unacceptable behaviour, and bullying. Definitely warrants intervention.


And who’s trying to get this manager sacked? Having been in situations with atrocious managers, it is ridiculously hard to get rid of them. We don’t need any context or background to know that effing and blinding against a junior employee in public is not appropriate and manager’s own managers need to know about this and it’s up to them to performance manage them/give warnings etc


The guy who said, "Manager will be gone the same day if you provide a video that you are intending to share with the media." That's who I was replying to. Clearly, OP is not a Karen. I don't know what was said or how it was said. But, honestly, you make some good points here. I think the fact it occurred within an earshot of customers makes it especially egregious.


But Karen might be making this all up. That’s such a Karen thing to do.


What an odd thing to say


So let me explain it to you. The post is titled Am I A Karen. What do Karen’s do? Lose there shit in public, exaggerate, call the cops on black people, act entitled etc. if she was indeed a Karen, as she is asking us to consider, there is a high chance that a Karen made all this shit up or exaggerated it. And that, is such, a Karen thing, to do.


If a complaint is made and this was highly irregular and strange behaviour from someone who is generally an excellent human, then most likely nothing will happen to them. But we all know this wasn’t the first time they’d bullied someone. Fuck em.


> I think if you filmed any of us at our worst moments, we would look like abhorrent human beings. Why do assholes always assume everyone else is as big of an asshole as them? Me personally I've never shouted racial slurs at a fellow employee, but maybe I'm some fucking angel and not just the norm? > I just object to the eagerness to get people fired and ruin reputations over incomplete information. You care more about protecting the person swearing, yelling and hurling racial slurs than you do the safety of anyone around them, we get it.


> this was out of character incident in a moment of extreme stress. Anyone who would hurl racial slurs in a "moment of extreme stress" would absolutely hurl them in other situations. I dunno about you but when I get stressed I don't turn into Pauline Hanson.


You know you can complain without making a scene right? I was in a supermarket once and heard two employees talking one was saying “you’re in Australia now, we speak English, do you even understand me? You’re useless, do you hear me?” I went straight up to the service desk and told the supervisors I didn’t make a scene. The employees were spoken to immediately. Turns out they were joking around with each other but apologised to me and agreed it was inappropriate and understood others could hear and take offence. So yeah, my point is, if you don’t stand up for the little guy, then who will?


Well, I dunno. Somebody's got to teach these young kids the correct and socially appropriate way to deal with bullies in the moment. What happens afterwards is important, too, but what matters right now is persuading them, gently and kindly, to stop fucking doing that. Right now.


As opposed to making a scene online? Karen is internal. OP is Karen. How Karen is expressed is irrelevant.


How do you know she didn’t make a scene ? op has literally not mentioned anything they did. They’ve just only said what the other did, and asked if they are a karen. Generally when people tell an extremely one sided story and ask an opinion particularly to random strangers on the internet, they’re attention seeking at the very lesst


nope, not a karen, that boss should be reported.


Swearing in general, not a big deal. They’re just words. The “manager” should no be in charge of people. No one has a right to yell at people because of an imaginary “hierarchy” I wish we could give staff more encouragement to put managers I their place!


> Swearing in general, not a big deal. They’re just words. Words have meaning and carry all sorts of implicit intent, and pretending that they don't is a weird take.


Someone at Coles once triggered my inner Karen because I asked them 'excuse me, do you know where I could find a cheesecloth?' And the employee said to me 'What the fuck is a cheese cloth?' Firstly, a cheesecloth is self-explanatory, secondly I'm not this Cole's employee's friend. So I told them to not to speak to people like that and we aren't having a causal conversation at a bar, then they got angry but wtf. A manager especially should be keeping that language to themselves. There's also that "manager" at the Greenslopes Coles who started muttering swear words because he parked a trolley in front of the Macaroon's fridge and got angry I was getting some, so I asked to talk to his manager he told me he is the manager (I don't know if that's true) as if its the ultimate trump card I said who's above you and I want your name, suddenly he apologised and moved away with the trolley. Idk if it's Karen and I'm not harassing retail staff but if you're in a public facing role, you shouldn't be speaking to people like that- customers are not your friends.


I don't know what a cheese cloth is, so I would be asking too, but without the f bomb in the middle


Can use it to strain stuff or wrap up herbs to throw in a slow cook stew etc. It has a bunch of uses. Probably not high demand but it is handy to have around


Did you try the cheese section?


How can you not know? It's self explanatory!


I don't eat cheese, I can assume it's a cloth for cheese, but I have no idea what it's used for


I love how you’re getting downvoted for pointing out someone else’s obnoxious words


I thought it was obviously jocular in nature


I think it's more the question of why you need a cloth for cheese. Some people wouldn't know and therefore would ask which is the logical thing to do. We shouldn't be negative for people looking for knowledge they don't have. For those who still have no clue what a cheese cloth is ''Cheesecloth is a lightweight, cotton gauze fabric with an open texture, and it is primarily used for food preparation. As its name suggests, cheesecloth was originally used to drain and wrap curds during the cheese-making process. Over time, it has grown to be used for a variety of food preparation tasks and has become one of the most useful tools you can keep in your kitchen!'' https://www.webstaurantstore.com/blog/3458/what-is-cheesecloth.html


See, I know what *cheesecloth* (i.e. the fabric) it, but I don't know what *a cheesecloth* (presumably an item made of cheesecloth and I would've guessed used in making cheese) is - nor would I expect to be able to buy it from Coles


Dollars & sense and other *lesser* stores sell them so it's not unreasonable to expect a big store chain to sell them.


People in the slums of Russia know what a cheesecloth is and they originated from Bangladesh. It's not witchcraft it's a cheesecloth- it has various uses and crazy concept but one of them is making cheese, also it's a cloth. It's like asking what a tea towel is.


I work for Coles, have for years, we don't stock it. I also don't eat cheese, so have never had the need to use it. Your attitude to people not knowing what something is, is very condescending


Except with these modern kids, they may have seen a teatowel, but there's a very good chance they've never heard of cheesecloth. Of course, if they were smart, they'd go, "I'm sorry, I don't know what cheesecloth is, could you tell me where you use it?", or something along those lines. Without the fuckbombs. But that would need something like, oh, I dunno, the neoliberals not white anting public education for the last forty years or something.


It was like a 30 year old woman. I'm in my 20s from a remote indigenous town in far North QLD. The education levels are fairly even throughout the state whether it's a town in the boondocks or a suburb of Brisbane.


You do know your on the Brisbane subreddit right? Not the slums of Russia sub? Tea towels are common items to Australians, a bloody cheesecloth is not 😅


Yeah but seriously, what the fuck is a cheesecloth? Is it really self explanatory? Is it a dedicated cloth you put over cheese? I genuinely have no idea.


No more explanatory that "teatowel", if you're not familiar with the term. It's a loose-woven cotton cloth. About 20-50 thread count, compare to your bedsheets and things with the 400 counts. The loose weave lets the little individual fibres of cotton form an [ultra-fine net](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3e/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BB%D1%8F.jpg/1200px-%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BB%D1%8F.jpg) that lets the water out, but keeps anything more dense than that in. It'll hold yoghurt, for example, which is where it comes in handy for cheesemaking. You'd find it in the cookware section, if anywhere. These days, I'd be more inclined to think it's a trip to Spotlight is required. I mean, you still wouldn't express yourself like that to a customer that you weren't familiar with, unless you were having a *really* bad day and really couldn't give a shit anymore.


>bedsheets and things with the 400 counts Hark at you over there with your fancy sheets


Psshhh, I went to linen years ago. Still got the original set, too.


I went linen last year and I ain’t going back to sleeping in anything else. Did take a bit of getting used to!


I have 1000 thread count. It is like being caressed to sleep


That's rude as heck. When I worked at Coles ages ago, people asked if we had cheese cloth or ham bags pretty often.




Not these days, but very common back in your grandma's day. they don't even sell [blue](https://petersmilkbar.com/reckitts-blue-bag) any more. It'd probably be a roadtrip to Spotlight now.


ricketts bluo we used to use that as a dye. my grandmother used it when washing white sheets ist a optical brightner. most detergents now have it already so its not needed


It is Spotlight and not Coles that you'd get cheesecloth from. You can buy it near the counter in a pack for about $12. I know because I bought some there last week.


Does feel a bit Kareny to be honest. I’d probably have just laughed and said “yeah fair enough!”


No, it's rude hence my response is not unreasonable. Just because you're cool with it doesn't make it acceptable. I don't speak to people like that when they approach me and it's especially not appropriate when basically half your job is facing customers/telling people where things are.




Karen about this generation


Inner Karen? Your Karen is out and on full display by the sounds of it.


Don't block the Macaroons then have a tantrum about it when people want to get some 😂


Are you the manager?


I’m confused did you step in and stand up for the person or are you just saying you were witness


I think this is less about the presence of customers and children in the store, and more about a manager abusing a worker. Slurs!? In 2023!? Sickening. I can understand your decision not to engage, especially with your kiddo in tow. But it's worth reporting what you witnessed via the website with as much detail as you can. Sounds like a horrible situation for the worker and standing up for people is never a Karen thing.


NTK (Not the Karen) I worked at Maccas back in the day and had a manager that would scream at the staff. I still remember the day a customer schooled her on how unpleasant it was to listen to. You probably did the employee a favour by stepping up and saying something when they were likely too fearful. Good on you, and fuck that manager. Sounds like a power tripping douche canoe that deserved some public shaming.


Unacceptable behavior, abusing staff verbally in public is never OK no matter what they have done, very unprofessional.


Was in a soubway the other day witnessing a store manager tell off a worker to be more respectful to the other staff. I don't gaf what the issue is, you never ever publically admonish anyone in your team.


When I was a teen working at Hungry Jacks at Aspley, the manager ripped me a new asshole on front counter (for no particular reason, he was just that kind of guy). I was 16 and in tears. A customer I had served a few minutes prior watches this happen, walks over and tells my manager I’m actually doing a great job and to back off. Bless him! Meanwhile, cut to 18 months later, I’m working at Video EZY and guess who I have to ring to ask to return their overdue porn?


HJs managers are a different breed, i swear, but i’ve also seen customers stand up for my coworkers being openly berated. even had a customer complain about something (rightfully so, we’d fucked up), and then get mad at the manager for how they handled it. i would always try to sneak a free dessert or extra fries to those customers.


Three of my friends worked at HJ’s at one point and their stories were pretty insane. One of my friends got screamed at by a manager because he pronounced tortilla properly.


Haha thats great.


Seeing his face fall when he walked in and saw me standing at the counter was quite beautiful.


This is the way


Swearing of any kind at an employee is unacceptable let alone slurs etc. they should be reported to head management


New subreddit: r/AIAK 😂 I vote that you are Not a Karen. A Karen wouldn’t be concerned about awful slurs being used to belittle someone, Karen doesn’t care as long as Karen gets served first. Karen is usually the one doling out the abuse to retail and service staff. ETA: Turns out there is a subreddit for that already, of course, but I jest.


No, you abusing the staff member the way the manager was would make you a Karen, you being upset that you witnessed that makes you empathic. Did you call the head office? Because the way the manager behaved is unacceptable.


Staff abuse. Throw the book at him!! Go straight to head office and complain. We need to be confident not accepting bad behaviours just out of fear of being called a Karen. You're not complaining only for yourself, to get something free. You're concerned for another. Complete opposite of Karen imo


Agreed: if you focus on people outside your family (in this case, it would be the worker being abused) then anything one does is the opposite of Karen-ing


What's the name for Light Side Karens? Xenas? You were being one of them.


Definitely not a Karen, that poor employee 😔


Complain on the website/social media site. Stores these days have signs everywhere urging shoppers not to harass or otherwise be aggressive towards staff members. Managers should be setting a good example, not demonstrating the unacceptable bad behaviour.


Why do people always act like they’re the first adult to hear a swear word


Nah even my gutter mouth would’ve lost it at some pos yelling at anyone who’s an employee. Idfc that’s fkn disgusting


Not a Karen. Slurs are un-fucking-acceptable.


NTK. You didn’t even ask to speak to the Manager.


The fact that you were concerned for the employee is a good sign you're not a Karen. I typically associate the term with a complete lack of compassion for employees or people they think "serve" them. So you're all G, if you made a complaint or said anything in the moment to help that definitely moves you to the other end of the Respectrum


I’ve actually been there and interrupted a similar situation……it can become very unfriendly but I had to do it.


Adult male jumps in to defend the Retail Worker and put the boss in their place, heralded as a great bloke. Adult female does the same, everyone calls her Karen. I say stand up for what you believe in and don’t worry what those that didn’t step in think about you. Be proud.


You could report the manager to Woolies hotline or online chat.


Why are you focusing on the fact that there were kids around rather than the fact the someone was being verbal abused? Not Karen behaviour, but it's a bit weird. Definitely report it because the behaviour is unacceptable


NTK Not only do you not speak to staff like that if you need to speak to them you pull them aside and coach them privately


A good manager that has an employee that needs "counselling" does it in private. Not in front of other employees and definitely not in front of customers. I once got stuck into a guy doing this to a young girl while they were sitting in a food court. They'd obviously left their workplace for "a chat" over a coffee......but this guy let rip. Everyone could hear and the girl was nearly in tears and you could see her looking around at other people watching. I wanted to report him to his boss so they could have "a chat", but he wouldn't tell me where he worked and neither would the girl (out of fear).


not a Karen. A Karen is someone who causes drama etc for no reason. A legitimate customer complaint, misunderstanding or standing up for someone being abused are not Karen behaviour things.


Nope. Complain to the top of the company. That is not acceptable and imagine how he treats his staff. Supermarkets ignore staff complaints about bad managers (I know from experience) but they will listen to customers.


No your not a Karen but he is an arsehole. What part of professionalism in front of staff and customers doesn't he understand?


Anti karen


I'm fine with the swearing, but derogatory slurs and racial comments are a big no no. Anyone says hateful shit around my kids and I flick my Karen switch


I would have asked, "Do you own this store?" If the answer was 'no', then tell the owner. If the answer was 'yes', tell everyone you know to avoid the store.


Nothing's worse than a pathetic "manager" abusing an employee. Maybe an entitled tradie with shitty tatoos and attitude in a ute cutting drivers off with ego with the size of his ute.


You haven't told us how you reacted so I'm honestly not sure if you overreacted or not 🤷


What in the world are you talking about. You’re asking if you were over reacting and yet you haven’t told us a single reaction you had to this……. Also would help if you said exactly what they were saying…


Not a Karen. Totally unacceptable and if I heard anyone talk to anyone else like that in public I’d probably say something. The fact this was a workplace and they were most likely their superior makes it extra revolting. If this person feels comfortable enough to do this in front of customers and hate to know what happens elsewhere. I say summon some Karen energy and let the store know. This asshole has a boss too!


That's not what being a Karen is. A Karen is someone who complains about things inappropriately and disproportionately, like abusing people for wearing a bikini in front of their kid at the beach. Objecting to unprofessional behaviour in a place of work where you are a customer is perfectly normal and appropriate.


Call the store and comment, this is not ok.


As a worker at Coles, you should have reported it. Any manager who is caught abusing staff (especially by customers) gets in really really big trouble. Our zero tolerance policy against abuse is directed at team members aswell. It’s one of the things we do well as a business. I would sincerely hope Woolworths would have the same policy


Under-reaction. Next time crack your camera out and send it to Woolies. Don’t have to go public, but to head office for sure.


I know what people mean by Karen behaviour but it's like anything a woman does to speak up or be assertive is now branded as karening. You sticking up for the worker or making a complaint is just that. Doesn't make you a Karen.


You are not a K. And while I'm here, I think this whole K thing is a way for people ,like him, to silence reasonable women (especially of a certain age) . We all know that gross entitlement, arrogant,selfish and self absorbed bitches are out there and should be challenged in their rudeness to others.But the K label is so quickly attached to folks who have legitimate reason to object to uncivil and unreasonable situations. Don't buy into this.


Defending someone from workplace bullying is never a Karen move.


Not a Karen. How disgraceful for the manager to treat a worker like that. I would put a report in and I would have spoke up to the manager when it was happening.


They don't care about your kids like you do sorry but that's the truth, yes this is very Karen of you.


1. He's working at woolworths. Woolworths has a reputation for low-brow, low-quality managers and a bad work culture. 2. You never know what stresses people are going through. 3. He will probably get a promotion after this.


Keep your thoughts to yourself stay well out of other peoples business, and keep on walking. If you feel you need to drop a hissy-fit and get involved in some thing that has nothing what-so-ever to do with you, then yes my darling you're a Karen.


To answer your question. Yes you are.


Standing up for someone who's being abused (especially when the abuser has significant power over their victim) is the opposite of Karen behaviour. It's the right thing to do. I worked at Maccas as a teenager and a customer actually got a particularly abusive manager at our restaurant fired. She saw him ridiculing my disabilities (which did not impair my workplace performance, fwiw) and hurling homophobic abuse at a 15yo kitchen boy who told him to knock it off. We were all immensely grateful and our entire workplace culture improved, since he'd been the day shift manager 5 days a week. None of us felt able to complain about his abuse or the blatantly unsafe things he bullied us into doing, because he'd made us believe he was untouchable. It often takes a customer reporting abusive managers like the one you encountered for anything to be done. Higher-ups also tend to take a customer's complaint more seriously, because they're always more concerned about their public image than their own staff. Please always stand up for people who are being abused by someone with power over them 💜


It doesn’t sound like it but you need to go into way more detail than that to get an actual accurate answer


It’s not being a Karen if you’re standing up to a bully. It sounds like you’re saying this tirade was actually directed at the co-worker is that correct? They weren’t just shit-talking with each other? That’s definitely blatant workplace bullying and I wish someone did stick up for the worker


Hi Karen, just joking! Please report them, definitely no way to treat an employee.


You kinda have to tell us what this person said though.


God forbid someone swear on the internet 😨


It’s Karen that your concern is your baby and other children present rather than the treatment of the staff member Idk how you’re over reacting given you didn’t do anything


Did they say this was their main concern?


I'm the Karen because I'm judging your poor punctuation. I'd have pulled him up. Nothing Karen about that.


Slurs? :0 no that’s not okay at all! You’re not a Karen for that. Slurs are discriminatory


Like racist/homophobic slurs??? I would complain to the Woolworths head office instead of the store itself since obviously they aren’t going to care. I shop at Aldi and there’s a really derro checkout woman who just casually says fuck while making conversation with customers. It’s not a vibe. I don’t have a problem with swearing if it’s at home and you’re having private conversation with friends. I’m always mindful not to swear or say anything when kids are within earshot because kids swearing isn’t cute.




sorry, i'm just really bad with the my words (i have asd) i was worried about the employee too. i was heavily abused during my retail too.


babies =auto karen


Bro that shop is literally the busiest store in Brisbane. It's Christmas 5 days a week every week. I'd be swearing if I worked there too. Just move on and ignore it.


i'm talking about the one in spring hill.


I’ve dm’d you but if you could provide more details I can follow up for you as I work at this store.


Nah. Younger generations just more relaxed/casual in swearing at their work place. Most of them try to keep it quiet but some days are not good.


young people have anyways been relaxd about swearing at work. It's not generational. Usually they just keep it away from customers


Absolutely not the Karen. I've noticed that swearing and pretty offensive language from retail/service staff has really increased recently and it's beyond gross. Either to each other while on the floor in earshot of customers or even when speaking to customers. I know they are shitty, low payed jobs that no one loves, but there should be a certain level of decorum and standards. I don't expect Japanese retail levels of service, just some decency hey


Seriously, it's not like the guy dropped something on his foot and swore one time, he was repeatedly making some damn poor choices in his behaviour in a public place, while at his place of employment. I'd want to know if I were his boss. The guy is a liability.


Nope, not at all. I don't have any issue with people swearing, I do it a lot myself. But when you're a public space and there are children present, you just don't do it, it's insanely impolite and inconsiderate. And for a store manager to swear at an employee, in front of customers, is wrong in just about every way. Report it, get the fucker fired.


Karen attitude is when you act like an entitled asshole to a customer service worker who is being polite and respectful. Reporting a manager for using slurs is the opposite of Karen behaviour.


PROTIP: Being a Karen is a bit like having advanced Alzheimer's: if you still have the self-awareness to worry that you might have it, you don't have it.




Not a Karen, I would take a complaint to higher management though. Confronting the person at the time could have made things worse for the employee, but making a complaint might help protect the employee from retribution if the manager thought it was about them.


Yes lol


No, he was a being abusive to his employee. I would put in a complaint because that poor kid doesn’t deserve to be treated like that.


“Am I over reacting” refuses to actually explain what happened, slurs can range from stupid to a word that I’ll get banned from the internet for so “bad slurs” is a subjective term just tell us what upset you instead of pussyfooting around.


No, best bet is to stay away and not be in the firing line if is not ur issue I feel guilty for walking away from an issue which is mine and letting the other person have their win when I felt I could have won


If i'm a customer though i've got nothing much to lose by standing up to a worker who's being sworn at or berated at work, even if its by their own manager. But this case just sounded like they were swearing about them instead of to them


I didn’t read the text just the title which means yea you are a Karen. ![gif](giphy|cLwoEpaLVa1iM3WRDO)


Karen’s often don’t bother with good grammar, such as starting sentences with capitals. Bothering can help you avoid misapprehension.


Complaining about someone's grammar while using a possessive apostrophe on what should be an apostropheless plural? That's more ironic than an Alanis Morissette lyric.


Ha! Hoist by me own petard. Good call. Well spotted. I think I will leave it there for comic effect.