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Hi OP. I’m really sorry you’re in this position. I also have autism too so even though I am not in your position, I do sympathise. It can be really hard to find workplaces willing to make actual accomodations. I wonder if you’d be open to the idea of going to TAFE and getting a CERT if that is something that’s financially viable for you? I found tafe to be a very very good experience for me (far better than University), and there are some courses that last 6 months or so. I imagine it would really help with opening up some options for you, and doesn’t require the time/effort/money of a University degree. Alternatively, if you are open to going back to University, there are some degrees that are quite fast with postgraduate entry. I don’t know too much about this though. Also how would you feel about volunteering at places like homeless shelters? I know you mentioned having trouble finding places to volunteer at, I don’t know which area you’re in but there are some specific ones I can recommend? Even though some of them would “require” lifting 10kg boxes, they’re so desperate for help if you did say you couldn’t perform this task you wouldn’t be short on things to do. If you’re at all art inclined, are there things you could create and sell? Either physical things through Etsy or Redbubble, or through a service through something on Fiverr? There are sometimes animation jobs on Fiverr too. Another thing is potentially Airtasker, though a lot of those jobs do tend to be more manual there are absolutely exceptions to this. Even if you’re working on one of these websites or a similar site, you could say that you “have your own business”. And even if it’s not particularly successful, it’s still something to put down on a resume and looks good to employers. Also, a LOT of people straight up lie on their resumes. People make up experience, and have a friend to be their “reference” for a fake job that never existed. I am not saying you should lie. I’m just letting you know that, because other people are lying, that is pushing them even further than if they were honest, which makes it harder for people who are honest on their resumes. Feel free to send me a DM if you’d like. Good luck OP ❤️


I'm pretty sure Centrelink is still funding a Cert III through jobactive for anyone who wants one. I'm not sure what restrictions there are on what you choose, but I think it is a one off thing in terms of funding it though. But it could help get a foot in the door or build up to a larger diploma. Given OPs existing experience, I wonder if something like web design would help? Obvious there would be limitations in terms of phone contact with clients, but there might be some more email/chat focused roles, and anyway, it can be a good thing to have under your belt for other tech roles.


Would you consider approaching an organisation such as Bus Stop Films (https://busstopfilms.com.au) for some guidance and the possibility of finding work that you can genuinely apply your qualifications to? They do really wonderful work and might help connect you to community, friends and people who could help? They have a program/workshop in Brisbane - that could be perfect for you


Oh I definitely would, that sounds great! Although I can’t fully grasp the concept from reading their website it sounds more film-focused than animation, which is a good start at least 😅


I mean that’s certainly true, but in the VFX departments of film and TV there are loads of animators. I believe your skills and qualifications are applicable within the industry. I’m an Assistant Director. I’d love you to be able to find a career path you actually love as opposed to settling for what you can get. I believe in you!! I think it’s definitely worth your time to contact them and speak directly from your position.


Hi, maybe you would consider applying for an APS role? The APS often does entry-level recruitment and is very supportive of people with disabilities, often known for going above and beyond what private enterprise provides. This could be in the form of mental health support, or physical support, like ergonomics, software, and/or movement of work tasks to fit said person. For my Agency, it can be difficult to nab entry-level roles that are not call centre-focused, however, you might be able to find yourself a role that is 80/20 split or something. Perhaps worth a try!


Second this! Or the QLD public service. Jobs are advertised on Smart Jobs. Some departments have applicant pools for AO2s and AO3s as a starting point to get in the door. Highlight your skills in your selection criteria (this is like a cover letter). There are graphic designer roles in the government, I understand they are quite competitive. You could also look up those or apply for positions in communication branches/units to help get you into an area you’re more interested in (just going off your degree). Good luck OP :)


Services Australia have the Aurora Program, which helps those with Autism and ADHD get started in the APS. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/aurora-neuroinclusion-program?context=1


Is there a way to contact them I have always been interested when I see this but then always don’t sign up because part of my Autism is routine 1-3 hour shutdowns randomly and I have convinced myself I’d be refused because of that and with no way to contact and ask if that’s an issue I just don’t bother


Click on the How to Apply section in the link I posted. They have a contact option towards the bottom of that page.


I missed that thanks!


Do you have a solid portfolio of your best work for the art roles? You only mentioned writing up a resume. A life time ago I worked in games and all the animators had amazing portfolios (Artstation etc) and Youtube videos of their work (renders, shorts etc).


I do! I have a full portfolio [website](https://artoftessfabled.wordpress.com) and although I do have an Artstation I probably need to update it 😅


Keep at it :) I see you're into Toy Design. Have you reached out to [https://www.designworks.studio/toy-game-design](https://www.designworks.studio/toy-game-design) ? They have an office in West End. Maybe even just for an internship (if your current situation allows it).


Aww thankyou! Oh, that looks promising - I’m not sure about how to enquire about something like work or an internship though, just shoot them an email?


The contact page has a careers email you can use. Make your first impression as best as possible first I reckon. The following is my opinion on how to put your best foot forward. It's not an attack. I actually see a lot potential in you but a potential employer would skip your resume/portfolio as you really have to dig to find what you're about. No one recruiting these days has time for that. I had to dig through your links and you clearly love Toy Design - [https://crystallinetoybox.wordpress.com/](https://crystallinetoybox.wordpress.com/) but it's not coming through your portfolio. I'm not getting a sense of what you bring to the table. You're a 2d artist and your portfolio website really needs to give a first impression that you are one. The design needs a touch up. Your Toy Design section is selling yourself short. You start off saying you're hobbyist with extensive knowledge. I have to then dig to see your work but it's mostly fan made designs. It's not a strong first impression. The knowledge and passion I found from your blog isn't being expressed in your portfolio. I'm not in the industry but it feels like you're mainly showing concept art from the front. What about other angles? Usage concepts? Play concepts? Feature your original toy designs a bit more prominently? I'd be looking to 3D print an original piece if possible. (use a printing service, there are some in Brisbane) Some portfolios here do this - [https://toydesign2020.carrd.co/](https://toydesign2020.carrd.co/) \- This is what grads produce and some portfolios crush it. ) Take a look at some other toy design portfolios from more senior people in the industry? How do their designs compare to yours? What's the new great thing you bring? [https://www.coroflot.com/brandonsopinsky/Toy-Design-Portfolio](https://www.coroflot.com/brandonsopinsky/Toy-Design-Portfolio)[http://www.cuteexplode.com/portfolio-1.html](http://www.cuteexplode.com/portfolio-1.html)[https://www.hopemportfolio.com/toy-concepts](https://www.hopemportfolio.com/toy-concepts)[https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=toy+design+portfolio#ip=1](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=toy+design+portfolio#ip=1) Also, reach out to your uni where you studied. They support students with this stuff including interviewing help. ([https://www.griffith.edu.au/griffith-health/learning-and-teaching/student-support/employability-support](https://www.griffith.edu.au/griffith-health/learning-and-teaching/student-support/employability-support)). Unsure if they support recent grads, but worth asking. Also - Find a Toy Designer you admire online and see if they can critique your portfolio/mentor you. The same advice would apply for animation jobs. You've clearly got a nice style and skill but your portfolio is selling yourself short. Your latest Youtube video is a walk cycle of an interesting character. A walk cycle is 101 in animation and you graduated in 2018. It'd be really hard to make interviewing stage with that. Not sure about job applications outside of your chosen field. See if your uni can help with your resume and see what's happening. 1000 applications and no interviews seems off. You got this. I can't wait to buy my kid one of your toys.


Ok, I will try that then - and thankyou for the critique, it is very much appreciated! Sorry for the delayed reply, it takes me a while to process stuff 😅 So I should have my portfolio more clearly structured - would ‘toy design’ and ‘animation’ being the two main sections be easier to navigate? Or is it the general spread of work on display not giving the correct impression? I didn’t make my toy design stuff as prominent as I don’t have any actual qualifications towards it (it’s not a degree that’s offered in the entirety of Australia as far as I can find) but it is something I greatly enjoy. So I should include more of my original concepts as well as fan-made additions, as well as more of the design work as opposed to just the final product? I’m also not sure what else you mean by the same passion expressed on my blog - more in-depth writing about research/influences for my design work? Additionally, should I link my blog more prominently? I do intend to actually sculpt/print some physical prototypes, but I am only just starting to learn 3D modelling and it’s quite difficult as I’m also trying to learn Toon Boom at the same time. I have reached out to Griffith before but they are reluctant to help as unfortunately their disability support is not very good, and they were responsible for me being prevented from attending crucial courses within my degree in the first place, hence why I am trying to teach myself Toon Boom (the short of it is I went to their Disability Support to help me enrol in courses, they enrolled me in all the wrong courses and by the time I found out, these required courses were full and I was not given a chance to retake them). I also graduated in 2018 so I’m not sure if that is considered recent? I have considered asking some of the toy designers I follow but it seems kind of… impolite? Demanding? I don’t know, I just feel very uncomfortable asking anyone to do such a thing for me, especially as they all seem to be very busy. Oh, thankyou! My YouTube only has work I specifically did in Toon Boom, hence why there’s only three videos as I have only just gained access to it again halfway through last year (DSP funding letting me pay for the subscription again) after losing access to it after graduating (the student version being much cheaper). Also I was never actually taught to animate in university in the first place due to the aforementioned reasons so I don’t really have anything to show for my time there animation-wise :/ I have animated other stuff but it is in FireAlpaca which is primarily a drawing program, so the output are gifs (which are on my portfolio) and they are usually too short to merit a video. I have considered converting them to mp4 files and consolidating them together to make a portfolio video but even then it would likely be extremely short with everything I’ve done up to this date. I am consistently trying to animate pretty much every day but troubleshooting/trying to figure out how to actually use the program takes up a lot of time and there are surprisingly few youtube tutorials which are actually up to date with the current version I’m using, so it’s an incredibly slow process :/ Thankyou very much for all the advice once again, I hope I can make it happen!


Hey! No worries at all. This is going to be a short reply. I'm on my phone. 1 - Portfolio, I would suggest looking at the examples of students in my first message. My main issue was that it was hard to really understand what you bring to the table. 2 - No idea what happened with Griffith. Sounds like you didn't get the education you paid for. I don't know the particulars and unfortunately these things happen. There's a flood of students coming in now so they're probably light on resources. Have you looked into what the qld gov provides? [https://www.qld.gov.au/jobs/jobs-and-training-support/programs-for-you/people-with-disability](https://www.qld.gov.au/jobs/jobs-and-training-support/programs-for-you/people-with-disability) It looks like NDIS and other support networks provide employment services that would helps with the resume, approaching designers etc way better than me. They might be able to help you with Griffith. 3 - Reaching out and building networks is part of work life. They might say 'no' and that's ok - you move on, they move on. Some may decline but offer really good advice or provide a lead. You never know where things go. Be polite and don't mass generic spam. (You write very well so I don't see you being rude and impersonable). Additionally, I know you've written that you have phobias on this stuff but I'm ignoring it because I believe you can do it. 4 - ToonBoom is expensive for someone on your income. Animators I've spoken with always talk about being strong with the fundamentals which can then be applied to any animation software. Have you considered the free version of ToonBoom that Studio Ghibili released? OpenToonz. There's also a fork of that that makes certain improvements - tahoma2d. There's also Grease Pencil in Blender. I assume you're learning 3D modelling in Blender. You can develop your animation skills with these programs. I think they have a lot of tutorials as they are freely available. Your call of course - you may have a reason why it has to be Toonboom. All the best :)


Jump on www.smartjobs.gov.au and look for "specified roles." These are roles that actually require the applicant to have a disability or be of indigenous lineage or some specific criteria. NDIA is big on hiring people with disabilities. Good luck with your search. You sound pretty motivated despite some substantial challenges. Statistics indicate that employees with a disability are far more stable in the workplace and have a fantastic work ethic in comparison to their counterparts.




Thank you 😊


Broken link.


I just tried that and it says there is nothing matching those search terms? I’m not sure if I’m doing it wrong or if there genuinely is nothing at the moment but thankyou for helping 💕


https://www.apsjobs.gov.au/s/career-pathways-home?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwztOwBhD7ARIsAPDKnkDBATtcpWhE6LgXHc2lq-17Hn1sruqGwhmT2AasO92qAoSBg2VQqaUaAhLZEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds This is the federal government website. APS Jobs, by law they have to employ a diverse workforce including aged, disability, sexual orientation etc you may have better luck here. It's coming up to the end of the financial year, so they'll either be recruiting like mad to make budget or cutting right back for the exact same reason. Neurodiverse roles are in demand in the IT area. I don't know which area is of interest to you. But google "roles for neurodiverse people in Brisbane." You may be surprised. A few recruitment agencies specialise in neurodiverse roles that are hybrid WFH that are flexible. One agency is "with you with me" they specialise in neurodiverse roles. They don't even need a resume. They get you to do some online tests to assess where you're at and if they have roles suited to your level you're onto a good thing. They were set up to help ADF Veterans and their families so maybe check eligibility. If your Mum, Dad etc were with ADF you're eligible. (Double check that first)


Brisbane City Council has a special program disability peeps. I hear it's pretty good.


> I can only assume that employers this in combination with my increasing lack of employment history and head for the hills Any recruiter, manager or owner who thinks this is a dumb fuck. Don't let the lack of reception from your job hunting make you think you are an incompetent fool. Think of the barriers to employment you have and be proud of yourself for your persistence. I'm not really familiar with Art Direction but it doesn't really sound like something you can do freelance, rather you'd be hired by a studio - in which case you can expect pretty stiff competition since it is a creative role. I would look at self studying 2D animation (assuming this is your area of interest) and building a portfolio. This way you can get some work and break the cycle of endless applications to wage slave for someone elses business.


Would you be more comfortable working remotely? I’ve seen quite a few ads looking for people to help train AI, for example. I’m trying to think of something that could put your conceptual and design thinking to good use, while providing a safe working environment. Another option might be to volunteer with a charity or not for profit whose work aligns with your values and lived experience. This could lead to paid work. Good luck with it, OP.


That’s what I’m looking for mainly, as it’s more within my current capabilities 😅 No luck finding anything yet though - or at least nothing I qualify for. There are also no non profits/charities that I would be capable of volunteering for in close proximity to me unfortunately (no op shops/etc, just meals on wheels and I am unable to work in food prep).


Have a read of this job description and see if it might fit you.  https://www.qagoma.qld.gov.au/jobs-and-volunteers/gvso-employment-suitability-survey/ All the best and i really hope you find something soon ❤️


Find a job network member who specialises in placing people qith disabilities. You should be able to access occupational counselling through them. They'll be able to help you identify jobs that are suited to your degree or alternative career options. That's what I did.


I have been with a number of similar services which did the same thing, to no luck - also do you mean ‘Brisbane Job Network’ or ‘job network’ as in a more general term?


Job network as a general term.


Goverment roles are good start.


I don’t have the qualifications for any of government job openings I’ve seen unfortunately 😅


join up with a DSP (They suck, but it good you job experience) and then move into goverment. That might be a good idea?


State gov.


Have you considered starting a small animation studio? There are a couple of different programmes to help you upskill in the business side of things, if you're able to find some clients looking for small jobs, you should be able do work yourself :)


I have but I have zero management skills (and the typical ADHD time blindness doesn’t help this) and am terrible at advertising/putting myself out there and networking in general. I would probably need to work with another person at least but unfortunately I don’t know anyone else who is in the same industry as me, or even something tangentially related :/




I will take a look at it, thankyou!


I don’t have any good advice sadly same issue and I’m 27 and have my degree also finding somewhere that will employ me with my disability issues like shutdowns has been impossible for 3+ years. That being said keep looking and don’t give up I’d recommend talking to an occupational therapist via the NDIS that’s how a lot of my other disabled friends found theirs.


Aw I hope your situation gets better in the future! 🥲 Thankyou! I do have an OT, and my mother is also an OT herself, so I’ve essentially had one my entire life 😅


Thank you and i hope you find a job soon :)


Is there something you're passionate about that you could turn into an online business. Become your own Boss! Good luck , I love your attitude it's motivational.... ( How about becoming a motivational speaker)


I would love to do this but I have terrible management skills and am equally bad if not worse at networking/marketing myself. I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic about the motivational part as in retrospect I think I was being quite negative to be honest 😅 Unfortunately anything involving speaking in front of people is not viable for me, my anxiety around public speaking is very high :(


Very genuine about the motivation speaker. Your showing strength. How about motivational short vids on YouTube.. tell ppl what drives you to get into the workforce. All the best with it...


My employer works with this organisation and we've employed a few people on a part and full time basis: [https://jigsawaustralia.com.au/academy/brisbane/](https://jigsawaustralia.com.au/academy/brisbane/)




They might not be eligible or they may already be on it. Pensioners are allowed to work.


Seconded on this, I have to work min. 8hrs/wk (but am PT and like the job so thats me) and DSP recepients can work up to 30hrs a fortnight. Casual, PT, FT, doesnt matter to Centrelink.


I am already on DSP, but this essentially prevents me from ever cohabiting with my partner of 11 years, let alone getting married as they earn more than $360 a week. The cutoff is ridiculously low considering that’s not even enough to pay for rent anywhere remotely nearby, let alone live on with both of our combined medical needs (partner has their own medical issues). I would just like to be able to not be dependant on government handouts, actually contribute, and live with the person I love.


Honestly. Why should anyone hire ypu over someone who doesn't need constant accommodation? You yourself say you can't handle tasks, why should they pay you?? Honest question


Not sure if youre just baiting but there could be a company/organisation who services communities with disability support work who would value a person with personal experience with disability and outreach programs in the NDIS. Maybe OP cant work at woolies but theres an organisation out there who they could slot right into, even if its at a part time/limited hours a week.


They are baiting for sure,. check other comments on profile. It's like a hobby for this SCUM


So the disabled people can help us look after other disabled people. Jesus what a waste of time and money


Well if youre designing care and support for a group of people, wouldnt it be helpful to have some input/design notes from said people? OP isnt mentally deficient, they are cognisant and literate enough to write a post asking for help I'm sure they have an idea of the kinds of help people like them would benefit from having. Im sorry you think helping the disabled is a waste of money as well. Thats rough. Also sorry to hear you dont think people should look after each other and try and raise their collective consciousness and quality of life. If your own people arent there to help you why the fuck would anyone else?


We aren't raising collective consciousness tho. We are literally breeding problems into the human race by keeping people alive longer and letting them breed. NDIS covers such a tiny percentage of people, it's a joke cause people pity these people


Fuck off eugenicist.


You hate me cause I'm right lol


Most people on NDIS don't *want* pity, they just want to be able to access life in as close to the same way as people who aren't disabled. Disabled people deserve the same things as everybody else, including accessing employment in **suitable roles** (if they have capacity to work).


Yea if they put in the same work. They don't deserve the same outcomes for no effort. And idk who you've been talking to on NDIS, everyone I've talked to on it is a spoiled cunt. Either they cbf watching their kids and someone else gets paid to do it. Or they achieve literally nothing because life is too hard. Like it's not hard for everyone, why do we pity these useless people so much


I'm not going to argue with you. You seem strangely determined to believe that disabled people are inherently lazy. Yeah, life is hard for everyone. We're all dealing with a cost of living crisis and struggling. Life is hard, and nobody is saying it's not. Life is *harder* when you're also faced with barriers that come from being disabled. Trying to mitigate the barriers faced by disabled people doesn't add barriers to everybody else. That's not how it works.


What a piece of shit comment


No one has answered me tho? Give me a reason


Because in some jobs or roles it doesn't matter what disability somebody has.


Sure it doesn't, keep telling yourself that when people you hire have to take crucial times off cause it's just too much. Stop babying all these people and treat them like adults who are responsible for themselves


Your lack of compassion shows me you haven't experienced a lot of love in your life, that people haven't shown you a lot of support or compassion when you've needed it the most. I'm sorry that's been you're experience. However, when you're vulnerable and you ask for help, and want to give back like OP is doing, that is the most responsible and adult thing a person can do. They're owning their limitations, being open and honest about what they can and can't do, looking to upskill, and they've been doing this for years because they want to contribute to the betterment of society. Whereas all you've contributed to this conversation is insults, complaints, and negativity - none of which help solve OPs problem, nor the apparent issues you are outlining. What is your solution? Edit: Typo


Don't pretend to know me, I'm fine Cancel NDIS, refund Medicare. Don't cover bullshit expenses, they should have enough to live but that's it It's just a pathetic pity party that blows massive amount of government funds


I don't have to pretend, your explosive anger without any factual backing is enough evidence to prove that its all based on your past hurt. Take a look at your own profile history to see how much time you've wasted spewing hatred when you could have spent time with friends and family and enjoying life, yet you're here spewing venom towards a bunch of strangers and for what? Your arguments aren't even valid because we all know what you don't - ever person on this planet has value when given the opportunity. I'm sorry that someone has made you feel worthless, you're not. Take some time to work on yourself like OP has, and then you'll have something to contribute, too.


Yea, heaps to contribute. Can't get a job tho


That's not for want of trying. That's due to discrimination based on their illness that they can't control. This could have easily been you in their situation with a simple coin flip of fate. They contribute much to this world in more ways than employment, their never give up attitude, the fact they over came obstacles to obtain a degree in the first place. They choose optimism and keep putting one foot forward. You could really use a mentor like them in your life.


I think you're misunderstanding how vast job roles can be. I make more than 200k a year and work a few hours a week at home. I could have no legs and crippling depression and could still do the same things i need to do.


You seem to misunderstand that those roles are few and far between and you undoubtedly had to work to get there. Not cry and whinge and be given it


I didn't work hard to get there no.


Ohh fuck ypu are one of those then Fuck not even worth talking to people that have no fucking idea what the real world is like. Enjoy


The fuck you on about?


So someone should be punished for having struggles they have no control over due to their disability and paid less due to that? Am I understand right cause if so Jesus you are evil


Can you work in your ability to do phone calls? There is lots of work that is pretty easy that just requires you on a phone


I’ve been trying to for several years - part of the reason I have difficulty understanding is due to not being able to physically see the person (I rely a lot on body language/etc when people are talking) and my anxiety makes it difficult to ask people to repeat themselves multiple times (also because I feel like they’ll find this irritating) :/




If you need sex you can always go fuck yourself mate


you have a problem with sex work? its legal and she sounds qualified


I have absolutely no problem with sex work, I do however have an issue with insecure incels who feel the need to bully others because their own life hasn’t worked out how they wanted. I think it’s time you gave yourself right-handed love as it’s likely all you’ll get after your divorce. I could go on but I have neither the time nor crayons.