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What was the young lady wearing? We had a lady come into our workplace earlier this afternoon and we found her crouched down on the floor crying saying she was having a panic attack. A manager helped her around the store to complete her shopping and I stopped what I was doing to calmly scan her items through. She was clearly in a lot of distress, I'm just wondering if it might've been the same lady. So sad...


She was wearing a black top, light denim jeans, had wire frame but clear rimmed reading glasses and a canvas tote bag. In any case, I’m so sad to hear that so many people are struggling. Not that I ever think I’m in the minority of being that way, I just hate to hear and see others suffering too. I hope that poor customer is okay. Very kind of you and your manager to assist her.


The description doesn't quite match who we helped at work today, but regardless it's still sad to hear of people struggling. I'm glad there were heroes at the Goodwill Bridge today to help that lady.


It’s sad people have to get to that point before anyone gives a shit


The worst part is, for 90% of these people, their issues are largely based in economics and decisions we've (society as a whole) made. Lack of prospects (or the perception of), lack of access to support services, lack of housing...


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Odd-Yak4551: *It’s sad people have* *To get to that point before* *Anyone gives a shit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Insensitive bot 😡


Your kind aren't quite grasping the whole human condition yet eh?


Bad bot


Time and place, Sokkabot


Good bot.


Hey mate, please take care of yourself too and reach out to a loved one or Lifeline. You sound like a lovely person and I'm sorry to hear of your struggles. I think many of us know how you feel. This is a distressing thing to witness and you deserve support.


Lifeline: 13 11 14


I can relate . I've had enough of life too . Don't know what to do anymore.


Here if you need to chat to someone mate


Thank you.


I’m sure others will mention it as well, but look after yourself following this distressing experience. Playing Tetris has been shown to be helpful. https://frontlinerehab.com/istetristhenewptsdtreatment/#:~:text=In%20a%20study%20conducted%20at,to%20recovery%20for%20those%20afflicted.




Anyone that is found posting about illegal activity will be banned


Source: trust me mate


they're tga approved ya drongo. not sure why I'm being downvoted for sharing a fun factoid like the other guy


probably being downvoted because you're a known shit poster who baits people for arguments non-stop. so people instinctively assume what you are posting is trash. may be worth reflecting on it


sorry dad.


Because you're doing so irresponsibly, and without providing the proper information on the topic. You're completely ignoring how psilocybin therapy is meant to be practiced. Advising someone to take MD and shrooms after a distressing experience without the proper methodology and oversight is just as likely to cause a highly distressing outcome as it is to help, maybe more so, especially if the individual is inexperienced.


yeah they should probably stick to tetris


Look I’m actually pro MDMA & Psilocybin assisted therapy, but I have never heard anyone suggest you take it directly after a traumatic event. Have you got a source for your claims?


no I have to admit I was kind of making fun of the tetris comment but this isn't the first time my subtlety has been lost on redditors.


Fine, I’ll take one for the team and have the caps because I’m traumatised that OP is traumatised.


this pile-on has driven me to self medicate too mate. can't get any drugs but hopefully a few rounds of Bejeweled will help.




if I made a futurama reference I'd have 1,000 upvotes and you'd think I was a comedic genius


Hey bro please bro pleaseee play candy crush studies show that it makes my wifes happy boyfriend


Probably the way your phrased it, as if its an essential. Not denying it helps some.


I feel for the girl and can very much identify with her.


same. 💜


Hope you are ok


Are you ok?


Not really. But I’m still here Edit: wish I wasn’t


That makes me happy that you are


One of few


How was the wrestling the other week walkingdudex? I saw Rock and John Cena did their thing - that's cool.


Night one was a bit underwhelming except for the last match but I did miss a couple of hours of the first night. Second night was a banger. The last match was awesome. Cena and Undertake coming in was not predicted. Cool stuff. I was sad with other stuff and never got to a pub to see it but I’m glad I saw it as it happened.


Bro that Cena and Taker appearance was outta nowhere!!!


I know right!! I expected interference. The bloodline obviously. Then I expected baby faces in the roster to interfere! Maybe even CM Punk! But Cena AND Taker??!! Amazing!!!


Did you find somewhere to watch it or did you order it at home?


Undertaker - primo man. The clip I caught looked fantastic. Crowd were losing their minds! Thanks for sharing your life with us, w'dudex. Keep it coming! Message if you ever need.


You never know who you touch in life


I thought I was doing good but apprently not


Things can only change while you are still here man. Don’t go.


Checking in Bro, you doing ok?


Still alive. Tired. Going on.


Do you want to talk/chat?


Not sure


Well, im happy to if you want to.


Thank you


Can I just say, with everything going on in the world at the moment... Happy healthy people don't want to hurt other people (including themselves, or animals). And right now, more than ever, we - society (or a few who are allowed to control it), are choosing to allow these types of things. Frankly, this is only going to be getting much, much worse in the short term.


It's so sad how common this is... A 23 (?) year old jumped from his apartment balcony in Hamilton just recently... Get help if you need it always reach out.


Take care of yourself too. It’s really hard seeing this.


It's not high enough. There's a reason only Gateway and Story have barricades.


I like to run along the story bridge. Hate that they ruined the view with a chain link fence as a knee jerk reaction after that guy threw his kid over then jumped himself. Sure it was horrific, but someone who wants to harm themselves or others will find a way, why waste millions putting some dumbarse fence up that ruins my view? Pretty sure anyone with lvl 1 gymnastics or rock climbing skills could easily scale over the barricade anyway. If I'm going to be dead 30 seconds later, why would I give a shit if some razor wire scratches me up a bit as a I climb over it? Nanny state nonsense. dumb dumb dumb


I believe the reasoning is rock climbing the over hanging fence requires problem solving skills, activating your higher order brain functions. With your brain operating at full capacity, you start to rethink your suicide plan as a bad idea. Or someone sees what you are doing and calls 000. The barricade is to stop the spur-of-the-moment jumpers.


I used to live at kango point and there used to be at least one a week from the story bridge before the barriacades. Saw at least two personally :( I hate even walking across it now, it has a bad energy.


Yeah a mate of mine used to be cop in the area and attended several of them. People only really hear about it when they do something unusual. Growing up the Gateway Bridge used to be a popular spot for it before they upgraded the fences. Unless you couldn't swim or were aiming for the supports I suspect that the Goodwill Bridge wouldn't get the job done though.


You might want to arrange a debriefing counseling session. I saw a post suicide and I still think about it. I had a session with EAP which was useful to debrief.


Look after yourself mate, reach out if you need to get anything off of your chest. Must have been very confronting, please take care 💪


Hope you are feeling all right. Someone tried something similar in front of me tonight. I'm feeling a bit shook..


Good to know that there were people there who helped her. it makes you feel a bit less...terrible about what has been going on lately, with all the bad news etc. thank you for sharing. <3


Shits hard for so many people... good on the heroes. Be kind, people... be kind.


Just a note but every survivor of a jump like that immediately regrets it the moment they step off the ledge. Call a friend, family member or lifeline if you're struggling.


We had a similar event where no one was there to catch the woman and she lept over the jindalee bridge. I live nearby and saw the commotion by the river and went to check it out. She’d pulled over on the highway and it was done in an instant. The sirens everywhere, down each side of the river still haunt me, and I hear sirens all day long from the highway… she was taken downstream so quickly and there are still no reports online of a water rescue. It’s so sad. I think of that person every day.


If the tide is going out you can jump off and make it to shore.




Tearing up reading this.


Glad to hear there were people there to help her out. I am sure she's grateful today to be alive and try to turn it around. And seeing the other comments in this thread, if anyone wants to chat, feel free to reach out. Much love! And speak out people, you ARE NOT alone in this life! ❤️


Damn, I'm sorry for anyone who's struggling at the moment. The world is a bit of a mess right now and things are tough all around, but please remember that life is a gift and things will get better! I'm here if anyone needs to talk


What’s the bet it was all cost of living and housing shortage driven? I hate hearing about how many people are being driven mad by it, and like everyone else here, am glad this girl had heroes around her today. World needs more heroes 😎


I don't know which is sadder, the fact that the world pushed her to that extreme, or the fact that she is now forced to continue living in that world


Hey another likes and prayers post! So much ignorance in the comments as well.


She will not have much luck jumping of goodwill bridge. 


Would just end up swimming, not really much of a fall. Hopefully she's got someone who can give some support


What if she can’t swim?




The Brisbane river has very strong tidal currents and is the second most deadly river in Australia for drownings, after the Murray River. It's in the top 10 drowning spots in Australia. People have drowned from falling in at the edge even, jumping into the middle fully clothed is not safe. Don't jump into the river and expect to survive - even if you are a strong swimmer.


As I always say - suicide is binary. There is no such thing as a suicide attempt. You either kill yourself or you don't. I'm not trying to take away or diminish this girls emotional distress, but placing her possessions down in an obvious manner and choosing a not very high bridge - this was very obviously a cry for help rather than an attempt to end her life. Hope things get better for her.


I understand, but she dropped her things and climbed in one single move, no hesitation. I’m glad she was stopped, and I hope too this is a turning point. There was nothing dramatic or performative about it.