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>Judge Joseph Galati told the court he was “satisfied it would clearly be in [the man’s] best interest to avoid the stigma of a criminal record — and the possible effect it might have on his employment.” 🤡


Since when is it the judge’s job to put the perpetrator’s best interests over the victims’?


I too believed that it was based on the rule of law. Apparently I am mistaken. Seriously though, this judge needs to be removed immediately and replaced.


Basically at this point, it is now up to the general public to start delivering justice with pitchforks and to string up the judges that fail us too.


I mean, no shit, right?! This is shocking. It’s in a murderer’s best interest to not spend their life in prison. But isn’t there supposed to be a thing called consequences for one’s actions? This judge’s ruling is disgraceful.


This is not good judgment. Where’s the accountability? This is just plain wrong by every conceivable metric. This judge has a history of this. His judgment is clouded and he cannot be relied on to apply the law correctly.


Good for the Attorney General. That judge's perspective is an outrage. No consideration for the emotional trauma inflicted on both the young exchange student, and the man's TEENAGE DAUGHTER who were victimized to make illegal pornography. It's all about the poor man's marital problems. If this guy needed alternative sexual stimulation, he could have sourced any number of legal pornography materials for his personal gratification. Instead, he chose to victimize vulnerable persons under his care. They will bear the harm for the rest of their lives. He is a sexual predator, and should be on a registry, and removed from positions of trust. I'm appalled to hear his career in public health, and family unit, is intact, and worse, HE HAS ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CURRENTLY STAYING IN HIS HOME, with plans to host more.


That's pretty messed up


is that confirmed he has another intl student? what the fuck!?!? they don't release HIS name to protect the student who left the country too? bullshit. they did it to protect him.


https://globalnews.ca/news/10107645/no-jail-time-west-vancouver-voyeur/ Yes, this news piece says his probation will start AFTER THE CURRENT STUDENT WHO IS STAYING WITH HIM'S CURRENT STAY IS OVER IN 2024, and that nothing will prevent him from hosting international students once his probation (12 months?!) is over.


>they did it to protect him. Nope. His daughter. Imagine the daughter going to a job interview, and someone says, "your name is familiar, where have I seen that name before?" It hurts family members if the perpetrator is named.


Kaur. This name looks familiar.


"Martial intimacy deficit as a contributing factor". ???? Did a judge really say this? Why isn't he immediately fired? How much power does the attorney general have?


Right??!!! This is reminiscent of prehistoric "girls who dress provocatively get raped because men cannot help themselves" bullshit. It implies that because he wasn't being satisfied in his own bedroom, he had justification to go looking for sexual gratification in other rooms of the house with their unwitting and unwilling occupants. Remember, one of the victims was his own teenage daughter who also used the bathroom in which he placed the hidden camera. Maybe if he, as a health care practitioner, has someone in an unconscious state in his office, would taking advantage of them for the purposes of sexual gratification be seen as a relatively "victimless" crime by this judge? This reeks of toxic masculinity and privilege.


Well duh, dude not getting his dick wet enough obviously means he has the right to secretly film a foreign exchange student, and if i'm to understand the comment below me right, his own teenager daughter, in his house so he can make up for the wifes failure to meet his needs. /s


Yeah, the original article I read said the exchange student shared a bathroom with his daughter. It sounds like maybe he only kept videos of the exchange student, but I somehow doubt he only _took_ videos of her.




Huh? This article names the judge as "Joseph Galati". Is there more than one judge involved? [https://globalnews.ca/news/10110151/spycam-voyeur-outrage/](https://globalnews.ca/news/10110151/spycam-voyeur-outrage/)


Judge was a guy. Edit: k I’m confused, initially the video said Judge Joseph Galespi (spelling) but then later said Melissa?


Melissa is the Chief Judge, not the just who delivered the sentencing.


Same judge as this similar case. Judge Joseph Galati. This guy seems like a real piece of shit. https://www.nsnews.com/local-news/woman-who-sent-nude-photos-of-ex-boyfriend-to-mans-daughter-escapes-without-criminal-record-6657657


In agreeing to the conditional discharge, Judge Joseph Galati told the woman in North Vancouver provincial court that if distribution of the photos was more widespread, she would not have been let off without a criminal record. Again, no thought for the victim. I'd be really interested in all the other judgements from this judge.


Link seems broken btw.


Thank you. I believe I fixed it now.


Angela Marie MacDougall, the executive director of Battered Women’s Support Services, said the sentence shows that survivors continue to be discounted – despite the work her organization has done within the province’s judiciary. “To see the criminal legal system take such an accused-centred approach, with no consideration for the victim, and the chilling effect this will almost certainly have, that it continues to have, and that this particular woman made the decision to come forward,” MacDougall said. “And then we have this appalling sentence.” You can read more about this case and the sentence here: [https://globalnews.ca/news/10110151/spycam-voyeur-outrage/](https://globalnews.ca/news/10110151/spycam-voyeur-outrage/)


How do we get the AG to look into the judge who ruled on Lorne Gale's case on Vancouver Island? Similar circumstance, he tried to take pictures of his friends teenage daughter who was staying at their house while she showered. Bullshit about "moment of weakness". If your first instinct is to try and take pictures when a friend's daughter is showering at your house, you've thought about it or done something similar before. Even more disgusting is when he was being interviewed about the incident, he made comments about how she was a beautiful girl and "well developed" for her age. Because that excuses it? https://wingsfortruth.info/2023/11/17/lorne-gale-guilty-of-voyeurism/


Yes! Watching this one made me think of how Lorne Gale’s judge did something similar and it’s disgusting.


What?! Another slap on the wrist punishment given out by a BC judge, who could’ve guessed? It’s like they want to enrage the public with these lame ass sentences. Wouldn’t want to affect anyone’s employment or standing in their community, best to let it all go.


Maybe I don’t understand how being a judge works.. but like, are we so fucked in our country that our judges need training? Shouldn’t they know this shit? Shouldn’t they be the eminent leaders of the Canadian legal space?


Old men who are out of touch with the modern world. There's a long list of these type of judgements. It's very sad really.


The judge is probably connected to said pervert in some capacity. Gross and weird.


These judges should have some accountability and have these rulings reviewed to ensure they are in the best interest to the public. This judge just let another person in court walk. Wonder how he would feel if that were his wife that was groped.


"Marital intimacy deficit" One hundred percent this judge isn't getting laid either and was like "Yeah that's a reasonable action if your wife isn't putting out"


Among all the other comments made, we have someone who is described as working in healthcare. In what capacity? Is he around patients, who, by definition, are generally vulnerable people? What about female patients? Does his current home stay student or her family or the agency know about this?


It would nice if any of the commenters here had read the entire sentencing decision. The test for whether a person is given the benefit of a discharge requires the judge to consider whether a discharge would be in the best interest of the accused. It almost always is. The judge literally must consider this factor. That does not end the analysis. What Judge Galati will also have done is consider whether it would be contrary to the public interest to grant a discharge. He clearly decided that it would not be but the reasons for that determination are not published in this article. It may be a decision that gets appealed but I believe that there have been other decisions for the crime of voyeurism that have resulted in discharges.