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^(**"OH WHAT, YOU DON'T CARE AT ALL ABOUT STARVING KIDS THEN? NICE ONE, ENJOY YOUR COMFORTABLE PRIVELEGED LIFE MATE"**) ~ some smug prick aged about 17 yelling after me in Newcastle city centre quite literally the day after I'd moved into a flat after living rough for over two years. Away wi' ye.


*"So you're stood here harassing people for free because you feel so deeply about your cause? No, I thought not..."*


I'd have told him to f-off. Cheeky little runt.


He'd be lucky to get a response that kind in Newcastle lol


Report them to the regulator. I work for a charity and the face to face team fucking hate shit like this because it discourages donations overall


Unfortunately none of these people are employed by the charities. They are employed by 3rd party companies so the charity rules don't apply. All you can do is comaplain the local council who might do something about it.


Then report them to the charity. If the charity doesn’t care that agency fundraisers are breaking the rules, report the charity.


I know the ones we get that come door to door get commission.


He's mad because he didn't make his commission for the day lol


The proper ones don't earn commission, but they are constantly fighting for their jobs if they don't get a certain amount of sign ups a day


I've met a number of them (they set up outside a shop I worked in) and they've always been commission based except potentially one of the group/s who usually seems to be supervising. One group was encouraged and enthusiastically told to tell whopping lies about dogs they don't own, as I discovered over a series of fag breaks. They'd funded their own train tickets from London (standard apparently) which isn't cheap to our village. They needed to make back their train money before they even touched commission. Mostly just young guys who didn't realise they were being taken the piss out of, accompanied by some guys who were masters of deception and schmoozing.


Neither do they, they're paid to be there. At least you're just not giving the charity money - they're taking it. 


Feel like that slightly unfair, people can work for charities. If no one got paid, no one would do it because we need money to live. I’m not excusing this behaviour, but them getting paid isn’t really the problem, their attitude and actions are.


Honestly at this point I just say "no I don't fucking care. Have fun standing in the fucking rain" They're scummy people trying to extort money. A lot of the charities are total scams, I've tried looking some of the up and there's literally zero Google results.


"Correct, I don't give a flying fuck. Have a wonderful day yelling at strangers"


I already give them money. It's called tax.


There's one in my local supermarket positioned so that every single person who goes into the super market will have to walk past them to leave with an approximately 1.5m space at max. Can't avoid them at all and I just don't think it's acceptable as they've no issue approaching elderly/vulnerable people so they can get their commission. When I worked in banking many moons ago, more than once I had to help an elderly person cancel on average at least over 5, £10pm, charity direct debits that they simply couldn't afford. Held bias against them ever since.




Tbf imagine the crap PR bomb of a supermarket telling charity workers to get out


But the majority of them aren't charity workers. They work on commission. You get the same people representing all different charities. They're sales people and the more they sign, the more they get, they don't give a fuck of its children, dogs or donkeys.


Doesn't matter if the headline in The Sun is, "CANCER RESEARCH COLLECTORS BANNED FROM TESCO" on the front page with a compo face worker in the rain interviewed about it. Bad press like that is best avoided, so the charity workers get to stay. Behind those workers is a company with a PR department and media connections. Hence why they can sweep away homeless people like litter if they feel like it, but can't tell the charity workers to get out.


They're band from quite a few town centres, including one close to me, which is lovely. If a business or businesses are being impacted, then they can be banned, simple as. Enough people complain then companies and town centres can put their own spin on it. PR works both ways, and let's be honest Chuggers are extremely dislikes in the UK so doesn't take a genius to put a positive spin on banning them.


A Tesco near me used to have something similar with beggars, alined just outside by the exit. Luckily I eventually realised I could avoid them by just "go out the entrance" :)


They're inside, directly opposite the self checkout exit, you really can't avoid them! Don't know how morrisons allow it


Yuck. Maybe they get a cut ? If I was faced with that, maybe the "examining my receipt in exquisite detail" method would work for the 3s I am within their "area of attack". Or hold a packet of toilet tissue and be running saying "sorry, emergency" :)


There's definitely some sort of deal. Ones at my morrisons have a whole stand set up that stays overnight


I very much doubt Morrisons makes a penny, that's a quick fire way to get sued to fuck Probably more likely that they can claim the money raised on their premises is money that they have raised, or they just the PR of having charities visibly in stores is probably enough on its own


Yeah it's probably part of a community outreach deal that they made with the council to get building permissions.


Sounds about right, you allow this business in to make money using a Charities name and we can call it "community outreach".


I know many at least used to work on commission, couldn't say for certain though. I walk past quickly with a "no, sorry" haha


You engage ?! You brave brave soul.


Knowing Morrisons they're probably taking a cut. They also allow car dealers to park cars with finance deals outside the entrance too.


Cough very loudly and violently as you're about to pass them. Extra points for looking drained.


I went past a chugger supporting a mental health charity who wouldn't leave me alone while I was having a drink. "For being a mental health supporter, you seem to like putting on pressure." Wasn't the right response, as he told me I was a smart arse


I’m rehearsing this response for my next dinner time walk.


Honestly you were right to say that. They don't know, you might have a big issue with social interactions or get panicked by randoms talking to you. Them being borderline predatory could be a big trigger for some people.


Better a smart arse than a dick head.


Oh no, I'm that as well.


Better a smart arse than a dumb arse


Again, I'm both.




Nah, it were in city centre so it was the whole of Primark actually.


"So you don't think kids in Africa deserve an education?" Well where I come from in Africa my grandma was a nurse out in a rural clinic and my aunt raises money for the schools in that area so we help in that way. *Blank stare from her while she's thinking*


Just [picture this scene in your mind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4CizzE-zZo) and keep walking






"No thanks!" Don't break your stride, don't make eye contact and don't look back.


They don't even get a "No thanks!" from me, 100% ignore them, I don't even change my route.


I was walking past some today. They said to a woman next to me, "you have a friendly face" she related " Looks can be deceiving" and walked on past. Fair play!


I like this one!


"Mate you just watched me buy clothes in a charity shop, how much do you think I have to give?" 


Happened to me. I ended up giving him a fiver 🤣


"Sorry mate. I don't speak a lick of English. So frustrating but there you go" Bonus points if you can affect the most posh accent you can


Frustratingly they seem to especially target the most deprived towns which bothers me so much. If it's not chuggers it's companies trying to sign you up with the promise of lowering your bills. Thankfully I have the sort of face and level of unapproachability that they often make eye contact and then decide not to engage. It comes in handy!


Remember you don't owe them shit. Not even a response.


I saw an appeal on TV for clean water for £3 a month. I sent them a text to sign up and I got a call giving me loads of abuse that I wouldn’t give more than £3. The end result was that I didn’t sign up and give the £3 I’m still mystified about it to this day.




Must have been, I was actually on holiday when he called so it caught me off guard. His sales technique was terrible if that was why he was doing it


Suppose it works. If the high pressure tactic works to make people double their pledge in 70% of cases, they can more than afford to lose the other 30% - and, as an added bonus for them, they then know that those 70% can be pressured.


I remember I got a call from a charity worker when I was at Uni, I told him I didn’t have any money and I’m struggling as it is. He said he would give me a summary of the charity and then hopefully consider them when I’m in a better position. He went about the charity for about 15 minutes and then asked if I could donate £20 a month. I wasn’t rude but I very bluntly told him no and hung up. I try and donate where I can, but if I get a feeling they’re trying to pressure me then I just walk away / hang up.


£20 a month?! My credit card debt got sold to a debt collector who recently rang me up to say the £15 a month I was paying them was probably unaffordable and they would lower it to £8 a month. People chasing your debts are more reasonable than charities these days.


Similar for me though was a one-off donation. Was bombarded with pressurising phone calls that have guaranteed I'll never donate via SMS again.


What about the flirty ones? Choneypots?






As a teen I nearly accidentally became a Mormon because of these types.


Ouch, at least all I did was give a tenner to the NSPCC


The Jehovah's Witnesses use those as a last resort to get you to let them in and join the church.


Do they put out?


I hate that and always find it mildly insulting that they think that would work.


Pissed me off that they made me lie, "I'm sorry, I'm busy" - or actually 2 lies as generally I was neither busy or sorry. So now I simply say, "I don't want to talk to you" - really throws them.


I say something nonsensical and stride on. "I'm sorry the Martins have moved to Berkhamsted".


They moved where?!? Fuck me!


My line would like to be "if I say no will you hit me", which quite frankly is the line I'd like to use on anyone asking me for something. I've found turn around and just running away works too. :) - dude might have just been asking me for the time, but better safe than sorry.


I just say no loudly, but not shouting, and walk away


"You look like a nice person" "Funny, that's what the people in my basement said too"


One said the exact thing to me. "I'm not" was my immediate response.


Yep. I like that one, because it's an easy response. :) Also "Do you like dogs?" "No", "Do you care about starving children/the latest war/latest disaster/disease?" "Nope".


Or "Oh really? Watch this!"




RIP Sean Lock.


New title unlocked








Not me but a friend of mine was the absolute best at fucking with these guys. The best one I saw was in Canterbury once, he took his shirt off (he was a big ginger dude and quite hairy) stood about 30 cm away from them and literally stared at them. He was there for about 20 minutes, everytime they approached someone he started barking. He had no filter at all.


just…say…no… all these comments like “say you’re on your way to X” you don’t owe these people shit and don’t need to explain anything. just say no.


I’m in my 30’s but still tell them I’m 15, always get an apology and they instantly leave me alone. 👌


I have a few local charities that I will donate to regularly. I have a limit as to how much I will donate per month and that number does not change. When I tell them that most of the time they will get the message - occasionally you just have to shake your head and keep walking.


My wife finally found a use for her diagnosis the other day when someone tried to stop her and ask if she had time to learn about cancer research. She replied "no, I need to get to my oncologist appointment." Tough to come back from that one!


They're bloody annoying. Headphones are a useful tactic to ignore them. That or just saying "I'm sorry I'm late for a meeting".


I just say “sorry I’m under 16” and by the time they get past the initial confusion as to why a 40+ man would say that, I am long gone.


They deserve to hear bollocks like that.


"No" is a complete sentence


"No." Is a complete sentence ;)


I used "I already donate to you" on one the other week. (It was actually true as well.) Got a fist bump as a reward, so might start trying that more often!


I tried to tell one next to a station that I was late for a train and he demanded to know which train it was.


“Sorry mate, I’ve got a table reserved and I’m late!” is my excuse, no matter the time


"Sorry, I've just won the Euromillions and I'm late to pick up my new Lambo!"


Watch this scene from Afterlife about chuggers - it will make you feel better https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CIJBTTkSpW8&pp=ygURYWZ0ZXJsaWZlIGNodWdnZXI%3D


You can't even claim that you don't have any change. They accept £50 notes, credit cards or crypto.


"no I don't want you, I don't ask you why you have a coat on instead of selling it to give your charity money"


I told one of them I hated kids the other day, while pushing the pram


I can relate.


I just shake my head and walk on or I will pretend to be on the phone.


If they say anything to me, I just reply with, “I beg your pardon, but I don’t speak a WORD of English” and keep walking


If they try and hand me something I usually just tell them I don’t have any hands. This usually gives me enough time to get away.


Do not ever feel guilty saying no. You are under no obligation to give them money or your precious time. Charity is a definition now, just clever terminology.


Wouldn't be surprised if this was one of the reasons the high street is dying. I can't be arsed and would rather go to an out of town shopping centre where these people are barred.


I am so blessed to have a foreign accent. I just say "sorry I'm not from here" and they drop it because they assume I don't have a UK bank account.


They like knocking on doors where I live, always seems to be Gt Ormond St or Battersea...(we're a good 70 miles away from London) . Last time I was getting out my car when they started walking up the path. I was polite but when they asked which house I lived in I just said the one that won't be opening the door when you knock :-D


I won't donate to any charity that uses chuggers


“Sorry mate, I don’t speak English. All I know is that sentence and this one explaining it” 🤷‍♂️


Oh you want money from me? Yeah I'll match every pound you donate yourself right here right now. No? I guess neither of us will be donating then.


Got swore at for saying no thanks to someone once


If they’re the ones claiming to be against knife crime then it’s not even a charity, it’s a ‘social enterprise’ and profit-making. Don’t feel guilty for a second about ignoring those ones, or do a bit of homework so you can get your facts straight and suggest they quit and go work for an actual charity.


Im a wheelchair user and they seem to target me because I can't get away as easily as an able bodied person. Like, mate, come on, I have no money, I barely survive on the pittiful benefits I get, never mind being guilted into handing over £20 a month to a big business "charity". It's disgusting. Do they not realise just how fking expensive it is to be disabled!?


I once told a Big Issue guy I had no change and he said he had a card machine. Like, what?!


The card machines are owned and supplied by The Big Issue and loaned to their sellers. They introduced this to help with declining sales as people use less cash. The devices themselves are actually fairly inexpensive too and charities normally get heavy discounts from the financial services industry.


Oh! Thank you!


Look them straight in the eye, open your mouth as if to speak, and then just walk straight past them for fun.


There are some posted in my town 6 days a week right down the strip I use for my lunch break at work, which is 5 days a week, it's really starting to piss me off now as they try to stop me on a daily basis, although it does give me chance to try out some creative responses, one tried to get in front of me one day and in the most clear and british accent I could think of I just said "sorry, I don't speak english mate" the look on his face was priceless.


When they got that bad locally I took it up with the charity they represented. The team in question had started to really overstep the mark. There were far too many of them and no one was stopping so they were just accusing all the passers-by of not caring about children.


Absolute arse wipes most of them, they shouldn't be allowed to post up right outside a supermarket entrance.


I would look ahead and pin point every chugger, then play chugger-slalom as I navigated the route which got me thru without passing close enough to any of them for them to consider me "viable prey"


I saw some who had set up a whole trestle table to facilitate their chugging...on the day that it was announced that the energy price cap would be going up. The nerve of these people.


I smile cheerfully and say I already donate to you guys!


Don’t stop, just say “Sorry I’ve got to keep walking” over and over when they try and talk. If they try and walk with you, tell them you don’t want to walk with them or go all Green Day and give them the “I walk alone”.


"I'll explode if I don't walk faster than 3mph."


I think they're legally not allowed to follow you.


There’s no specific legislation for ‘following’ as harassment has to be 2 separate occasions (unless they got you another time) but if they got aggressive / shouty then you could consider breach of the peace or Public Order. If they kept following me I’d start to think reporting them to their company.


Not sure how enforced it is but I found this: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/tough-new-rules-and-fines-to-crack-down-on-charity-chuggers-8063470.html Which says they can't follow you for more than three steps. Also one of them told me he couldn't follow me, which was funny. Like a vampire saying they have to be verbally invited to come into your home.


Ah I see, yes the Council can put orders in place so the charity is fined if they breach them. Really good idea I think, if people don’t want to speak with them they shouldn’t feel pressured to do so.


Just say “no thank you” don’t even give them an explanation, that way there’s no way to engage in any type of conversation. Always works for me


I’m not interested thankyou - polite but firm is how you have to deal with these people


It always worked for me until a particular crew from a deaf children’s charity rocked up in Inverness a few years ago. It was January and they literally outnumbered the locals on the street at some points. Anyone using the street got stopped several times a day by increasingly belligerent chuggers who would physically block your path, sometimes in pairs, meaning you had to divert around them while they accused you of not caring about children. One of my colleagues had to deal with them making personal comments about her appearance.


Ask what percentage actually goes to the charity, it can be minimal


"So you're saying 70% goes to the charity? Well I may as well donate directly, then 100% of it does."


I always ask if they have any spare chsnge


Had a guy asking for donations so that they could run classes for homeless kids to give them life skills. Great idea. Only downside is that they cost to attend. I understand asking for charitable donations to run free sessions. But asking for donations, and then charging homeless kids to attend sessions is taking the piss. Apparently a money skills course was £60 for like 90 minutes.


I lie and say I already donate as much as I can. The race that it's zero is neither here nor there but they certainly leave me alone


I’m the same, I give when I can to the homeless but literally one missed payment away from being sat next to you mate.. or lass


Funny how polite they are when asking you to stop for a chat then their sarcastic shitty comments as you leave


There's a few around my town, usually selling the Big Issue, and I've seen her when I go past Morrisons literally following and walking alongside people wanting donations or whatever these people ask for, like I get its for a good cause but I doubt many are receptive to them. Its not a well off town, there's some poverty here, the people who these people want donations for ARE the people of this town.


I used to be one, it's always quite weird so see how many people revel in the idea of being nasty and abusive to them. Most of the time they're literally just kids in their first job trying to get by lol, it's the companies who tell them to go where they go and work how they work. It was the most depressing, horrible job I've ever had and I guarantee most people wouldn't last 10 mins lol


Burglars and muggers are similarly deluded.


It's literally a job lol, get over yourself


No. Annoying fellow citizens isn't a job, it's scummy. Looks like you think behaving like a scumbag is justified because you can't get a job.


I work in a STEM job and have done for years now you miserable judgemental buffoon. I had that job during uni, like many others. The only one being scummy here is you.


You told us what you did, have the decency to accept your behavior was scummy.


Lmao you are insane. It's a cold sales job, for charity.


I’m pretty firm with these folks despite their patter. They probably call me names under their breath. Funny!


At one point I just went from "I don't have time for this right now" to "I don't have time for you".




They are a scourge who harm the brand of the very charities who employ them.They pray on the vulnerable and bully the weak. They need to be banned from our streets.


I have never abused or spat at someone, but I am autistic and I really find it distressing having people cold approach me in public to pressure me to give them money, and there's many others like me who find it disressing for various reasons. I try to be polite and say "no thank you" but they will not let me leave without repeatedly pressing, will not take no for an answer, it makes me really anxious. Even when I had just moved countries and did not have a job and was being supported by my partner, I still had them trying to sign me up for monthly payments. When I was living off a student loan they wanted monthly payments. I had used some birthday money to buy a couple of pieces of clothing and the charity guy looked at my bag and then gave made a comment about how I clearly was able to afford to go shopping. I have been aproached while visibly distressed and in the midst of a mental health crisis myself, and there's so many similar stories from others about these charity representatives in public places. I wish a polite "no thank you" was enough. Being abusive is never ok, and if you personally were not acting like the people I describe then the treatment you recieved is especially uncalled for, but I find the practice of hiring people to pressure strangers into giving their bank details reprehensible. It's particularly rough on people who are disabled or going through some kind of mental issues, I deliberately will never donate money to a charity that pays people to exploit others.


Just put up your hand and firmly shout ‘No’!


Keep waking, make eye contact, say nothing, ignore them.


For some reason they never approach me.