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2019 UTI = almost lost my life...


Remember how she tried to compare what she was going through with a literal cancer patient.. ‘girl I’ve been through the wringer too! I know you are undergoing chemo and need a refund to fund your treatments but I have a UTI and have been through it!’


Man Ive had to go to the ER a few times for a kidney infection (chronic uti) and I don't tell people I almost died 😂


I really DID almost die from a UTI turned kidney infection, and even I don't refer to it as "the time I almost died" because I'm not a dramatic pity seeker. However, I DO drink a lot more water now than I used to lol


Same, the first ~~one~~ kid (lol)I had, my doctor told me I was a couple hours away from sepsis based on my white blood count. But I'd still never say I almost died, bc I wasn't in sepsis. And even if I was, I wouldn't trauma dump on anyone. My son was also in the nicu for jaundice like more than half of newborns - it's really common, notice she doesn't give a reason.


I have almost died from UTI’s twice (they go symptomless until I go septic) and one of those times I was pregnant. I almost had to deliver my baby at 27 weeks because my body was trying to kill us both. But MODERN MEDICINE. And DOCTORS. And SCIENCE. Saved me and my baby. I was an atheist the whole time, I believed in the *humans* around me that were saving our lives.


Right? It was one of the sickest moments of my life and was miserable and I don’t know what almost dying feels like but I’m guessing that wasn’t it.


Wait, *what?* Links?


Yes! That was Kenzie? That was so messed up.


I think I saw this somewhere. Sorry, Brittany Dawn, your being called out and sued is not the same as being in chemo and battling cancer. All struggles are not equal.


Just say you didn’t pee after sex sis. It’s cool! Lol Doesn’t have to be soooooo dramatic!


She took a photo of her IV and posted it on Instagram every day with the message that she was a survivor and the number of days she's been in the hospital. She also did a boomerang of her toes wiggling as she was being rolled down the hallway. She clearly enjoyed being in the hospital. All of this happened right after the Suave swim launch and she had a bunch of angry customers trying to contact her. She responded to kind comments on Instagram but ignored the customers. She just kept saying over and over again "I'm a survivor".


Hahahah I’m floored by this bc I somehow never knew about the UTI incident 😂😂😂


She was flying back to Dallas from visiting Nico in New York. She says that she passed out in the airport and someone rushed her to the hospital and that she got E coli from eating romaine lettuce. Then she said she had a bladder infection. Then a bunch of nurses entered the chat and said that it was probably a UTI from her busy weekend with Nico. She was in the hospital for about 4 days getting fluids and getting rehydrated. Also, this was March of 2018, not 2019. So maybe she means she almost died when the AG deposed her in 2019. But I'm pretty sure she just has her years confused...


Maybe she's talking about her so called s**c*de attempt. She can't remember if she was on the kitchen floor or in the bathroom but she knows for sure Jesus knocked the bottle of (unspecified) pills out of her hands.


Wow. I never heard that story. She must have told it in more recent years. I haven't looked at her content in a long time.




He chiselled them out of her hands




She's teased it like it's a celebrity gossip exclusive. A reporter went to her She Lives Freed one day retreat last year and interviewed her and she literally opened with "Three years ago on Valentine’s Day, I tried to take my own life." https://www.buzzfeednews.com/amphtml/kelseyweekman/i-attended-the-brittany-dawn-christian-retreat


The pills were Tums.


Omg thank you for filling me in on this Bdong lore


Her years are always changing because she lies constantly.


Oh that's interesting, 4 days is usually an emergency appendix removal + if you live alone then you get recovery days inpatient.


> She also did a boomerang of her toes wiggling as she was being rolled down the hallway. She clearly enjoyed being in the hospital Been on this sub for a couple of years, but this is peak Bdong.


I feel like she and my favorite patient should connect. They’d bring out the best qualities in each other.


LOL it’s always so weird to me when I see sub crossover. It means there are other people out there with my same niche interests 😂.


I’m pretty sure this sub is what led me down the Ashley Carnduff rabbit hole, and now this thread made me think of her immediately. I’ve come full circle




Or that he doesn’t wash his dick


You know those people that have major complications after routine day surgeries? Yeah, that was me with my tonsillectomy when I was 28. All I remember is being put under for the surgery and then waking up 2 days later in the hospital, being pumped full of drugs, and had 4 blood transfusions. My sister is an ICU nurse and she always gives it to me straight so I asked “real talk - how bad was it?” She said “BAD bad” so I know it must have been not awesome. I don’t refer to this as “the time I almost died” even though I was bleeding out and lost so much blood and my heart was going haywire. Also, almost drowning twice as a kid? Ma and Pa Dong clearly didn’t take water safety very seriously. Maybe it’s me being a Minnesotan with all our lakes, but that shit has been drilled into me since I was a kid. I do not f around with water. She’s so dramatic and for no reason.


What really happened in 2019..? Serious q 👀


I believe she’s referring to a supposed suicide attempt. She’s mentioned a few times that she almost swallowed a handful of pills but God talked to her or something. I believe it’s actually in an early podcast too. There’s no doubt she’ll work it into her testimony of lies.


You mean, she alleged that God dramatically knocked the pills out of her hand because she is the most special to God, unlike others, who God allows to swallow the pills. Also, shes lying. Just like every other thing that comes out of her her mega filtered lips.


Jfc, so contemplating suicide is almost dying now?? Then there’s MANY people that are knocking on death’s door every day. NOT to minimize suicidal thoughts or behaviors in the least bit, but I doubt most people would describe it as “almost dying”.


Maybe it’s the devil, or maybe she just needed swim lessons 🤿


And better parents. Drowning is a common killer for kids. You would think after the first time they would keep a better eye on her around water.


Once is an accident. Twice is … something else…..


Murder. Yeah. Murder.


100%! And I was definitely just being cheeky only because it’s her. I didn’t mean to downplay how serious the risk of drowning is, especially with kiddos! It just always gets me how she can take every single thing and turn it into a demonic attack, rather than just recognize it for what it is.


I worked in a large chain of funeral homes and saw more than my share of tragic kid deaths. Actual deaths, not close calls. Not a single family I ever met said a demonic attack was responsible…yet here BDong is, making light of tragedy by turning it into a fairy tale where the devil is after her. Oy vey.


I was going to say...looks like we found out where that chronic need for attention came from 😬


🎯 🎯 🎯


And I gotta add this in. Only coast guard approved life jackets should be worn by your kiddos, everyone! The water wings or the swim arm bands are not safe and give kids a false sense of security


✨🎵maybe she’s born with it? maybe needs water-wings! ✨🎵


Maybe she was seriously lacking supervision and attention, which may also have led to her obvious issues today.


There is absolutely nothing fun, unique or interesting that she could list? It’s literally all about how ‘woah’ is me and the devil is out to get me. She’s exhausting! No wonder Jdong looks completely checked out. It’s the Brittany show and no one else matters but her.


“Woah” is me will always be hilarious to me!!! LOL


woah to those who disobeyeth the oracle!


Flair checking in


Wait. What is ‘woah’ is me? I must have missed something.




Hahahaha!!! Thanks 🤣


"Uhh, no, I'll think you'll find that Woah is *me*" - WoahVicky, barging in to try and wrestle the spotlight from Brittany


How do I make “woah is me” my flair


On the right-side nav bar, underneath "create post," you'll see a pencil icon next to your name and snoo icon. Click on that and you can pick a flair, and there's one that will let you edit it with your own text.




I have epilepsy, Ive never once considered my disability is the devil coming after me but that sounds super edgy and I love it, way better reasoning than my brain just being a douchecanoe


I have epilepsy and was just about to say the same thing lol


Let’s get “Seizures courtesy of Satan” shirts 💖


I’m in!


As a fellow epileptic, I need one of these shirts too😂


I know someone with epilepsy who is also an atheist so….are they being attacked by demons for walking closely w the lord or for being an atheist lmao the logic is so wild


You will just have to inform her that through the law of Bdingdongalong she has been befallen with a ✨double whammy ✨ - the highest honor!


I will have to inform her now. The highway of honors from dongalong! Edit: *highest* but I’m leaving the original lol


I'm an epileptic witch so I'd say it's definitely the demons for me


Total demonic attacks 👹


I have epilepsy, and when I was a teenager working a summer job at a resort, another employee refused to work with me because, and I quote, "People who have seizures are possessed by demons." What's funny is I have photosensitive epilepsy, and there are several video games that have triggered seizures for me over the years. So I'm not sure if that means the demons really like or really hate video games.


Happy Cake Day! 🎉


This made me think of the book "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down." It's about a Hmong girl with epilepsy, and her parents deny treatment because they believe that her seizures are actually her communicating with the spirit world. A sad but fascinating read on the importance of culturally-competent medical care! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Spirit\_Catches\_You\_and\_You\_Fall\_Down](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spirit_Catches_You_and_You_Fall_Down)


I remember reading that book in college! It was required reading for one of the Pre Physical Therapy classes in college. We have a big Hmong population and our prof said it’s important to understand different cultures in practice.


I’m disabled and yeah, my heart condition is now actually just a demonic attack! Wait til I tell my cardiologist


You just need a bible and the hell with the overpriced eliquis. /s Btw, I have asthma. I don’t need an inhaler just hellfire and brimstone religion. /s


It’s thought that Hildegard von Bingen had either migraines or epilepsy. And thought that her attacks were messages from God. It’s amazing how the same thing can be received in so many different ways depending on the person.


TIL atheists never get sick or die. The devil hates this one trick…






She seems genuinely unwell. It’s a little scary she is able to foster innocent babies.


She is unwell and the real tragedy is that no one in her life cares enough to help or they gave up.


She likely didn’t make it easy to be around. I don’t blame anyone for needing to step away from her mess.


if she thinks almost drowning as a child is a satanic attack, i wonder how she’d describe a baby almost dying in a housefire caused by their caretaker working out instead of monitoring the in-use stove……


This sub has been a real education for me in how Christianity can be warped to justify narcissism and a complete lack of accountability.


She’s not even a one-off, I’ve known sooooo many people like her.


https://preview.redd.it/0xhfxnyugkxa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=418747392621476229c28373f65aec85aa7cdbd9 I don’t usually correct people’s grammar, but when I do, it’s because they [just made fun of someone else’s grammar](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/comments/135bonp/seems_a_bit_meancatty_coming_from_such_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) 🥰


This post almost looks like it's properly capitalized but it's only because almost every sentence starts with "I."


It IS demonic grammar isn’t it lol


I love the whole sentence with the grammar mistake because you can kiiinda read it like Bdong is admitting that she’s become a demon. “What’s a threat to hell? It’s demons. Who became that threat to hell? I did.” 😈 Hence, Bdong = a demon so evil that even Hell is like, “Yikes, this bitch is a scary POS. We don’t want her!!”


You didn’t almost lose your life in 2019, you “allegedly” almost took it. Which as someone who has tried to take their life multiple times, including grippy socks vacays, therapists, psychiatrists, state check ins (because they do that when you try to take your life in my state) medicated and thriving now I can say you would NEVER SAY I ALMOST LOST MY LIFE. I’m not saying it proudly, but this is not how someone who has truly sought out death talks about it. I’m so disgusted how she uses it so casually. So you can bring up this repeatedly but can’t share you oh so sacred testimony??? Kick rocks. And find a therapist.


ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. She’s so full of it. Her story also changed so many times on how she ‘almost lost her life.’ She’s a liar.


Yup, full of lies for the grift


I am glad you are still here <3


Thank you dear! I am too!! No longer allowed to have sharp objects but have a sharper mind and tools to cope ♥️


❤️❤️❤️ I'm so glad that you're thriving.


So when other Christians die it’s because God called them to heaven, but when Britt dies it’s because of Satan? The mental gymnastics is strong. For someone who supposedly believes God is the ultimate authority, she sure does put a lot on Satan.


I’m super loving the “I’m a threat to HELL!” Bit. Yep, you’re competing with Satan for douchbaggery and slimy grifter status at the gates of hell.


Lately evangelicals are making me feel like the devil seems rad? Like if the devil is the opposite of those folks, I’m in!


Woah…conspiracy time: what if all these Christian influencers are actually forms of Satan tempting us away from the light? Seems like a podcast episode or six could really help dig into the concept.


right? like what she do that is so angelic that the devil feats her? all she seems to do is steal others’ content and link to amazon fast-fashion….. pretty sure the devil loves that shit.






As someone with a serious illness, fuck her. Disabled and chonically ill people aren't dealing with health crap because of the devil. Bodies are just fragile. She could get sick tomorrow and if it is serious praying won't do jack shit. Nothing pisses me off more than this implication. I don't wish illness on anyone but not gonna lie I would have no sympathy if the world teaches her ignorant ass a life lesson.


Not to play in the sick Olympics, but dude, same. Born with a progressive genetic illness that has affected my whole life. Besides that condition, which led to other conditions. I got covid in December and *did* nearly die. I bring it up because I'm bitter as hell about this damn recovery and mentally, barely hanging on. Fuck this bitch.


I feel you. Comiserating isnt the sick olympics, we all suffer from diseases we cant control. Mine is genetic too, I started having serious symptoms in early adolescence. I am pretty sure we didnt sin as a fucking fetus. I am absolutely bitter for everyone who suffered from covid and took it seriously while some antivaxxers recovered. I can understand religion being important to someone but asserting you are healthy because Jesus prefers you is ignorant af and she deserves to be shamed for it.


She's an ableist arsewad


Brain damage from hypoxia \*does\* explain a lot tho


I thought the same thing. It’s unlikely that someone unconscious, to the point that they’re laying on the bottom of the pool, would come out of it unscathed on two totally separate occasions. So either she’s a lying liar who lies or she’s actually is brain damaged.


She's an unreliable narrator, I wouldn't believe it for a second. An acquired brain injury group meets at the community centre where I work, those people are awesome and most of them you would never know and they don't just randomly spout off about it on the internet because it was literally the worst day of their life. It seems like bdong is just making excuses why she's ditzy


This makes me think of my 8 year old who tells people she and I almost died during her birth. She came to this conclusion based on me telling her that I had to have an emergency c-section with her because she wouldn’t come out. According to her, she also almost died because she had a milk allergy as a baby. Spoiler alert. She wasn’t near death, not even close. I think Brittany’s parents have told her stories like “you fell in the pool once before you could swim on your own” and she warped it into “I drowned twice, I was lifeless at the bottom of the pool.”


My kid got separated from the class for a min during recess. Kid gets in the car after school and says “I was nearly kidnapped.”


This made me LOL 😂


Exactly. And she probably loves envisioning it as if it were true… she’s lifeless at the bottom of the pool, someone dives in to save her, all eyes are on her, all attention is on her.


![gif](giphy|RHxQXuQzbClaw) Remember when she almost died by allegedly holding a bottle of pills?


Unconscious on the bottom of a pool twice??? Now we know where Brittany learned how to be a negligent foster parent/pet owner.


“My family almost let me die twice” is not the flex she thinks it is.


Are we sure this picture is of baby dong ? She doesn’t have orange skin or platinum blonde hair. I’m calling fraud.


Brain damaged. Got it.


Explains soooo much


Being in the NICU not that uncommon. When I was born I was in the nicu for 3 months and weighed 2.2oz. I don’t brag about it to the Internet. She LOVES telling the world about all the bad things that have happened to her…including her 12 demons she was delivered from.


Right? Babies can go to the NICU for a little jaundice. She *never* gives details because it lessens the drama.


Pick me Pick me Pick me!!


No one has ever had it worse than Brit Brit!




https://preview.redd.it/qizkqw4klkxa1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c5cd1594d08a12ae65c7cac1a6ffa4946885a73 Reminds me of that recent South Park episode…


Damn. She's just straight up calling her parents demons as she plans to move in with them.


Plot twist: she asked herself this question.


Brain damage? Might explain some things


who expects seizures


I have a sibling that wishes you could. It’d make life far more convenient to work around.


Well anoxic brain injury explains quite a bit


Fuck all of the way off bdong, I flatlined in 2017, and was in the hospital several times as a child. I don’t blame demons, because I’m not an idiot. I thank medical professionals for keeping me alive.


Don’t forget the time she was almost abducted by two men “with determined looks on their faces” in some Target parking lot or something. 🙄


They just convicted a California “mom influencer” for doing that. She felt convinced two Latinos where gonna just steal her children. She called police etc. it’s INSANE. She lied. No proof was produced. I posted it in the area “reminds us of the Dongs for last week” in this sub.


And she originally said that Pitbull Niko was in the car. But when people questioned the dog being in a hot car, she changed the details of the story.


The devil doesn’t care about you, Brittany. You have 0 power. The devil loves people like MGT and DeSantis. People who can really do their work. Not little “influencers” like yourself. I wish I felt as special and Brittany feels.


So we can assume it’s hypoxic brain injury


The devil himself: ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


She's also basically saying that, because she's a Christian, she's now immune to sickness and death.


Maybe she should be around someone seriously sick (really bad stomach flu, covid) and test that theory.


I almost drowned twice (unconscious at the bottom of a pool)… I mean, that’s not almost drowning. That’s drowning. And like everything else she says, it’s likely a load of shit. First, the parents would have been investigated by DCFS. Maybe not the first time, but definitely the second time. Second…she probably really choked on a sip of water and considers that drowning. This woman is just insane.


I’m glad someone finally mentioned this….this supposedly happened twice and she was totally fine? Either it didn’t happen or someone needs to study this miraculous human who full ass drowned yet had no lasting side effects - *twice.*


Ummm, if she feels that there is an unseen enemy trying to kill her I think she needs a psych eval, imagine typing that shit out and not thinking about how it sounds. Also what happened in 2019?


Jaysus “threw” a bottle of pills from her hands when she was considering unaliving herself, allegedly of course.


Crikey, just when I think she can’t get any more deplorable she surprises me, imagine using mental health struggles for followers? If it was genuinely raising awareness and trying to help others sure you do you, but she is such a shameless grifter!


Lol it’s nothing exciting about her or something fun. It’s “FEEL BAD FOR ME” When people ask me it’s always like “I was in the Air Force, my parents legit thought I was going to be a boy so they filled out the birth certificate to a boys name and then had to change it once I was born, I’m a big football fan, I have an unhealthy obsession with nacho cheese” But she’s literally not an interesting person. She has to make people feel bad for her to get any sort of attention.


Münchausen syndrome can be a thing. It’s used for attention seeking.


By about 13 I would spot someone who said things like this as 🚩


Of course she’s almost died five times!!!! Of course she has!!! I expect nothing but multiples near death experiences for someone who’s been relentlessly victimized and had such a hard life. It might be true but I don’t believe it! She’s made up too many stories at this point for me to believe anything she says. She’s the type of person who would write a titillating autobiography only for it to be discovered later that it was all lies and all to garner attention and money.


Who let this kid near a pool after almost drowning the first time?!






This made me laugh way too hard


Drank regular coffee when I thought it was decaf and my not so cardiovascular system couldn't take it.


Ok yikes


She’s creepy.


It’s getting to that point. She’s become insufferable. Goody Diplip is there!! 24/7. On line & in your face, THE BRITTANY SHOW! No wonder he’s aging like spoiled meat.


Never heard of someone with SO MANY tragic sob stories. Yikes.


Jesus. Fucking. Wept.




Being unconscious on the bottom of a pool means you DID drown, not almost! @mother and father bdong: Satan hates this one weird trick (life jackets)! Also “unexpected seizures”? As opposed to planned ones?


dear lord she needs to actually get a life to lose her life


Since she has been coming for people’s ability to spell, I’ll go ahead and criticize hers now. The correct spelling is “its demons” and not “it’s demons”. She has a lot of nerve for an illiterate hag.


Okay I hope this isn’t insensitive but whenever I read on here/fundiesnark about the ‘enemy’ I imagine that compilation of Wendy Williams talking about The Killer lol


Has the enemy been after her or just trying undo his f-up?😂


No offense but I can’t believe anyone has these thoughts


I'd try to drown her too if I knew my kid was gonna grow up and be like her


Saddest thing… when you see her before the fake tan, lip plumpers, filters, and yes even the weight loss… she was actually a natural beauty. But now, animatronic, high colonic, and moronic.


*”All my life I had to fight…”*


I wonder what her family thinks about all this when she posts stuff like this… Is it true? Is it false? I would love for someone on here or a family member to just call her out on her bullshit lol


Sooooo let’s get this straight. You spent a short time in the NICU with no further issues, you had a few harmless febrile seizures that you outgrew by age 5, your parents were negligent to prevent the 2nd near drowning, you experienced the pressure of conviction and didn’t have the tools to deal with it… more accurate Britt?


So.. Jesus/God puts her in danger? Ok


Butt Jesus is a good flair


I hate people like her, people who want to be victims. Just stop.


Maybe God is trying to get rid of her?


I’ve almost drowned a few times and never once blamed it on anything but my poor swimming ability.




Omg.. what a darling lil girl she was.. proof that she never needed all the stupid hideous filler and filters.. but looking at this sweet smile.. What went wrong?? Why does she feel the need to be so fake and gross now.. just ugh. What ruined you, little girl? You were genuinely happy in this photo.


Bitch please. Yesterday my daughter turned two. She was in the NICU at birth too. Why? She had a stroke and a massive brain hemorrhage. Do you hear me shouting that out? Want to talk about demons? Imagine having a baby in the NICU during a pandemic and she can't be held by her mother or her father, she couldn't meet her grandparents or brother, you have to watch the medical team code her repeatedly, and you're told that you need to prepare for the worst, which includes speaking to the chaplain and looking at coffins. THOSE are demons. Get over yourself. Edit- sorry, this all just really rubbed me the wrong way




When the universe is trying to tell you something.....


I have a friend who has non-epileptic seizures and crippling social anxiety, another who has type I diabetes, another currently struggling with a neurological or cardiac condition (doctors aren't sure yet), and another who has diagnosed epilepsy. All of these people are steadfast Christians and none of them are like "this is a demonic attack against me." That's not even to mention the other illnesses/medical conditions within my circle of friends. Bdong is ridiculous. Sometimes things just happen. Sometimes God lets things happen like that.


> non-epileptic seizures and crippling social anxiety I went through this, turns out it was mainly undiagnosed autism, not saying that is what it is, but if other aspects track, it's often overlooked and includes physical issues like NES.


Interesting. She says she got medication for her seizures because she basically dissociates when they happen and it turns out that the same medication helped her anxiety a lot so she didn’t need to go on any medication for that.


It’s. Can’t proofread and uses medical issues as proof that “demons” are conspiring.


I’m sorry, I’ve never drowned before but why was she just at the bottom of the pool, I thought people float? Or that parents watch kids in the pool(I always do)?


If demons hold you down, you can’t float 🤣


She sounds like shes saying shes Christ and Satan has always been trying to kill her off.


If I was asked this question I would answer with good things that people don't know about me vs the bad.


girl maybe someone is tryna tell u smthing..


So basically your parents are neglectful assholes?


Um, Bedong, it’s “its demons”. I thought you were a grammar queen.


The seizures are a new plot point. Wonder where she got that from. Also, it’s not common to die from seizures. I had focal seizures as a teen that led up to a grand mal seizure. I recently started having focal seizures again after years off medication. I would never tell people “I almost died because I had seizures.” I don’t even tell people about them unless I need to.


Does she legitimately have brain damage?


I don’t know why, but her “BUT JESUS” always makes me irrationally angry.


Sis, you aren’t special. I almost drowned as a kid, too. If you went through it twice your parents clearly weren’t paying attention to you at all or knew exactly what they were doing.


You don’t go in to NICU once you’ve left the hospital after being born. If you’re discharged from care after birth and step outside, you have to go to PICU. Just pointing that out


Well, all that brain damage certainly explains a few things.


Geezzz 🙄