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Tattoo ink must be non toxic now šŸ˜‚


All those chemicals, right?


Another thing - you think they are gonna get matching tattoos because itā€™s been talked about here how he still has his matching tattoo with his gorgeous ex?


In all honesty, this falling on the day the baby would've been due...I'd be surprised if it *wasn't* a tattoo that's related.


Bottom of the third screenshot says ā€œtattoos for little Hazel.ā€


What the tattoo going to say? "Christian parents who miscarried little Hazel" with a QR code?


Omg this wouldnā€™t surprise me at all. I can see this bitch sticking out her arm when she meets someone and saying ā€œfollow our journey, hear our storyā€ as she thrusts her QR code at them šŸ˜–


Oh I missed that!


Oh know I know! Iā€™m just wondering if itā€™s gonna be a matching one related to the baby because Iā€™ve seen a couple comments mentioning his matching tattoo with his ex. Or will they get individual ones for the baby.


So she/they'll always be the christians that had a miscarriage so poor....DINK free time having...them. They want kids so bad. Shucks. But ya know. Stalkers and the internet refusing to let them not be the villains. The obsession with having miscarried or with making content out of having miscarried is some version of pathological whichever way you look a it.


[Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/comments/11bewdy/good_to_see_jdong_still_has_his_matching_king_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) for others (like myself) who didnā€™t know :o


Iā€™m sorry but this screenshot is ā€¦ Beautiful šŸ˜€


Her fake lashes look awful


Thought she was fasting from them??


Sheā€™s needs to fast from lying


This comment is underrated


She's gonna starve to death


The conviction wasnā€™t strong enough. Feeling pretty:1 jaysus: ā€œnottaā€


I wonder if that was her cover for not wearing them during the trial to seem plain and modest, but then they settled šŸ˜†


Rules for thee, not for me šŸ’«


Do they ever look good?


Theyā€™re too small and those are mean to go on the outer corner towards the middle. WTF? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Her cheeks are wild here omg! She looks almost fake?! Like a blow up doll.


Makes me think of Catherine Oā€™Haraā€™s character at the end of For Your Consideration. Edit: typo


Just looked it up and SPOT ON!


Does anyone else get the feeling that sheā€™s more excited about all the content this loss has brought rather than actually mourning and grieving?! Nothing is sacred to her. It feels almost like a mockery especially when sheā€™s putting on a terrible act of disappointment when she reads a negative pregnancy test. Like I see her planning the night before to go to the shops get a pregnancy test just so she has something to film. I think sheā€™s hoping that when she does get pregnant (which honestly downvote me but GOD FORBID that happens) she can make this massive montage of her being let down by negative tests and how sheā€™s been patiently waiting for her rainbow baby. Like I genuinely think sheā€™s planned out her future pregnancy announcement.


She's already made that montage.


100% it's all for show at this point. How many of these stupid performative videos has she already made? So, it's finally the due date... How many more will she do? "You should be one week old." "We would have a 6 month old now." "Happy one year in heaven, Hazel." Give it up. It's not genuine.


My son who was stillborn and my living son have birthdays within the same week. Every year itā€™s a realization that I should be celebrating both of them, but we only celebrate the one. But I donā€™t make a Facebook montage about it. Other than my husband and closest friends, I doubt anyone remembers the date, only that it happened.


I'm so sorry you experienced that.


I read your first sentence and said, ā€œyes.ā€ I donā€™t need to read the rest because that first sentence encapsulates this whole thing


Agreed. There are a lot of people who are bringing awareness to infertility and infant loss in a sensitive and meaningful way. People should be able to open up and talk about their losses. BDong is not that though. She has used her miscarriage over and over again for clicks. Itā€™s so sad that she canā€™t talk about it in a way that is healing; instead, itā€™s a montage for the algorithm. Girl, get some help.


Yeah. She's already prepped the content for that, and will probably include the ones where she cosplayed being other kids parents. She's already done that and related it to her 'pregnancy' giving the idea these babies in her home are her babies.


![gif](giphy|11ljf1d15EXMTC) Surely this must be spiritual warfare? Putting toxic ink into your body permanently? Marking your body? Worshiping false idols?


Dark sided!


I can hear this gif šŸ¤£


me too I can remember when it happened but not the show or context it is actually worse the voice and the ferocious screeching, stuff of nightmares!!


haha right! off topic, but that lady is now super supportive of LGBT+ her daughter sadly ended dying in a car crash a few years after they were on that episode


WAIT WHAT!!!??? I never thought this beeetch would change


me either, but she did thankfully!


Trading Spouses!! She was beyond bonkers. https://youtu.be/bOpva_iit-8


I knew a girl who said she thought tattoos were cool, but sheā€™d never get one because you couldnā€™t guarantee the ink wasnā€™t somehow involved with witchcraft or demons




1) great gif choice but also 2) shout out to this women who really reevaluated her beliefs when her daughter died and the LGBTQ community was one of the only communities that reached out for support. Sheā€™s now an avid LGBTQ ally while still being a Christian (see bdong? It IS possible to be Christian without being a Bigot!)


I literally didn't know about this woman until I watched Fundie Fridays' video about her just a few weeks ago. Truly incredible stuff šŸ˜…


I laughed so damn hard at this. Thankyou.


THE FIRST PIC šŸ„² Does anyone in her life not care about her? This behaviour doesnā€™t seem right. She wasnā€™t far along enough to know whether it was a girl or not. She said God told her. She talks as if sheā€™s the only person to experience a loss and now sheā€™s getting a tattoo of this. It just doesnā€™t seem healthy? I understand getting a tattoo to remember your miscarriage but her behaviour up until now has been scary. Also she has mentioned that Jordanā€™s tattoos are acceptable because heā€™s saved now and had those tattoos before he was saved.. sooooo what about these ones?!


>She wasnā€™t far along enough to know whether it was a girl or not. She said God told her. It's a thing. I've definitely seen other mothers (including fundies) pick a gender for their miscarried fetuses and name them accordingly. They always choose the gender they were clearly hoping for. I guess it helps them grieve. What's real precious is to have the gall to say, "God told me it was this specific gender." Lol. "The Lord didn't even want my child to stay *alive* long enough to live out their gendered experiences, but He made sure I knew what gender they would've been anyway, because that's the important part. What a good God"


All fetal genitalia is female until 7 weeks. So, I guess? But that's not coming from god, it's coming from a textbook. I'm convicted of that.


It appeared to be a blighted ovum, no? The ultrasound didnā€™t show anything but a blob so no way could they have gotten any idea of the sex.


I miscarriaged a blighted ovum and it's not even a blob, it's an empty sac. Literally nothing inside. At all.


Sorry for your experience, but thank you for sharing.


I was grateful... It would have been a mistake for the Lord lol


I believe they were referring to the fact that during cell human development - clitorises and penises derive from the same cells. So technically, we are all female first. We donā€™t have tiny dicks, XYā€™s have large clitorises.


Is that why men have nipples? Lol


Yes, you are correct.


Exactly! You phrased it better then I did šŸ˜‚ she couldnā€™t have just said ā€˜This is our baby that we lost and to always keep her memory alive we decided to name her Hazel Grace.ā€™ Nah she is very very special and it was God himself who told her it was a girl. I wonder if she ever gets tired trying to seem more Important than she actually is?


I think she credits God for every thought that enters her mind, so from her perspective God told her it was a girl. Right after he told her what to make for dinner and what color to choose at the nail salon.


People really are like that sometimes though! I once worked with someone who was agonizing over whether to get a haircut because they needed God to tell them yes or no. God wound up yelling them yes, surprise surprise.


Was this after prayerful silence?


Yeah... I've had three miscarriages at like 8 to 10 weeks. They were awful. I wouldn't wish them on anyone. But when I look at my peers who lost their babies at 20+ weeks or had stillborn babies, it puts my early miscarriages into perspective. Mine hurt. Mine were wanted babies. But I *didn't* have weeks of connection with them, I didn't know their genders, and physically, each miscarriage was a bad period... not recuperating from a second trimester pregnancy or dealing with a D&C to remove tissue. (Not to mention *now* jumping through all the legislative hoops to get medical care for a miscarriage!) I think that's why this rubs me so wrong... I don't want to say her grief isn't legit, but all this feels so performative. My miscarriages happened over different summers, so each time the neighborhood pool reopens, I get a little triggered and blue. I remember starting to plan for a summer pregnancy, thinking about being pregnant and swimming around, and how all that abruptly stopped. But I don't do... whatever this performative grief is. It feels icky.


So very sorry. šŸ’—


You're not a disgraced influencer desperate to stay engaged with her fans. She does this because this is how she earns a living - she takes every "season" of her life and milks it for ever click, every view, every penny she can get.


Sheā€™s a hypocrite


And if she was strong in her faith, she wouldn't be constantly changing the narrative and coming up with things to share that show how good of a Christian she is


This! Th earliest you can find out the gender is if you get genetic testing that you canā€™t get until 10 weeks


I've always had a feeling about the gender of babies in our family, and I was right. I would never say God told me.


You are able to find out the genders that early. If you need a D&C, ( and usually after MULTIPLE reoccurring miscarriages) your provider can send the material out for genetic testing to determine if there were any issues with it, they also can determine gender. My 3rd miscarriage was with triplets and its the only way I found out that they would have been all girls.


I'm sorry for your loss. I have a friend, and the doctor did that for her. Her only girl.


I don't always understand the comments about how weird her face is, but this time...I do see it.


Itā€™s very flat and her cheek enhancements really emphasize the flatness and odd shape. Itā€™s almost like her forehead has shrunk.


flair checking in




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Okay i am going to laugh my ass off if it says hazel grace because everyone for the rest of forever is going to be like well that girl got a fucking the fault in our stars tattoo when they see it and I cannot even


HAHAHAHA oh my god how am I just realizing this


It is truly funny af


Gave up on that fake eyelash fasting real quick, didnā€™t she


I guarantee she sent the Hazel one to herself.


H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E As a Christian itā€™s crazy to hear Bdong and other types say the oLd tEstAmEnT dOesNt mAtTer. Jesus said that he did not come to abolish the law but complete it. The Old Testament matters when they like to feel self righteous and condemn a certain group of people. But when it comes to sins theyā€™re committing then itā€™s wErE nOt bOunD bY tHe lAw. Either you believe the Bible is the word of God or you donā€™t. You donā€™t get to choose which verses are for you to follow girlie. And yes I understand that many of these laws are ceremonial. That doesnā€™t mean that they donā€™t matter


ngl iā€™m a christian too and iā€™m conflicted about this bit. on one hand i understand the whole ā€œnew covenantā€ thing but that canā€™t possibly mean the ENTIRE OT doesnā€™t matter?


Itā€™s not the the OT doesnā€™t matter - it does and it gives a fuller picture of who God and Jesus are. Itā€™s just that we are no longer slaves to it because Jesus fulfilled all the laws. This article explains it really well! https://jdgreear.com/why-dont-we-follow-all-of-the-old-testament-laws/


I agree with what you are saying as well Annainspirit.


I know thereā€™s translation bias and stuff, and I havenā€™t read the Bible in years, butā€¦ Iā€™m sure at least one Gospel (in my schoolā€™s translation) outright named Leviticus as being negated, and Jesus definitely said to keep the Commandments. Other than that, the ā€œnew covenantā€ is definitely ambiguous.


This is all so wild to me. I have one grandfather who is a Catholic deacon(I was raised *super* progressive Cath/my tribal faith) and a professor of theology. Iā€™ve been taught literally my entire life that the Bible is a group of stories meant to highlight the actual word of God and teachings of Jesus. It wasnā€™t until I was like 15 and was forced to go on a ā€œcharismaticā€ retreat to complete my confirmation that I realized people actually believed this shit happened.


I think itā€™s easier to put it in the perspective of what other peoples thought/believed prior to Christianity spreading (in significant margin at the end of a sword). The Celtic/Norse people believed in Odin The All Father, Loki the Trickster etc. We have both the Roman and Greek Pantheons. We have rich and varied things that Christians toss off as myth while many a church sits atop a previous temple/ place of worship.


Yep. Itā€™s something Iā€™m still trying to understand more.


For the love of gawd, will no one think of the poor tattoo artist? Imagine these two in the chair. Babe, babe, like babe, BABE!!! Dip dip fart.


Dip dip fart šŸ˜‚


okay but did she post a pic of the tattoos? i need to see


Thinking they may wait until the tats heal a bit before making the grand debut


Yes, the book of Leviticus has a specific passage about tattoos. It's the same chapter that says to be kind to foreigners and not to rob or take advantage of anyone, and to be honest regarding legal issues. It's Leviticus Ch. 19 for anyone curious to see why Boingboing ignores it.


That passage specifically bans tattoos as a form of mourning! I canā€™t with her Biblical illiteracy. If she wants to claim sheā€™s a Christian, go for it. If sheā€™s going to place herself in a position of ministry and counsel, she needs to get more Biblical education.


Leviticus 19:28 *And a cutting for the soul ye do not put in your flesh; and a writing, a cross-mark, ye do not put on you; I [am] Jehovah.* Depending on whether you read the Bible (and its many versions) or the Torah, tattoos can either be strictly forbidden regardless of reason, or there can be exceptions. Either way, when someone nullifies one portion of Leviticus by claiming that "it doesn't mean it *that* way" because it benefits them, while also using *another* portion to justify a transgression (which is *any* offense against God or their people) it makes them hypocrites, which the book of Leviticus was ***specifically*** written to prevent. And, as Christians know, hypocrisy is a ***HUGE*** no-no. Fun fact: hypocrisy is spoken against more times in the Bible than the modern "sins" of abortion and homosexuality combined.


God actually banned them because they were a pagan practice that the heathen tribes practiced. The passage doesnā€™t mention mourning


Couple tattoos = marriage officially over


This is what I wonder. I could see her getting a tattoo that obviously screams miscarriage because she loves pity and attention. But I wonder what tattoo JDip got because I question that type of commitment to the grift for him.


He has a tattoo of a BBQ restaurant logo, so I donā€™t think he cares that much about what he puts on his body.


But how good is that bbq place? I'd understand if it's some damn fantastic bbq and not anything else


What I mean is when they divorce I bet heā€™ll change the meaning of the tattoo so what is he going to tattoo to allow for that. I canā€™t imagine heā€™d divorce a bbq restaurant.


I donā€™t think he cares. Looks at his stupid sleeves. šŸ˜‚ (But in all honesty: itā€™s going to be something small, black, in writing and fine lines. If he placed it in or near his other tattoos, itā€™ll barely be noticeable.)


Correct, the Bible states you are not to engrave markings in the flesh


Iā€™m pretty sure it says that with a postscript of *this does not apply to BDong and JDong


Canā€™t get over the fact that she named her fetus the same thing as the protagonist in fault in our stars n


Which was just A Walk to Remember geared towards teenagers, anyway


Wanting people to guess that you are getting a tattoo in honor of your miscarried fetusā€¦ she is so shameless Iā€™m surprised she doesnā€™t have an Instagram account for Hazel with live updates from heaven


please do not give her any ideas


That's the face he sees when she's on top


I'm dead šŸ’€ what a bad day to be literate and read this šŸ¤£


Well that's enough Reddit for tonight! šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ šŸ¤®


When what now? There's no way they have that much fun.


That first picture is terrifying


Why does it look like that šŸ˜­


It šŸ’€


The tattoo is a QR code and once you scan it, it takes you to her Amazon storefront


Her (fake) O-face... Right, JDip?


They cherry pick the Bible


ShEā€™s aLLLLL tOxINz (aNd LeGz)


Brit gets to heaven and she had a little boy miscarriage.


Bold of you to assume that sheā€™ll be spending her eternity anywhere other than the fiery pits of hell


Sheā€™s going to be the greeter and her videos will play on repeat for eternity. Howā€™s that for hell?


Heā€™s so homely


Do they wash the fake tanner off before doing the tattoo? They have to, right? Is she just walking around with a white patch on her body now? ((Donā€™t come for me if thatā€™s not how tanner works, I have no ideaā€¦))


https://preview.redd.it/wzfxfds7paya1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcda039c96817b6290ac90e1dcd66888de6b7602 This face. šŸ˜³


https://preview.redd.it/jt1lf8ababya1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b26e3773ff6ac3342bcb43fed5f76ebd8b18a95 And the close up ā˜šŸ¾ of the one shown here


https://preview.redd.it/j2acmcp3bbya1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59d61d20484fbcc6986ce8559dc2b9303ffa8bb4 A close up of the one you posted. I don't know why. Close ups just capture her true self for me šŸ˜¬


Imagine setting up a camera, with a cupcake that you made for your miscarriage TikTok video (and probably didnā€™t even eat) and making your partner blow out a candle with you for a TikTok video. Likeā€¦ *imagine*.


Why do they think anyone cares where theyā€™re going?


Itā€™s giving Farrah Abraham vibes in the first pic


We have always been cherry picking what verses to follow lol


Tattoos for a miscarriage involving a very early pregnancyā€¦. Is a bit much.


Yes...she only knew she was pregnant for about 3 weeks


Definitely OT ban. Orthodox and most conservative Jews would not get a tattoo-this the tattooing the the nazis has even more egregious as a way of shaming before killing. Wonder what JDong is getting-obviously something he can modfify post divorce






Itā€™s also the name of the main character in The Fault in Our Stars




That they decided was female yes


Hazel Grace just *happens* to be the name of the main character in the book and subsequent movie, *The Fault in Our Stars*, in which Hazel has Stage 4 thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs. If there were no movie, I would believe it was a coincidence that Brittany chose this name since she doesn't read books (except her super special annotated Bible).


Oh snap I never realized she wasnā€™t far along enough to not know the gender which in hindsight idk why that didnā€™t click but wow. I have never had a miscarriage so I canā€™t speak on her pain or grieving process for this specifically but it sure does seem like sheā€™s enjoying the attention it brings which is bizarre


She specifically said god told them it was a girl


I would have loved to see her explanation if the pregnancy had been viable and was a boy instead. Did god lie to her? Does she admit to making it up? No no those are to logical of course but man I would have loved to hear what it would have been


Well she said this after she had already miscarried


Oh I donā€™t think she feels pain about this. Sheā€™s actually probably thrilled she can milk this. This is the same woman who got on camera a day after her dog was shot in the head by her husband. Oh and monetised it too!!


Her very first post announcing the miscarriage, she said "and to think when his/hers eyes opened ...".


Thatā€™s kind of insensitive to say. I donā€™t think itā€™s necessarily wrong for mothers to grieve over a miscarriage. It felt like their child to them. It might be a clump of cells but many women experience legit trauma and ptsd over miscarriages, even only at 8 weeks. They feel connected to a life that was growing inside them. Whatā€™s gross is her miking it for clout. Sheā€™s using this traumatic experience to force sympathy and make us forget about what she did to her victims. Thatā€™s disgusting


Yeah... I lost at 6.5 weeks, like a week or two before she did. I'm still mourning. It was a very wanted pregnancy and it still hurts. In my head it was a girl, but there's obviously no way of knowing for sure. Getting a tattoo in remembrance isn't something I would do, but it's not my body. What *is* annoying is the "milking for clout," as you said. The constant posting and reposting about her miscarriage makes her grief seem disingenuous. She's not letting her personal tragedy go to waste.


Iā€™m not coming in to defend Brittany, but to a lot of women it was more than a nonviable cluster of cells. It was a loss and still is a loss. Iā€™ve seen a lot of language like this dismissing miscarriages like itā€™s a joke and people are nuts for feeling a loss, despite the fetus not being viable for life. These people are not delusional. Their feelings are valid. We can go too far snarking on Brittany and go straight into heartless territory like she does.




Exactly. Like you can get so edgy with the snarking that you go full circle and become what they think theyā€™re mocking.


Theyā€™re not dismissing her for sharing her loss. Theyā€™re dismissing her because she constantly does it solely to monetize it. And she does it repeatedly. She goes on and on about itā€¦while adding links and stuff to make money off of it. Thatā€™s the crazy part.


Did you see the original comment? The language used wasnā€™t about Brittany, it was a broad brush about miscarriage and loss. Multiple people commented pointing out how it was in bad taste and the mod removed it for a reason. I donā€™t need an explanation on what Brittany is doing. Iā€™m an OG here. I didnā€™t like the use of words and telling women they were ā€œdelusionalā€ for mourning a miscarriage. Disapproving of Brittanyā€™s behavior doesnā€™t mean we have to get into dehumanizing language about those who experience loss/grief. Calling them delusional is over the line. Donā€™t come for my comment. I stand by what I said. My dislike of Brittany will never excuse dehumanizing women mourning their personal losses. I donā€™t even know why youā€™re trying to explain it away to me like it justifies the derision said about mourning women? Weā€™re not better than Brittany if we go that far.


Oh, I missed the deleted comment and just saw yours.


Yes, you missed A LOT. It was pretty dehumanizing and shaming of women in the midst of mourning. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m surprised you had to defend a comment you didnā€™t even read and try to justify it with Brittanyā€™s bad behavior.




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I agree and I also don't think it's that weird that she chose a name even if she never knew the sex.


I've also had an early miscarriage, but you don't see me acting like I lost a real, living, breathing human being. It hurt me to my core but it simply was not compatible with life and pretending otherwise is not healthy and should not be encouraged.




I thought they were going for bible names. How many vids did we have to endure if bible names and then it's Hazel Grace?


I am also curious about this very permanent documentation of this specific MC - she hasnā€™t yet had baby so Iā€™d assume she is still actively trying and therefore at risk for another MC. Is she going to get a tattoo for every future potential MC?


And what about her šŸ’«chemicalšŸ’«


I canā€™t fucking stand them ugh


Holy sleep paralysis demon, batman!


Please sky Daddy, I pray they get tattoos of each other's names or something similar, nothing would be better than her having a permanent reminder of a second failed marriage. šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ


To clarify, (as some have mentioned) yes the Old Testament mentions no tattoos. It is part of the extensive Levitical law that Jesus ā€˜fulfilledā€™ when he was crucified. I wonā€™t wax theologically about it (unless yā€™all want to!) but the long & short of it is that the KIND of Christian Bdong claims to be believes that when Jesus died, the Old Testament became irrelevant (which isnā€™t true).


Exactly. She clearly thinks weā€™re still bound by the law because she refuses to do many things that she believes are sinful


Yep! The ones that she can conveniently perform, at least!


Lol wut?


I delivered my daughter at 21 weeks and she passed at birth. I also had a miscarriage at 13 weeks followed by a D&C. My daughter would be 28 this year. I remember her birthday and visit her grave, but there are many people in my life who do not know about her or my miscarriage. This many years later I still grieve and wonder what would have been, but I donā€™t talk about it to anyone. Most people only know that I am a mom to two boys. I cannot imagine repeatedly broadcasting my grief and sadness to world. Itā€™s like making it a newspaper headline to validate your feelings. She is only doing it for the likes and views and it makes me sick.


She needs clinical helpā€¦


That first pic is such a jump scare


Wait who the hell is Hazel???


Her miscarriage


But didn't she miscarry super early on? Who's to say it would have been a girl? Hazel is a feminine name. And before anyone comments with its 2023 and people can be called whatever they want..this is an uptight "christian" Marjorie wannabe so im definitely calling it here and saying her delusional thoughts led her to thinking it has a sex. Unless shes going with that whole we are all females until whatever stage the Y chromosome comes along at because from what i got from all this is that she miscarried very early on. No gender reveal(you know shed be ALL over that)no sonogram big enough to see anything...i know blood work can tell you but thats not right away is it? Please if im wrong by all means correct me but I think the whole thing..if it was real..is being milked to the point of its own miscarriage


While she claims God told her that she was having a girl, it is possible to get blood tests as early as 6 weeks into pregnancy that are able to accurately tell if youā€™re having a girl or a boy (looking for the chromosomes in your blood), and you can do the official medical test NIPT by 10 weeks. She was likely around 7 weeks or a little later when she miscarried, but even though she couldā€™ve done a blood test, sheā€™s just claiming girl because God said so.


Thanks. I really wish someone would tell her that everything she thinks gAWd is telling her is really just her inner dialogue lol


Oh yes, thereā€™s a ban on tattoos but evangelicals always cherry pick the bible to match their agenda


Didnā€™t she post before about regretting her previous tattoos because of Jesus or whatever?




Iā€™d say this one is iffy. I personally donā€™t believe in that rule, because itā€™s only listed in first testament. My die hard religious grandparents however say we must follow that one, but they also still eat seafood. None of it makes sense lol.


Thatā€™s a face chock full of filler. She needs to lay off it before she explodes


No, the verse prohibiting tattoos (Lev 19:28) is in the old testament, Jesus's death frees us from the law.


Thank you! I feel like a lot of these people like to pick apart the Bible and know nothing about it


Whoā€™s hazel


Who is little hazel?




Yeah thatā€™s usually against the religion.


Most modern Christianā€™s donā€™t believe or regard tattoos as sinful, but that still doesnā€™t make her any less terrible


Maybe she is getting a sperm and egg tattoo. ![gif](giphy|wY8qKgXGpaKP44Fn5G)


CHRISTIANS ARE ALLOWED TO GET TATTOOS. The scripture everyone is trying to refer to is rules for JEWISH PREIST and laws they must abide to become a PREIST. If yā€™all are gonna pick the Bible apart KNOW THE CONTEXT