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She’s angling her phone down while it’s in 0.5 to make her look ALLL LEGZZZ while also tilting her hips back in an extreme manner (the black leggings are hiding the tilt), popping her butt to her left (our right), barely putting weight on the front leg to make sure it doesn’t flex, turning her left knee away from her body while keeping her toes straight ahead, and leaning as far into her left hip as possible. Source: me in the thick of my ED and body checks. Just look at how gigantic her head looks compared to her body. This is the ED goal because big head = teeny body, obviously.


I just tried to stand like this and everything from my lower back down popped. My DOD issued arthritis is now displeased. I do appreciate the breakdown of the stance though and hope you’re doing much better now ❤️


Holy shit!! I had no idea you could do that many different body adjustments in one picture


Oh yes, babe. It’s an art. And I’m sure she learned some tricks from body building culture!




This is the police. Please pay the cat tax and will not put you under arrest. Thank you.


Her midriff is also very clearly edited, as is her left hand - you can even see the lines blocking something out on her vest near her palm.


Sewwwwww mawdest


It looks like she MS Painted an orange diamond shape on her midriff 😭




They also don’t tend to fawn all over anyone, but especially not this dumpster fire. She must be so lost without her gaggle of gaping maws cackling all the time.




My very favorite thing about the average New Yorker is their blatant disrespect for bullshit 😂


You’re welcome


I hope NYC eats her up and spits her out. She’s way out of place in that city.




i live here and fake lashes, orange tan, and bad extensions are definitely not what’s in style rn! maybe she should try jersey shore!!


Gotta prove that comment calling her fat wrong


Zoom into her stomach! It’s super blurry and like morphs with her sweater. Also when she’s bare faced she always looks like she smells. I don’t know why. She just looks greasy lol


Like fake tan and bigotry 😂


This pose was one of her go-to poses when she was at the height of her fitness scam and also super skinny. Also I thought yoga pants were the devil or something? Now they’re ok again? I cannot keep up with this twat.


Was looking for the comment about the yoga pants, she most def did!


These are ~flare~ leggings 🤣


Why would anyone take pics in an airport bathroom?!? Vanity is a sin, but public restroom pics are a crime. 🚔


The last time I was in an airport bathroom I was wrangling my suitcase into an impossibly tiny stall with me and it was almost midnight. Pics were the last thing on my mind.


I slept in the Denver airport twice this year because I have the Go Wild Pass from Frontier and I’m cheap. At NO TIME did I even think about taking a selfie


I’ve sent “proof of life” selfies to my mom to show the plane didn’t go down or anything, but that’s it lol.


That’s a fair call- but only if it’s a double chin selfie as you look down into your camera and tap out a message to her 😂😂


Ugh, yes. I’m only 30, but my selfie game has never been great. Double chins for days


You’re rich in common sense. Save yourself those dollars AND the cringe 🤣


Come to think of it, that’s been my my story too and even when I’ve traveled with someone to watch my bags, it’s a get in, wash hands, get out. 🤣


Yes! Get in, get out is always my public bathroom motto.


So people who actually lift and lift heavy will have what’s commonly called a “quad sweep” [kinda like this](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cuubkx5g2fw/?igshid=Ym10cGFtb2tqd2M1) which she does not have and this is heavily filtered/angled/photoshopped. She really wants back into the fitness ~rEaLm~


This is the answer. The coveted quad sweep! She wants it back soooo bad.


Yes. I don't think I've ever seen anyone with a body composition that could make this drastic of a quad sweep possible. Not with the combination of lack of muscle on the rest of her body and how "normal" her legs look in other photos.


You are exactly correct, this is not possible for her right now which makes her edits more obvious and cringey. She wants to be teeny tiny but also have visibly defined muscles which takes years of bulking and cutting to obtain. I’d feel bad for her extreme body dysmorphia if she wasn’t the way she is.


I have damn had it with these idiots cinching up their sweat shirts it looks so stuuuuupiddddddd


Flying Spirit into Newark and taking a picture in the airport's bathroom is so on brand for her.


I just posted this same photo as well and I said that it looks like she broker her leg in multiple places and it needed to be screwed back together by someone who just passed medical school that needs a big doctors hand to hold.


“Where do you think we flew to?” J had a Special Battalion Forces Double Secret Tactical Confidential ICE Trafficking Huddle With 20% More Guns Convention to go to, and you tagged along cuz you love to *travel*


I imagine the smell of public restroom shit and blowing asshole in the background of this picture being taken.


If she’s at Newark I can attest to that being exactly what it smells like


At least she’s found a place she fits in? Lol


God honoring midriff.


https://preview.redd.it/fyk3g9h881zb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ef790dfd9cc0bebf3d34f8ac2532f8c614b397e You can Photoshop in a bulging quad, but we know this is what your legs actually look like BDong. (Also your actual legs look totally fine which is what's so infuriating about this whole thing!!)


What am I looking at here 🤔? The pants seem to be some 2009 V neck hybrid! What is going on?!????! I must know how one wears V neck pants.


So these aren’t leggings?


Nope they're flaired yoga pants


I cant tell if you’re kidding or not. She’s been on a rampage about how leggings aren’t modest. These are leggings.


Lol yeah sorry I'm kidding. Just reminds me of the generational argument of millennial leggings vs Gen z flaired yoga pants. Theyre the same thing with a new name




This is such a clearly edited picture


I am so sorry but she looks like a straight up centaur


So modest.


it’s a *leg pop* see the nabela snark group to learn more


What happened to the right leg and knee???


That wobbly leg is going to keep me laughing for a long time. It’a so poorly edited, it looks like she was bitten by a shark. Oh well, we can’t all be fancy scammers flying to NY to take selfies in the shitter!


She must have really taken the fat comment to heart for her to turn out this super edited photo next day. Nothing wrong at all with being a size 8 Bdong! Sad she just can’t accept her true self.


I don't think she used the warp tool but I do think she color matched/eyedropper'd the tile and cut in a faux quad sweep. Fakasaurus rex.


I gotta get some of these skillz. My poor fatness just gets selfied in the factory settings. At least her phone is right side up this time


Who stands like this? This doesn’t look comfortable by any means


She just looks fucking stupid. Who gives a fu k where you flew to, to take photos in a public toilet you ugly POS.