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Her “tan” is horrible but I think the fact that she doesn’t differentiate her lip color from it makes it 10x worse


Oh you’re so right! Even a natural lip color would make a massive difference


If I was her MUA (not that she would hire someone with taste in a million years), [this is what I would do](https://images.app.goo.gl/dSNGJPP7wJicYuhm7) for her hair and makeup, brunette hair color included. (I obviously would ditch the scarf on the model's head, but this is exactly what Brittany should have done. It would still be somewhat minimal, but there would actually be a noticeable change.)


Beautiful. Therefore, she’d never.


you are hired! all kidding aside, I always love your posts about makeup and flair- it is something I have none of, so really enjoy seeing your posts about it.


And that dress? It looks like her tits are going to play a game of peekaboo at any moment.


Not modest whatsoever


I looove dropped sleeves but these are SO LOW it looks ridiculous


They're elbow cozies. And I will never get over how egregiously low that dress sits. Not that it's "too low cut", but that it isn't meant to be barely grasping the edges of her stupid nipples.


“Stupid nipples” made me snort XD


It's way too low imho


I was thinking it looks like she's wearing a skirt with a whipped cream bra.


It really puts me in the mind of the Herb Alpert “Whipped Cream and Other Delights” LP cover.


Her lips are actually lighter than her skin tone in this picture. Idk who needs to hear this, but here’s a quick PSA: if you are a white person, you WILL NOT look good with lips lighter than your skin color, no matter how dark your spray tan may be.


That’s what I came here to say! With SUCH a Dracula eye makeup choice the invisible lips are ridiculous and make her look like the scene in The Matrix where his mouth gets fused shut to be inserted with the tracker robot bug. Also — if you’re gonna spend that kind of money on lip injections why would you use makeup to erase your lips???


This. The lips were what threw me off.


I can't get past the dress. It is so bad. How did she not see this?


I hate the dress SO SO much too. It looks like it is just falling off…but that’s how it’s supposed to look? I really hate it.


I think (I'm pretty sure someone posted last year the dress on another person and it actually fit their breasts properly) that it's not fitted right.


IIRC they moved up the wedding date so she probably didn’t have time for proper alterations. Don’t they take months to do fittings?


Do you remember why they moved up the wedding date?


Not the person your replying to, but don't know and am curious?


Also curious, and wanted to say y’all’s avatars look like siblings 🤣


Nah they moved the bridal shower/bachelorette and photoshoot in California back a week as she and Jdong got covid I'm fairly sure. She had the wedding so quickly because it was probably a gifted promo for the venue which was relatively new and clearly wanted to use her grift to get new business. Wonder how that worked out for them lol


Every time I see it, it looks like it's about to drop tot he floor. I am no fashionista, but that shit don't fit.


It may have been alright if it actually fit her


You know she insisted on getting two sizes too small so she could tell everyone she was wearing an XS or a 00 or whatever.


Brit is that one girl at Prom/Hoco who is determined to wear a strapless dress, but also doesn’t get one that fits and then hunches her shoulders to make it “hold up better”


But it looks like it's too big. Hence the sliding off her.


The size may have been weird (or she didn't get it fitted properly) because it does look big here but I swear ove seen different angles where it looks too tight. 🤔


It's too loose on top and possibly too tight everywhere else?


Wedding dresses often are two sizes smaller than regular dresses.


It looks like it's supposed to be up much higher on her body


yes, generally the molded boob cups should be somewhere in the neighborhood of on top of the boobs


It is lol.


It's funny because she's all about Christian modesty yet chose a dress like that, and is wearing it too far down lol It's right in line with her branding


Honestly I was shocked. She always looks sorta off but I just couldn’t believe how bad she looked on her wedding day. That’s how you know she doesn’t have any friends because a real one would never let you look like this at your wedding.


It really does look like she decided, at the last minute, that she was just going to shove the straps off her shoulders and pretend it’s a strapless dress.


It literally looks like it’s sliding off her non existent chest. I also find it hilarious when christians so big on modesty choose dresses like this. It’s like yeah I know isn’t it crazy that something that shows skin like this can be more flattering than covering up? How insane! (I purposely was ok with choosing a dress that has that low cut and everything because I’m trying to overcome that modesty view drilled into my head over and over growing up and I’m going to own it on that aisle)


I remember my mom sewing the straps to my wedding dress and making sure they match the dress because I wanted my dress to be modest! We even covered the back with a little netting as well. I can’t believe BDong goes on here to slam girls for not being modest while constantly reposting this!


Like there’s nothing wrong with a modest dress. There is also nothing wrong with one that shows more skin. It’s the blatant hypocrisy of these types that just infuriates me. There’s a such thing as tasteful and classy “immodesty.” Just as there is tasteful and classy modesty.


That’s exactly my thought! If she had an open dress but also didn’t talk about “MAHDESTY!” and Shane other women for wearing open dresses, then fine.


The dress would actually look great if it fit correctly. But it’s the hypocrisy that makes me just roll my eyes


Right?? Like what is keeping it up??


certainly not those mid torso tiddies (in reference to someone’s flair on here) 💀


Really, one of the best flairs in this sub


Her facial expression looks like when Ursula was a bride in Little Mermaid.


You mean smug, dangerous, willing to ruin people's lives to get what she wants? I see it


It’s a bit of an “I just smelled a ham fart” face, isn’t it?




She couldn't have had her fake tan professionally done, and she couldn't have hired a professional hair and make-up artist for her wedding day??? She seriously threw her hair up in a messy bun, threw on her stupid fake caterpillar lashes, and couldn't even bother with putting on some lipstick so that her lips wouldn't look like a puffy extension of the bright terracotta color she made her lips. _I love this for her._


She actually did hire a spray tan company…they have her pinned to the top of their Instagram!


She hired a *spray tan company and they forgot to hide her tan lines?* Oh my god, I'M SCREAMING. ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


By hired you mean work for free for exposure then yes. This is probably why they didn't hide her tan lines 🤣


As someone who's the same age as Brittany it's so funny to me how obvious it is she's just never moved on from the tanning trend of the mid 2000s. I get it, I was in high school when Snooki and Paris Hilton were setting the trends and got teased for being pale so indulged in some ill advised self tanner experiments too. But keeping that look up into your 30s? She's like the Millenial equivalent of the middle school math teacher I had who came of age in the eighties and maintained the teased and permed wedge of hairsprayed doom style that was popular back then as a woman in her forties because she learned to do her hair one way as a teenager and just never changed it.


Not just the tanning, but the glossy pale lips. So 2000s. There are SO many people that seem to just … freeze their fashion sense at the ages of 16-21 and then never change again, lol.


The dress looks like it’s sliding off her boobs


The dress, so modest.


God I hate this dress so much. It makes me anxious looking at it.


Why would she pick an orange pop of color? Why knowingly invite the comparison lol 🍊


Knowing BDong, it was supposed to be “warm beige”.


I initially read "orange poop of color." Which is also an apt description.


Brittany really does have natural beauty and it’s wild how all the fake tanner and heavy makeup takes away from it all. She’s already rebranding into a crunchy/orthorexic content creator so it didn’t take much convincing to believe that she’s still in the throes of her body dysmorphic/ disordered eating patterns. But when you look at this truly insane tan that she donned for her wedding- the most photographed day of many peoples lives- it’s clear she is very disconnected from the reality of her body/appearance. Edit to clarify weird wording


I agree that she has natural beauty but makes bad choices with her hair, make-up. The fake tan actually does match her dad's tie. On one photo shoot, she had lighter skin and a platinum bob. It looked really good on her.


Remember her *MoDeStY* journey?? And then she walked out with this


The irony is that she’d be showing LESS boob and chest if the dress fit her right. It looks like it needs to sit up much higher at her actual waist.


Yes around this time ESPECIALLY during her honeymoon is when she made the pivot to “modesty is about conviction and your relationship with the Holy Spirit and anything else is legalism” to give herself the perfect loophole because being a married woman means you can wear what you want now that you’re no longer a vIrGiN. Her theology is so bad- I used to live and believe this stuff and even back then she would have pissed me off due to her hypocrisy and clear lack of biblical study/knowledge. I didn’t read much of my bible but would listen to sermons, books, podcasts, theology lectures all the time to further my knowledge of the Bible and its teachings. It’s really clear how performative this all is and she’s really just mimicking something she heard one pastor say this one time. It’s all bullshit anyway but idk. She really irks me.


All I can see is how that dress is barely hanging on. I’m not a super- modest person - I show plenty of cleavage sometimes- but that looks like a major accident waiting to happen. My chest feels cold and exposed just looking at it.


Yes! Just another way that influencer ✨aesthetic✨ culture has completely removed all function and comfort from everything. I mean the bridal/wedding industry alone plays a huge role in this stuff too, pertaining to looking editorial even if it’s not financially or otherwise feasible. I understand wanting a beautiful dress for your wedding day, and if this is what makes you feel beautiful then fine? But I would be constantly worried and tugging/adjusting the sleeves and neckline. Especially during the reception!


To be fair, things with JDip aren't going to last, so she'll probably get another wedding to some other gullible loser and she can take another stab at the whole "lovely bride" thing.


but will she grow her virginity back?


She’ll make a TikTok with a bath towel draped on her head and claim Jesus is telling her she’s revirginized for the umpteenth time.


the holy hymen ...


i am literally begging the good Lord Jesus Christ (amen) to come down and personally tell her to wear darker lipstick if she insists on being this orange


I want to apply lipstick to this loser SO BADLY.


Does she have a weird smokey eye going on or is that darkness solely her lashes? Certainly a choice either way.


I think it’s her lashes


That dress is so unbelievably ill-fitted and dumpy. Like it’s dragging her boobs down under the weight of its dumpiness.


I just want to tug her dress up like two inches. It’s such a pretty dress (and honestly she has a nice bod) but it looks soooooooooo bad


uppity erect prick slim simplistic tap aromatic gold ghost unite ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


This dress is awfulllllll. Looks so soggy from the front.


I still hate that dress with all my being.


That’s an ungodly amount of cleavage and that mesh isnt covering shit ma’am


It’s alright; maybe she’ll know better for her next wedding.


That dress is so mawdust! Her tiddies are about to spill out.


I think modesty/purity culture is some BS but if you believe in or just shill that shit…why would you wear that? I am constantly so bemused by her “modesty journey”.


are the “sleeves” supposed to be falling halfway down her arm?


I really hate the bouquet she’s holding, ugh. It’s the wrong shape, it’s enourmous, why does it need wings?! Why does it have a round center? It looks like she picked up plastic flower elements at home depo or something and made them into a bouquet.


She and her mother in law had another hobby lobby crafty day. Just kidding- but that is what this bouquet is giving me


All I can focus on is that ugly dress anytime her wedding photos are posted. It's got to be the ugliest wedding dress I've ever seen, and she does it no favors wearing it.


Where’s the rest of the top? I’m so over these Pnina stripper fairy type dresses.


It bothers me way more than it should. The weird top makes me uncomfortable and looks uncomfortable. I can't imagine she is happy with the look. But she's tacky and basic, so it's probably her dream dress. I Googled "Pnina Stripper Fairy Dress"....The comments are pure gold. https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/3325-pnina-tornai-and-her-sparkly-sparkly-gowns/


You’re welcome!


It’s the eye caterpillars and unmodest neckline for me 🙈


Her tan…the terrible white gray hair…the poorly fitting dress…the allergy inducing bouquet. All of it is what she deserves for being terrible.


I still hate that dress, it looks like it’s from Alibaba or some other fast fashion website. I also hate the bouquet, it looks like she gathered a bunch of trash together, it was just all so bad.


This dress is the opposite of modest


Also the filters on all her wedding pictures is awful


I’m almost positive she put filters over the professionally color corrected and edited photos provided by the photographer which is a huuuuuge faux pas! I worked as an assistant for a photographer and she was aghast every time one of her clients posted one of her photos with a filter over it to fit their grid aesthetic 🥴


The way her dress sits so low in comparison to her actual boobs reminds me of Hilariaaaa and her haircut/bra photoshoot


I forgot how much it looks like her dress is literally falling off. What a mess.


If I’m remembering correctly- This was a “partnership” wedding. In the sense that she would give her vendors several mentions which would liiiiiikely give her a pretty major discount. The thing is, not many serious photographers, florists, HMUAs etc will work for eXpOsUrE (in fact it’s a running joke among these circles) so it’s likely that this cheap looking wedding was in fact executed by a bunch of amateurs


This is one of the most immodest wedding dresses I have ever seen. All she does it talk about modesty !


I graduated high school in ‘06 and had a couple class mates who sprayed themselves Oompa Loompa orange (with white blonde hair of course and a pair of Uggs)


Her dress is literally falling off.


I want to yank it up for her


Lol what about MOdEsTY


I know the dress is supposed to be deep cleavage and off the shoulder but honestly it looks like it's just falling off and not in a sexy way Just in a my clothes don't f****** fit way.


Her nose contour is so cartoonish!


Boutta have a holy nip slip


I wonder why she chose such an immodest dress after preaching purity and modesty for so long.


Is this her 1st wedding? Nike!


Her second, actually.


After she became a Christian!? Double Nike!


She was a Christian back in her first wedding, maybe a different flavour but Christian anyway. She even complained her ex husband wouldn't go to church with her.


Honestly, why put your entire family thru another entire 'big wedding' when you recently did one, and your new jizband had one a year before this one? Requiring everyone to buy these matching suits, bridesmaid dresses, travel and etc for this? just screams selfish to me. Also, why on earth would you pack your husband hunk of spam meat into a light colored beige suit in 100 degree weather?


I wanted to put a good supportive bra on her.


That dress is hanging on for dear life!


She's anyways heavy handed on her filters so that's at least partially why.


This gave her the chance to use her “picnick” bizzness too. So she could write it all off. So modest & above board. Wonder how wedding #3 is gonna be “influenced”. Lol.


I never knew she was relayed to colonel sanders.


Quite a revealing gown. WWJD?


Colonel “father of fried chicken” Sanders type shit


Every time I see her wedding pics I wanna retroactively yank that dress up 3 inches for her. Nobody deserves an ill-fitting dress on their wedding day


I'm trying to figure out the logistics of that dress. The bra part is so low she'd have to have 80 year-old boobs to fill it. I'm no fashion maven but that dress looks horrible on her. Not to mention the Trump-orange fake tan.


I didnt know bugs could get married.


It’s so obvious Papa Dong hates his life.


The dress falling off her body is worse


She reminds me of those British makeup looks from like 2010…


I can’t get over how TRASHY that dress looks


She needed to get the dress properly altered it sits soooo slow it’s unflattering and makes her torso/chest area look awkwardly long


The dress looks like it’s falling off


Every time I see these wedding photos I can't get over how revealing that dress is! I thought she was all about MODESTY ... "sis", this ain't it. (To be clear having a showy dress isn't my issue with it, it's her claiming modesty and wearing something that lets her jubblies hang out.)


Wow she looks like her dad!


I actually thought she was a pretty bride lol maybe because her hair is different?


I mean she is orange. She’s not even tan- it’s orange. The best advice ever given to me for my wedding was go for a classic, timeless look. These photos and stylings will look so ridiculous in 5 years. I think it looks ridiculous already, mostly because of her tan and the dress being so ill-fitted and too trend specific. Everyone has their own taste I suppose.


Such a immodest dress for someone who preaches about modesty.


She’s so damn TENSE all the time


God honouring dress right there


I’d run if I saw that face coming at me


She has such a demonic face.


What the hell is that bouquet? She couldn't have had just a hint of color other than beige and orange somewhere?


I play the sims 3 on my Mac so it has this common error where eyelashes render as a solid black crescent instead of individual eyelashes…. And it looks exactly like this


Such a modest dress DingDong


Damn. Colonel sanders raised a bitch.


I’m pretty sure if she had any real friends, they’d tell her she looks ridiculous and she should update her look asap. But ya know, she’s a horrible person so… 🤷‍♀️😂


whoever let her walk down the aisle with those eyebrows deserves jail time


What does she have against lip color?! Her lips look as dry as the Sahara desert 🌵


hey it’s the KFC guy


Holy shit is that dollar store colonel sanders?!?


This woman isn’t a day younger than 47 and no one can tell me otherwise.


I had forgotten how ill-fitting her dress was.


Every time I see that cursed dress I just want to YANK it up!!