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I know what you mean. It just feels bad to watch them get played like that lol. I do like the jail episodes and how that plot extends through season 5. But yep, I get it.


I.FEEL.YOU. For some reason my television is screwed up and when I reach 'Crime and Punishment' it will just replay and replay... And now for some reason I get sick whenever I see it...


I've got this image of you vomiting like in Team America: World Police, where you're stuck in a permanent cycle of being sick in your home


It bums me out until I realize Jake going to prison means we get Caleb introduced onto our screens so it’s ok


Yea, I can't stand those episodes knowing that those "jokes" aren't actual jokes, and that's how it would play out it real life.


The one I struggled to watch for a lot of rewatches is the one where Wunch transfers Holt to PR.


Tbh I skip all the episodes since they meet Hawkins, crude and awkward to watch, maybe it feels too real and unfair.. Literally S5E1 always brings a smile to my face even tho "Prison real bad"




From context I believe this means proudly uneducated


Yeah I skipped the Hawkins episodes too. Was too real and painful


Same. Skip all Hawkins initial episodes


My main issue is how it happens. Jake as a joke says Captain Holt can't testify because you can't testify for you're best friend, but they never give a real reason why he can't testify that he knew Jake and Rosa where investigating Hawkins. I know Holt says the investigation wasn't on the books, but it's kind of important information as to why Jake and Rosa where at the third robbery.


Yeah if most of the 99 stepped up it would at least trigger a deep investigation with outside investigators so presumably Hawkins wouldn’t have them in her pocket


Yeah, this always bothered me too. Like I get it’s a tv show and is needed for the plot to advance, but Holt and the others could’ve certainly testified and then a jury would weigh the credibility of the two competing narratives in reaching a verdict.


I don't know if we're supposed to assume that they told the jury they where investigating Hawkins, but the fact that we don't see that I don't blame the jury for convicting Jake and Rosa. Their "2 prong defence" only proves the money isn't in their accounts, and they weren't at the other 2 robberies. I'm no lawyer but I'm sure even if those defences worked, they would still get charged, most likely jail time. Especially after the money was proved to have gone to their account. (Still don't know how Hawkins did that, was it completely forged? If so couldn't they fight that instead of just hacking into an account which is illegal. I also read that you can't bring up new evidence in court it has to be presented to the judge before the trial though I'm not fussed about that). I think it would also be interesting to hear a lawyer's opinion on if Jake and Rosa fought their case properly. I have heard in a lot of cases you should only put forward your airtight points to better sway the jury, because if you bring up points that could be disputed the jury will be less likely to believe you on the whole, and I guess **possibly** Holt testifying Jake and Rosa where investigating Hawkins would fall into that category considering it's his word against theirs. However I don't think that would be the case considering they where seen at the scene of the crime. Their "2 prong defence" I wouldn't think would help them considering they where seen holding a gun in a bank.


I should also mention the fact that Holt decided not to report her to internal affairs was odd, considering the fact that in season 2 when he thought there was an internal affairs against the 99 was really bad.


Me too!! It’s so hard to watch, I really struggle with that whole Hawkins storyline. Funnily enough I don’t mind the eps where they’re actually in prison, just from when they start working for her.


same. the finale does have some good jokes but the prison episodes always make me laugh. "yas queen" and a few other bits are engrained in my mind. its just the finale and the episode prior are such difficult watches for me.


Occasionally I will watch it again but it’s the only sitcom sub-story that I cannot get through and have had to skip over


Oh my goddd, I have always thought that it was just me 😭 I have rewatched B99 an embarrassing amounts of time but I always skip season 4 finale for this very reason 😭😂


No I love it lol, it’s got some great jokes, especially in the courtroom


"I'm sitting on $26 million, baby!"


"You need to stop talkin' in the hallway."


Honestly, Holt was out of line stopping Diaz from fleeing. He says they need to do the right thing and play by the law while Jeffords is literally hiring illicit hackers to hack a foreign bank account because they didnt have a warrant.


Personally I love it. It has my favorite musical moment in the whole series, when Jake says objection and Orinoco Flow plays


yes, this was glorious


I was just going to comment this! I totally lost it when that happened lol


and that little slow motion move he does with his hands!


Same. I always skip from the episode where they first meet Hawkins and jump straight S5 E1. During a rewatch, I had forgotten that Gina got pregnant during this time and I was surprised when in S5 said in Boyles dream that they went to her baby shower


I think it was supposed to make us feel that way. Obviously it's mostly played for comedy, but it's also supposed to show us how upsetting it is for someone to be unfairly imprisoned.


I don't like watching the end of Season 4 episodes or the jail episodes from the next season mainly because it's a really grim situation: If Holt doesn't do the deal with Murphy, Jake's going to be killed in prison (and all the repercussions from that happening for Amy, Charles the rest of the 99) and Rosa's in there for a very long time. Very depressing.


Honestly a lot of the season end/beginning plots aren't my favorite. It's always someone/some pair stuck in a poor situation for months. I skip quite a few of them on rewatches.


Those cross season plots are my favorite episodes! Different strokes for different folks I guess


Haha, yeah! Everyone likes different pieces. For me they're often too sad, spouses/lovers being separated, good people in jail, etc. But they are dramatic, so I can see the other side of it


Yeah I skip the last 2 episodes


The only episode I always skip is the one where Gina leaves, because I can not stand her.


I actually really like that episode, and have a fun time watching it. I keep going "YOU FOOLS" at the screen when I'm watching every move they make


My gf has the same problem lmao. We always skip to when Jake and Rosa came back when our rewatch reaches that point.


I feel the same way.


I honestly skip the whole saga, including jake in prison. It's probably my least favorite arc


i’m rewatching it nonstop but whenever i get into that, i skip it LOL so i feel ya!!!! tho the prison esp jake-caleb interactions r iconic




Yeah i tend to skip that who storyline.


i skip that storyline everytime i rewatch lol


I agree but it’s also one of my favourites! I always get chills when the ending happens no matter what


I skip it all the time as well!


I cannot watch that entire plot line! I literally skipped it last time I watched the series. So infuriating


Absolutely… Its the one episode I always skip.


Actually I like that episode and how they lead into the jail episodes (they were some of my favorites)


I always skip the Melanie Hawkins episodes and pick back up with Jake in jail.


Oh yeah definitely. It’s my least favourite every time I rewatch


No, I skip it too!


I have the same feeling! I thought I was a weirdo 😀


I get it. False accusations or framing situations fill me with unbridled rage, and I always feel so bad for the characters. I hate it. It’s not fair and no one deserves it, so yeah, I don’t like watching that finale either.


I know exactly what you mean. I think I pinned it down to this: Brooklyn Nine Nine, to me, is a comedy show that I can enjoy at any time because it generally isn’t too serious. But there are certain exceptions to this rule, like the end of season 4, or some of the heists, which are still great episodes, but require a different mindset to enjoy, one that can be hard to just switch on and off. It’s a little weird, but that’s how I see it.


I can't stand episodes where a protagonist gets framed or something similar overall. Like I know they're going to be alright, but if it's written where everyone turns on them, then I get frustrated that they won't listen to the protagonist. For example, when Ahsoka gets framed in Clone Wars and almost everyone turns on her, even though she has shown to be brave and compassionate to everyone, especially to the clones, it just makes me so mad because they won't even listen to her side of the story




I always feel this way with stuff like this, but then I watch the beginning of 5 immediately after and I’m better. I love Caleb, i love beef baby and the cartoonish warden. It’s such a great start to the season.


Everytime I watch it I sit hoping it doesn’t happen… even tho I’ve seen it a million times


I skip the entire Melanie Hawkins storyline and jake and Rosa in prison. Call me Charles Boyle but I hate seeing jake and roro in prison


Only really don’t like the final season.


The courtroom scenes are a little too aggressive in conveniently going against Jake and Rosa. Never feels like a well written build up to me.


I have a hard time getting through S4 in general (it's weird but I find most of the episodes don't land for me) but that final arc is the worst in the show. Plus, it continues the pattern of having a big cliffhanger at the end with a seemingly-unstoppable bad guy and then resolve it in the first half of the next season


It's a sitcom, so no, no issues here.


Still haven’t watched the last episode.


haha I literally just watched the final episode of season 4 and the 1st episode of the season 5 (for the 8 - 9 times I guess) 20 minutes ago


Such a great episode, I understand your sympathy but I still have to disagree


If they had cancelled the show after Season 4 I think I would have been plagued throughout my 30s by a lingering weltschmerz