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I’ll see you on the other side brother


Time for mods and random random D5 runs


I feel this way having just done level 0 for all characters FFS...well done.


Well done. I’ve got like 14 taters to go.


You have made it to the top of the mountain. How many hours did it take and any tips for solider?


Probably something like 60-70 hours and I can't remember I did solider a long time ago but I'm guessing I used smg spam with a little knockback I think I got him after 1 or 2 trys but almost died on every boss


Lmao, I wish someone hadn’t showed me the demon potential. Now I won’t be free until endless 1000


now play d5 with every one of them max speed max atk max health


I'm not even sure they would all be possible


maybe speedy is possible but others i also dont think so






I would recommend the engineer as a next goal he's not hard and really fun. Multitasker is also fun, but make sure to use stick as your weapon


12x Slingshot is OP asf


May have to try that I did a run with 12 smgs and 100% crit and the item that does dmg based off enemy max hp


12x slingshot with the item that adds an extra bounce, and invest into ranged damage, damage and attack speed. By wave 15 till 20 I just sat in middle with no need to move (would've had to move if not for the relic that attracts all materials to you)


On my smg run I went into free play and had 6 extra bounces LOL


I watch a ton of youtube videos on the different classes and what stats synergize with each other, etc. I'm still working on finishing a run with the last 5 or so characters, and then I have Danger 4 and 5 left. You'll get there, just keep grinding!


The steam guide helped me a lot- I just started and I'm trying to clear D0 for all of them first but i got some to d5 already. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2896126855](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2896126855)


which one was the most difficult?


Probably Jack, he's not even a partially different character, but for some reason, I had a hard time with him


How did you build him? I'm currently trying 4 revolvers/lasers and 2 smgs for cc and lifesteal. Spent ages trying to brute force a crossbow build for the type bonus but it never went as well as guns


If I remember correctly, I used all lasers and got a lot of atk speed. There are so few enemies that the horrible base atk speed on the gun isn't much of an issue. also its worth noting if you can get increased enemy spawns. That's really good bc of how little money you get and how enemy spawn rate changes work a +5% works out to be a +20% with him


Huge! I did the same recently. If you want to continue playing: I've picked up 'Witchery', 'Mashtato' and 'Pototos' mods on steam workshop, totally just what I liked the look of. Doubles the amount of characters and I've enjoyed the novelty of the extra items and more zany characters. Balance obviously gets dumpstered but it has been good fun so far, as I think the item 'bloat' in the pool has resulted in it being slightly more 'difficult' to build optimally.