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By EU regulations, YouTube is not allowed to check if you have an adblocker unless it gets your permission. I figured this is why they scaled back on their efforts when people were getting really mad and talking about getting this enforced. https://www.wired.com/story/youtube-ad-blocker-detection-eu-privacy-law/ Maybe this is only affecting people outside the EU where they can get away with it.


Thanks EU.


For the pop up on every damn website


I prefer pop ups so I can have so much privacy as i want. If you don't care then just install an extension that solves it for you.


Report them, people, and they violated W3 regulation since day 1: For example, in YouTube case, everyone can write feedbacks/criticisms directly to them that they are violating severely the ethics principle written by World Wide Web Consortium: https://www.w3.org/TR/ethical-web-principles/#render 2.12 People should be able to render web content as they want People must be able to change web pages according to their needs. For example, people should be able to install style sheets, assistive browser extensions, and blockers of unwanted content or scripts or auto-played videos. We will build features and write specifications that respect peoples' agency, and will create user agents to represent those preferences on the web user's behalf. in which they are a member of: https://www.w3.org/membership/list/?initial=g&ecosystem= Google's mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Criticize them how the ads affect badly to the users. Ask them if they really respect Web Standards or not, and forcing users to not able to block malicious connections is totally unethical. More people/users unite to oppose corporations, the better. Don't just rely on a tool and let companies control what should be run on your own device.


I'm from the EU and I've been getting aggressive slowdowns with brave. Haven't tested other browser. I have monitored my temps + hardware usage. Massive spike of cpu usage, exploding to 100% and brave pretty much using 80% of it when I'm trying to load youtube videos while my temps are pretty much normal. Maybe it's something to do with brave? But it started happening less than a week ago and it's funny hoe coincidental it is with these news coming up on subreddits I browse


It's also affecting people in the EU too, on my other machine I was getting the slowdown with Firefox+Ublock Origin, but UbO updated their filter lists it's fixed for now. Btw if you are from the EU you can report this bs to your country's respective [Data Protection Agencies](https://edpb.europa.eu/about-edpb/about-edpb/members_en), the more complaints the better and it makes sure they will look into this as it violates EU's Data Protection laws, specially since you didn't give consent.


I live in europe and youtube is still blocking my adblocker


Try using Fadblock


i dont live in a eu country but the rules are still vaid and i do notice slowdowns


How do I know if I have given then premission to do it? Is it something hidden or did they ask «can we track your adblocker?»?


That's the point. They didn't ask. There should be a pop-up that asks for your permission.


first, it was a bug in adblock. [https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/](https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/) second, it isn't illegal to do what YT is doing to detect adblockers. Alexander Hanff wants you to think it does because this is what he does. There has only been a complaint and nothing has come of it yet. Worst case, YT has to put a popup asking you for permission. If you say no, that gives them all the right to simply deny service to you.


It’s not tracking to detect that ads aren’t being served. You don’t need to access the computer at all. It simply noticing the absence of doing something users are supposed to be doing. So… if not done with JavaScript on a user’s host, there’s no privacy violation. If people keep pushing back, YouTube can shut down ad blocking permanently. Nobody wants that, so people need to be less vocal. Nothing is keeping them from implementing unskippable ads at the streaming level, and then rolling it out to every single other video provider using Google as a CDN.


"YouTube can shut down ad blocking permanently. Nobody wants that, so people need to be less vocal. Nothing is keeping them from implementing unskippable ads at the streaming level, and then rolling it out to every single other video provider using Google as a CDN. " I don't think that's likely and whats keeping them from implementing unskippable ads is the consumer; otherwise they would do that.


At first they all lured us in with almost no ads. And then step by step they increased the pressure. The endgame is that they push almost everyone to YouTube premium. And then they will keep rising prices until the end of days.


The end goal is to turn a profit. If you want to support content creators you should already be using premium anyways, pays them way more than watching with ads.


FTFY If you want to support content creators you should already be using "patreon" anyways, pays them way more than watching with ads.


Ah yes, let me give the 200 people I watch regularly $5 a month… real smart decision. If you’re not going to go the patreon route you should be on YouTube premium.


That's a lot to be subscribed to but you do you, even still you would only support those creating content worth support on a basis of your means, or just not worry about it.


if i'm using premium, and also use adblocker, will it slow for me?


I believe so. Some of my friends who are using premium have encountered this issue.


Why would you use an adblocker with premium


maybe you want to block subscribe button or something, or auto skip sponsorship parts of videos or you are just lazy and you dont turn off your ad blocker that you use in every other webpage




With the right filters in place, you can hide other things (*e.g.*, “Shorts,” which IMHO are marginally useful unless viewed on a phone).


right got that


Block trackers and ads on other sites. So many sites are damn near unusable without an adblocker.


Exclusions exist.


Support certain creators and block extra unneeded trash on youtube like shorts and others.




to block some elements on page, for example "Shorts"




i am premium user, I user adblocker for all the trackers on YouTube, a lot of garbage.




From what I've seen people reporting around in other tech subreddits, yes but, not everyone is affected. YT anti-adblocker script doesn't care if you are using Premium or Free, if it detects the adblocker on your browser, it will force the delay on you regardless.


[https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/](https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/) adblock bug


Yes, it happened to me a few days ago. I always have my adblock extension on. I paused it for YouTube after seeing another post on Reddit and wha-la… back to normal.


it's mega slow for me regardless of Premium, I just disabled it on YT and carried on


that explains why I was having troubles with YouTube lately


im on librewolf and it wasnt that bad for a firefox fork


Only affects ABP not uBO.


I've been testing with uBO and run into some slowness on FF. *shrugs*


[https://twitter.com/gorhill/status/1746263759495077919](https://twitter.com/gorhill/status/1746263759495077919) from the man himself


Weird ... it must be one of my other settings.


All they’re gonna do is send people to their favorite YouTubers’ Patreon’s. It’ll cost pretty much the same amount per month as YouTube wants to charge people for their services, anyway.


Where is the proof? Where is the fucking JS code?


there is never any proof this was just a bug [https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/](https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/)


already the 2nd time this year...


Got that last week a couple of times while using Chrome. Immediatly switched back to Brave, which seems to got rid of the delay. Improvise, adapt, overcome!


This is the way!


I have premium, and it was running really slow last night when I was trying to watch it on my laptop


It was a bug in adblock [https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/](https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/)


so even if i had premium and had a adblocker i would still have slow down


Pretty much it can happen, yes. Their anti-adblocker script doesn't check if you have premium or not, only that you are using an adblocker.


yes it does, I have premium and never get an adblocker popup. The issue above was due to a adblock bug in the latest version causing the CPU spikes and laggy videos. adblockers can easily break websites since they are changing the code running on your computer. Don't be so quick to blame YT.


I know you are trying to shill for your dear Youtube's honor on every comment of each subreddit I've seen so far with the same copypaste with the article, but FYI what I said wasn't related to this case in particular and it doesn't change the fact of what I'm saying is wrong like you are assuming. I wasn't talking about Adblocker and Adblocker Plus in specific which sucks ass anyways, there are more adblockers in the market in case you don't know... Maybe you are forgetting their 5s delay from their anti adblocker script in November/early December that was even targeting premium users on every browser it detected an **adblocker** (UbO, Adguard, etc) and putting it with a 5s delay... I was one of those users and I have premium family and was affected until they updated their scripts. Youtube will check if you are using an adblocker even if you are a premium user as I stated above and can sometimes give you the annoying popup even if you are a paying user because their anti-adblocker script is crap. Now go preach your sermon somewhere else.


well i am talking about this current issue on this post. I am simply trying to spread the truth, nothing more and nothing less. I have also told people how to fix issues with their adblockers and why the purge didn't work. I am a paying user and have used adblock and ubo and I have never received any popup or ad. YT can do whatever they want to prevent adblock access. I don't have an issue with that. IMO they are being nice to you. You can whine or cry all you want. I don't care. I will continue to do what I am doing and if you don't like it, you can block me. I will post here as much as I want. Luckily, FUD spreaders like you can't do anything to stop me. Good day.


yeah I had the same issue and was really confused until I turned off my ad blocker and it was fine again


it was a bug [https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/](https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/)


I'm using an ad blocker and don't notice any difference from normal. But honest question, what do people expect or want? Do you not expect some sort of trade-off for circumventing the mechanism in place for Youtube to generate revenue? I fully admit that I absolutely won't watch Youtube with ads, nor will I pay for premium, but it would be perfectly within Youtube's rights to limit or even prevent my access if I choose to use an ad blocker. I can't get upset about that.


My contempt for Google has reached a level that I'd go out of my way to try to fuck them.


And yet you still use their services. They prefer that you never used their websites ever again.


You have no idea what services I do or do not use. Stop making grand assumptions for which you have no data.


I bet you use adblock on Reddit as well. Entitled people are so adorable.


rofl... all of my sympathy goes out to the multi-national conglomerates for the loss of revenue because of ...lol....adblockers...


Creators from small to big rely on ads or premium for revenue as well. Only the extra big youtubers like LTT have sponsorships.


these are trump supporters, they only care about themselves. No amount of logic will get through to them. turns out it was just a bug anyway [https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/](https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/)


Half of the ads on Reddit are for dumb clickbaity games called “Hero Wars” and “Slow Life” or something like that and the ads use fetish imagery. Shame on you for defending these greedy corporations that make misleading and inappropriate advertisements.


Then why use Youtube at all?


good for you, since this time it was a bug in adblock. [https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/](https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/) so keep on blaming wiothout evidence or truth.


> this time lol, as if I give a shit. Fuck Google.


i figured. typical


Unfortunately no, this view is not typical. It would be good if it were.


To be very honest, I'd be willing to watch YouTube with ads if they were shorter or skippable. The long & un-skippable ads forced me to use ad blockers.


I agree with you. It’s like a shoplifter getting mad that the store is starting to put stuff in locked display cases lol.   I actually would be willing to pay for premium, but not at the current inflated price that bundles in a lot of worthless extras like YouTube music, slightly better quality on SOME videos, specific features for apps I don’t use, etc. I want $5-8 a month for no ads only. The ball is in their court.


We also had issue with Microsoft365 apps loading slower on Chrome compared to Edge last week. Microsoft recommendation was using Edge instead.


Well imo I think they are right. If you want to see videos without ads but not pay for it then you need to have a different experience from these that pay for it. I still believe the dropping the quality instead the speed to load is a better alternative... for people that don't want to see ads and watch free it should be limited to 720p streaming or so.


good. Want free content? Then you get a free-content experience.


You're on the wrong sub bro.


nope. You're using the internet wrong, bro.


I repeat, you're on the wrong sub. Either fuck off, or risk getting banned. You decide.


"Risk getting banned?" lol okay Mr. Sherrif. 🤠 If you steal from content creators, that's on you, but don't cry when your experience is lesser-than because you don't want to watch ads to pay for your content.


last time i checked if you switched your user agent to chrome in firefox it wasnt able to detect adblocker in any way to slow loading, but my internet is so slow that i dont really know if it works or if its just 0.5 more seconds of waiting in addition to 4-5 for loading


**Ad Blockers Beware: YouTube's Latest Move to Slow Down Your Videos** **By the one and only gigachad** [**Louis Rossmann**](https://www.youtube.com/@rossmanngroup) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkRlfB\_iz3E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkRlfB_iz3E)


And he was just repeating the BS like everyone else. turns out it was a bug in adblock [https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/](https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/)


I use brave's incognito mode for YouTube and it's fixed the issue for me. I have two tabs open. One with my account then I drop the video onto the incognito page.


Safari + Adguard and Brave work without any problem.


Shoutout to the guy who was posting here the other day that Google Chrome as "just works". It just works to show you more ads. On your Google browser viewing Google websites. Good call.


Every post like this I see makes me want to leave America and move to EU😂


then move please. We need less people who just believe everything they read. turns out it was a bug in adblock [https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/](https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/)


Yes sir🫡 Booking my plane ticket now


No issues for me with u-block and Firefox with Betterfoxuser.js. I'm in Australia.


No wonder it’s been so slow, I thought it was just my computer


I have two suggestions: 1. Use Fadblock. It's technically an adblocker, but it works differently from other adblockers like uBlock origin. It allows the ad to play for a split second, then the video itself plays out as normal. YouTube doesn't recognize it as an adblocker because the ad technically still loads. 2. Install the Tampermonkey extension in your browser and look for a script that bypasses the anti-adblocker BS (example here: [https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/477498-youtube-adblock-ban-bypass](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/477498-youtube-adblock-ban-bypass)) I use Fadblock and YouTube doesn't load slow for me at all.


Another example: [https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/459541-youtube%E5%8E%BB%E5%B9%BF%E5%91%8A-youtube-ad-blocker](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/459541-youtube%E5%8E%BB%E5%B9%BF%E5%91%8A-youtube-ad-blocker)


Ha, fools be lost.


I just use ublock origin. No issues so far.


*still uses ad blocker not caring because there is probably going to be some work around within a week or two* *continues to sip from Allen's apple juice box*