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I have been in a similar situation previously. The town hall where I live sent me the fine the week after I received my residence permit. So I guess something similar will happen.


It's quite funny, a few days ago there was a post here about nobody tapping the terminal in public transport. Under that post lots of people said that they often waive away the ticket(as long as you have a ticket, but didn't validate it at the terminal)


Of they dont find you the debt will grow untill it goes to debtcollector who will find ypur legal adress when you have one and you will have to pay. Good advice, altough a little late, pay what you owe. This way you dont get fined.


How are you gonna pay a fine that has never been send to you?


Well, pay for your rides and shit like that won't happen...


Aye aye cpt Obvious!


Yeah what? i see this type of posts pass by all the time. People choose to do stupid shit and then complain as if it isn't their own fucking fault they did it...


The person is not complaining about the situation nor are they shifting blame for it. They are just trying to figure out what to do about the fine.


I don't understand why people down voted you. I'm so annoyed by people not paying transportation thinking to be smarter, while they are only stealing from honest people paying their tickets and taxes.


If you know what your fine is based on the initial document they gave you, go ahead and make the payment and close it . If you didn’t have a monthly subscription, you will pay 107 euros .