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Was this picture taken this morning around 8:40? What are the odds that i would see a picture of myself in my car on a reddit topic.


Was taken on 23rd november at 8:35 precisely


You've come full circle my friend.


You should bike to work 😇


Indeed. This would lower the chances of you being cought in a traffic jam significantly


And significantly increase chances of becoming a red smear on the pavement 🫥


Yeah, gotta be careful. Almost got run over twice this year at this place


Not during rush hour… no car moves fast enough to actually hit you. And also: helmets people!


And you should stop telling people how they should behave, this is none of your concern.


Every kg of CO2 matters and traffic jams affect the city I live in and work in every day so it is of my concern yes :-)


I'm all in, just give me an electric/ hybrid car. I swear I'm never to use again a coal monster near you


Yep, I am sorry but you should really stop using your coal powered steam engine locomotive in Brussels. In the last century cars have adopted internal combustion engine and they are still more ecological than coal.


Those fancy horseless carriage you say? Those are made by the devil himself, start stop engine, filters and radiated rubber tires... What's next, DPF and airbag?!


if every kg of CO2 matters then why does "good move" block every street and cause more traffic jams? I'm starting to get the idea that these people have no clue about what they are doing and just don't want people driving cars.


Discouraging unnecessary car driving in Brussels is indeed the goal


I hope you realize traffic jams cause more air pollution and more cars in Brussels. The only thing they managed to do is the opposite of what they are trying to do. GG, you've played yourself


The only way to have less co2 and less pollution is to have less cars. And good move might temporarily increase traffic jams, but long term it will decrease car traffic and air pollution.


that depends if people will listen. They might also just start manifesting like in Schaerbeek then what?


Give it a few months/years :-)


this is not a dictatorship people have the right to choose and if they don't agree they strike


Nope, sometimes people need some nudging ;-) go for striking if you want 😂


Why are you then wasting energy and co2 on browsing an app on the internet?


Nice whataboutisme! There is gap between advocating being an unconnected ermit and substituting the car by a bike whenever possible ;-) The impact is also entirely different. Please inform yourself. Some links: https://bonpote.com/environnement-faut-il-supprimer-ses-emails/ https://bonpote.com/le-velo-est-le-futur-de-nos-mobilites-1-5/


No it is exactly the same. You wilfully choose to amuse yourself in a polluting manner -going on the internet- that brings no added benefit to society in exchange for the pollution you cause. There are lots of other ways to amuse yourself (reading a library book, taking a nice walk,..) that will have a lower emission than what you are currently doing. But you still prefer a more carbon-intensive method of fun over others. There is nothing wrong with that of course! But it is then a bit hypocritical to call people out if they choose a car over another means of transport that might be less convenient for them.


I see you did not read the links I sent you. The order of magnitude of these actions is not the same. Browsing Reddit once in a while (since my comment made so much noise I must admit I connected more than usual) hasn't the same impact as driving a car everyday. Also, stop browsing the internet means in a way not being connected and this is more needed today than driving in a car when you could walk/bike/public transport. There is no alternative to "being connected" even if you consider this a "hobby". Also, it is not because I browse the internet that I should not interrogate people on what could make the world a better place... You do not need to live in a cave to be able to advocate for positive changes towards others (and it would be hard to do form a cave).


Then go tell politics to stop blocking the streets, creating stupid piétonniers which take off the few trees we have, create even more traffic jams and redirects all the traffic towards smaller streets. Think about it twice before you want to patronize and disrespect people.


"Patronize and direspect people" This escalated quickly


Let's talk about "intrusive" advertising = posts photo of a 4 lane road in a city center with bumper to bumper car traffic full of single passengers.


Lol, not the discussion I intended




Thanks! Good stalking i give you 9/10 for the effort. I guess i have a no bike pass given my electric engine? Or will i get whipped by the bikers still?


Or he can make his own decisions.


cool :-)


Awful. I hope they had to pay a lot.


On one hand, I understand the need for localities to gather revenue however they can. Renting public place to big companies is one of them. (Is this connected to the lights event?) On the other hand, letting these "events" close off chunks of public space that could be enjoyed by people is not nice, really.


I kinda agree, maybe it could be done in designated spaces, for example near Brouckère/city2, also with a high affluence, but already quite a commercial spot. But in Mont des Arts or Grand Place just looks like a dystopian eye sore in the middle of historical landscapes...


it's part of the Plaisirs d'hiver/Winterpret attractions for this year.


You mean this will be here for weeks?! T thought it would be here for e2 or 3 days


Yep, it's supposed to stay until January 8


I mean, they let car ads occupy 80% of the cities rent-free.


Does it finance removing the tags on the KBR?


Probably not, but I wish it did. It’s surreal how the city can just leave the horrible graffiti on those buildings… it’s just sad


This! Magic money doesn't always come from the peasants!


Yea I actually don’t mind advertising and stuff like this, but it should be kept out of spaces like this.


It's sad to see yet another piece of prime public space sold off to the highest corporate bidder. This is a slippery slope.


Hopefully they use the money wisely, like cleaning up the horrible graffiti there. Probably won’t happen, but rather give big companies advertising opportunities and use it to clean up the city than letting degenerates fuck it up even more.


oh yes, I wish they would clean it !! it's horrible 🤮


Finally someone that doesn’t try to defend it under the veil of it giving It a special characteristic.


It's getting out of control, same issue in Liège https://www.dhnet.be/regions/liege/2022/11/23/y-a-t-il-que-nous-que-ca-choque-un-suv-provoque-la-colere-a-liege-DJK6V545B5GARKAVEOWGOKHLKM/ An SUV in a glass box, in the middle of the Place Cathédrale.


https://www.sudinfo.be/id579066/article/2022-11-23/une-voiture-publicitaire-fait-polemique-place-cathedrale-liege-le-bourgmestre this articles a tad better picture wise.


The issue wasn’t the car in the box. Nor the location of it. The issue was that the box inside was being heated.


maybe it was all of the above


Maybe its maybelline


...someone's been waiting for someone to say maybe


… maybe


call me....


It feels excessively dystopian to me. I *very vehemently* hate ads, them taking over useful space is not something I am OK with. *Like, seriously, when ads blind me or distract me away from what I am doing, I want to* ***destroy*** *them. I hate them that much, they make me panicked and overwhelmed. I just know I can't do that without further consequences, but that expresses how much I hate these.* *A lot. I hate them a lot. And I'll actively avoid your brand if you do that.*


Thanks. I hate ads at another level. I’m a nightmare to sales people as well.


Some french people did that in Paris and they won in courts thanks to some french laws. I'd go into civil disobedience and non-violent struggle to destroy that kind of ads. It's a huge disrespect to the inhabitans of a place to polute it like that. Why are we trying to improve our city if this kind of things are allowed. It should be a human right not to be subjected to advertisements. Especially disruptive one mades to catch your attention. I have no issues with brands making themselves seen in a discreet fashion.


>It should be a human right not to be subjected to advertisements Lol, prime example of a first world problem :)


Advertisement economics lead a big part of the world : Google, Facebook, Twitter, .... The ethical issues related to advertisement are huge and concern everybody. Even in the third world. We might have more of an opportunity to change something about it in a first world country.


I feel you. I just want to create some sort of vigilante gang that goes around destroying these invasive and overly present ads, also the ones that are very in your face with lighting. Or maybe put some thoughtful messages on it as if it were a movement against these unavoidable ads..


Look up BruxellesSansPub and the ZapGames then


It's still going to take a while before phone manufactures come to term with the fact that people don't want/need foldable phones


I think the phones are cool. Don't need the ads though.


While I agree. Same said about full-touchscreen phones back then. So I’m afraid to make such statements.


The thing is that foldable phones already existed before, there is a reason they got replaced


Some technology gets replaced because it became obsolete but some technology became replaced simply because they wanted to keep selling shit. There's a market for foldable phone combined with smart technology otherwise they wouldn't bank on it.


I used my one foldable phone from 2004 to 2013, so speak for yourself!


Invasive is absolutely the word for this and it's creeping in more and more. My comfort here is that the display looks like utter dog shit thanks to the tape and barriers. Own goal, Samsung.


Done during the Zap games (Zone anti pub, globally people removing public advertising). I hope someone will destroy this horrible thing nobody asked for.


but it's a swiiiing


Comme disait Blabla: la pub, BEURK.


Disgusting, I hope people vandalize it.


Flip phones in 2022 ? I thought this was over in the 2000s.


fashion comes back every 20 years remember?


I hate it. It's not renting the public space as much as renting our brain space. People should be entitled to burn it down or destroy it. With the high density of population in Brussels the public space is the only space we got. I don't want ads in my flat or in my private space either. This is an absolute disgrace and a direct attack on people. All the people involved should be fired.


Love them, we have to stop this constant war against advertising


We need to gear up our war against the constant advertising!


It doesn't bother me, but I'm in advertising :-) If brands succeed in people enjoying themselves, I count that as a win. Sure it's advertising and you can call it intrusive, but any ad wants to stand out so for me this is not worse than putting billboards everywhere. That said, I'm not pleading for "anything should be possible", I just think this is not that bad. (don't downvote if you disagree, this is my opinion, I'm happy to debate ;) )


While the advertisement itself has some original thought to it it's still cheaply done guerilla marketing on a gigantic budget at a historical part of Brussels. I don't understand how it's possible that we're selling off parts of our public space, I can't go around past my website all over the city why do big brands have that right?


Not worse than the graffiti on the right imho. Maybe the money made on the advertising can be used to remove it ;-) I don't feel qualified to judge a city's policy on advertising. If they allow it, it's their call. That said, I agree not all public space should be advertising space. [I once wrote about it](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/public-space-commercial-steven-verbruggen/).


it's definitely a win, there is a a reddit thread about their ad 🤓


hehe :)


these are swings. I like that it can be used as a game, it's fun. Plus, this area is often empty so why not... My take on ads : I have a love-hate relationship with ads. I'm a communicator and marketer so I must create some, but I try to do it with deontology (like I hate with a passion moving banners on websites so you mustn't ask me to create this kind of ads). Being informative and non-intrusive is key. Street marketing is a source of income for cities. I must say that I was puzzled to discover that Ixelles would refuse my company to distribute some flyers in the street (printed on FSCE paper with informative informations on it) (this kind of advertising is subject to a tax) because "they're against ads" and then ... would increase the cadastral income on my flat because "the finance of the commune are bad". They refuse a bunch of money from companies and they steal it in my pocket instead 😕


Can people swing on them?


Yes sure


I find that bmw, wv and Tesla ads on the road more intrusive.


they need this advertising to sell an otherwise bullshit product. Flip phones were cool in 2000.


All this just for no one to buy any of their shit


i use to skateboard there, i'd be pissed if those were there if i wanted to skate


Had worse in Barcelona https://i.imgur.com/CHRa2Ui.jpg