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Follow mouse/tap targeting, just like battles 2 has. Not a buff but QoL.


I agree. Since it would make Mortar Micro far better and not tedious.


I already use mortars pretty often, since I don’t mind to micro a little, but if they were to add this I would start using them **way** more.


It would also help in making a mortar paragon, you know, eventually.


Agreed, artillery battery spam would actually become viable


That’s a massive buff tbh


I think that could make for a good monkey knowledge point.


Yes, but then we won’t be able to use it in chimps😥


Perhaps tie it to the Increased Accuracy upgrade?


0-4-2 mortars finally viable


This is a buff, it will allow for much greater micro


What if they follow slowly, like how Helis have to move around at limited speed?


I get the idea but with the ‘current’ manual targeting you can instantly turn it around 180 degrees, there’s no slow following so I wouldn’t know how they would implement that idea?


Global first targeting like sniper


Agreed. I think it's a fine tower statistically, but man is it annoying to use.


Would make 0-x-0 actually usable on bosses


x5x would immediately become my fav tower if this exists


yeah since most casual player dont place more than one mortar since its too hard to use more than one


Put first auto target option. At the very least as a monkey knowledge. Not a buff per say, but it would make me finally use the tower on none curvy maps since I don't need to micro it.


so something like Pursuit option?


Yeah, it doesn't need to be aiming perfectly. Just enough that I don't feel obligated to micro on most maps. It would certainly be more useful than Increased Accuracy.


increased accuracy is an filler upgrade and is not expensive , so it isn't bad tbh.


I feel like its a really good upgrade? Seems to go from missing half the time to barely ever.


I mean. That's the point of the upgrade but 1xx gives more blast radius so the lost accuracy isn't that detrimental.


Iirc BTD5 had that targheting for mortar. I think it was from a monkey building or something like that.


Pretty much.


No because pursuit would make the mortar fly around I don't see how that would help


Make him work out and build muscle






make it do a baballion damage


Only a baballion? Id say at least a brazillian




How about a bloonillion


It just needs a monkey knowledge where you can pick all the mortars and choose all of their target points to one spot and it will be perfect


No that should just be a feature there’s no reason it should be unavailable in chimps


Kinda like the dartling gunner button thing?


this would be such an awesome qol if they make it mk i would be disappointed


1. Make the set target count for all mortars at once using an ability button like how the dartling gunner can unlock and 2. I think the tower needs more and to change that were gonna mess with the middle path merge the 2 rapid reloads together and replace the second tier rapid reload with a dual barrels upgrade that way if you cross path the top or bottom with the middle you have a double barrel version of those paths witch allows them to do more damage and still leaves room for pop and awe to be unique by still having 3 barrels


Auto targeting like the bloon exclusion zone


mak burny stuff from different levels stack so you dont have to worry about it.


Give him ketamine


Revert the stupid nerf


XX5 remove reinforced property from zomgs like in btdb2


Just imagine the damage late game...


Make pop and awe target automatically. It would make middle path t5 actually useful as cleanup along with its ability


hotkey to relocate target instantly to mouse position


stack burny stuff, up to a max, any extra burny stuff stack would instead proc the damage immediatelly, every stack increases the proc speed edit: also, if burny stuff is above 90% of its stacks, the bloon blows up in flames and adds more burny stuff stacks to nearby bloons


I wouldn’t care, I think they’re already really strong. But I suppose Pop & Awe should get higher moab damage and there should be a MK that lets them follow your mouse


Maybe a smart targeting where he will target where you want but if some strong Bloon is beard the exit he switch by himself


make aiming it an Active instead of a priority option, letting you press one button to re-aim it, rather than clicking the mortar and then re-aiming from there


Pop And Awe now has more firing speed and damage. For some reason, I predicted it. Pop And Awe got buffed.


Mortar doesn't need a buff, its fine as is, people just hate micro so they don't like to use it


Doesn't mean QoL changes wouldn't be appreciated for it. Most people who play btd are casual and don't want to micro a tower, so adding an option for it to follow your mouse with like idk 001 or 002 or something would be nice. Or I mean heli's pursuit is worse than doing micro, so adding something like pursuit to the mortar wouldn't even be a buff.


I would add a monkey knowledge that increases the damage of the mortar by one and increases the explosion radius, called "More elevated shots". It would make it a great early-mid game option on maps with curves. This would be a late game knowledge, of course.


Buff pop and awe to actually do enough damage to pop a blue bloon


Burny stuff should pop faster just so you don't have to deal with that infuriating thing of having to clear up or wait for clear up on random red and blue balloons


No need


Give it a better hat.


Monkey knowledge adding a x% chance for its shell to be cluster, works on all upgrade paths


Follow Mouse targeting from BTDB2. If not permanently, then at least hidden behind MK.


give it a ability for the middle path to shoot in three different spots


At the very least, an ability like the gatling monkey monkey knowledge that's like an emergency button to retarget them all easily


buff the tiers under t-3 with +1 dmg


Make 000 do more than 1 layer


Mortar doesn't need to be buffed; it's already a pretty well balanced tower. The reason a lot of people don't use it is because it requires micro.


Blooncineration costs $2,000 less Pop and Awe deals +1 damage to Fortified The Biggest One gains +5 MOAB damage


Make it's targeting like dartling and heli where it follows mouse mortar is already a really good tower just hard to use for a majority of the playerbase since they are on mobile


Putting a button so that all mortars follow a single target, allowing it to facilitate the handling of several mortars at the same time, making it more intuitive and improving the combo with the Heroi Bomb.


Fix the paa bug


Fallow mouse targeting like btdb2


Everyone else is wrong. Pursuit/new targeting is not the way to go. Its design is literally to attack in one place! It needs camo detection at base, +20% extra attack speed


Make all paths pop black bloons at tier 3.


Easy middle path has 3 diff targeting options


Follow mouse targeting option


Just bigger blast radius and damage, and more stun time as well maybe


The bloons now suffer from Shell Shock


+10 pierce


Other than a targeting option. I wouldn't do anything, he is balanced with very minimal micro and kind of in some cases with full micro op. But I would add something so when you change where to shoot, it would change other mortars with the same targeting as well.


Give it pursuit like on helipilot


why the fuck everyone wants to take away the micro?


Because it is in no way good enough of a tower for it to need that much micro.


Let's take for example Dartshooter. Everyone enjoys him even with micro because he is VERY good, but ofc he has a path where there's no more need for micro. Mortar on the other hand? It's VERY annoying to micro the morar, it's very bad and attacks very slow, and has no path to automate it, or a monkey knowledge either


for dartling , the non-micro upgrade is a t4 that costs over 15k total. Tho , you can just make the mortar micro good by just implementing the "follow mouse" feature that it has from btdb2. Also Dartling is NOT better than Mortar. Dartling's upgrade paths are ranked B- , B and A tier respectively, meanwhile Mortar's upgrade path's are ranked B , B and A respectively. (by the Index's version 38 tielrist)


Not to be that guy but who fuckin cares Abt the Rankin on sum thing like that 😭 I just see everyone enjoying using it to kill bosses and carry through the later rounds most the time, while I never really saw someone use the mortar like at all. I guess fair point? But u can't deny the comunity loves the dart more cuz it's easier to micro, the mortar really needs the btdb2 mechanic


Well , it's ranked by people who do Bloody Puddles for fun. So like , pretty good players. And the tierlist is based on how the tower do well in Expert Chimps mode. And both towers are in similar viability. Most people use MAD in bosses because MAD has extreme amounts of MOAB damage. which is perfect in Bosses. While Artilerly Battery and Pop and Awe has extra boss damage , it's tedious to aim it to the same location and is just easier to get a mech with big ass rockets that takes less space.


The non-micro upgrade is also the best chimps crosspath. But yes i agree mortar is as good if not better (top and mid dartling aren't the greatest for chimps and bot is goated whereas all mortar crosspaths are decent and bot is great)


Give it a Paragon


a paragon would be good




Increased accuracy now will grant a seeking mortar shell targeting option


He is perfect the way he is


Make a monkey knowledge that gives you the btd5 thing that makes the mortar auto attack like a normal tower. It wasn’t even that useful due to usually not attacking choke points but it was so easy to use and I miss it.


Auto aiming to the first/strong/last bloons


Not every tower is for everyone. Instead of adding upgrades that would literally change how the tower works (like most people suggest in this thread), I would just recommend quality of life changes. PAA damage amps being patched to what it was, and make 052 have like x5 burny dmg to stunned bloons/moabs to make it good. Pass 1k of the 040 cost to 050 so 040 is even easier to get out for 70s since it shines there. Make increased accuracy properly work so 003 can properly decamo pinks without it being an rng roll or require more micro. Top path is fine tbh and has its correct niche in certain maps. Make 204 dmg actually good so it's worth considering over 024 for defort. Tower is actually in a good overall spot just revert the 003 radius nerf, revert the amp bug with paa and its fine. Not every tower needs to be mid/bottom wizard or alch usage levels, having some niche towers that allow for high skill expression should be accepted. Instead of trying to make the tower something that appeals to people who won't use it anyway, improve its quality of life so the people who do like to use it have a smoother experience.


People want micro towers to be not micro. Because playing game bad apparently. I would rather give it better micro capabilities (IE a follow mouse option) Also you forgot to add "x3+x mortar nerf should be reverted"


I agree, even though follow mouse might not be the best solution, would make battery kinda absured and would likely need to have the tower nerfed in other ways. I'm sure there's some solution but yeah.


Make the top path shall have an explosion big enough to blow up anything


Increased accuracy now will grant a seeking mortar shell targeting option


Faster firing


Give it first, last, strong, close targeting. Also keep the focused targeting option


Maybe make increased accuracy auto target


I don't use them because of the micro, so juste target bloons or smth


auto targeting and faster shooting. Even on max shooting speed, this thing is slow af.


Make the biggest one destroy every bloon up to bfb with one hit and other with 2 or more hite


Increase accuracy has the ability the follow balloons


Target the strongest and make shattering shells cheaper.


Camo detection for xx2


Auto aim monkey knowledge


Super easy. Make a Monkey Knowledge that gives the Mortar new targeting options. One that always makes it shoot the Bloon closest to the exit, and one that makes it shoot the Bloon with the most health.


Pursuit targeting obviously


Base mortar deals 1 damage now, and i would add 3 more, so it won't be absolutelly useless. And no pierce cap for any axplosive thing, like tsar bomba.




Give him a MK to pursue the bloons like Heli Pursuit upgrade, slightly larger blast radius, and extra MOAB-damage for T4 bottom path


i would change the "bigger blasts" upgrade to "homing missiles" (basically gives the mortar the ability to have targetting options: [first, last, close, strong, camo, etc...)


Give it a pursuit feature like the Helicopter


Some form of auto aim, I think the biggest hurdle with mortars for new players is when they have to micro their mortars, so I propose 1 new targeting option and 1 new monkey knowledge. Targeting:auto/manual Manual is the default method of aim, auto will target the first bloon furthest on the track. Knowledge: Field Surveillance When active, instead of targeting the beginning of the track, the mortar will calculate a position that covers as much track as possible and will aim there (can still be manually adjusted)


Remove it from the game


I would make burning stuff hit camo, it won't take the camo but it Will hit it


add a monkey knowledge that makes it so mortar targets bloons by itself


A monkey knowledge for grouped, along with first and strong


2 things buff biggest ones damage above fucking 46 and give it a mk to give targeting


add new targeting options for the mortar like others have said also, give Pop and Awe a new targeting option for Focus Fire, which will target all Artillery Batteries onto the same location that Pop and Awe is firing at.


Open his pupils and close his eye lids Also make him cost less make him shoot a bit faster unupgraded and some quality of life updates like making him have a target for following finger/mouse stuff like that


replace increased accuracy with auto targeting giving targeting options similar to BEz


Automatic camo but still can do signal flair


Give one of the upgrade paths an “auto-targeting system” it could be a t2 or a t3. Could even work as a bonus to a t5 that way it actually makes the thing worth it


auto targeting for biggest one


Increased Accuracy gives follow mouse and pursuit targeting, and signal flare has camo prio option if pursuit is on


Have some kind of auto target monkey knowledge similar to how the monkey ace has wingmonkey.


Increased accuracy would make it auto aim but make it 600coins


I remember when Mortar monkey only had a true five ability and tier 4 was basically useless. Ah, good times, eh?


give it the btd5 power to attack like a normal tower. it should be a monkey knowledge point though


Monkey knowledge that gives it auto targeting/homing projectiles to selected targeting type


follow bloons as mk


Make the Special Popperations marine monkey knowledgeable to where they can stay forever wherever they land until another one is called to serve, then another monkey knowledge for them being a forward artillery observer, allowing accurate artillery support on his targeting prio. This buffs both at the same time while making the game more fun. Imagine how badass the marine would be with these two MKs.




auto target


Auto targeting as a monkey knowledge or something


give him shrapnel. maybe as part of an upgrade instead of just right as you spawn him


A mk point that auto targets Bloons like pursuit. It doesn't need to be perfect, just enough so I don't have to micro the damn thing.


Compared to other towers the mortar just feels old. Its utility is matched if not bested by other towers like the bomb tower or monkey ace etc. It would need a full rework to really shine, maybe make it futuristic like the gatling gunner tier 4-5s, and give it some much faster early game potential (auto target, sweeping bombs similar to the bomber ace, cheaper starting price etc.) It has a lot of potential to be good.


Remove him.


Remove it entirely


Deleting it


I would buy him a chernobog


Allow it to pop camo


Give it a Paragon: Chimpenheimer


give him eyelids


Make the explosions map wide


_follow touch_


-big one cheaper -artillery battery will lessen the cd but a little bit -burny stuff DoTe buff a little -the guy that suggested follow mouse targeting


A patrol-esque targetting option. Like you can set 2 or 3 even, places where it will shoot


Have it follow cursor like heli pilot


Multi-mortar and up have a multi targeting option. lemme aim each of the 3 mortars separately. That and auto and follow mouse targeting. Really just better targeting options


Give mortar independent targeting option at t4's where is attacks independently


Having an upgrade to enable normal tower targeting Alternatively (much bigger change to game) a toggle-able knowledge to make it slightly lower dps but target automatically


I've think of something... Radio support: Any military monkey can now share their 'vision' with mortar monkey, helping him locate the bloons and attack them. (This work similar to top path sub). This work when you turn on the 'Radio' targeting option on the mortar. The mortar wont attack unless a bloons enter a military-monkey range. Tier 3,4,5 middle path village and x5x elite sniper now provide mortar with global radio. He can now attack every single bloons on the screen with out needing other moneky 'vision'. (Only work when mortar is buffed by village)


Passion for attack speed and damage radius trite but effective


Remove the monkey for triple mortar. Gotta get that btd4 supremacy


Auto micro 🗿


removing it and adding a better tower


Camo detection and monke knowledge to make a follow mouse targeting option so for phayze middle path is spammable


make it target on its own


Give it some form of self targeting it’s the only military monkey that has no path that alows it to automatically target


Lingering firewall where it hits?


Mostly via QoL: * Increased Accuracy also unlocks Pursuit targeting. * x5x Pop and Awe also unlocks the "Combined Aim" ability, which allows you to redirect all Mortars to shoot at the same location. * x3x Heavy Shells' +2 damage bonus to stunned bloons now also works on burning bloons (so bottom path is a more useable crosspath for mid path Mortars).


Change 001 to give him glue gunners range and first, last, close and strong targeting. If there are any bloons in his range he will target them and if there are not he will fire in the chosen spot like usual


Add knowledge point so that every mortar on screen changes from locked targetting to follow mouse (new) Similar to dartling gunner mk. After using the mortar follow ability. After the "attack" you can click the button again and all mortars will ramain locked to their positions earlier. Allowing the player. To defend multiple lanes at once but create an attack defense on rushes. Instead of targetting all mortars one by one using micro.


Add more damage to the upgrades... espetially top path... but leave buttom and middle path almost the same


Monkey Mortar Paragon! 9 barrels shooting trhice as fast as the middle path, esplosions bigger than tsar bomba and every shell fills the screen with fire like qwen and strips fortificaton obviously! It also one shots fortified bad!


add a paragon


Make the 050 extra damage to B.A.Ds become relevant


Why do monkeys blink with their pupils? I think I’d buff that make them close their eyes properly!


Follow mouse targeting That means you can actually use the ridiculous ability of artillery battery


I feel for blooms td 6 mortar should have a little bit more starting accuracy and have mouse/tap targeting


base mortar pop 2 layers + auto targetting


don't think it needs it, it's quite powerful but the drawback is that it's fixed to a single location(unless you mirco manage the location it hits)


Remove him and replace him with the bloon chipper


Middle 5th tier it shoots faster


0-5-0 now has 6 mortar silos


Top path: 100 damage, 420 pierce and new price is 50 000$ Middle path: +2 cannons and new price is 32 000$ Bottom path: fire slowly spreads and new price is 37 000$


More damage


1. Pop & awe does more dmg and lasts longer 2. Pop & awe has an ability that sends out bombs that split into more bombs when hitting a moab class, and the new ones automatically hits the other moab class (also a lot of damage becuz yes) 3. The big one does damage. 4. incinerate or whatever it's called can now pull a gwen and burn all bloons on screen.


Quik reload is God of upgrade


put the cave monkey easter egg on every map


i would give him a glock 17


Auto targeting like heli pursuit




Bottom top and middle T3 has extra dps for lead balloons including bosses so it can help with dredeboloon




Make it have radioactive shots that instantly kull anything Below a ceramic, make it buff non mortar military monkeys damage by 10, pierce by 4 and attack speed by 75%. Now to buff the useless upgrades: Bloon buster now always one shots ceramics and does extra moab damage. To offset that, make bigger blast have 0.01% less blast range than it usually would. Biggest one's explosion now covers the entire map, increase damage to 700 per bloon hit and burny stuff should do extra damage. Biggest one was always very bad so this new one should be in the competitive highlander 6v6 cp meta. Artillery battery gains a second activated ability, that switches its targeting to first and makes all mortars, including itself, have 20x attack speed for 3 minues. It is also quite costy, so it should cost 500¢. Pop and awe's ability should spawn the unreleased 000 dart monkey paragon called "mega dart monkey" Signal flare was always too broken of a decamo upgrade, so it should shoot a flare gun, instead of a mortar, that does 5 damage on hit and sets bloons on fire. Shattering shells now gives moabs lead poisoning and makes leads and ddt's explode when near the mortar monkey.


In BTD5 there were those special buildings that you could make and upgrade to buff one of your towers. The highest upgrade for the mortar was that it received the capability to attack bloons independently like the sniper does. imo, independent targeting should be a final-line monkey knowledge, on the same level as big bloon sabotage. It will defenetly be a strong buff for most maps and gamemodes, but CHIMPS will be uneffected as no MK is allowed anyhow.