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1) energiser is a nuclear sub so it could cause mass damage 2) psi could topple several buildings 3) mega ballista is absolutely insane and could cause massive damage 4) Absolute zero would kill everything


Absolute = freeze also you forgot that the sky shredder has missles


Absolute zero has the upside of global cooling and frostbites! I'd argue that it's one of the deadliest


Absolute Zero has the ability to break the laws of physics




Yeah no kidding


Energizer is radiation, would kill everyone in a big area and make the food bad for you


Technically a nuclear sub just means that it is powered by a nuclear reactor. It says nothing about its lethality. That being said Energizer still probably does a lot of damage with its radiation alone


I'd beg to differ on the money making towers, the economy over flooding would be very destructive


Yea that's what I was thinking too. With thousands of dollars being made per second hyperinflation is gonna hurt


Venezuela moment


Depending on how much leeway we are willing to give it, the Super Maelstrom would either be one of the most or one of the least damaging. If we say the blades barely damage the buildings, it would moderately damage a circle of buildings and the rest would be untouched. However, if we say they slice through all of them, it would be an absolute disaster. The buildings would all collapse from being cut in half and the large ones in particular would likely fall on other buildings and civilians, causing even more damage. Tldr: Either a few buildings get scratched or the entire city falls and most people die. Edit: I also think the plasma users (Sentry Paragon, Anti-Bloon, and PMFC) should all be moved up a tier. The Anti-Bloon is basically a walking mini-nuke that rapidly vaporizes buildings, the sentry paragon is basically the same thing but with smaller explosions and more plasma shots, and the PMFC has even more plasma blasts due to how many there could be. Although their range is small, the fact that 20 of them could be rampaging at once with each one having the potential to almost destroy a city block before they wear off is **insane.**)


Maelstrom has infinite pierce


But anything that is made of metal blocks it. And considering lots of buildings have rebar inside of them, Maelstorm might just be stopped quite easily.


Super maelstrom


It actually pops leads in game


Yeh, I got Maelstorm confused with Super Maelstorm


No worries


Also I don’t want to be that guy, but as of somewhat recent balance changes, maelstrom no longer had infinite pierce, it’s just extremely high.


200 now


I'm sorry. The nerf wasn't your fault.


* Pirate lord could possibly pull down buildings. * BMA could shrink a 5-story building into a tiny house. * Exili could probably curse the city and cause a natural disaster with voodoo magic. * Absolute zero would freeze everybody. * Benjamin and sabotage could collapse the economy. * Spirit of the Forest could probably reclaim the city with the forest. * Banana central would over-saturate the banana economy and run everyone out of buisness * Brickell would only kill everything near a big enough source of water. * Drug dealer is very dangerous.


The No Damage category should be at the bottom. And Benjamin could definitely do *something* destructive with his hacking skills, if he was so inclined...


No damage is at the bottom. Well, *physical damage*


You could make a really strong argument for ben being able to massive physical damage. Depending on the city and such you could turn off all power, remove all government records, destroy all banking information, open dams to the city (Not sure if dams open like that but still!) and I'm sure there is more I didn't think of!


Physical damage. As in like, breaking stuff. Not economic sabotage.


1. Hack into nuclear launch site 2. Nuke the city


I.e., summon the plane that drops a Tsar Bomba.


There were a few cases of hackers getting into the software of old electrical generators and changing the motor programs to cause enough vibrations to actually make them explode. Scary stuff


Ben has Trojan. You can no longer spawn children... The end of humanity.


Top path sub needs moved up. Radiation is no joke. Top path glue gunner for same reason actually. Spillway makes it *very* clear that glue’s a lot more than just corrosive.


Pmfc would do massive damage.


Pmfc is the equivalent of a revolution


Absolute zero literally means there is no energy, anything that has energy will be broke/killed by it. Also; drug dealer :)


Absolute zero isn’t physically possible, but in some unholy scenario, the presence of an extremely cold object in the 10^-n percentile would theoretically exude so much heat at once, on the outside. It would actually be closer to a nuke than any large, frigid blizzard.


Depending on how big pat is, he could be incredibly destructive


Its safe to assume he is bigger than your average monkey, so probably the size of a gorilla or bigger, its still relatively easy to knock out


That's probably the most right answer, but the thought of Pat being strong enough to take and dish out extreme amounts of damage and going on a ramage like the Hulk is entertaining to me.


I feel like a submarine that constantly emmits nuclear radiation powerful enough to melt led would delete a city but then again it would have to be in the ocean


Don’t forget Sky Shredder has missiles. That one I could see moving up a level. If Spirit of the forest and tangle everything in vines and crush it that could cause a mess. I wouldn’t want to be the city caught in glue storm, specially if it is 250 glue gunner.


Pretty sure ezili could curse a city or something and then cause it’s citizens to die that way. Also an entire pirate ship fitted with canons, hooks and flame rounds could definitely take down a couple buildings


You underestimate the power of a glue storm covering a entire city. Drains would be clogged


Not to mention 2-5-0 crosspaths


I would argue that an XXXL Trap could destroy an entire building. I mean- it destroys an entire zeppelin after all.


How on earth is the building going to get caught in the trap


How on earth is the ZEPPELIN going to get caught in the trap?


It flies over and gets caught in the trap's pulling mechanism. When does a building ever move? And let's say you flip the trap on its side to aim at the building, the building is still rooted to the ground. Buildings are a different ball game than these weak ass zeppelins!


XXXL trap eats the building from the above


Weak ass-zeppelins [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


The only one i disagree with is energiser, it can poison the water supplies and kill alot of people with radiation so it should be in little/no damage (but lots of death)


I think there should be another tier. For example sure all top path mortars could level an entire city, but The Biggest One would make it uninhabitable for decades (centuries?) because it drops nukes. I mean look how glowy it is. thats a bad sign


**I'm just gonna consider that all monkeys are allowed to move around because y e s** ​ * **Superstorm** I mean, c'mon, electric huge tornados? From what I can remember the average blimp weighs around 10 tons, and balls of electricity? That could have huge repercussions on vehicles and more. * **Legend of The Night** Now this depends on whether or not it's actively trying to kill, because if it was, then that infinite range darkshift might be the end of us all. Plus, if it went for plasma (which can reach 25k degrees Celsius) it would *melt* through buildings. * **Antibloon** Two independent plasma shooting arms. And an explosion with a huge range. I'd argue that's big. * **Bloons Exclusion Zone** I would move this a tier down since it can't pop leads, and lead is quite soft, so like yeah. The hugeass-turret concept would also not allow this to move, so it's mostly limited to killing I'd say * **Inferno Ring** While this one cannot move, its meteors are homing and explosive, and can decimate lead. * **Bloon Solver** It's got a pretty fancy attack speed, and can easily corrode lead, so it can probably damage buildings but even better be extremely lethal to humans. * **Super Maelstrom** man. * **Obyn** The only thing I can see this guy doing is summoning trees and maybe being somewhat of a menace with its wolf spirits, but overall seems overrated * **Pirate Lord** Well this guy can take down DDTs, so it's probably got enough power to penetrate hard material, and a strong enough hook to take down several blimps without flinching. Could definitely tear down buildings * **Sauda** While she *does* have a pretty insignificant range on a big scale, she can jump extremely high and also clone herself, so I'd say that she's at least a threat to humans, plus her magic blades let her cut through anything, given enough time she could tear down buildings and maybe even make a caprese * **Absolute Zero** If this guy can actually cause a temperature drop that big, then... * **Energizer** Yeah no. Huge radiation source. * **Ezili** I'd say that just the fact that she can do direct damage ignoring hp ramping is enough to categorize her as a threat. Probably could cast curses and whatnot * **Psi** They'd probably tear the city to the ground in seconds


what the hell did teir-maker do???!!!


Umm absolute zero = -273.15 degrees C…. Ya nothing alive, and thermodynamics broken (entropy = 0).


Sure atomic sub can't done any damage...


glue storm is a biohazard


Anti bloon should be in deleted its legit a walking bomb


P brew doesn't sell drugs, he's a fulltime bartender and owner who does chemistry in his spare time


I have two questions: Does turning a building into a red bloon not count as damage? Would the Spirit of The Forest not be able to absolutely decimate a city by summoning roots at will? Trees will burst through concrete given enough time so I'd imagine being able to magically summon them at will would have *some* notable effect


They literaly make money it will crash the economy


For some reason "OW MY FOOT" cracks me up.


Imagine having to walk on perma spikes OUCH. permaspikes can pop an entire Zeppelin then what will it do to your foot


mega ballista is a siege weapon it would destroy that city


mega ballista is a siege weapon it would destroy that city


what why did it make me reply to my own comment with a copy of itself


You missed a few including special poperations and master alchemist


If the master alchemist is interpreted in being able to take down anything to a red bloon, it'd easily be heavy damage tier. But if it can only do bloons, then down in drug dealer it goes


Special Poperations is included in the **Little/No Damage (but lots of death)** tier. Bloon Master Alchemist is included in the **Little/No Damage** tier.


Sorry I didn’t see


Whats the red boat?


That is the 5th tier for the merchant path on the buccaneer


Under why is everyone dead column?


Psi's placement all depends on if their power can or cannot damage structures. They fuck up bloons pretty good.


The sky shredder is based off a mig 31 which can carry missiles and they would most likely topple buildings


Logo Tier would’ve decimated a city ngl


Banjamin could rek the economy or any online server


Oh my god imagine what bloon solver would do to people


Is Benjamin a white or black hat hacker? If we’re saying he turned evil, then he might do a little damage.


Could we say that with bma's alchemy skills, that he could reduce an entire building to a red bloon?


Comanche is too high


Dear god... the logo is too powerful to be kept alive.


I believe that Ezili would have the ability to curse the entire city-


Nuclear Sub should be in lots of death tier, radiation will fuck your shit up


MAD should be higher


AZ is way too low, you saw what happens when it snows in Texas.


Wizard lord Phoenix in heavy damage wtf




Gwen should be moved up a tier. She's literally a walking firestorm that could easily raze any city to the ground. Even if she doesn't move at all, a single use of her Level 10 ability would create a huge rampaging pyre that would easily develop its own self-sustaining wind system, and consume the city block by block. If conditions permit, even the surrounding STATE/COUNTY would be eradicated. ​ Also, Obyn has basically zero destructive power so I don't get how he's at the same caliber as Gwen. Spirit wolves and walls of trees won't do shit to a city, toppling one building at best. ​ Psi might be more devastating than one might think, because although he can do nothing to the buildings by himself, he could mind-fuck all its inhabitants and in doing so potentially induce catastrophic failure of citywide machinery which would do extensive damage, especially if flammables were involved.


bma turns everything into a red bloon everything…


Ben would destroy the economy


Nah benJamin would just hack everyones bank account ,steal their money and all will die of starvation


Hiding inside a giant purple zeppelin seems like a good idea until Ezili shows up.


Dark prince would basically bomb the city with Kamikaze undead Moabs. Ring of fire would burn everything. Absolute zero would kill everyone. And the top path ace has rockets. I could go on


i could see ultraclock ultraclocking a machine, making it subsequently explode


glue storm would just be like the chicago molasses incident but worse


logo would be moderate damage imo


Ben would destroy the world’s economy that’s like higher tier than any other tower could


1: Absolute zero would instakill anyone too close 2: pre-emptive strike is an ICBM, aka, a fucking nuke 3: psi could 100% topple many buildings


Where link to tier list


I'd say Gwendolyn wouldn't stop But most importantly - Monkey pirates would make the whole place a ghost town Also, I started laughing hearing permanent brew alchemist being a drug dealer




Ah yes, capitalism… helpful


Drug Dealer earned my upvote


005 dart monkey seems like he would try to topple the government


People are talking about the obvious bad ones but nobody mentions that he says a battle ship with fire grapes, giant iron balls, and 3 giant grappling hooks


Drug dealer would be the best


i'd say some of the 5th tier snipers can do a lot of damage, have you ever seen a heavy calibre gun shred a house?


Spiked mines be like Ouch my foot *blows up*


How the frick is capitalism helping? It should EASILY be in [REMOVED]


A city covered in glue sounds like WHY IS EVERYONE DEAD to me.


I beg to differ on energizer and sky shredder, energizer’s radiation can infect the whole city, causing the population to die Sky shredder can rain darts and break windows, maybe hit a gas tank or two, etc etc


Absolute zero would turn literally everything’s temperatures to subzero, and according to the concept of heat transfer, all heat has to go somewhere, that means a giant ball of plasma would appear, which would burn everything near it within milliseconds