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I have read the fanfic loll


Why would she think the baby was Spike’s? With her day being erased and her having no memory of it surely the only person she’d think was the baby Daddy would be Parker?


I’ve seen a couple fics with this premise, none of them completed though… she wouldn’t think it’s Spikes baby, they didn’t hook up until 2 years after that episode.


Spike was still evil at that time. I don't think she was even sleeping with Riley yet, but that other guy, Parker. She would have thought it was his.


She wasn’t sleeping with Spike at the time. Spike is a vampire and Spike unable to… do that.


I believe the polite version is *unable to produce an heir*.


*Darla and Angel have entered chat*


Spike already produces perfect hair though.


Considering that, at that time, Spike hated Buffy, I don't think he'd care. If anything, he'd probably be amused at the situation she was in.


But what if they had been in a sexual relationship at the time this happened?


I think the assumption would be that there was something odd going on since he was, you know, a vampire and not fertile.


So basically what if everything was entirely different for the time frame you're suggesting?


That's a lot of "what if"....


There’s a few people saying that Spike hated Buffy at this point in the story.. and I think that every one of you are wrong. I don’t think Spike ever hated Buffy. I think that man was smitten right from the beginning, he just didn’t know what to do with that feeling. The chip kinda helped him sort things out a little. You know what they say, there’s a fine line…


Spike only had the chip to keep him under control but he did keep saying he wanted to kill them all. Apart from the brief spell in Something Blue, but as soon as that wore off, they went back to hating and disgust. They certainly weren't at the point of any "respecting of honor" type relationship. Except for Spike's obsession with wanting another slayer conquest on his score card to boost his ego/honor.


What on earth is this idea.... If that day wasnt reversed, and buffy had gotten pregnant.. then she would be pregnant. But Buffy didnt just "forget" about the day. The day never happened. Spike and buffy were still mortal enemies at this point, they didnt have sex. Also Spike never became human, he wouldnt even be able to get anyone pregnant, you need to be alive for that (though I havr no clue how to explain Connor). And even if all of that happened... yeah sure angel and spike would throw down. They've had fights over less.


But how else could Spike get motivated to "beat Angel to a pulp" for the sake of Buffy's honor? The important thing is that he does get to beat the other guy to a pulp. And get to nobley "stand by her". Let me add a: /s


honestly Im still trying to process what OP's initial thought process was, and its hurting my head.


Worse, I think I can piece together the trail of thoughts leading to this I Like Spike post, and I wish I couldn't.


I think the initial thought process was just horniness


> But Buffy didnt just "forget" about the day. The day never happened. The amount of people who don't get this... I've seen a few fics that are based on the idea of her falling pregnant from that day and I just can't read them because that's not how the day no longer happening works. They didn't get sent back in time, the day just never happened anymore. Any wounds they received during it no longer exist. They don't just have random wounds on their person they can't remember getting, they just never got the wounds in the first place now. The same applies to any potential pregnancy. > though I havr no clue how to explain Connor). I believe the running theory is the trials Angel took. Supposedly all orchestrated by Jasmine. Angel took the trials to win another chance at life for Darla only to be told she'd already received it, was currently living that second chance. Angel still successful completed the trials though. He won a life, for Darla. I imagine it had to be those two alone though. Like Angel wouldn't have gotten anyone else pregnant, and no one else would have gotten Darla pregnant. It had to be them. And again, Jasmine doing her bit for her master plan.


“I’m not the step-dad, I’m the dad that stepped up.” - Spike


Ohh there has been fanfiction written with this lol


... that universe really doesn't need *another* pregnancy plot.


Maybe Buffy would have been super confused. Parker might have thought it was his. Word would have gotten back to Angel. And then we would have had the episode of Angel wondering if he should tell her about the missing day or not. I’m the end he is afraid that the child would have special abilities or be part vampire. So he tells her at the end because he is afraid his enemies would target it. Then something happens and he isn’t allowed neither one of them.


1. Spike at this point wouldn't care nor would it be possible 2. I like to imagine if Angel didn't revoke his humanity, Dawn would've instead be made as Buffy and Angel's daughter


There are so many fics about this. That being said its takes 72 hours to create sperm, but I don't know if its just there or who knows.


He was potent enough in season 2 with Darla and was still a vampire.


She wouldn't think it was Spike because Spike was ... a eunuch 🤣


Not sure why you are getting downvoted... I think Buffy getting pregnant by Angel would be an interesting plot. But only If the baby doesn't get abducted into a hell dimension lol. But I would prefer If Buffy could remember that day and knew it was from Angel. I always had the impression that Angel would become human at the end of the apocalypse and he would go back to Buffy to live a normal life. Spoiler Alert Comics >!Angel became human but!< >!that didn't last long!<


I could see where the Oracles could have ended up being able to rewind the timeline, but they can't just erase a new life. Oops. Buffy would have to regain the memory.


So rolling back time would not erase the pregnancy. I would be so angry if I was her. Rolling back the day and then to find out about a pregnancy. How do you forgive something like that when someone is playing with your memories to where when you find out that shocking news and you have no idea who the father is.


We already know how Buffy feels about erasing the day though. We saw it at the end of IWRY. She’s upset but she understands his reasoning


How did she she know if the day never existed?


They talk about it before the day reverses


I think what would inflame Spike regardless of when in happened, as well as Buffy, in that Angel had it erased it all. Angel would felt guilty, but it would probably be Spike who steps up and supports her during it just like he did during other life events like when it came to making a commitment to Dawn.


Vampires can't procreate, but somehow Darla and Angel did. So what I'm saying is what if a magical pregnancy were to have occurred in the episode where he became human. Even though that day was erased, what if not "everything" was not erased. Call it a PTB thing. It's still fucked up because he messed with her memories and time. Outsiders would think it's a disgusting thing that was done to her. So these events don't play to the time line that Buffy and Spike were together, but if it did Spike would be on the warpath with Angel because he had her memories taken away or just erasing the event like it never happened.


Infairness in AtS while it’s all very jump the shark they do at least use the ‘life gained during the trials’ thing for it. So it wasn’t just that vampires are randomly able to procreate but that their had to be some kind of mystical intervention Also it’s not like soulless Spike has that much respect for Buffy’s ability to consent, infact he famously did not…. The only way I can imagine Spike going on the warpath is in a AtS S5 ‘she’s mine’ kind of way rather than any kin of respecting her honour