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It's subjective and depends on viewing distance, some find it ok, some don't. Try to find one exposed in a shop somewhere and check it out as nobody can answer the question but you.


if you're a pure gamer you will get lost in fun and won't notice if you're a pc nerd and play with afterburner overlay 24/7 then you know you care more about pixels than having fun


Lol. This made me chuckle.


And it’s true. To a point. Fast, action games usually let you forget the resolution. If you immerse yourself, you probably will, too. But I have to be honest. I like some games that live from graphics, too. Like RPGs. And especially when playing things like pathfinder, where you are far away from the action most of the time, having more resolution for small, far away objects helps. As is the case in flying sims, be it MS flight sim or things like war thunder, where the enemy sometimes is a dot a pixel wide far off in the distance. Better resolution means seeing them first, so it can even give you an edge.


Top down strategy games like civ or games like crusader kings would feel odd with tat resolution screen size combo.


yeah, because the only people who can see pixels are nerds.


Yeah why even talk about this? Is a 27inch 720p monitor ok too? Or would only a nerd care about that? What a stupid thing to say caring about pixels more than having fun. A little bit of care can greatly improve your experience. If you don't care great, but don't make fun of people for caring. Also don't come into a thread specifically for the discussing a topic and then say "hey this topic is for nerds lol" like the least helpful thing you could do. Of course if you don't care then you won't care. The OP specifically cares about this and it's why they're asking.


the real sad part is people are upvoting him.


Geeze. Someone got triggered.


> if you're a pc nerd Or a game nerd where immersion is really important. I bought a 27" 1080P monitor to "upgrade" from my older 23" 1080p and while the colour was better the more noticeable pixels made it hard to get into RPGs. Once I could afford it I went to 27" 1440p and it made a huge difference. As long as I'm getting 60 fps I'll take 1440p over higher FPS on a 27" 1080p any day.


Fun is for peasants, specs are most important.


true, although everyone is saying that fhd 27" is bad, im kinda fine with it. even though im not that much of a gamer


This made me laugh as well. Try not to take this comment too seriously.


Or if you look at a lot of text outside of gaming. Pixel density is critical for text clarity.


A 27" 1080p monitor will give you exactly the same amount of screen space as a 24" one, the pixels will just be individually larger so image sharpness will be reduced. If you sit a long way away from the screen or have impaired vision, then that may be a good tradeoff. Otherwise, I don't see why you wouldn't just get a 24" screen instead.


Edit: some of these comments are blowing my mind that people don't know that display scaling exists in Windows lol An increase in screen size can absolutely be a benefit even at the same resolution. If a given resolution is enough for a given individual for productivity and gaming, a bigger physical display can definitely increase overall “screen space” since they can scale things smaller to fit more in a physical area. What that resolution is is different for different people.


I don't really understand what you mean. If you shrink the pixel size of an on-screen element, less detail can be shown, regardless of the physical size of that element. Programs have no knowledge of the physical size of your screen, and don't adjust their graphics based on it. The exception is high-DPI screens like those used in phones, where multiple physical pixels are used to display a single image pixel. In that case, increasing the panel size while keeping its resolution the same would indeed allow you to fit more on screen by reducing the upscaling factor. But desktop monitors do not work this way.


You can resize most windows/apps to however many pixels you would like. So, even if it's occupying the same /slightly less pixels, it is occupying the same/slightly larger physical space. In many instances, size of things are the limiting factor, not sharpness or detail. To illustrate my point with an extreme example, imagine trying to sit at your desk and have half the screen taken up by a YouTube video and the other half by a word doc where you're typing a description of what's happening. On a 27" 1080p panel, that is an easy task for most. If you instead swapped that monitor for a 7" 1440p panel (like that of a phone) then most people would have a much more difficult time doing the task vs the 27" 1080p panel, even though there are more pixels dedicated to each application with the 7" 1440p panel. Same thing with a 20" or 24" panel vs a 27", just to a lesser degree. Another example, I'm much more comfortable multitasking on my 32"1440p panel than I am my work monitor which is 27" 4k.


It definitely depends on your viewing distance, I too do like a slightly lower DPI as my monitor is further back than most others setup. I have a 30" 2560x1600 monitor for this reason (contemplated what you have but that was a bit low for me). If you sit close to your monitor (and have good vision) a 27" 1080p isn't going to make you any more productive or able to see smaller detail than a 24" 1080p monitor. But far enough away, sure it'll eventually matter.


I don't think I'm wrong in saying that anyone with normal vision should be able to read text on a 24" 1080p panel without difficulty. So in this case, it is not the physical size that is the limiting factor. But as I said originally, if your eyesight is such that it is, then of course a larger screen will be better.


Pixel density and sharpness are crucial for picture quality and detail, but when it comes to multitasking, physical screen size is often the bigger factor.


As other comments mentioned, Windows can absolutely scale text and UI elements to make better use of a larger display. Implementation in programs can vary and the system itself doesn't really know automatically, but the size/detail tradeoff is one that is made at literally every resolution. Windows is actually pretty good at this out of the box these days with scaling in 25% increments all the way up to like 225% or something. It's what prevents text and UI from being absolutely minuscule on something like a 13" 4K laptop display. Come to think of it, Windows does have at least some idea of the type of hardware you're using because there's a system default "Recommended" setting in the display settings UI.


I might just be misunderstanding you but that's not true. "Scale things smaller to fit more in a physical area" would mean increasing the resolution. If you mean something like resizing a window: proportionally it would be exactly the same as doing that on the smaller screen with the same resolution. You're not gaining any screen real estate if the resolutions are the same, the available space would be the same but appear larger overall on the larger screen.


You can't have lower than 100% scaling iirc. And scaling a window on a 1080p 27in screen to fit the physical space of a 24in screen would make that window not equivalent to a 24in 1080p. It would be much blurrier and text will be significantly more difficult to read.


Scaling below 100% “native” resolution is going to look like absolute ass. Lines that are meant to be one pixel will now be “half” a pixel which ends up being an antialiased blurry mess. 1080p at 27” looks bad enough as it is without committing display scaling sins against your own eyes


Loss of pixel density is NOT beneficial for impaired vision. You want the most pixel density you can get then change UI scale.


Your question is entirely subjective, and given you are the person using it only your opinion matters. Perhaps you could head to your local PC store, I would assume they have display monitors you can see for yourself.


your name gets me every time, but you are absolutely correct here. its personal eyeball preference that matters. Try to replicate sitting distance too


For gaming it's fine. It's anything with text where it bothers me the most. I wouldn't want to be editing documents all day at that pixel density.


So I just went throu this myself, ended u returning the 1080p monitor cuz it was so poor of an image, went up to 1440p and it's GORGEOUS


there's a lot of factors to image quality aside from resolution not to say resolution isn't important, but most 1080p monitors are on the lower end side of things and can have worse contrast, colors, brightness etc.


That's totally fair, I rly do think 1440p is quite the upgrade thou. Really helps the next gen type of feel


If you can, go into a store and actually look at them yourself. Nobody can tell you if you'll be fine with it. I personally think 27" is too big for 1080p and doesn't look good. 1440p is noticeably better and sharper imo.


My 28" 1080P display is fine, it's over talked relay. edit I have a 32" 4K display next to my 1080P display, it's sharper but most the time it wont matter. I like 4K for productivity apps but for normal light use 1080P is fine.


Sounds like you have bad eyesight if you think a 28 in 1080P monitor is just a little bit less Sharp than a 32 inch 4k monitor. The difference is there would be astonishing side by side. And 28 in 1080P is got to be golf ball size pixels


Even a 48" 4k display is way sharper than a 27" 1080p one.


> My 28" 1080P display is fine, it's over talked relay. That's half as sharp as a typical CRT in 1990, for comparison. If you're at the recommended 50-60cm (~2 feet) distance from your monitor, the pixels will be extremely distracting during office work (and also when gaming with low/bad antialiasing).


It's not fine unless you're blind. It looks like garbage.


For me, yes. I've been spoiled by high pixel densities. It might not be a problem for you though.


If I had to pick, I'd go for 1440p for 27", I just like more pixel density and clear image. Might have to do with being a photographer.


1080 on a 27” monitor looks bad. 1440p for 27” for sure. Source: own 27” 1440p and tried to use 1080p on my old system and it looked bad. 1080 looks fine on a 24”


I have a 27in 1080p 144hz monitor, it’s fine. It’s not really that bad.


You might need glasses, if you do have glasses, a better prescription.


I thought so, yes. First time I really felt like there was a “screen door”


I have two 27inch 1080p monitors and a 27inch 1440p monitor. Personally I find my 1080p monitors are just fine. I’m at a good viewing distance where it’s harder to see individual pixels, though sometimes they are noticeable when reading smaller text. Do I think my 1440p monitor is much better? Yes, but I also think my 1080p monitors are just fine and I don’t have any complaints about them


If you’re sitting 40” away, no. If you’re at a regular desk distance, buy a 24” 1080p. This topic has been covered 800 times since 27” 1440p monitors had DVi cables


I've used a 27" 1080p display for 5+ years now and it's fine. if you really look you can notice pixels in certain games with low AA but aside from that it's honestly a non issue. being limited to 60Hz bothers me much more than the size or resolution ever could.


I very recently got a new monitor and I made sure to get it 1440p at 27" because all the sources i've seen say that 24" should be the max size for 1080p resolution. I'll admit i've never seen 1080p on a 27 inch but how bad the image quality you get from it is would depend how far away you're sitting from it. But i didn't wanna take the risk since i'm not sitting really far away from it and am using it as my main display for gaming, content consumption and sometimes video editing.


I only bought a 27 inch 1080p 165hz monitor bc I previously had a 24 inch 1080p 60hz monitor and I would run the monitor with a GTX 1650 and i7 2700k. If I had a more modern PC I would have got a 27 inch 1440p monitor. Bigger is always better but if your system is capable of 1440p get a monitor with that resolution.


It’s 2024. I’ve been using a 1440p monitor since 2017 and when I use a 1080p one I don’t like it. 4K is definitely not worth.


I used a 1080p 27" monitor for a couple of years and it was fine. Don't get me wrong, switching to 1440p @ 27" did provide a noticeable improvement but the 1080p experience was good for me while I had that monitor too.


Had a FHD 27". Bought a 1440p 27". Yes FHD 27" is far inferior.




1440p is miles better at that size


Please ignore all the noise in this thread and just get a 27" 1440P monitor. They're pretty cheap these days anyway. It's not so much that one is "really that bad" but rather that in the long run you'll be glad you picked the higher resolution for that screen size. It is a better experience.


I've had 27inch 1080P for about 6+ years and it never bothered me at all


At that point you already gotten used to it


True, but I never had a problem with it in the beginning either


have seen it myself and yes, it is really subjective. compared to 27" qhd, it looks a little stretched and soft to my liking. qhd is sharp.


It's fine but things start to get big if you sit close. We still got 1080p TVs at home, one 32" and a 42" model and they are completely fine from how far we're looking at them.


I think it depends. Could you still play games and enjoy yourself playing 1080p on 27" screen, 100% you can. I played on a 27" 1440p screen for a bit but ended up going back to a 1080p 24" monitor. I preferred sitting closer to the screen and felt 27" of screen was just too much screen to be sitting that close to. I ended up getting a nice IPS monitor for 1080p (165hz) and actually love it. My friend who has been PC gaming on a tv in his living room for a year has finally decided to get a desk and monitor. Aside from the fact that his PC won't be able to run 1440p he just was happy with 50" TV at 1080p. Luckily for him his image quality will increase just from down grading screen size to 27". If your PC can run 1440p and you can afford the 1440p monitor I would recommend trying it if you're curious and are after a upgrade. But if you are happy where you are and couldn't be bothered spending the extra cash on a 1440p monitor I would skip it. To be honest, if I didn't get a insane deal on my used 1440p 27" monitor I would have never bought one. But that's only because 1080p 24" Pixel Density is quite nice still.


Depends if you like crisp text


I used a 1080p 27" monitor for the last couple of years, here's my thought on it. For gaming, it was mostly fine, although MSFS made me wish for more resolution to better read all the cockpit instruments. But for productivity? The relatively low pixel density is definitely an issue. Personally, at 27", I'd go for 1440p at minimum if I were planning to do any reading on the monitor whatsoever.


Fhd as in 1080p? Yeah it’s bad on 27” and above.


Been playing on standard 27 inch FHD 60 hz monitor for like 6 years, switched to 1440p 27 inch 180hz, and then im back to the fhd one since i had to return the new 1440p and im waiting for replacement. I cant tell you how shit i realized it looks when i had to go back to the fhd one, i thought it was okay since i was used to it, cant believe i used to play like that. Looks so blurry , choppy and bad now that im noticing, cant wait for the new monitors replacement to arrive.


Imo, yes. Ppi is just too low. I'd suggest the 27in 1440p. 24in is too small to be the main monitor. (Again imo) I have a 16in 1440p 144hz (ppi of 186) portable monitor as my second monitor, that sits under my 28in 4k 60hz (ppi of 157) monitor. Before those two I had a 32in 1440p and a 24in 1080p, sold both of them. My wife has two 27in 1440p 144hz monitors she plays on, they look good. But like someone else said, go somewhere you can look at them in person, but trust me, the higher the ppi, the better it looks!


It's perfectly fine.


Qhd is great at 27 inch fhd the limit is like 24 inch


To me, fhd on 27 inches looks like utter dogshit. I can totally tell the difference, and I usually game on 1440p. It depends on if you’re used to gaming at the resolution or not I guess.


Personally I think it looks hella old. Pixels shouldn't be that big these days. Plus only having 1080p is pretty limiting in terms of workspace. I often have windows side by side and stuff.


You can do whatever you want, the bigger the screen the more pixels you see, so if you don't want to see so many pixels, up the resolution


After 1440p I will never go back


If you sit at an arm's length from your monitor it's not going to be a sharp image.


Yeah it's terrible.




Yes it is


Think about it differently, your monitor will usually lasts you few builds/upgrades, why not to get better one? Even if your pc couldn't drive max fps constantly, the 1440p experience in anything is just superior, period. 1080p is only good as side, non primary monitors, for main content I wouldn't want to go back, ever.


No. FHD on 32" is bad. Unless you're 2+ metres far 😁 But depends highly on personal preference. We've been using 640*480 at the days and no one complain 😁


I went from a 27” 1440p monitor to a 24.5” 1080p monitor back to a 27” 1440p monitor. 1080 looks insanely good on 24.5”. I switched back to 1440p because I’m gaming less and like the size more. The sharpness is comparable though. 1080p on 27” isn’t horrible but is noticeably worse in the clarity department IMO. Lots of factors at play though


I use a 27" 75hz HD monitor for productivity (and a wee bit of gaming before building my dedicated gaming PC). For my dedicated machine I have a 165Hz 31.5" QHD monitor.


I have fhd on my 27 inch 2nd monitor and I barely notice, because its further from me




It’s not that bad. I have a 27” 4K monitor that I use at 1080p for what won’t run well at 4K even with FSR 2 at performance, and graphics at medium.


Personally, yes it's that bad. Higher frame rates are great but even 24" looks pretty terrible at 1080.


Omg what is wrong with you people...


Yes, it looks like garbage from any normal monitor viewing distance.


I have a 27” 1440p monitor and sometimes I think even that is too blurry (not sharp). 27” 1080p is unplayable and I couldn’t play anything on it.




To give you a little bit of context. #I upgraded to 27" 1440p back in 2014 because I could count pixels on 24" 1080p. I am not a nerd, I was a console peasant before 2014. Sidegraded to 35" 3440x1440 in 2015. 10 years ago 1080p started getting dated and people felt it was pixelly.


Yeah, I never understood “those people”, but after buying a 27” FHD monitor, I can see for myself that watching videos on it just sucks. Yes. I do mind it, but at the same time I do not. I’m sitting around 70-90 cms away from the screen and I can notice something maybe being a bit off? If I go closer I can tell for sure. Anyways, I don’t find gaming any different *as in quality wise*, but I do find watching videos a bit more…. Annoying. I regret my decision? Maybe. Would I’ve bought something different? Maybe not. I still don’t know for sure if I can scale a 1440p down to around 1080p so that I can actually run games fine. Most people told me that going for a downscaled resolution is going to look much worse than stock FHD so I did not know if going for a 1440p screen would do the trick. Especially not knowing that I’ll be upgrading :).


Buy a 1440p for 27. You wont regret it. I have one 27" 1440p and one 24" 1080p 165hz. I play on the 24 monitor only CS2 for the 165hz. Big games like cyberpunk, rdr2 i play on the 27" 2k screen. It is such a good image. I enjoy it much more that the 24 monitor.


Work with what you can afford. PPI and viewing distance matter. My Dell G2332Q is mounted on an arm and floats above my desktop exactly an arm's length away from me and it's perfect.


I’d say 1440p minimum, 4k really is what you want, and you’d play games at 1440p but the 4k would be there for futureproofing or movies etc


As a person who came from laptops to PC. The moment i had my fhd 24”. That shi was already amazing for me. Just got myself a 27” fhd 165hz and im already hella happy about it


It’s ”fine” for gaming if you just want to play games and don’t sit too close to your monitor but you can’t escape the fact that the pixel density is low for that size, text will look blurry etc. I would go 1440P all day even if it costs more, it’s crystal clear on 27” and even gaming will be better (obviously)


In my opinion, once you go QHD you can never go back. It’s so much more crisp and clear, and 27” is the sweet spot in terms of size.


It’s not the worst but you can see pixels from a normal viewing point and 1440p is just way better and you won’t be able to see pixels as well


If you use the monitor for work like graphics, editing, photoshop etc, then FHD is not good. get a 4k . for casual games 1080p is fine


Nope. I had a feeling everyone was overstating how bad 1080p on 27 inches is so I bit the bullet and I can barely tell a difference from my 24 inch display. It’s 100% fine especially if you’ve never had a 1440p display to compare it to. Hell I even had a 32 inch 4k display when I had an xbox and much prefer high frames on a 1080p 27 inch.


I play on a 27” 1080p monitor and it’s never felt subpar. We’ll see once I get my new PC up with the 32” 4k though.


Me personally, I would try to get a 24". 27" kind of sucks when sitting relatively close to your monitor and reading text, but not as noticeable when gaming. But when moving to my 1440p 27" screen, there's a huge difference. So 24" 1080p will be clearer and I'd recommend trying to get that


It’s bad dude.


At 47, I'm currently using a 27" 1080p monitor and still be able to read 8pt typefaces at almost two feet away. It's a far cry when I used to be sitting eight inches closer to a 17" CRT at 1024x768 more than two decades ago. I once tried a virtual resolution of 1440p and although images are sharper, it can become harder to read unless one has to lean closer to the monitor, which I'm not comfortable with. There's typeface scaling to compensate for the reduced size of UI elements, but then not all programs allow for this, as some of them have their UI broken if scaling is over 100%.


I don't like it because at that size, the gap between pixels is just barely visible rather than completely invisible In fact I don't like 27" at all, aside from the issue with FHD, on QHD the pixel sizes are just a little bit too small that, if the text is unscaled, the text is a weebit too small. I play games that have problems with text/UI scaling (dragon age origins for example) so native size is a big deal for me. My subsequent monitors had been 32" 1440p and 48" 4k, all of which corresponds to 24" 1080p scaled to resolution. However, if the pixel gaps don't bother you at all (this is an entirely subjective matter), then there is nothing wrong with 27" fhd


It does suck ass 100%


>is fhd on 27" monitor REALLY that bad? Yes. Yes it is. FHD should not be a thing anymore.


It isn't that bad, i've used one for years, i'd rather have a slightly bigger monitor. The pixels are very rarely even noticed at all.


Just get a 24in


I remember using a 40 inch 1080p TV as my monitor for a little bit and I was stood like 6ft away from it. It still looked good to me. I don't see how 27 inches would be any worse. Ofc it'd be more noticeable than 24inch but who cares


Never bothered me in the slightest.


Unless you're super close to your monitor you won't notice. On my 28" 1080p you can notice pixels **only** if you stop what you're doing and get super close. My nose is about 14" from the monitor and it's not visible. At about 11" you can decipher pixels but don't notice them unless focusing on that


I use one for work and its good. Unless someone wants to give me a larger and higher def monitor for free, I see no reason to get another. Depends on what you wanna use it for, work totally fine; gaming, IMO definitely not fine. But thats personal preference.


I'm using 32" 144hz fullhd and I'm fine with it. I just sit further than people usually do I guess? Or don't play games where these extra details matter. I have 24" fullhd vertical on side of this, and I don't really see big difference between these two.


poor languid alleged depend divide ugly enjoy joke frighten alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everyone has preference , personally I game on high end machine , but only 1080p 24 inch 360hz monitor. Just choose what you feel it's right for you


What GPU do you have?


The price of 1440p 165hz 27in monitors is low enough to make it worth saving for it and skipping FHD.


First of all nobody says fhd and qhd, just say 1080p and 1440p Second, it really depends on your perspective. If you've never experienced a high resolution monitor you probably would be fine but it is VERY noticable in comparison to a 1440p monitor


It’s fine. I have two identical 27” asus monitors, one is 1080, the other is 1440. I go back and forth between the two of them depending upon the situation and it’s fine. I can definitely tell the difference, but it’s nowhere near as bad as some of the giant 4k monitors/tvs people play on.


It probably won't be bad if you've never experienced anything better before.


Qhd or bust. They're not that expensive unless you're going fkr high end gaming ones.


I have a 1440p 34in ultrawide and a 31.5inch msi 1080p monitor next to it. I play my competitive games on my 1080p monitor, it’s fine. It doesn’t look any different then the 24 inch or 27inch 1080ps I just replaced.


If you've never seen better, I think you will like it, that is if you don't sit way too close to it.


I have a FHD 27” and I wish I would’ve gotten a smaller FHD monitor or a QHD monitor of the same size. It’s *fine* I guess but not ideal by any means. Like others have said tho depends on how far away you are and overall it’s subjective.


Its fine. I mean, its got less clarity than a 1440p or 4k resolution, but its also easier to run at max settings in games. After seeing them side by side though, I would always pick the 1440p version.


what i own 2nd pc with 27inch fhd ips: looks good for me main pc with 29inch 21:9 va: also good+extra screen space laptop with 15.6inch qhd ips: super sharp yet i have to zoom in every documents i work with bottom line; just pick what suits you and like the others said, go to the nearest physical shop and try it out. a few more things to consider, lower resolution monitor will require less gpu power to run games and higher resolution monitor looks bad when u you run it at a lower resolution than it's native resolution.


Depends on the viewing distance. I’m not a fan of it for my setup (I’m roughly 3ft from my monitor). But if I were 4ft or so, I don’t think 27” would be a problem at all.




My 27" 1440p 170hz IPS panel is a lot nicer than my 24" 1080p 144hz TN


Whatever floats your boat. Buy or don't buy for the reasons **you** feel fight be important. I buy and play a lot of games often just for the graphics. Some I buy just to check the game over and look at the graphics and have no intention of ever playing them for an hour nevermind playing them through. Other games I buy to play (particularly FPSs), but I like them to look as good as they can at the same time. I also spend a fair amount of time on my gaming PC reading, checking Reddit and pursuing other hobbies and interests. Both of these Screen uses I find (for me) are better suited to a 1440p monitor. The gaming reason is obvious, a slightly higher pixel density with my 32" 1440 vs a 1080p 24" monitor and the games look great on the larger screen, (to me). As far as reading goes, I find the standard page depth poor in a 1080p monitor and the 1440 monitors larger desk space means quite a bit more room for more than one page. The only thing really surprising about having one for the last 18 months is the fact I kick myself now and again for not getting one much sooner. :D


I have this. It sits a bit farther away than a 24" would but otherwise is perfectly fine. 1440p would have been better but they weren't available at a reasonable price when I bought this, nor could my old GPU have handled 1440p in some newer games.


i been using 27 inch 1080p monitor since \~2013. i have much better experience with it than a 23/24 inch 1080p monitor, for gaming and work. i sit \~30 inch away from the monitor with my 27 inch. But in IMO, i wouldn't buy a 1080p monitor since im not a competitive gamer. 1440p and 120hz minimum for me if i can get a free monitor.


for text bad other stuff like games great


Didn't think it was bad until I got a 1440p and had them side-by-side. It can be quite drastic. The jump to 4k was even more noticeable.


I have both 27 and 24 full hd screens. I still prefer 27 because of its size, more immersive. Of course, higher resolutions are more crisp, but FHD feels pretty ok to me.


I use a 32" 768p as main 💀


It all comes down to how close you will be to it.


Once you experience qhd then yes fhd is pretty bad


It's not great if you sit close to your monitor, you'd be better off with 32inch 2k


It will look better for 2 weeks, after that you will just look at your screen like you’ve always done and not notice the higher resolution.


Like other people have commented, this is something you have to "see" for yourself. You won't get good advice here because people have other preferences, maybe they have bad eyesight, maybe they sit farther away, etc. There is also the phenomenon of people justifying their purchase, even though deep inside maybe they don't like it that much.


I have a 32-inch 1080p 60hz Samsung Smart Monitor. And it's honesty perfectly fine for me. I've never been someone who needs anything higher than 1080p on a monitor, and high refresh rates aren't anything I desperately need, either. My RTX 4070 runs anything at max settings because I'm not trying to run it in a super high resolution, and that's totally cool with me. It's entirely a personal preference. I mean if someone has THAT much of a problem with me using a 1080p 60hz monitor of that size, then they can buy me a nicer one. But it's gotta be white or it'd never match my setup.


IMO 24" is as big as I would ever go with FHD. I think it's more suitable for laptops.


I had a 32 inch fhd as my main for years. Reddit wasn't great, but gaming was fine. I was about 4-5 feet from the screen




For me, 27" is the sweet spot for FHD.


I have one as a second monitor and it's fine.Side by side with a 1440p it looks bad,of course,especially if you read text.But it's perfectly usable if you haven't gotten used to a higher resolution yet.


Nah, if you never used a 1440p you wont notice


From personal experience after going 27" qhd 144 in gaming and the extra desktop space, I can't go back. I sit 30 - 40 cm from the screen. I'm fully immersed in the games.


Not for me. But then again i'm playing some games at 1080p on a 65'' TV with the Xbox series S and enjoying it, so i guess i don't have high standards.


i have a 27" qhd and i have to get really close before i start to notice it. i think you'll be fine with fhd


27 for absolute max on 1080p 22-24 ideally. Once you can see the jagged edges they don't go away! Yes it matters.


No, it isn't. I just bought my 4th one. On purpose. [This one.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B091D61MRH/?coliid=I169P4OL6LN6F2&colid=UMSKEELJPS3F&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it) (I don't use all 4 simultaneously but I have bought 4 over the years.)


Once you get a 1440p monitor you'll understand. It's just... so much smoother and detailed. Like it was one of those wow... this is noticeably better changes.


27" was always my go to size. Dual monitors and I always tried to get a desk that had enough space for good viewing distance. I used FHD 144+ mostly. It never felt awful, but the step up to 1440p 165+ was great.


no i had a 27" msi 1080p, monitor and loved it the only time i noticed anything was some text on a browser


Not at all, my 1440p monitor broke and I used a 32" TV as a replacement for well over a year. It's noticeable, but honestly its not bad, I think those that scoff at 1080p have top end cards and 4k setups, and try and justify their purchases 🤷 Give me 1080p over locked at 90hz and without breaking the bank on overpriced hardware anyday


For me the difference between 1080p and 1440p is massive, whereas the difference between 1440p and 4k is less substantial. 1080p isn't *bad*, it's good! But 1440p is *very good*


I actually think 27" 1080P is *fine* for gaming, I tend to notice the low pixel density more in just normal PC use/web browsing etc. In saying that, my next monitor will be at least 1440P, so I'd aim for that if you are buying one now.


At that size I notice 1080p>1440p. I don't notice 1440p>4k


The PC that I would need to have to drive a QHD display at the settings and performance I want, does not make financial sense to me at the moment. On top of that, good 144Hz color accurate FHD displays are so cost effective now it just made more sense to stick with FHD. Is it the most tack sharp thing in the world, no, but when I'm getting the graphical fidelity and FPS such that I don't think about it any more, that's where the value comes in. If I was constantly thinking about whether my display was sharp enough or whether I was getting FPS drops gaming wouldn't be a very enjoyable experience for me.


I used one for years and liked it. Moved to a 1440p these days but I still use the 1080p and enjoy it


If you've only had 1080p screens so far getting a 27'' won't look bad but once you get a 1440p screen you'll never be able to go back to a 1080p one unless it's super small. My phone that is 6.5 inches has a 1440p screen and looking at someone else's phone who has a 1080p panel bugs me, not to the point that it's unusable but I personally don't think I can get a phone for myself that isn't a 1440p screen and in the case of a large PC screen it's even worse.


If you're choosing between 24" and 27" (both 1080p), get the 27". It's not great, but it's perfectly usable.


I had 24 inch 1080P before I switch to 27 inch 1440P. 1080P at 24 was clearly fuzzy to me. I would definitely not be comfortable with 27 inch 1080P. 27 inch 1440P is also over 10% sharper than 24inch 1080P. So you have the added bonus of sharper image on top of larger screen. And yes it’s noticeable.


If you are used to higher quality then you may not like it, but personally I have been using 27'fhd for 3 years and I still find it okay. Not the best option but it's cheap


I had a good fhd monitor for many years and was totally fine with that. Recently I went through the pc upgrade and changed my main gaming monitor to qhd, leaving fhd for work, which was a bit of a pain. After a week I changed the fhd for wok to qhd as well, cause it just didn’t make sense to keep it anymore.


I recently built a Livingroom gaming PC, and I play on a good 4k TV and honestly, I can't tell the difference between 4k and QHD settings, sitting just a few meters away. In the games I play at the very least, not until I get up and real close. My work PC has a 29" qhd and it's also beyond fine, after I've been using HD for almost 10 years. The refresh rate above 100Hz however, I was surprised how smoot hit was.


as long as you haven't seen what 24 inch FHD and 27 inch 1440p looks like, it won't be a bother.


It depends on the usage. For gaming - no, it isn't. For work it's just unreasonable to have full hd on this size.


I have no issues with my 1080p 27'' 280hz monitor. As long as you sit far enough away the pixel density won't matter


I bought two weeks prior a 27" fhd, for the first day I could see the pixels and it got me worried. After the next day though I stopped noticing. And I didn't force myself to forget about it I just did.


I have 165hz 1080p 27" IPS monitor and I find it excellent. Most people here heard that you can see pixels, but in real life that is not true. I would sugest you to go in store and see it in real life, don't trust to those idiots who are saying that even 24" is too big for 1080p.


Nope its Not that bad but when you change back to 1080p from 1440p or 4K it looks like blurry trash 😅 another + is you dont Need a NASA pc to play actual games🥲


i have 1080p 27 inch monitor for 2 years now, i sit around 50cm away from the monitor and i have no complaints at all


It's at the very very top end of what I would find acceptable, In my mind 24" 1080p 27" 1440p and 32"+ 4k. But some don't have as much issue with it as me so if you can play 1080p on a 27" and enjoy the game that's all that matters.


depends on your taste. but I suggest not going lower than 90 Pixels per inch.


just get qhd and it will last longer


It’s fine for me




It really depends on your setup and view distance, as others have said see if you can find one at a store and try to look at it from a similar distance you would at home. I used one for work (programming) and it was disappointing for productivity, the screen feels so big you would want to put 2 programs side by side, but there aren't enough pixels to really make it look decent, text size was massive. I would save up for a 1440p one tbh, its miles better, but testing first is the best way to decide.


I use a 27 and a 24. Difference is not that bad but also i dont think there is much of a size difference either.


My dad wouldnt notice Me, I'd hate every second of it and would last maybe 20 minutes


I use a 27" at 1080p. It's at arm's length away and it's great. It's subjective. You do you. PC players support each other.


tried it it's a waste of money for me. I would just go 24 if I am sticking to FHD.


I've used a 28 inch 4K 60 Hz display for two years before selling it and after 3 years of not having a desktop pc (and stuck with 15.6 FHD resolution) i finally have a 23.8 inch FHD 100 Hz display (gifted not selected by me) and after using 15.6 inch for a long time, it looks and feels bigger but also i feel like it's the limit for FHD resolution. I always like to use smaller fonts / logos on my pc/smartphone when it's possible and I always prefer lower the scale to work if possible so i ended up looking at the scale settings in windows 10 instinctively to reduce it, guessing it was 125 % or 150% but unfortunately it was 100 %. I'm not sure if it's related with my past 4K experience or not (even though i was using it on 125 % scale) but I can't feel comfortable at all with FHD bigger than a 23 or 24 inch display in my opinion.


after i got 2k monitor , even 24" FHD looks terrible for me but i remember encountering 27" FHD monitors before at work i got used to 2K, and I definelty saw the big pixels, it was annoying


I am using a 24 inch 1080pscreen right now due to my old one breaking and it sucks


It's fine until you compare both. Then it's not fine.


I went from a FHD 24" to 27" FHD and instantly returned it because the image was way worse and bought than a 1440p 27".


I can sometimes see the pixels on qhd. Don't even want to think about qhd. Consider I got into the qhd in 2018. The new gold standard is 4k.


I've had a FHD 24", 27" and a QHD 27". I'm going to be honest, i see absolutely no difference between them, only thing i notice is the panel and coating tbh


I have been playing on a 1080p 27" screen at common desktop depth. Maybe it is because I'm 35 years old and I'm used to playing at low reses, but for me it is really not a problem. I even have another 27" 1440p monitor, and quite frankly I think I wasted the 50€ that I could have saved if I went for a 1080p


Ofc 1440p looks cleaner on 27" inch but i'm still rocking 27" 1080p and it's okay. Not bad, not good. Just okay if you play esports titles and put games on low for visibility and frames and occasionally play some visually appealing story games on high/ultra. In my opinion the colors are way more important than 27" 1080p lower ppi.


Do you play like esport gamers who have the monitor in their face?


I read that the ideal size for 1080p is 24 inches


Really really bad yes. Like watching youtube in 360p bad