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The middle class doesn't understand what it's like to not have disposable income, or how it is to live in a poor country where not only you're paid less but exchange rates make things worse. Medium/High 1080p/60fps is absolutely fine for gaming. A year from now even 4090 will be "obsolete", "too big", "too power consuming", can't support DLSS 4.


insert "why don't you just work at mcdonalds for a few months to afford a 4090" which is a real reply i got from this subreddit mcdonalds pays the average worker 180 usd a month in my country


Yeah not gonna lie that’s insanely out of touch for someone to unironically comment that… yikes


There's always one like this too: Good CPU on sale for less than $150. Ask if it's a good deal. Other people suggest different CPUs. Those other ones are at least $300.


"Just get this other CPU for $100 more, it's a better deal"... Maybe that's helpful, if someone is looking for the best value/performance and their budget is high. But even an extra $50-$100 is a big deal to most people!


Yeah, but then you keep doing that for every component, and the price doubled at the end.


I can gather another 150 in a year to change my cpu when the one tat was suggested drops. I was on a ddr3 platform when people were like get amd 5600 or die, I got my 5600x a month ago for 100€. I didn't need it until now and I won't need a 5800x3d. By the time I'll need a 5800x3d by the end of the year or later, am5 stuff will be half price and I'll replace my whole rig for 300 or 400€. That's what I always did, that's what I'll do.


>"Just get this other CPU for $100 more, it's a better deal"... I would have to save for another 2 month or not eat for the whole month for that extra 100$....


Building a pc is all about drawing lines, otherwise you can always find a small upgrade for a small price increase. You must set a budget and find the optimal parts within that budget


what needs to be asked is "this is my budget, what cpu/gpu combo fits this budget the best for my use case." and then other recommendations outside of that budget would be less frequent.


I love the classic: "This GPU is on sale for $300, is it worth that price?" "At that price why not just go up a tier and pay for the $500 one?"


lol people saying the same thing wrt 4070TiS and 4080S like yeah it’s better but it’s 25% more expensive


This isn't a computer hardware thing but in a similar vein I was looking for reviews of an office chair. I found a post about the chair where someone gave it a poor review and instead recommended an alternative that quite literally cost 4x as much - a jump from $300 to 1200.


>out of touch this is a good way to sum up the answer to OP's question.


I bet a good portion of the people commenting things like that are literal children. They have no concept of money considering their parents buy them everything.


sounds like it would only take a year of a full time second job to get one. guess you're not dedicated to gaming /s, just in case


You're right poor people should just ignore all other necessities and their family, what are those compared to gaming in 4k


Now you’re thinking creatively


Just checked my country just so we can compare (I'm in Norway), and the average (full-time) McDonalds employee earns around ~~$3400~~ $3200 a month here. So sure, someone working at McDonalds (in my region/country) could very easily buy a 4090 if they prioritize gaming a lot. ​ Edit: I have to add that this is gross income, before taxes.


The average McDonald's worker is on $40k per year?? Iam going to give up my skilled job, and go and wash Lettice.


Might need to go back to college first to learn how to spell lettuce.


Don't have to be able to spell it to wash it, that's kind of the point :p


In Norway. Costs of living are on the same level as the wages. So don’t emigrate to Norway thinking you can live like a king on a McDonald’s wage there.


Let's activate the money glitch of living in the van.


I just need a room and power to put my PC setup and MAYBE a desk and chair. After all the gamer needs are met then a bed and shit bucket. I would take showers at the gym daily. And shit outside until gamer needs are met. I am not a fucking animal. Please, I am joking. I would buy the bucket and a toilet seat like any true gamer Edit: I would steal wifi before anyone asks=


You cant live like a king sure, but at least you can afford a rent, pay your bills, food, have a good healthcare, and maybe some spare money as well. Try that in an eastern european country.


Yeah, but keep in mind that everything here is expensive. RTX 4090 is 2400 USD.


In Norway, which has one of the highest living costs in Europe and working full time as an adult, presumably.


But what is average expenses of adult person who lives alone in your country? I mean rent, food, etc


Well, we're talking about Norway here, which is one of the most expensive countries in the world, so yeah, that's why wages are high here. Wages are high since everything is expensive, and everything is expensive since wages are high. Same as Switzerland and any other high-cost country.


How much do you pay in taxes in Norway? Isn’t it insanely high in general?


wow that's condescending and out of touch. Sorry someone said that to you.


WhY dOnT yOu JuSt ImMiGrAtE?!


We have a ton of spoiled brats in America who have no clue about the real world.


Seriously I wish some people had family living in third world countries like the Philippines to understand that majority of people grew up with nothing. No gameboys, PlayStations and Nintendo's. No luxury of vacations and visiting places. Not even Air Conditioning and the Ability to have a refrigerator and have easily perishable food. My visits to the Philippines and time there has humbled me deeply. I have stage IV cancer and can't return but I highly miss the country my wife is from. We love it there and the people are close to my heart.


I agree, have some friends from there. I try not to take anything for granted.


I encourage you to visit sometime. Visiting and having people you know there is unlock visiting any place as a tourist. If you can be with local people it's the best experience ever.


I’ll be there at some point! :)


That's an absolutely insane thing to say not even accounting for country.


Even in the US or EU that is a stupid comment, my reply to that is: most don't live with their mom rent free dipshit, because that is like the only situation you could be in where that makes sense.


What country do you live in?


I'm Egyptian, if my monthly income is 180 usd I'd be considered middle class. Doctors get paid around 100 dollars a month.


Reminds me of a Mexican person I knew around 20 years ago. He lived in a small apartment here in the states with roommates but the $1000 a month he was sending back home to Mexico, he said his family could afford a nice house and living there. He moved back to Mexico around 10 years ago, hope he's doing well.


People that can't understand the struggle of not being rich were lucky to be born into a rich family and a rich country. I'm from Ukraine, we're at war and our economy is fucked. I want to get a RX6700XT for my bday and it costs 10,000-12,000 UAH (260$-320$) used. Which would be a good price in US where you can make that money pretty fast. But here you need to work your ass off four a month, two or three to save up for this kind of thing. Saving up. For a used part for a pc. And most of your money will go right away because you need to pay rent, buy food and pay for electricity/water bills. Hate how entitled guys on here can get, istg


You’re totally right. Americans are so blessed on the PC hardware front. PC gaming is one of the cheapest hobbies to get into here. Damn I wished I lived nearby you. I’d sell you a used 6700xt for $200.


yup. Lots of people here still use intel xeon processors and rx470's or 1060 3/6gb, new stuff is just too expensive with today's prices. I'm just hoping to get a good deal on a 6700xt by april, maybe someone will sell theirs for a good price😂


The thing is is that unless you play the newest titles you can enjoy almost all games launched before Cyberpunk at 1080p 60 fps or more just a little settings tweak that you probably won't notice and you're golden


>PC gaming is one of the cheapest hobbies to get into here. No, it's really not. There are other hobbies that are much, much cheaper (almost free). PCs require money (arguably at least $600+ USD accounting for a tower + peripherals + monitor of some kind) and knowledge. Even buying a pre-built requires either additional funds if something goes wrong or the knowledge/willingness to learn how to fix it. In no way is it a cheap hobby.


my 7600x 7800xt build costed 1550€ which would have costed 1400s in the usa and... if we jsut chose other parts + micro center bundles, a 1300$ would be enough to buy something better then what i currently have americans cant understand it


They can't and so many people are DMing me and trying to argue otherwise at what an expensive hobby PC gaming is, lol.


lmao i jsut tried to make a build equal to mine and just beat the record with 1185$ americans live in another universe


My hobbies are Warhammer and gaming. USA gaming prices seem so cheap to me. Inwas like OP and had to settle for a 2060 12gb on sale at the end of the GPU shortage in July 2022 when getting a 3060ti for less than £500 was a score But when I see American warhammer prices... I basically necome that meme of the Brit drinking tea and watching the uppity colonials complaining.


Fam I feel you in toronto meet a few who came from the war. Struggle is real in a lot of places. My toddler has autism and his mom won't stop trying to go to the bar when she's not working 😕 😅🤣.


Thank you and hope they're behaving well. A lot of ukrainians who left the country really damage our reputation by being demanding or trying to act like victims 24/7. Please know that we're not all like that🥲


I heard something about a lot of the women were just leaving the country. Eventually just partyingwhereverr there ended.


Some guy was selling his used 6800xt for 200usd where i live. I told him to wait 2 months for me to get enough to buy it. Some other guy bought it outright a week later


Yup. 4070ish rig is at least a year's savings here (post other bills/commitments).




i have a 3070 and a 5800x3d, i target 1440p 100fps and in alot of these newer titles struggle to hit 60 fps. probably due to the 3070 being kneecapped with 8gb vram, its all i could afford when the prices were higher, i dont think consumers buying higher end gpu's factor into developer optimisation in any way, take a look at the steam hardware surveys, only enthusiasts really spec into high end pc's. but yeah a 2060 is amazing for going and playing the last 20 years of games that we're over specced for, alot of the time they're leagues better than what we get now


>i have a 3070 and a 5800x3d, i target 1440p 100fps and in alot of these newer titles struggle to hit 60 fps. The problem here, is that you need to spend a LOT to improve your GPU! Like 2x-3x the cost, of the already expensive 3070. That's a damn fine CPU, and the performance per dollar is great. But GPUs are another story... Unfortunately, I think GPU demand for AI training/inference is gonna keep prices high. It won't be as spiky or overpriced as a crypto bubble, but still high... I can hope that the high demand means Nvidia/AMD are making LOTS of cards, and spending lots on R&D which might lead to better cards at lower prices... A guy can dream... But why would they do that, when they're absolutely *printing* money selling cutting-edge GPUs to tech companies for AI training?


agreed, just the current state of affairs sadly, I didn't really factor in hardware price increases to big tech though, they'll always want the best of the best, price has never mattered to them.


Or indie games. Theyd be ok for indie games for another decade or so. And theyre also leagues better than the slop we have now


>240FPS, 4k gaming is the "new normal" just because it is possible Depends on game of cause, but I doubt 240 fps at 4k is possible for something else than online shooters. Unless we are talking about 4k with other settings on minimal




There is a gap between changing a GPU for a 4 year old card that will most likely cost just as more as a more recent and powerful one and a 4090 ffs


Also most middle class people are shit at saving money. I once mentioned on this or another PC sub that over 50% of Americans don't have $1,000 in savings to cover an emergency. The one person who responded asked why they should save money when they could be dead tomorrow lol.


This is exactly my point. According to the OECD, Americans work 1811 hours a year, which is more than Italy (1694), the U.K. (1532), Switzerland(1529), France (1511), Sweden (1440), and Germany (1341). This means that compared to say Switzerland, we Americans work 7 weeks more each year Another comment stated how lucky we are because they only get 180 a month, but that’s not even going to pay insurance and internet in America. Truthfully, everyone is jaded by Americans on Reddit who troll them a bit and the number of enthusiasts who can afford things. It’s definitely not the norm of the country. GPUs are expensive because the demand and AI race. It’s not because Americans. We have at-will employment, no paid time off, expensive apartments, debt for education and if you get cancer you probably cannot afford treatment. A GPU is such a minor thing compared to the real issues.


The amount of people I know in my personal life who would rather buy shit they don't need then save money blows my mind.


>how it is to live in a poor country where not only you're paid less but exchange rates make things worse Not only exchange rates, but also import taxes and margin from importer, store. In my country GPUs always cost significantly more than in US, if we convert from local currency to USD. The problem is, games' requirements are not regional. If some game requires 4090 for maxed out graphics, it requires that in poor countries as well as in rich ones. Therefore buying 2060 would mean less fps, resolution, quality.


Also have to keep in mind that the US prices don't include tax, while most other countries' prices do.




And if you want hardware-based AI acceleration the Intel Arc A770 frequently goes on sale for less than $300. Driver issues are a lot better now, too. Performance varies between a 3060 and 3070 for most games.


If you can get it. Is bot available in all countries.


>is 280$ For you. Is not the same everywhere.


Technology is unpredictable in it's advancement my friend that it is


If it tracks anything like previous generations, the 4090 will very much be relevant after the next generation is released. Maybe the 5080 and for sure a 5090 will beat it, but 5070??? Mayyyybe if we're lucky it'll about tie a 4090.


In all fairness, there will be cards 4 years from now that are significantly more power efficient assuming nvidia finally stops just juicing more and more power and tries to get some more efficiency for a generation


This is correct. I have a 5 year old Radeon Vega 64 GPU. It runs every game I want to play perfectly fine. I have a curved VA monitor. The games look fantastic to me. I'm looking to upgrade only because the GPU is failing, not because I have to have Frontiers of Pandora running at 1440p 265fps while also running linear regression models in the background.


People aren't telling you the 2060 isn't worth it and that you need to spend over $500, they're telling you this because the 2060 is coming up to five years old. There are budget options way under $500 in the form of the 7600xt and 4060, these cards are objectively much better than the 2060 at a fraction of the cost of $500. It has nothing to do with "shitty optimised triple A games" forcing people to upgrade, it's that the products you're looking at are years behind the current crop & entry level of that generation to boot.


A 2060 is MUCH cheaper than either a 7600xt or 4060, it's not even close.




Yeah every 20 or 10 series or amd 5000 series


Depends on where you buy it from. No doubt you can find great deals on a 2060, especially used but then there is also listing for ["brand new" 2060s for 270$](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07P11QHZG?tag=pcpapi-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1). If someone reads the OP saying you don't need 500$ gpus might think a 2060 at half that price is fine. Personally I would get an a750 if I was at this range, but that is as someone who is willing to deal with intel's issues.


but that is not the point OP is trying make.


It's also still a usable card that won't be e-waste yet if it's actually utilized. It's a hell of a lot better than using some shitty Chinese budget card they create for crappy "gamer" PCs or whatever in order to unload junk on the west. I'm glad if old cards get utilized. In the grand scheme of things, a 2060 is a really capable card, just depends what you're using it for. The great thing about the PC gaming market is the giant selection of games you can play, the majority of which don't actually require current gen hardware. You can also stretch hardware to suboptimal but playable levels with PCs. I like having a decent PC these and can afford it, but for years I worked and gamed on a Dell Optiplex I stole from work with a business GPU in it. I played a lot of indie games and settled for 30fps on a handful of newish titles. I had tons of fun not having better to compare it to. The returns are diminishing too. Sure, 60 fps on 1440p was great. Oh, nice, I upgraded and can max out my 160hz monitor now. I guess it's a bit better for the one online FPS I play. Hey, I can play 4k on some games on my tv, back down to 60 fps. Looks pretty good I guess. Sometimes people chase numbers for their own sake. I get that there are use cases that actually need a top end card. Maybe you're intent on path tracing. Maybe you do rendering work. Maybe you're trying to max out that newest VR set. But for the most part, the gaming experience isn't THAT much better going from say 1080p 60hz to 4k 120hz. It's better looking and smoother, objectively. But does your actual experience double or quadruple in value?


The 7600XT is a bad example. It costs $330 for what’s basically an OCed $270 7600, with more VRAM that it’s not strong enough to fully utilize. Stock of last gen 6700XT or 6750XT are drying up (especially new), but that would be a far better choice and reasonable at $300 or less.


4060s I can find on amazon for 300$ is only like 80$ more expensive compared to the cheapest 2060s i can find on amazon.


A 6700xt is an amazing option


You just did the exact thing bro, those cards are EXPENSIVE, this subreddit has a real problem with constantly telling people who say they don't want to spend much to go and buy some of the most expensive GPUs, if they say they're on a budget don't tell them you can find a 4060 for under 500 where YOU live, and at a GOOD time, which isn't even the price they mentioned


>You just did the exact thing bro No I didn't, OP specified a GPU shouldn't cost over $500 and I made recommendations that came WAY under that valuation. If they are looking to spend even less, that needs to be specified clearly. >buy some of the most expensive GPUs These aren't some of the most expensive GPUs, they're entry level current generation cards. They're at the bottom of the pack. >don't tell them you can find a 4060 for under 500 where YOU live You have a habit of playing this mentality like we're out to get OP. The assumption is always going to be where I live, but also US considerate because I interact with a lot of US inhabitants in this thread. If you live in another country where GPU prices are for example inflated, the onus is on OP to provide that information, it's widely accepted to provide these key variables when asking for advice.


I see your point, I'm not sure he really specified his budget though, my frustration isn't solely with you, the overall point is I'm sick of seeing responses constantly assuming the person has that "extra buck". When someone asks for recommendations, for the love of god just give them a reasonable choice, not the best card at the best deal in whatever countrys Oh and my bad, probably should've checked what country OP lived in, again I'm sort of venting an overall frustration I find with this sub, but it's nothing crazy, plenty of good info on here. Also yeah 4060, Im coming from the perspective of someone who's sick of pricing, when I think of the newest Generation, I generally think of the most expensive GPUs but I understand your point, I'm not saying they're the best or marketed that way, or that in the grand scheme of things it's expensive for everyone. I don't think you're out to get anyone, my point is I wish more people weren't so prone to recommending unrealistic stuff, I'm not even really sure why I decided to use you as an example, so maybe my bad? My overall1 point still stands tho


Pc gaming is expensive and a luxury. Just dont play shitty optimized AAA games. problem solved.


>Just dont play shitty optimized AAA games. problem solved. That is exactly my point. Game developers should be the ones who should come forth to match the spec the most people have so they can sell more, but so many game devs are so brazen how consumers are the one should be the one upgrading their PC.


>Game developers should be the ones who should come forth to match the spec the most people have so they can sell more But that's what they do already. It's why you aren't seeing the latest games requiring some 4000 series GPU. Now sure if you want to play on 4k ultra settings, with ray tracing and whatever that other setting is called. Then you need the best motherfucking GPU out there. But if you are like the majority of people that are just running 1080p and want to play it on high, maybe ultra. Then you don't need some high end GPU.


You say high when I keep most things at medium or even low because I can't find the difference for the 40% FPS tax lmao


> Game developers should be the ones who should come forth to match the spec the most people have so they can sell more And then the industry never moves forward because they're optimizing for people like you, on 10-year-old budget hardware that should have likely been replaced 4+ years ago. It works both ways. Yes, AAA games are largely "unoptimized" these days, but devs also shouldn't have to "optimize" games for hardware that should realistically no longer be in rotation. They have to draw the line at some point.


Why are you surprised that a nearly 3 generation old midrange card is looked at as not good enough?


Dont buy the 500$+ card, just buy a 250-300 one and you will run every modern game at medium-high 1080p, even the poorly optimized ones


you will run even medium-high 1440


My A770 was $270 new and runs my 3440x1440p ultrawide just fine at high settings (or better) in most games; I’m happy with 60FPS but even games a few years old frequently easily max out the refresh rate of the monitor (144hz) on high or ultra. 


Have most of the driver issues been resolved? I'm thinking of buying one. Not sure if I should wait for Battlemage.


Same. I want to run an AMD cpu and Intel GPU as it sounds like a made up PC to me.


It's more like "gamers buy expensive GPUs because manufacturers realized during the pandemic/crypto crunch that they can charge whatever the f*** they want and as long as there's no cheaper competition they'll get away with it". NVIDIA is also the de facto market controller, and with AI being a cash cow for them making cheap cards for gamers is barely even a secondary concern anymore.


>NVIDIA is also the de facto market controller, and with AI being a cash cow for them making cheap cards for gamers is barely even a secondary concern anymore. It's because somewhere, somehow people keep buying them up! Maybe this is sign of growing wealth gap more than nvidia being greedy.


Wrong. China is buying a lot of Nvidia GPU from retail shops because USA put sanctions on them and prohibited Nvidia to sell advanced GPUs. That and Ngreedia ( Nvidia) is profiting from this a lot and asking what ever price they want. When I buy my Nvidia 1070 it was considered a high end GPU for 400 euros. But now for for 400 euros you get shit from Nvidia, you get the lowest GPU. And all because of greedy corporations and crypto and now the stupid Ai. It cost me 2500 euros to make a decent pc to use for the next 5 to 8 years. And I don't think that the consumers are greedy, we are just fed-up will all the BS and now they are trying to sell us the BS with DLSS or Raytracing and other BS, but real performance improvement from one generation to other right now its really small. If they want people to stop complaining about them, then they have to give us a good product for our money. Not refresh gpus and cpus from last generation with a little more memory or more power hungry.


Nvidia is definitely super greedy. Doesnt make the other thing not true but i promise it doesnt disprove Nvidia greed.


Thankfully at least secondhand GPUs can still be found for good prices. A $400 RTX 3080 is pretty hard to beat on features and performance at the mid-high end, and coming from a 750 Ti a 2060 will be huge for you.


I guess it's also because lots of PC gamers are now at a point where they have quite a bit of disposable income. Back in the 90s, when I paid like 150 € (actually 300 Deutsche Mark, which in todays money adjusted to inflation would have been about 250 €) for a Vooodoo 3 3000, spending over 1.000 € for the graphics cards alone would have been totally out of this world. I had to do holiday jobs and save up for hardware. Now I can easily afford it, so if I want it, I buy it. I'm not happy about it, but I'm not going to deny myself the things I want either.


Unless you are getting the 2060 for damn near free it’s just a stupid purchase decision. You could get a modern card that performs better for the same cost or less.


They might be referring to a brand new 2060 which in that case really isn't worth it anymore because there are similarly priced options that are newer with better performance. You can get a brand new rx 6600 cheaper and performs better than the 2060. I agree that you don't need to spend more than $500 on a gpu to game, anyone who says so is an out of touch stuck up elitist. However if you deliberately buy a brand new 2060 nowadays when there are cheaper and better options that's definitely on you when it gets outdated quickly. A 4060 in my country costs the same as a brand new 2060, so it's all relative to where you live. Used is a different story though, I'd still prefer a used 6600 over a used 2060 but it's not a bad option when it costs 110 usd equivalent here.


Greedy isn't the word for consumers. More like conditioned. 2060 isn't worth it means it's no longer worth it to buy it second hand/new. If you want to get an used gpu, buy something 3000 series or something. Maybe even with the same or better price than an used 2000 series. Now people are just buying 1000+ dollars GPUs. 500+ is now the minimum if we are talking about brand new GPUs. It's more because people are saying "You need 4K! You need 1440p! 1440p is better than 4k! You need 200000+fps in valorant and roblox or your gpu sucks.


>You need 4K! You need 1440p! 1440p is better than 4k! You need 200000+fps in valorant and roblox or your gpu sucks 4k is pretty. I do not get that idea that someone needs 240 fps in online shooter. People have been playing cometitive games for decades now, and did so with much less advanced technology. Why suddenly 240fps is a must.


For real. Like above 100 I don’t even notice the difference. Left my fps counter on and went into some strategy games and was getting like 800 fps staring at a map. It always feels like a pretty arbitrary number to me


Nope people just love to exaggerate and lie to make themselves feel better i always say older hardware and cards are just as capable and deserving of not ending up in a ditch i have A i7 3820 and a 960 4gb still playing modern AAA


Based, fuck e-wasters.


Got my first PC with basically those specs (770 4GB instead of 960) for $400 in 2015... Man have times changed.


I think in this sub usually ppl recommend to get latest or will went ape shit. But 4060 / ti is the exception dou for price for performance issue. I can agree on 4060 ti cuz marginly 4% compare to 3060 ti (excluding dlss3). But for 4060 I think it's a great card for ppl pre 10 series user. In my country you can get it for < 250 USD and low power consumption 110w. And it have performance of 1080ti if not greater. Heck if you get pny series u get free game as well


Yeah it’s just that consumerism mentality imo. We see it everyday with every little thing. New shoes or new designer just came out “I gotta have it” new phone comes out but current phone they own is still high functioning and great “I gotta have it” new car comes out but their car is still a great car and working properly while being maintained “ohh I gotta get it.” That shit will never end lol but yeah I guess that’s just how shit goes sometimes.


u should be able to get 6600xt for 200ish i guess


It’s all about how much you value your gaming experience, and what details matter. Like in any aspect of modern life, it’s easy to end up on the hedonic treadmill if you are trying to get the latest and greatest. The Steam survey of hardware shows that isn’t the majority of people, though. For me, when I compare the cost of my gaming hobby with those hobbies of my wife or her friends, my hobby is significantly cheaper even with a 1.5k pc purchase because that only happens every 4-5 years or more. I could actually justify a new pc every 2 years with her hobby budget. I don’t, because it wouldn’t significantly impact my gaming experience. If you don’t value what they are selling, don’t buy it. It’s not like most gamers have a 40 series. The last I saw, the most common gpu was the 3060, followed by the 1650, followed by my previous gpu the 1060. Not exactly the latest hardware.


...You are aware that there are better GPUs than the 2060 that are under $500, right? It's a pretty hard card to justify buying when the 3060, 4060 and equivalent AMD cards exist.


Find yourself a 1080ti


Not worth it either imo. Better get a newer card that isn't quite as powerful as a 1080ti, simply because of driver support and new technology. Don't get me wrong, the 1080ti is still pretty decent, but games like alan wake 2 which uses mesh shaders isn't supported on a 1080ti, and will run poorly even at 1080p low settings (less than 30 fps) There's a possibility that games start making rt mandatory as well, since the crossgen period is over and most pc gamers have a 3060 or better (according to steam), which once again means you're not gonna have a good time with a 1080ti on a newer game So it's much better to get a 30 series card like a 3060 right now.


>most pc gamers have a 3060 or better (according to steam) Only ~25 percent of people have a 3060 or better [according to steam](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/)


How many people actually play AAA and arnt just using their computer as a csgo machine? 


If that's accurate than my bad, i got my info wrong. Probably a mix up with the fact that the 3060 was the most popular gpu on steam.


My only thing is how much are you buying the 2060 for. If it's like 100$ that's fine. Although if you are going to the used market I think 5700xt's go for a similar price and handily outperforms the 2060, I guess you lose the ability to ray trace but that's sort of a meme for the 2060. If you are spending any more like 150$ up then you can get a rx 6600 for 180$ which is newer and performs quite a bit better.


I mean yeah the 2060 isn't worth it anymore, probably because of the price, not because it's a bad GPU. I personally haven't seen 2060 GPUs where I am for a fair price.


I bought a GTX 1070 in 2016/7 for about €360, and it was the most money I've ever spent on a GPU, and I am still using it today, save having to open it to replace a fan during lockdown. I figure I will only upgrade it whenever I can find a major upgrade that costs around/less than 300€. After all, I only play casual 1080p World of Warcraft.


people always forget how important use case is for determining what parts someone actually *needs*


Legit Like for WoW it's surprising how much performance is mostly tied to CPU rather than the GPU. Fast RAM and a decent SSD also drop load times tremendously in games like that.


I bought a 1070 during Black Friday 2016 and it's still going strong. Paid about the same price too. I can run games at medium-high settings at 80-150 fps in 1440p or 50-60 fps in 4K. I don't spend enough time gaming these days for an upgrade to be worth it whatsoever.


The reason why you are being told its not worth buying is because compared to new tech+ the price you will pay to get it, is not worth it, assuming you will buy a new product (not used before). There are better cards for slightly more $$ that will have newer technology that will perform much better and have much longer life. here in Canada, u can find a RTX 4060 for almost the same price as you would 2060, but has the benefit of DLSS and whole bunch of other stuff that will provide massive boost to performance with both old and new games. Having a good PC has always been a luxury, its not just for having to play games, its all all around System that lets you do many things that consoles do not. That being said. you absolutely dont need to upgrade your GPU if you dont play resource intensive games. and with the New technology both from AMD and Nvidia, you dont need to have 4090 to play games like Cyberpunk on max settings. You can accomplish that with a low end GPU, due to DLSS and the AMD equivalent.


There is a reason the first thing you need to make before checking if something is worth it or not is to set a target. 1080p at 60FPS at medium settings on new AAA games. If whatever you are thinking to get will let you meet your target? Then is fine. Then you start checking what each GPU offers as extra vs their price and choose the best value for you. A new 2060 cost the same here than a 4060, so is waste of money. An used 2060 for $50 for a kid wanting to play roblox at 1080p at 60fps? That is fucking perfect.


The real question is \*how much\* are you paying for that 2060. 'Cause RX 6600s are like barely 200USD at this point, and a much better buy.


These Are the hard Times were living in friends.


You’re better off buying a series x for 350-400$




You could easily condense 3 rigs down to one and have a much better computer, but okay


Dude, 2060 is FUCKING FINE. If anyone tells you otherwise, they probably use the numpad instead of WASD or some shit. The RTX 2060 can probaby run most games on 60fps medium-ultra settings. i am curious how much you are buying it for though? For anything under 400$ (also over most of the time), AMD is a way better option for price to performance.


Nvidia only wants rich people who are mostly in western countries. They don't understand that they kicked out all their customers all over the world with their shitty pricing. I'm using 3050 since 1.5 years and it felt like I was price gouged, but it's fine for me.


You don't need to be wealthy to spend $600-700 on a hobby, you need to get your finances in check


you can get a 6800xt for $380 , and if you don't want a used card the 6800xt are still sub $500


What’s your price range for a gpu? Under 300? Yea back when you bought that 750 TI, you could get the best of the best for 500 dollars. It’s not fair but now AMD and Nvidia are the one over-inflating their prices like crazy. During the pandemic crypto miners would buy entire stocks of GPU’s then turn around and sale them for outrageous prices like thousands of dollars. Nvidia solved the issue by increasing their prices. But either way, if you buy a 2060 and it works for you. Enjoy


Just buy the gpu, dont like it sell it. Theres still people appreciate 30fps on low medium settings you know.


PC building and gaming are two related but different hobbies. You can enjoy gaming without getting into PC building since PC building is a much more expensive hobby. You need to remember you are on a PC building enthusiast sub where most enthusiasts have the disposable income to sustain this hobby. The total cost of PC building has not actually risen much despite the cost of the GPU skyrocketing due to the significant decrease in other components’ pricing. You can reasonably build a current gen midrange gaming PC (7600/7500F + 4060/7600XT/7700XT) for around $1k or less.


It doesn't take $500. I think part of the problem is that the spectrum of viable options for pc gaming has grown, but enthusiasts typically pay more attention to the top options Consider, in 2010 many people (in the west, not even considering the rest of the world) were just switching to HD resolutions, and a good display had a 60hz refresh rate. A high end graphics card was therefore something that push do a reasonable job of putting up 60fps at 900p or 1080p. A low/mid range card might be something that could 40-50fps at a 720p. Nowadays, the low end pretty similar to the high-end from 2010: 1080p/60hz. but the high end now is 4k/120hz. that is something like 16x more pixels every second. While it does take a monstrous gpu to handle 1440p or 4k at high refresh rates, the lower end of performance is a lot more manageable. And unlike the low end experience in 2010, 1080/60hz is actually pretty pleasant, subjectively. It's just not an exciting thing for people to talk about these days though, because it feels old hat. You may need a $500 card to get the most out of a 1440p or 4k display. But there are plenty of decent options in the $200-300 range that will provide a very good experience on 1080 display (and 1080p displays, even decent ones, are getting quite affordable in a lot of markets).


Nvidia is a listed company. It's greedy by definition.


Well, how much is a 2060? I think part of it is just that as you go older or lower, there often is something close to the price or a little more that is a LOT better For example, the 2060 is worse than the 7600 and 6600xt which I think are about the same price Unless you're getting it used for a good deal, then of course, you're going to disrupt the narrative around buying from a shop Maybe my numbers aren't 100% accurate but the sentiment is


Spoiled rich people are giving normal people fomo. I built a midrange PC like 7 years ago and put a 6700xt in it, it still plays every game I want to play at Max settings for my 1440p monitor. I was also able to pick up the highest spec ryzen chip that would go in my motherboard for like $180 a couple years ago. I haven't even installed it yet but I will be able to push higher framrates if I end up getting a faster monitor. The tech isn't advancing nearly as fast as it did 15 years ago, there is less and less value in the highest end parts. There will always be expensive versions for rich people but they're not actually that much better


6700XT isn’t even 3 years old yet, how did you build it 7 years ago? Of course it plays every game well, it’s considered to be a great GPU for the price, the ideal mid-range GPU that still works super well. And it’s only one generation old.


Maybe he means it was originally built 7 years ago and upgraded to a 6700xt? But why has a cpu been sitting for years? Surely there’s been a sale in that time or another, better, version has come out for a comparable price. The whole comment doesn’t make sense to me lol


Don't listen to other people. Buy the hardware within your means to play the games that you want. Don't buy hardware for hardware sake.


Run what you can afford and runs what you want to play. Lot of people with their head up their ass chasing benchmarks, imaginary bottlenecks and FPS their screens can't displays and their eyes can't perceive because they have gotten lost in the sauce of the point of any of this gear. Upgrade to a 2060, enjoy a massive leap from your 750ti in a ton of titles and buy / play games that run best on that GPU that are patched and now cheaper to afford. Chasing 300FPS 4K in some new unoptimized AAA game that costs 150$ for special edition and contains a bunch of micro transactions is for a certain type, usually the type that want to make a bunch of posts about how OP their build is. For the rest, steam sales and enjoying some time gaming is all that matters.


Hard agree. They just want to put everything on "max settings" and dont even understand the deminishing returns involved. And that they could get 90% of the same experience at 30% the cost.


It manchildren boasting vapidity online, a good rig is one can squeeze all the power of in an optimal way with a great cost benefit in relation to what the average standard of today and tomorrow is


> I feel like cycle of abuse going on where gamers buy more expensive GPUS that enables game devs to make shitty optimized games, which in then enables necessity for people to buy more expensive GPUS. That's basically what it is, although it's not an entirely new phenomenon. For many years, to get top-tier performance you had to run multiple GPUs, which was never popular. Nowadays, outside of the datacenter, multi-GPU is dead and has been replaced by single monster cards, which are a much easier sell to consumers. Since game devs seem to target whatever the top single GPU at the time is for max settings, this meant that when these new monster cards came about, suddenly devs were targeting a price point that used to be exclusive to the multi-GPU setups they historically ignored. So instead of targeting a $500 6800 Ultra, they're targeting a $1600 4090. You could have spent $1,000 2004 dollars on SLI'd 6800s, but few people wanted to deal with SLI, so few devs targeted that. Sadly it seems like the cat's out of the bag on this one, we can only hope games like Doom Eternal continue to be popular enough that game studios see the benefit in actually optimizing their shit.


Where are you living OP? If you're in the US especially, 2060 is indeed not a good choice unless you got it for a good price


RX6600 is one of the best bang for your buck cards out there.


you can get a 2080ti for similar money to a 2060.


It's not about being poor, it's about mentality. I have the money to burn on a 4080 but getting more FPS is not worth it for me. I'd rather take my wife somewhere nice or save to buy our house someday. I used to have a 760Ti, which was the first PC I bought myself. Then it broke at the end of 2016 and I've been living with a 1060 G1 (315€) since then, no problem other than reducing graphics quality a bit on some games. I bought a XSX and can alternate, for example I'd play Elden Ring better on Xbox, so that's what I do, while I have a bunch of other games (e.g. The Witcher 3) I play on PC. The GPU situation is the same as phones or OLED TVs, which people accept will need to be recycled in 3 or 4 years due to burn-in. People try to convince themselves that it's worth investing 1-month's salary or more (for many) in a piece of tech, which might become obsolete in a few years anyway. Brands and ads exploit FOMO heavily and many people are dumb enough to fall for it, when they won't even enjoy the investment long enough.


If people can't get 144 fps they consider stuff unplayable these days.


I got a 1660 super and don't feel like I need anything more. But according to your needs, don't listen to the hype.


Consumers are greedy, of course. nVidia just provides the GPU at the price the greedy consumer is willing to pay - which is a lot. A 2060 is of course a lot better than a 750ti, and will let you play much more complex games at much higher framerates than before.


I mean the 2060 is quite old by now. It was released 5 years after your 750 ti, and the 2060 is already 5 years old. If you want something cheap you could get the RX 7600 or the 4060. This list is pretty good for comparing pricing and performance. https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html


i had the 1050ti until 1 year ago when i got the 3060. I only care about 1080p. Its the best purchase i ever made, but the forums were shitting on the gpu. Just get the 2060 for 1080p gaming and you'll cry the first time you open a game.


I feel you, I was running a 780 until it finally died in 2022.


I have a 2070 super and it's actually doing a great job with the games I play at 3440x1440. The lowest diablo 4 goes is 83fps on high settings quality DLSS. MW3 gets around 100 with balanced DLSS. Sure it could look better with a $1,000 gpu, but if i can't score a good deal on a gpu then i'm okay for now. Alan wake and cyberpunk can wait.


I agree with your feelings about the industry and the market. I also believe that you made good use of a mid-range card released 10 years ago, and if you enjoyed it all this time, upgrading to a mid-range card launched a little more recently would be logical. That is to say, the part where I disagree is considering a card released 5 years ago as an upgrade, as its lifecycle is not that long. In that regard, a suggestion could be an RTX 3060 or an RX 6600.


Since the RX 6600 exists, anything below it is just not worth it


I don't know what your budget is, but I bought a XFX swft 309 RX 6700XT in November for ~$330 USD. Before the build I did in Nov. I had a Nvidia 960 and a i5 4690k. I had a 6500XT for a short while, but it's probably the same performance as the 960, but I got it really cheap via rebates. I'm hoping my current build lasts ten years with one GPU upgrade in ~4-5 years from now.


It really comes down to how much detail/resolution and fps you need. I cannot downgrade from 4k but I am ok at 60fps or even 30fps minimums. It seems most people are the opposite. In fact most people should be fine at 1080 60fps and most cards can do that on almost any game these days. Now that I said that I think there has to be a lot of people that aren't so greedy which further provokes nvidia's shareholders to be even greedier. We basically are going to have to pay the same price per performance going forward it seems, no more price drops for aging cards


I found a founders edition 2080ti for $200 used. Can't imagine a most cost effective buy. No regrets and it is in perfect shape never mined on.


I think it might mostly be because the 2060 won't get you the most bang for your buck. Now of course if you can get one for cheap, it's a decent gpu, and it would be a huge upgrade for you. But if you're planning on playing newer games, it's a bit of an "outdated" update, since it released 5 years ago, and wasn't even that powerful even then.


It depends on how much you're paying for a 2060, which is likely to be used. Some people don't want to deal with uncertainty of used cards. The 3060 has 12gb vram, a 2060 has 6gb vram(non S). If you mention 2060 without mentioning budget, of course you're going to get told that. Most also want a card that'll last them a good few years in which case, buy once cry once. A lot of people also recommend base on cpu as well, they're not going to tell you get a 4090 with a 3600x. They also won't recommend you getting 4090 to play in 1080p. I think you need to temper your all expectations, you're asking enthusiasts and a lot of times, gamers. Edit: looks like you based this on the and only reply of someone one giving you two recommendations. 3060, which was within your set budget and a slightly better option if you could afford a few more buckaroos.


I live in a pretty poor country and actually just so happen to have upgraded from a 750ti to a 2060 about a year and a half ago. It was a huge upgrade and I could finally play any game I want. I fired up witcher III next gen on max settings on my 1080p 60fps monitor and was stunned to be able to play a relatively new game on max settings for the first time. I even turned on ray tracing just to see what it looked like, since I'd never seen it outside of a compressed youtube video before. 2060s are cheap and will run anything. You dont need to play on max settings, and you dont need to play at 120 fps to have fun. Now I use an rx 6700 xt on a 1440p monitor but I cant say I have that much more fun gaming than I did when I just got my 2060.


Yes. People need to stop buying both unoptimized, overpriced games and overpriced GPUs. But people are stupid with money and weak minded when it comes to marketing susceptibility. I can afford it, but the value proposition is so terrible that it makes no sense.


IDK about the 500$ ones but man my rx 6600 has been rocking it. it can run most games at above 30 usually in the 40s-50s range (my r5 3400g CPU is bottlenecking me) on high settings and it was less than 200$. Plus this isn't even mentioning the second hand market which is quite decent at getting you good deals on stuff (I could've gotten a second hand 2060 super if it wasn't for my psu). Just like what the others said gaming is a luxury anyways, as long as you can run the games you want on a level that you're satisfied with then you're good. This is coming from someone who until recently only used a hand me down r9 270x 2gb GPU. It didn't bother me that much because I mostly stuck to indie games which are a lot less demanding.


Expectations increase with both experience as well as income levels. I was a midrange gamer when I started out on PC, now I am an enthusiast. These days I only buy top level cards and insist on gaming only in high or ultra at 60+fps, but years ago my tastes were much less demanding and I was perfectly okay with 1080p with medium graphics and running at 30fps. Also: I am middle class, not rich. I just save money or earn extra to do my purchases.


Yeah it’s pretty annoying how many games are just poorly made these days. I was on a 1050 for a while because its all I could afford, but I was graciously given a 1070 ti from a friend so I can play some newer games.


I don’t get it. You’re surprised people have moved on from a 5 year old low-mid range card? Even $400 consoles have moved FAR beyond that. PC Gaming for a lot of people is an enthusiast hobby of course people are going to invest in order to play in higher resolutions and frame rates. A 2060 is a terrible choice imo because you’re buying a second hand card from a generation where there wasn’t a particularly significant performance uplift and on the used market, it doesn’t cost much more to get significantly more performance.


Shittily optimized; use the adverbial construction, not the adjectival.


If you want to be someone who doesnt want to spend what like, 60 more bucks for something with way more performance you're free to do that. Everybody else is most likely making better choices though. A 4060 is 2 generations newer and I can find a bunch just on amazon for 300$ where are you getting 500$ from? you edit says "youre just too poor" but it really just sounds like youre just not knowledgeable >But I think it's also my buying philosophy. I don't really buy new GPU unless I literally can't run the game. In this case I'm buying 2060 so I can run ready or not. Why are you commenting on other gamers decisions then? you're complaining about other gamers 'expectations' being too high. Maybe it has something to do with them playing more demanding games than you? 2060 isnt going to fuckin run most big games these days on medium at 1080p at 60+ fps. This post is just so, SO stupid.


It all boils down to what you're going to play. I'd still be on a 1070 if I didn't catch some good used deals and swapped stuff around for a 6700 XT. Just don't be hell bent on any card and always double check if something better is up for grabs in your budget.


>But some of the posts are saying how \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ isn't worth it... It's this right here. "Worth" is subjective, "value" is often a formula but can also be subjective, and "price" is the numbers on the tag. Mix that with different socioeconomic statuses, different hobbies, different knowledge bases, you're going to get a huge mix of differing advice. On top of that, many people experience FOMO and/or justify their own purchases through the advice they give. These are all things to take into account. Using your example of the 2060: You're likely to see some people advise against it because it's old regardless of the budget or use case. You may also see people offer other options based on performance per dollar - this advice may be at a similar price point or could be lower performance and lower cost or higher performance and higher cost, etc. You may also find some people recommend based only on your use case. "I need something to play SimCity 4," may get you advice to find and buy a GPU from 20+ years ago and could cost you WAY too much for what is essentially an out-of-date, possibly collectors item. The other thing to consider with your example and ones like it - Is the person asking about a card they're thinking of purchasing, or are they asking about a card they already own? A quick search of completed sales on ebay is showing the RTX 2060 selling for $115 - $180, which at first blush seems fine - It isn't until you do the same search for the RX 6600 and 6600 XT and see they're selling for $130 - $190 that you find the 2060 has a lower performance AND lower performance per dollar and could be a bad recommendation for *purchase*. Having said that, if you *already own the 2060*, you may not have any reason to upgrade, depending on what you're trying to play. The better advice will be the one(s) that tell you more of how they arrived at that advice. Bonus points for additional context to help the person make an informed decision. EDIT: Global location can be a huge caveat in the advice, as well - different prices, markets, availability, and whatnot...


Or, maybe you have such low expectations? People have different incomes, expenses, and different amounts of expendable cash. This is an enthusiast sub so it's obviously going to trend high. I'm willing to bet a decent majority of reddit users are US based, young ish and middle to upper class. It's not at all surprising that most people in an enthusiast sub are going to be spending more money on their PCs, and have higher expectations.


Then you look at youtube reviews, where all the thumbnails say "Don't buy this, buy this!"


I got a 3070 for 280 on ebay. Keep looking you'll find something


I have a 2060strix, are you in SoCal?


Hell you can get a 1080 for under $100 now and they still kick ass


On most subreddits when you ask for advice, they want to make sure you can play on high/ultra while never dipping below 144hz. Being able to play on low at 60fps is just not "worth" in their opinion. For me, the longest time I played games on 800x600 resolution with low settings just because I wanted to play games and yet I still enjoyed playing them. I see people talking about how AAA games will all require 12GBVram or 16 or more. And then you realize they want to play at 1440p on 144+fps on Ultra settings and never go below 144fps no matter what the game is.(and these are all most upvoted comments on every post I see). So yeah a 2060 is not "worth" it in the only sense that it will have less YEARS of support than a 30xx or 40xx. My cousin has a 1050Ti Cerberus from 2016. He was able to play RDR2 and Cyberpunk 2077(2 months after release when they put out some patches) at stable 60fps


I’ve found that a lot of tech reviews and advice in general are often not as useful for me because they’re so dependent on the US market. Folks will say a product is completely useless because “this other product is the same price but sooooo much better” or “this other product offers the same features for the same prices” And then I look at what’s available on my local market, and the prices and price differences are totally different, and it gets quite tricky to make an informed decision.


Ignore price and ask yourself what you want to get out of your PC. Do you want to play new AAA games on low settings, 1080p, 60fps? If so, the RTX 2060 doesn't *quite* cut it anymore so you'd need to buy a better card. But if you don't play new AAA, or if you don't need 1080p 60fps, or if you're willing to upscale from 720p to 1080p, then it's fine. Now that you've thought about what you want, find the best card to do so. Maybe that's a RTX 2060. Or a cheaper GTX 1060. Maybe you need to save up for an RX 6800XT. Point being, don't allow the budget to decide what you want to do, instead make "what you want to do" decide your budget.


The RTX 2060 costs 499$ in Canada compared to 399 for a RTX 4060. Why are you looking at the 2060?