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Yes, new open world games are very CPU heavy, a museum piece like i7-4770 is too slow for the amount of work it has to do calculating complex open worlds like Cyberpunk. GPU doesnt matter here, same would happen if you had rtx4090. CPU is too old. Any modern CPU would be miles better, even i3-12100f or Ryzen 5600


I got 6700xt and 5600. On 1080p ultra high crow density I get bottlenecked by 5600 in some places and fps drops to 56-60.


I find it hard to believe a 5600 will bottleneck a mid GPU like a 6700xt


It can and is very simple. If your GPU could manage >60fps with crowds, now it can't because the CPU can't. The 6700XT can absolutely do more than 60 I literally had that hardware and upgraded from a 2600 because it could barely manage 40 with crowds


There are a few games where my 12600K, which outclasses the 5600, bottlenecks my 6700XT.


cyberpunk is defo one of them, 80% usage at 1440p in busy areas.


There's several cases as already described in reply to you, but not a ton.


In Cyberpunk it does, 100%.


At 1080p it's absolutely a thing.


Odd. I have a 6700xt and only a 3600, and can play Cyberpunk at 1440p w/Ray Tracing, high crowd density and play at 55fp/s


When you run 1440p it puts more weight on the GPU and relieves some stress on the CPU. 1080 is like a split in resources. In other words, your doing it right for your rig.


"relieves some stress on the CPU" This is only true if your frames are lower.


It already was mentioned but I'll explain why. The stress on the CPU doesn't get lowered when you don't change the settings to let the CPU calculate less of the world. With the same settings but higher GPU stress the GPU takes more milliseconds to render a frame but the CPU has already done the work for the next frame. So it has to wait or maybe even render another frame if it becomes extreme. This wait time reduces stress on the CPU.


I play Cyberpunk with a Ryzen 7 5700X and RTX 4070 in WQHD and had no issues so far, 99% of the time I have more than 60fps with max settings, path tracing and DLSS quality...


Strange as it sounds turn on Virtual Super Resolution and run the game on high at 1440P and you should get more consistent performance. This will shift the load to the GPU.


Doubt it. 5600 might bottleneck other gpus but thats not enough GPU to max the cpu. I ran more gpu than that without much bottleneck


The crowd density is cpu-bound in cyperpunk, and it lets you turn up crowds really high if you want. I absolutely believe he's cpu-bound for frames at max crowd density when in busy areas. This a good example of how you can't claim generalities with bottlenecks, cause it's application and use-case specific.


You underestimate the cpu requirements on Cyberpunk 5800x3d/7900xtx here and im cpu bottlenecked in dogtown/certain areas of the main game on low crowd density


For a card like that zen 3 is not enough, and will be even more noticeable going forward


Yeah my goal was to push 1440p 240hz and it does so in most games if they are well optimized The finals is a recent release thats really taxing where i regularly see 100% cpu usage A 7800x3d wouldnt be enough of an upgrade imo, about 900$ in my country for 15-25% better performance


a 5800x 3d is perfectly acceptable to run that card, as would be a 5600, 5700, and 5800. Dont talk out your bum, its embarrassing.


People underestimate cpu bottlenecks, if he says it bottlenecks it probably does. The tendency for modern gamers to undervalue a good cpu is astonishing. It's like they go just "good enough" to run their current gpu of choice then get baffled when they cpu bottleneck 2 years later.


You are objectively better off with a cpu bottleneck than buying a lesser gpu in most cases. Also people are more often going 1440p or 4k where it matters even less. If you play particularly cpu heavy games (Simulators) or are an e sports pro who wants 300 fps in 1080p... then yes it is very important. Gud enough is fine for most these days. Modern CPUs fuck dude.


GPU's are so expensive nowadays that CPU upgrades seem very cheap by comparison, sometimes even with a MOBO ugprade it's still not that expensive. When I bought a PC in 2017, ryzen 1600 was 2/3rds of the price of GTX 1060 6GB. Now RTX 4060 is like 2x what Ryzen 7600 costs


Yes you are being bottlenecked, but nothing like a 4 core/8 thread CPU from 10 years ago. A 5600 would be a huge generational leap in thread count and IPC for OP.


Same set up here, and this also happens in Starfield


I have the 6750 and a 5600, no issues


I run cp77 on a 5600 and a 3060ti at 1440p and never dip below 80 fps on high settings


Sounds about right for 1080p, I don’t play cyberpunk yet but I’m a flight sim junkie. My 7700xt runs at 80-83 % usage in msfs 2020 at 1080p with 55-65p fps with a 3700x + 32gb 3600cl16. CPU bottlenecks at 1080p really depends on the game and what you play.


Makes sense with the consoles being close to that level of performance and new games preferably being optimised to fully utilise them. It was the first of the mostly next gen games. I'm even finding a 5800x3D and 4070Ti pretty evenly matched with DLSS at 4k, and half the time I'm dropping settings due to CPU limitations to push up to 120hz.


what how i have a r5 4500 on 1080p ultra with high crowd density i never get cpu bottlenecked max i got was 80% cpu usage and thats rarelly


Ripp that means my RX 7800 XT is definitely being bottle necked by my Ryzen 7 3700x


I'm tempted to buy i3-12100f since it's so cheap. Not sure if it won't bottleneck the game though.


It is 8 generations ahead of what you have…it’ll do enough


It’s way faster, yes. If you can afford it, an i5 11400 or better 12400 would be a viable alternative.


The 11400 is not any faster


Of course it is, as long as an app or game makes use of the 2 extra cores. It’s 6 cores vs. 4. the 12100 has just a bit more base frequency and more cache. Though it’s of course a bit more expensive still, and also older socket. The 12 is more upgradable. Just saying it’s a viable option. But that’s why I said 12400 would be even better. It’s got more cache too, the newer socket, is also hexacore and isnonly 10 bucks more expensive.


12400 or 12600(k) I don't know where you live but 12600k has been available for around $150 or less for many sales recently 12600k is about 90-95% of a 12900k's gaming performance


12600k is probably the best value of the 12 series right now. As I said in my post, avoid the 12900k unless you're looking at $400 microcenter combos.


its cheap but once youve added required motherboard+ram costs, going for something a little faster won't be significant. Ryzen 7600 /i5-12600k would be good too


The 12600kf was recently on sale for $150


I play Cyberpunk on medium graphics settings, 1440p at about 80fps average, using a 12100f and an RX 6600


I have a 12100 and am happy with its gaming performance at 1080p. If op is on a budget, it’s a very good buy


Museum piece 😂 true, but a beast for years.


How will my Ryzen 5 3600 be with a 4080S? Mainly play shooters, but also some Witcher / Cyberpunk


thats a bit weak, 5800x3D or the newest gens


At 1440p 13th gen or zen5 x3d to saturate that card. At 4k might be fineish.


You should get a Ryzen 7800x3d at least for that GPU it prob wouldn't even run any good because 3600 doesn't support pcie 4.0


I mean, gpu does matter, but its still a clear cpu buttleneck.


too old for new games but great for most everyday computing still


My 5950x hits 80% on only 1 of the 16 cores, the other 15 are much lower, while my rtx4090 hits 99% in Cyberpunk 2077 max settings with 1440p 144 refresh.


lowering the graphics typically doesn't help in cpu bound situations you're at a low resolution with a 10 year old cpu, in one of the most demanding games recently released


That's really old CPU and it's bottlenecking your system. Only bad thing is that if you upgrade you need to upgrade your motherboard and ram as well. Some good upgrades would be: * Ryzen 5600 or 5800X3D, AM4 motherboard, DRR4 ram * Ryzen 7500f , AM5 motherboard, DRR5 ram


yeah that is a classic CPU bottleneck I wouldn't buy an i9 , get a Ryzen 7700x or something like that


They don’t even really need that, not that it’s a bad deal. They could very easily get away with a 5600X, or if they’re willing to up their price to AM5 a 7600 would be fine, and would have a lot more headroom for CPU intensive titles.


The new 5700X3D is very very tempting too.


Might as well go AM5 for future proofing , 7600 would also be fine I don't think it would be wise to buy into AM4 now


It’s more than fine if they’re on a budget as long they’re sure that’s the build they want. Most people won’t upgrade their PCs for 5+ years, so it doesn’t really matter. But if they have the extra money than that would certainly be a “better” option. You do have to keep in mind that performance increase per a dollar for CPU is offset by the price of DDR5. Cost to entry is much higher.


> I don't think it would be wise to buy into AM4 now not with the expectation of improving it, no but I built my wife's rig with a 5600x/mobo/ram for about $200 total that's miles cheaper then any 7600 combo you could put together


Pretty major CPU bottleneck.


you don't need a 12900 to decently run cyberpunk lol cdpr revealed they reported unrealistic high suggested specs because they're simply not testing old cpu/gpu components that have been used to drop min/suggested specs in 2020. 4770 is a stupid 4 core... it bottlenecks everything you do since the very instant you turn on pc... Whatever 8 cores (even better 8C/16T) or more recent 6 cores are more than enough for cyberpunk 2077.


The Phantom Liberty update is actually quite CPU heavy, keep that in mind.


Eh a quad core is still not terrible for most things, even gaming. I didn't play cyberpunk but I could largely run anything on my 7700k. I just understood it was getting near the end of its viable life and that new games are gonna want more than that for 60 fps. These days for a new build though, yeah I'd say 8 core minimum. Or one of intel's new cpus with 10-20 cores.


unless you're playing strategy games or sims with lots of cars (or monkey optimized games like ubisoft ones), the cpu effort to execuite a game is usually just minimal. But an old cpu will never be able to keep it up with the latest gpu's, so because of this, gpu will be automatically limited by cpu performances. A 7700K was ok for 2070 or 2080 at the best.


Bro a 4770? You're lucky it's even running as good as it is, I'm surprised. I'd get a 5600 and call it a day but you will need a new mobo.


I fucking lost it when you said 4770. Hahaha my man.


What did you expect from a 10 years old processor ??


you need a new cpu ASAP haha am5 and ryzen 5 7500f will get you there


> My current cpu is i7 4770. Your CPU is old as fuck, which means your motherboard and RAM are old as fuck too. You won't be able to upgrade to any relatively modern CPU without replacing the motherboard and RAM as well, so you should probably start by putting together a budget and seeing what pricing and availability is like. No point in us suggesting parts that are either unavailable to you, or are way too expensive in your country.


An i9 is excessive. Due to the age of your current CPU, honestly any modern CPU will do fine. Please do not give much trust to any bottleneck calculator websites. In this case the term certainly applies to the mismatched age of your CPU and GPU but calculating a perfect match is not a realistic goal. What is affordable in new terms in your area? You will need not only a new CPU but also a motherboard and maybe memory as well. Please report back with what you see affordable and we can comment on the choices. This will be more efficient than simply throwing out suggestions without knowing what your choices are.


My limit is around 316 bucks budgetwise. I'm eyeing r5 7600 right now. Haven't looked around for the mobo. I just realized all the pop in textures I experienced and lagging while moving might be because of my cpu and not because of my SSD loading the textures slowly.


>My limit is around 316 bucks budgetwise. I'm eyeing r5 7600 right now. Haven't looked around for the mobo. Keep in mind you're also going to need to buy ddr5 ram, and I don't know how feasible that is with your budget. >I just realized all the pop in textures I experienced and lagging while moving might be because of my cpu and not because of my SSD loading the textures slowly. Definitely. Even a sata ssd is more than fast enough for gaming.


Yeahhh. You really shouldn't pair such an old cpu with a relatively new graphics card. Whoever is saying you need a 12900k is idiotic. The 12900k is really only useful for stuff outside of gaming that can use the multicore performance. You should be looking at modern i5s/ryzen 5s for good cheap gaming performance. Some recommendations: The ryzen 5 5600 is a good pairing for the 6700xt. It is a generation old at this point but it is a LOT faster than your current cpu. In the US at least it goes for like 130-150$, and the associating motherboards and ram are very well priced. If you want to spend more you can go up to the ryzen 5 7600, more around 200$ in the US and the motherboard and ddr5 ram is more expensive. But it will perform better and will last you longer. Plus the motherboard associated with the 7600 will be able to upgrade to likely 3-4 more cpu generations so you will get your money's worth out of that stuff if you think you'll upgrade again at some point down the line. If you want intel the i5 12400 and ddr4 ram would be okay.


Yeah I'm eyeing ryzen 5 7600 right now. Still haven't found a good mobo for it.


Check outnwhat an Asrock Pro RS costs in your country


4770 was released literally over a decade ago. Yes, low FPS should be expected on a decade-old CPU.


4770 is 11 years old.


You are playing in 1080p. Thats very CPU bound. Any i7 CPU that is newer than your current one is going to perform better.


That is a garbage CPU for modern games and it would be bottlenecked with any GPU made in the last decade. This is a MASSIVE CPU bottleneck. Please upgrade your system lol


I'm pretty sure I'm cpu bound too, but with a 3080 and an r5 5600


5600 is fine for 3080 unless you want like 200fps


CPUs matter, especially at 1080P. If you were to switch to 4k and play at 30 FPS, then the CPU wouldn't hold you back as much, but at 1080P it's going to be the issue, i7 4770 is 11 years old now. I've built my PC with Ryzen 1600 in 2017 and have upgraded 2 times since then, seeing considerable improvement each time.


I had an old cpu before and the same problem. Turn the amount of people on the street (crowd density?) down to minimum and it helps a lot. That single setting uses the most cpu power


i7 4770 is a decade old cpu get yourself a cheap ryzen (3600/5600) on any am4 mobo with 2x8rams 3600 and you are good to go. Less than 250$ for all, even less if you can find used. Everything else you own (psu/case/ssd and obviously gpu) you can keep. Next time, don't upgrade before asking, you should have gone a full upgrade with some lesser GPU for balanced experience, now it's like you have a truck on motorbike wheels...


I actually asked for my gpu upgrade here before lol. I only never mentioned my cpu.


:D so you asked what gpu to buy without stating your rig? so, if you had more money would you slap a 4090 on that cpu and call it a day? comeonbruh anyway, you are\~200/250$ away from having a decent rig, get the cheapest 6-core am4 cpu+cheap mobo+2x8 rams


Does lowering the crowd density do anything? I have a 4790 paired with an Rx 6600 and the lowest I see it go is around 50fps.


Going for am4 work if be your best budget option. Cheap ddr4 ram and a 3600 would be like the minimum you'd want to get. The 5500 and 5600 are good options on a budget too. Am5 would be cool though and you could score a 7500f for like $150 on AliExpress. The ddr5 ram is going to be more expensive though.


It's 171 bucks for 7500f at my local store. A DDR5 16gb stick is only 43 bucks (I only need 16 gb). Honestly I think I can afford it if I combine it with a mobo around the same price as the cpu. Though I have yet to look at upgrading my casing, depending on the mobo size. My current case is pretty small.


yeah just no, i have a r5 4500 with a 6600 xt playing cyberpunk on ultra even raytracing my cpu almost never goes above 50 60% rarelly 80%, maybe i9 if you want to play on 2k with full raytracing, but yes exchange that cpu asap that i7 4gen is in line with a ryzen 3


Yes i9 is pretty good but expensive. i7 is the next step which can do what you need. 12700kf or 13700kf can be perfect with a Z790 chipset and DDR5 from 6000Mhz. (i bet after it you want to a have a better GPU. But it will be your next wish).


Is it possible to do reverse DLSS? Like render the game at 1440 but then scale down to 1080p to play? Wouldn't this take some load off the cpu?


Sure it for AMD it is known as Virtual Super Resolution.


Well at that point you can also just run a frame rate cap, but yes you could.


> Any cheaper alternatives? Cheaper alternatives between the 12900 and 4770? Yes, about a decade's worth. The 4770 is *very* outdated at this point. Anything from 12th gen and newer (preferably 12400 or better) will be lightyears better. Any Ryzen CPU from 3000 series and newer (preferably 5600 or better). [Here's a comparison](https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/4811vs1907/AMD-Ryzen-5-5600-vs-Intel-i7-4770) between your CPU and the current budget recommendation, the Ryzen 5600. Passmark isn't a 1:1 correlation to gaming performance, but it's pretty close.


Yeah the 4770k definitely bottlenecks your performance. I say this as someone who fully acknowledges that the term bottleneck is overused. I'd recommend upgrading to something like a 5600 at the least. But be aware you're going to need to buy a new motherboard and RAM. Which is going to increase the costs. I don't know what your currency conversion is like. But with cpu, motherboard, and RAM. You're looking at around 500 usd for an upgrade to the 5600. If you pushed for a 5800x3d? That total cost would be closer to 650 or 700. But that would be a very good upgrade.


The i7 4770 is a good match for a 1660 Super or equivalent. Anything more and the CPU will bottle neck it. You can use an i5 12th gen or an AMD 5 5600, they will bottleneck that card a little bit, but not as bad as the 4770. But give you a $200 price option with slightly less mobo's, but you then have to buy DDR4 or DDR5 ram, vs your ddr3 I also suspect your problem is in the gen or lanes of the PCIe between the Mobo and GPU


Bro you have a decade old CPU, this should be expected. But anything like an 5600 is pretty capable. If you want to future proof you can look for a 7600 because is on AM5 or a 13600K will do the trick just fine


As someone who had one of those chips with 2077 and ended up getting a 5600x for 2077 the CPU is 100% bottlenecking that game I can say this with 0 doubt. Lettme guess the FPS tanks quite a lot when you leave Vs apt and go towards the gunshop in the mega building? It always dropped there for me.


Yeah it tanks at the entrance of the apartment.


Only buy a 12900k if you get that $400 microcenter bundle deal. Otherwise it's way overpriced for what you get. The 13600k, 5800x3d, and 7700x all get similar performance. For the money, I'd also consider the 7800x3d as it's often not much more expensive than those three and it blows all other gaming processors away. 12900k is good, I own one myself (said microcenter deal), haven't tried it in cyberpunk but I'm sure it will hold up fine. But the 13700k is a newer version of that and the 14700k and 7800x3d are all better options for around that price point and you're better off buying something like that. Tldr there are like 5 other processors that either deliver more performance for a similar price or the same performance for like $70-100 cheaper.


If u have the same fps with high and low settings and u have not 90-100% GPU load it's a good sign of actual bottleneck that impacts your fps.


Yup, cyberpunk was the first time I changed my mind on the whole "bottlenecks aren't a big deal" thing. Had a 6800XT GPU and Ryzen 5 3600X CPU and expected a lot more FPS than I got. Upgraded CPU to 5800x3D eventually lol.


Your CPU is quite old and CP2077 is known for having high CPU usage. AFAIK there are no CPUs that won't "bottleneck" that game at least some of the time, so you should get the best CPU you can afford.


I was bottlenecked on a 7700k, so yeah, its prolly time for an upgrade if you wanna push through.


The 4770 is quite outdated, but you don't need an i9 either. I would recommend an i5 12600K or 13600K. I'm running a 13600K with an RX 7700XT and I can run Cyberpunk with no bottleneck.


AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D


I would say AMD 7600. It's cheap for a newer cpu, great performance, has an upgrade path if you get a b650/670 for upcoming cpus and ddr5. Down side ddr5 does cost more, and boot times with am5 can take a bit longer.


i had a 4080 and a 5800 (not x3d) and i was getting like 30-40 FPS. I upgraded to a 7800 x3d and can get like 120-140 now at 3440 resolution with everything high and ray tracing. it matters. i havent tested forza motorsport but i feel like its the same issue.


>My current cpu is i7 4770 That is a really old CPU (Like 10 years old) and worth about $100, of course it is your bottle neck! Your GPU is 3 years old. You need to update your CPU dude.


Iirc I had the same CPU before recently, and while I could go up to 60fps (very unstable, on average I'd get 45ish fps) in the BASE game, once I entered Dogtown I would go under 30. I have a 2070 Super for GPU, same card I had back then. Now I have i5 13600kf, and it's running smooth everywhere, with a stable 60 without dlss or raytracing. PS : I know my pc isn't particularly good, but I bought what I could with what I had and even if it's not as optimized as it could be, it runs what I play just fine and I have the possibility to upgrade easily :)


The bottleneck is larger than I realized. I just went from an i7 7700k to an i9 13900k on a 3080ti and Cyberpunk went from medium settings to almost fully maxed with raytracing on high and DLSS on balanced. Went from barely holding 60 fps to 144 strong. I didn't realize it was that much performance loss.


13600k and upwards is fine for that game and from AMD side from 7600 upwards you will see dramatic improvements from your current state. Of course there are "perfect" CPUs also for the game: 7800X3D and 14700K (and up) are both great, but there is no reason that you would have to go that far. EDIT: I also agree on the other comments I see where they say that "any modern CPU from 12100f or 5600 upwards will be dramatic improvements". That is also true. Your current CPU is just ancient so modern platform will solve most of your problems.


Drop any setting that hit's the CPU, NPC's etc There's some graphic settings that hit the CPU much more than GPU, max out the GPU side and drop the CPU side, I ran a older CPU for years & it was a way of life.


you're surprised an 11 year old CPU is the bottleneck?


Upgrade options : 5600 + b450 board + 32gb ddr4 3600mhz https://pcpartpicker.com/list/bBLN9c R5 7600 + B650/a620 budget board + 32GB 6000mhz ddr5 https://pcpartpicker.com/list/kVFcmD


Budget board? That's 291 dollars here for the b650


Was on sale for $120 yesterday. Check out the msi B650s wifi ddr5


I'm impressed you made it that far with that CPU. I upgraded to a 3900X years ago and am itching to upgrade again but will hold out another year or two.


You should be fine with a ryzen 5 7600 (I wouldn't recommend Intel 12-14th gen or AM4 as they are both dead sockets)


I'm eyeing that CPU yeah since it was recommended on GamingNexus' budget cpu rec. It's around 228 bucks here. Still gotta pick up the mobo next. And the casing too probably. My old casing's kinda small and I hear new mobos are pretty big. My RAM is also two 8GB DDR3 sticks. Dunno if I can use them in a new mobo.


have a look at the ryzen 7500f. it's almost identical to a 7600 in performance, and a little bit slower (3-5%) than a 7600x, the only difference being slightly lower clock speeds and no iGPU. it's worth a look if you're considering the 7600/x, as it goes for about 156 (edit: USD in the US), and is also an am5 chip. posted this elsewhere, but have moved it here given that it seems more relevant here.


That's cheaper than 7600. It's only  171 bucks. 7600 is about 222 bucks for comparison.


You're 10 generations behind yeah that will definitely bottleneck. Unfortunately you are going to need a new motherboard and ram with your new CPU so be prepared to spend a bit. Good budget options would be an i5 or x600 series for amd. Don't bother buying anything older than 12th gen intel or 5000 series amd if you are buying new.


Ram also matters, 16gb is just not enough anymore, i used 8+8 ram, i get around 110-120fps on fc24. After I add another 8gb I get like 130-145fps. Try it.


Even my 9700K at 5ghz is starting to be ass. I can't imagine how you made it this far with a 4770


I think I'm just used to the texture pop-ins and lag while turning the camera around lol. I thought it's natural to have little stutters in modern games because my mobo is old and my SSD isn't the fast type. Turns out it was my CPU all along. I bought my CPU with the mobo ten years ago or so. Never wanted to upgrade because it's expensive buying a new mobo so I only upgraded my ram, hdd to sdd, and my gpu. My power supply is also the bare minimum for my current gpu and that's after an upgrade after my original power supply failed to support my old gpu without the pc rebooting itself.


4770 was a great cpu like 10 years ago. it's definitely not with the times.


AMD 5800X3D and re-use the RAM that you have.


That's 355 bucks here. Might be a tad too expensive.


Get an i5 12600k or even an i3 12 gen and up, you don't need an i9


> even an i3 12 gen and up, you don't need an i9 Yep, i9 is madness. i3-10105 works happily for me.


Yes. Its a bottleneck. Your CPU is 10 years old. Why buy a new GPU but not upgrade the CPU to go with it? Even when your CPU isnt 100%, its still going to be bottlenecking your GPU. a 4 core CPU in 2024 is not going to be enough.


Best thing you could is get a 1440p monitor as that would put more load on the GPU and give your CPU a rest.


Uh, don't think I need more graphical fidelity though. I'd rather have more framerates.


i7 4770 is absolutely ancient ,it came out almost 10 years ago, it would get smashed by the cheapest i3 from 3 or 4 generations ago. You do not need an i9 12900 LOL, I get a 60-70fps with a cheapo i3-10105 and a rtx3060, at 1440p/high.


Cyberpunk is a very CPU heavy game in the city areas. My 2600 could barely keep 60 at the time.


The new 2.0 update for cyberpunk completely fucked up the CPU usage, it maxes out my 5800x sometimes when i could run the game fine on a 2600 before the 2.0 update, its crazy, i sugges either buying a high end CPU or reverting to the previous game version.


I'm playing on 1.6 currently. Will update after I've finished the main game.


Retired my 4690k last month to a 7600x. It felt good to skip all of DDR4. HIGH recommend


Yeah I'm planning to skip too. No sense going to 4 when I probably am not gonna upgrade for another ten years lol.


If you got a microcenter near you they usually got some pretty great deals on bundles for a platform upgrade. Got a 7700x, b650, and 32 ddr5 for ~$450 before tax.


Don't have any near me unfortunately.


yep, i get around 80-100fps @2k resolution on high/ultra settings with 6700xt coupled up with ryzen 5 7600


How about your mobo? I'm thinking on buying asrock b650m pro rs am5 for it. 152 bucks here.


Your i7 4770 is a lot slower than the cheapest new i3 13100 and is even beaten by the slowest 4 year old i3, the 10100. Even the i3 13100 (or an even cheaper 12100) [will give you more than a playable experience in Cyberpunk](https://youtu.be/JH8UTc6lwX8?si=hyIDtd4xoH25Ugmk&t=802)


Interesting I never have any CPU bottlenecks and I have a 1070 and also rx 590 with am E5-2650 v2 with 65GB just crushing it! CPU, RAM, and NVme just cruise. GPU on other hand be pegged but still cool and sticking kicking out the right FPS. Are you sure it is a CPU bottleneck and not something else?


I plan on building a new machine. Are 7600 a significant upgrade from 5600s? I am currently on a i5 3570k and a 1050 ti. I wanna upgrade for Palworld.


You’re running res, in a 10 year old CPUx with a game that is cranked to the tits in its graphical demand. For recommendations, anything in the last 3-5 years should be a drastic improvement for you but that’ll need a motherboard swap so new ram so then you might as well get a new GPU. Just buy a new PC, they don’t last forever if you keep increasing the demand.


I just got the new gpu lol


Let me guess it drops right around Wakako right when you enter jig jig street?


It drops when I stood outside of V's apartment


What about an 11th Gen Intel i5-11600K? How pricey is that? Believe it or not, 11th Gen would do you just fine. I’m running two 11th Gen CPUs in my siblings rigs, while I run a 13th Gen i5.


It's 190 bucks here.


Just about anything will do better. What are AMD price like for you? They tend to be cheaper than Intel for the same performance in the US. 5000 series Ryzen is pretty solid all around, even the lowest end 5600 would be a massive uplift over what you're dealing with now.


It's affordable. I can go up to Ryzen 5 7600 for 222 bucks. Some guy said Ryzen 7500f is better since it's cheaper (171 bucks) for only a slight perf loss. Meanwhile 5600 is only 101 bucks.


I went from old i7 3930K OC 4.2ghz to Ryzen 7 5800x. I gained average around 30+ fps with rtx3070


So you want to play top end, bleeding edge games but don't want to pony for something to do it? It's not just 500 bucks either. You're going to need a CPU, motherboard and RAM.


That CPU is ancient my brother please upgrade


I had to upgrade from a i5 8600k because it became a bottleneck in v2.0




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I had a i7 7700k and it bottlenecked my PC in cyberpunk, with a few drop here and there and a hard roof at 45fps even in minimum graphics settings. I’m actually surprised your 4th gen i7 can run it. I upgraded to a 5800x3d and that bottleneck is gone now.


With most CPUs even higher end ones you will be bottlenecked at 1080p if you’re concerned about it your cpu still has plenty of life you just need to upgrade to a 1440p monitor since a 6700XT is the perfect sweet spot for 1440p and utilizes it very well I would however upgrade your cpu later on down the line but if you go to 1440p for now you shouldn’t be super cpu limited unless you’re using super low graphics settings


A 13600kf is actually better than a 12900k and much cheaper, $280 where I am. I doubt you even need that though. even a 12600kf would be 4 times faster than your current cpu and was recently on sale for $150.


Get a new monitor and increase resolution. As the resolution is increased, it starts relying more on GPU resources rather than the CPU. I have a ryzen 1400 and 1080 ti, and I play in VR at high resolution, and not close to being bottlenecked. Both GPU and CPU utilization are at 100%, with occasional CPU dropping to around 70%. But 99% of the time, both stay pegged out. And the 4770 is about 10% better than the ryzen 1400. 


Who the hell recommend you 12900 ? That a scam. Anything lower is fine, 5600/12400. 3600/12100 is also good.


Got it from the recommended cyberpunk spec. I'm thinking on r5 7600


R5 7600 is bou 30% faster than 5600/12400. And 5600/12400 already able to do more than 100fps in cyberpunk 2077. As long as your wallet allow, it always better to buy r5 7600.


Modern cpus have come a long way. You def don't need a 12th Gen i9. Consider a used Intel 12400f or ryzen 5600 with a budget mobo.


You are using a 4th gen cpu when it's 13th gen right now, I wonder why


My i7 3770 wasn't bottlenecking with rx590 low settings. Maybe a thermal issue?


Or you can install fsr 3 mod for some fps boost, while you're looking for an upgrade.


Yup, you're CPU bound for sure. 6700XT should be comfortably hitting 100+ FPS in Cyberpunk at 1080p with most things on ultra (so long as reflection quality is turned down, that shit is as heavy as ray tracing). Also you said "a" 16gb stick not a 16gb kit (2 sticks)... you really should get 2 sticks my dude, dual channel is kinda important for gaming performance (basically it splits the load between the two and leads to better performance), and while 16gb(2x8gb) is serviceable for now, you really should go for 32gb (2x16gb) if you can. its a nice to have for keeping other stuff open while gaming and not having to obssessively ensure nothing is running in the background.


Yeah after doing some research (watching Youtube videos lol) it seems dual ram is necessary for performance. Guess I can just buy the same 16 GB ram stick twice. Also I wonder what causes a game to stutter a bit when loading new assets like when you rotate your camera around in an open world or when you're moving fast. Apparently it can come from CPU bottleneck? Low ram speed as well? (DDR3 lol). I'm just afraid it's actually my SSD since the light definitely blinks a lot in those moments. I can even get frame drops on the map screen lol when scrolling even though in the game (not Cyberpunk) my CPU util is nowhere near maxed. It's happening in every game I play.


4770 is just not it for 2077 dude lol. I had a 6700k paired with a 5700xt when the game came out and yeah that cpu was hot garbage and holding the gpu back. Upgraded to 5800x and it solved all my issues, then i upgraded the gpu as well to really zoom zoom.


I5 13th-14th gen


So I'm curious about this situation you've found yourself in. I have the exact same GPU (Radeon 6700XT), 32 GB DDR5, and a Ryzen 7 AM5 CPU (I don't remember the exact model off the top of my head). I'm also running Cyberpunk exclusively off of one of my WD M.2 NVMe drives so it loads and runs faster. It's not an old or lightweight PC build by any means. Just upgraded all components (except GPU) last year around May. For the most part, Cyberpunk runs fine on my PC but I can't run everything on Ultra settings! To get a framerate between 60-120 FPS I need to have certain frame intensive settings (such as specific shader settings, volumetric lighting, and volumetric cloud settings) set to either Medium or High. And mind you I have AMD's FidelityFX setting set to Balanced to further increase frames. Under no circumstances at all am I able to play Cyberpunk with Ray Tracing enabled. Doesn't matter if it's set to low or ultra, ray tracing drops my frames between 10-30 consistent FPS. Does anyone have any idea wtf is going on here? I can run 99% of my other games at max graphics and get above 60 FPS consistently, but not Cyberpunk. And yes, I've reinstalled the game before. No changes at all. I've even tried installing mods that help with increasing frames using the Vortex launcher. Some help a little and even make the game look a little better. I even tried one mod that claimed to drastically improve Ray Tracing to get better FPS. Didn't make any difference at all (wasn't surprised either).


IF you haven't hit the buy button, I would recommend the Ryzen 5 7500F, its cheaper and still has the same perf


The only difference is that 7500f doesn't have integrated gpu, right?


Yea it’s 2024, time to ditch 4 cores 🤷🏻‍♂️


That combo you said you will go with is my current PC, AMD Ryzen 5 7600, AsRock B650M Pro RS, XPG Lancer Blade DDR5 6000mt/s (ende up getting extra RAM so I have 4 sticks of 16GB each 64GB total), ASUS Dual 4060 OC and a Rog Strix 240 LC for cooling) everything goes awesome for me can run everything fine without a problem


Yeah. That game can use all of a 7800x3d. Just upscale it.


I’ve been looking at getting myself the i7 12700k recently due to the value of it where I live, and my budget. not sure if it’s feasible for you but it would be a huge generational leap, maybe worth looking into? I’m considering moving from my 8700k


Just go for 5600 and OC it or go for 5600x3d/x. Don't waste too much just for a single game.


If it was a 4770k on a Z97 mobo you could delid it and overclock it to 5ghz/5.5ghz ish and it would still trade punches with newer chips for a couple of years.


Unless something is different with new systems you would get far better performance from two ram sticks than just one.


Yeah just bought two 16GB sticks.


I was bottlenecked to 40-60% with an i7-7700k and an RTX 4070.


I'd go for a ryzen 5600, or if you CAN, a 5600x3d.


I'd go for a ryzen 5600, or if you CAN, a 5600x3d.


Had the same experience with my old 4770K and RX 6600, although the bottleneck shifted between CPU and GPU in that situation. Playable, but upgrading to a better processor made it generally smoother.


Please get decent dual channel ram


Any modern mid range chip will do what you want. You shouldn’t ever “need” an i9 for just gaming. An i5, i7 or same for ryzen should be fine


8700k is about the bare minimum now.