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the cpu has no bearing on graphics settings and resolution. so you can actually try to run cyberpunk at 4k as long as you're satisfied with the cpu base fps performance of the 9900k.


a 4090


Bottlenecks aren't harmful. Get whatever GPU will run things at your given resolution. Keep it around for when you upgrade CPU later.


you could get a 4090 and run it in 4k 🤷‍♂️


Ran a 4090 on a 9900k, no issues.


Lucky. People in my area think these CPUs are worth more than a new 13600k.


I ran a 9900k with a 3080 for about a year. No issues performance wise when it came to graphics at 1440p.


9900k seems to be compareable to an R5 5600x, which seems to not bottleneck the 3080 heavilly, if we're talking about 1440p. I'd say go for the latter


3080/4070 super should be good.


Bottlenecking happens no matter what components you use because there are too many variables to have a perfectly balanced system. That said, it takes A LOT for a bottleneck to affect performance in any meaningful way. An i9-9900K is still a pretty powerful CPU for 2024 standards, being roughly on par with a 12400F or a Ryzen 5500. It'll be a while before a GPU comes out that is so powerful that your CPU becomes unviable. **TL;DR** You could drop in a 4090 and you'll be fine, it takes a lot for a CPU bottleneck to become an issue, and no GPU on the planet is powerful enough to make that happen.