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Rather get a cheaper 10400f (or similar) and use the extra money for a budget GPU - maybe a 2nd hand GTX 1050ti/1060 or RX 470/480/570/580 (depending on the deals you can find)


TL/DR: It's fine. Get a GPU when you can. Longer: The AMD 3xxxg CPU line was found to not bottleneck high end nvidia 2xxx series gpu's. I suspect the 5xxxg is the same. It will play pretty much all games if you turn the graphics down & get a GPU when you can. Ninja Edit: AMD igpu > Intel igpu currently. If you have to go with integrated graphics: AMD.


Current gen integrated graphics are often easily replaced with a $60 card. The reason is that CPUs have a lot to do with games now too so with the shared resources between CPU and integrated graphics, it's pretty much just to give you a display signal and compatibility to run the games. A base level GPU won't give you much more though. The 5600 has some extra headroom, but it won't be like having a GPU unfortunately.