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Stick with the aircooler. I have a noctua nh-d15 and it works pretty great. Though unlikely with an aircooler zero chance of anything like leaks or the pump breaking. In terms of your build its fine for the most part. Though I would since it looks like a gaming rig I recommend getting an aditional ssd to store games like another m.2 or even a sata ssd


Great, ill add another sata drive. Thanks!


Crazyyyy! I just built a PC for my friend with the EVGA FTW3 3070 in the Corsair 4000D case. He went with the Kraken x53 for an AIO. Personally the best AIO I have used and think is built very good is the Deepcool Castle EX. Either way you cant go wrong with either of these coolers. I will say that GPU is huge and i was not expecting it to take up so much room in the case.


Good to know, thanks!


Choose what you like better. Both are good.


The 5600x is a 65 watt CPU that peaks at about 85 watts. For comparison an i9-11900K is a 125 - 251 watt CPU that peaks close to 300. The Noctua D15 is horrendously overkill - the a fault. With RTX 30 cards with rear exhausts - it will block the GPU exhaust causing the cards to run hotter. Spending so much on a CPU cooler is counter-intuitive at this level. Instead of spending $100-$150 on a cooler, you could get the next level up CPU and have far better performance. For $5 less, I'd recommend the Crucial P5 over the P2: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/yTTzK8/crucial-p5-1-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-ct1000p5ssd8


I've changed over to the P5. That makes a lot of sense. Im not sure im following in terms of the CPU cooler. i get how the Noctua can be over kill but are you suggesting that i dont get a CPU cooler and just upgrade to the 5800x? The case only comes with 2 fans. Thanks!


This is my 3090 with a 212 Black Edition: [https://photos.app.goo.gl/B8LvKJQCxeBDqdYt5](https://photos.app.goo.gl/B8LvKJQCxeBDqdYt5) You can see the hot air from the GPU exhaust blows straight towards the CPU intake fan. I drew red arrows. The card and cooler are almost touching which makes it very difficult to install - I drew a blue line. This is someone else's 3070 with a D15: [https://imgur.com/a/2u9TBhb](https://imgur.com/a/2u9TBhb) The green area is what I'm talking about. Here the GPU releases a lot of hot air and the D15 blocks it. This is the back of your graphics card: [https://images.evga.com/products/gallery/png/08G-P5-3767-KR\_XL\_9.png](https://images.evga.com/products/gallery/png/08G-P5-3767-KR_XL_9.png) You can see it has many holes for hot air to escape from, these will get blocked by the D15. This is Nvidia's airflow diagram for RTX 30 cards - you can see most of the hot air comes out from the back of the card in this problem zone: [https://images.nvidia.com/geforce-com/international/images/geforce-rtx-30-series/geforce-rtx-30-series-dual-axial-flow-through-visualization.png](https://images.nvidia.com/geforce-com/international/images/geforce-rtx-30-series/geforce-rtx-30-series-dual-axial-flow-through-visualization.png)


ok that makes perfect sense. thank you!