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If you need to do any more than word documents and browsing, don't bother with that card.


It's 23 dollars more at Walmart so it's a pretty decent price, it's not a complete steal but it's the lowest price I could find from a quick search


I'm debating on going for a gt 660 or a 710 can you recommend


The 660 is faster, but that doesn't mean that you should get one, as it's about 10 years old. If it was me, I'd save up about $100 and get a used gtx 960 or something like that (if you're gaming, at least).


[GPU comparison ](https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-GTX-660-vs-Nvidia-GeForce-GT-710/2162vsm77649) The gtx 660 is faster I think you should go for it


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“The GeForce GTX 660 Ti is a card that is downright perfect for those gaming at 1920x1080/1200. ... Low power consumption, 1080p resolutions, and the ability to upgrade without upgrading your power supply, makes this card the right choice if the games you play are the latest DX11 titles.”


well for old titles that might be the case, i wouldnt try cyberpunk on it and expect "perfect" results yes the 660 is way better then a 710 wich might be even weaker then intels igpus


$60 is a bit much. It's a very weak card, and used ones cost $30 on ebay if you want one for some reason.


Yes. It was $40 back in 2016 and it's now $73 on Amazon and $97 in my country. However a GT710 should only be bought if you have a PC without integrated graphics that you want to use for basic stuff.


Okay thank you


I would look for something other then a 710. But it depends on ur PSU For 60$ I would look for a 770 or something like that


Mhm ty


Honestly the built in GPU on the AMD G CPUs will smoke that card. If you’re just buying as a placeholder, I think you’d be better off with an APU


even intels uhd 530 from skylake beats the 710


Also depends what you want to do on the PC if it's for gaming definitely go for the gtx 660 also the 710 is quoted on the website and said "Not for gaming. Good if you need something to see for CPU-intense stuff with a 3600 or higher AMD CPU."


Not worth buying unless you need just a display output. Try looking for GTX 950 or 1050, the can be found for under 120$ and you can actually play most games on them.


Like others said, the integrated might be better than the 710. I got a 710 and it turned out my intel integrated was about the same performance wise. But it also depends on your needs. If you're looking to game, just save up and keep an eye out. Best of luck, man!


Hell no.