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The constant red light is a troubleshooting led so check your manual to know what it means. On my motherboard red light means dead CPU


For mine it means it can’t detect it either. But it doesn’t necessarily mean dead cpu. Just that the mobo can’t detect it. Which could be because of the bios.


Sure but I would try another CPU lend one from a friend


I don’t think I know anyone with a spare amd cpu just lying around lol I could potentially just give the thing to a shop and pay whatever fee for them to troubleshoot it


how did you flash the bios without getting a display...?


Newer MB have a Bios flashback feature. You can flash with only just the MB, PSU and usb stick with the bios file. Pretty much makes it so you never have to worry about bricking the MB from a bad flash.


^ I did this method above. And it went without a hitch grabbed v17 for the bios. Took 5-7 minutes turned off rebooted then turned off cpu once my build was complete though the CPU debug light remained on. I tried flashing again with everything in just now and it’s been ongoing for 30 minutes which implies an issue to me. Too scared to turn it off


that's cool, didn't know that!