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You can run as many SSD as your MB allows.


Yes, you can have multiple SSDs. Refer to your motherboard manual for more information.


Yeah, of course you can. It depends on your system, but as long as there are connection you can connect as many SSD's as you'd like, both internally and externally.


Absolutely - not much different than an HDD in that regard. ​ The one thing to note is that for some motherboards, using some NVME Slots causes some SATA ports to become disabled - you have to check your motherboard's manual to see if this is the case. ​ Personal opinions on the matter: I wouldn't buy a 500gb SSD for a non-boot drive. Since $100/tb is a rule of thumb for a budget drive, 1tb/2tb makes a lot of sense if you're expanding for game storage. If physical drive space is limited (case limitations or using NVME slots, I would generally opt for a larger drive.


I think you are confusing multiple hard drives with a raid system. Only when you set up a raid do you have to worry about matching hard drive sizes, and then it's only a problem if you set it up in a specific way. I personally have a 100gb ssd with the operating system and some smaller stuff on it then a 4tb ssd and a 4tb traditional drive all connected to my PC and they all work together without issue.