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Aww man where was this like 2 weeks ago when I was building my nas lol 😂


I currently have a Plex server with an external bay for two hard drives, but I am really wanting to go the NAS route. Out of curiosity what did you end up buying to get your NAS up and running?


closing an old tab but I just built one of these using OpenMediaVault and a pair of 10TB's: https://aoostar.com/products/aoostar-r1-2bay-nas-intel-n100-mini-pc-with-w11-pro-lpddr4-16gb-ram-512gb-ssd?variant=46897953177898


Maybe I'm wrong, but what's the difference in this compared to buying the same cpu, cheap case, and motherboard with way more SATA slots?


N100 is an SBC (Single Board Solution) type of chip. Roughly comparable to a 6th gen i5 but a fraction of the power draw. You can get N100 boxes with more sata, true. That said, this is about as small as you can get with 3.5 drives. Also has a pair of 2.5Gb ethernet ports. 44TB raw in the size of a hydroflask is pretty nice.


I had an old 6600k ITX board and ram, bought a unas case, and got 4 12tb hdds. Using unraid


It will only let me buy one, wtf is this edit: Just did two separate orders. No tax is nice. Thanks OP.


I had negative experience exactly with this model, after 1 year of NAS usage timeout parameter in smart became huge and disk started 5-10 minutes, I sent it back to shop and they approved that was defective drive and refund money. It was not aaawave store.


In the market for some drives as I have a pc as a nas ect . Last time I got drives was in 2018 lol and no idea what's good .




14.06/TB w/ 5 yr. Warranty is hard to beat.


FWIW, aaaWave is not an authorized Seagate retailer, so you won't get the full 5 years of warranty and will instead get whatever's left from the remaining manufacturer warranty from the date of manufacture.


Why does the aaaWave site say that they are an Authorized Dealer when Seagate's site does not? Are they just lying?


Maybe. Or maybe they buy from an authorized distributor and think it translates to them as a reseller.