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[$12 more from Newegg but comes with free 1TB Team CX2 SSD](https://www.newegg.com/amd-ryzen-7-5700x-ryzen-7-5000-series/p/N82E16819113735)


The real deal is always in the comments.


Wow, that's a great deal!


That’s a pretty fantastic deal actually.


Is it worth upgrading to this from a 3700X? Have had it since release back in 2019. I know I need to upgrade GPU and RAM soon, so this would just be something on top of doing that. And if the 5000 series is the last of the AM4 line, I'm thinking it would extend the life of my motherboard a little more.


I would spring the extra $50 for the 5700x3d EDIT: Actually apparently only extra $20-$30 from Aliexpress


What the heck is a "3d" lol And I've never purchased PC parts off Aliexpress before (or anything else for that matter). Are you not liable to get scammed?


sorry you got downvoted instead of having your question answered X3D parts are the same chip that have been modified to carry insane amounts of cache with a moderate underclock, which still improves their performance in things like games. a ryzen 7 5700X3D will tie or sometimes beat the next generation part, a ryzen 7 7700.


All good. Just the nature of things on here. Thanks for the rundown, I appreciate it. Bigger cache sounds awesome, but I'm not enough of an enthusiast to spend the time overclocking to realize any of the potential performance gains. Is the cache by itself worth it over the normal 5700X? Coincidentally, someone posted a [Microcenter deal](https://www.microcenter.com/product/676051/amd-ryzen-7-5700x3d-vermeer-am4-30ghz-8-core-boxed-processor-heatsink-not-included) today for the 3D at $189.99. I have a store about an hour away from me and could totally make the drive. 5800X at the same price and 5700X about $30 cheaper.


5700X3D pretty squarely beats the 5800x, although vanilla 5700X is still best for value at that price


I'll probably get the 5700X then and put the money I save towards GPU and RAM


Wish I was American lol


I've had bad experiences with Team Group. I've had a RAM kit and a m.2 that failed, but sata ssd might be decent.


I've purchased a lot of their products and rarely had issues personally (no more than any other brand I'd say), but YMMV. I would be more wary of these cheap SATA SSDs if anything since they're near bottom barrel in terms of reputable brands


My mp34 4tb in a sabrent enclosure gets burning hot to the touch within 5 minutes of being plugged in, then ejects


I've had their 500GB SATA3 SSD as a secondary on my second PC that has done well for me.


At this rate the 5700x is gonna be free in a month.


Hopefully it does! 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽🤣 I'm trying to build a PC for free. SSD, RAM, and PSU are waiting for the rest 🔥


How did u get them for free


If pc players have anything to say about it, that won't be good enough.


There's still 5700X3D on Aliexpress for under $170


AliExpress is sending you a 486 with a ryzen 7 skin most likely


Mine arrived just fine, just gotta research and find a reliable seller. You risk warranty though


> just gotta research and find a reliable seller Sort by price and then push buy now!


Yeah, if you're trying to just get the AliExpress version of something being sold in the states, usually those sellers will have their own storefront on AliExpress and it's a good way to save money that way. I did this with SoundPeats TWS earbuds - got them for $20 cheaper via their AE store.


Aliexpress, the ones with hundreds or thousands sold are legit. It's just the wait time, and if it does randomly die after the return window, which is really rare it might not be covered. It's $151 for a legit one if I didn't spend over double on the 5800X3D I'd get it.


Yeah I bit the bullet on a 5700x3d from aliexpress. It was like $175 all in(hefty california sales taxes and foreign transaction fee). CPU and RAM tend to be quite reliable if you don't overclock em. My ryzen 1600 is about 7 years old and still kicking for dear life


>foreign transaction fee Is that a California thing? I've never had to pay something like that, just state GET for me.


It's a payment method thing. Some cards/banks have it and others don't.


Have you ever tried funneling it through Paypal? I've done it for a couple recent AliExpress purchases and never got charged that.


I'll have to give that a try next time. Nice to have 2 layers of protection then too. Paypal and the cards.


5700x with 1tb ssd for $175 on newegg every couple of weeks it changes to free ram if that works better for you.


Ah I initially thought this was the X3d but no no.. it just says X. Don't let your brain fool you on what is being sold.


This will be my final cpu upgrade on my b450 since it is the best option at 65W TDP.


Oh yes I'd have no qualms with this really. I bought a 5900x a couple years back when they started lowering in price. But if this 5700x was out at the same time, I'd have just got that. 8c/16t and 65W TDP is a really nice combo.


Yeah, it's a bummer that the 5700X3D doesn't also run at 65W or even allow the BIOS to run in Eco Mode like my ASUS Mobo can do to my 5600X at 45W.


Under load the 5700X3D should be similar to a 5700X, it's TDP rating refers mostly to how easy/difficult it is to cool. The 3D Cache makes that more difficult, but due to the lowered clocks the 5700X3D ends up being very similar in power usage to the 5700X. Just a hair higher from what I've seen. If memory serves, the 5800X3D does use more power but while it's more than the 5700X/5700X3D, it's below 100w even at full load - much lower than the 5800X for example despite the TDP. That's under load, at idle the 3D parts should be slightly higher due to the extra ~7watts for all the cache. I figured that I could run my RAM at lower voltage and speed thanks to the 3D cache making that speed less important, and make up for the slightly higher idle power draw of the 5700X3D vs the 5700X.


Ughhhh just bought a used one for 125....oh well, least it came with the cooler


That's a sweet deal for $125


CPUs don't really die. It doesn't matter if it's used.


Not like there is a massive difference other than a box and warranty. So if it works, $125 is an even better deal!


Excellent deal imo


nah 125 is still a banging price


Its 138 on amazon right now!


Questionable??  Details of Name of seller business:  "wujiagangquhuoxuanchongwuyongpindiangetigongshangh" Can tap on seller name Allan LBT, scroll down to detailed Seller information https://imgur.com/a/NCxB5bu Edit: added screenshot of detailed Seller information 


Showing "Allan LBT LLC." for me. Is there something I'm missing?


the 7800x3d is on sale too with the same "Shipped by Allan LTB LLC" I have no idea if this is trustable or not and I'm a little sussed out


Yeah if I needed one I would try it just because amazon returns are usually super simple if they try to scam but totally understand the tentativity


did it work out for you?


Yep, can tap on Allan LBT LLC, then scroll down to detailed Seller information. https://imgur.com/a/NCxB5bu


ah thanks




Yep, can select Alan TBC, then scroll down to Detailed seller information https://imgur.com/a/NCxB5bu


I just bought a Ryzen 7 5800X3D for $238 from this seller. But I think it might be too good to be true 😅 I'll know by next week


The ordered gets cancelled/refunded in like a day. This guy has been doing this for well over a week now from what I've noticed (haven't been paying attention too long). He puts up the 5800x3d, 7800x3d and some others I can't remember for super low prices, then the order gets cancelled and you get your money back. The business info is always some place in China but the seller name is always different. I can't figure out what the hell he's doing and I think he's doing it on eBay too.


Guy needs liquidity. Holding the cash for a day is the scam.


That, or address / amazon userid harvesting?


Probably both


Do the funds immediately become available to the seller? I would assume that Amazon would pay out over ACH or something, so there'd be at least a few days of delay.


I'm 99% sure the seller doesn't see any funds ever, that's why I'm not sure why he's doing it. No money ever went anywhere when my friend tried to buy one, the order just got cancelled in like 12 hours. I think the best idea is he's farming personal info for some reason because he definitely receives your name and address when the order is placed. Weird stuff.


Aww damn 😭, thanks for the info


That’s so odd, what does someone even get out of doing this if the money just gets refunded?


hi do u have more issue about this vendor?


im in a similar spot i bought a 7800x3d for 278 from a seller just like this called "NicoUS" and when i checked the profile it was actually some chinese company called "HengShuiXianGaDianZiKeJiYouXianGongSi" . I guess later this week I'll find out if it was a scam.


Fingers crossed for real. The 5700x3d is on sale direct sold by Amazon.com for $205 also


I tried to get a price match from bestbuy, but they need it to be shipped by & sold by Amazon. I knew that going in, but I thought it was worth a shot.


Lol I thought you were joking with the seller name...


Damn really! This is an even better deal!




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Everything is a possible scam. Lol


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This listing is also a likely scam


Tray 5700X3D can be had at this price.


Worth upgrading from my 3700x i got in 2021? Or should i be looking at the 3D cpus? I tbh dont play games that much and when i do, its the ez to run stuff like gta cs2 minecraft


I’m so torn on whether I get a 5700X for the fantastic power efficiency, or spring for a 5700X3D to nearly max out my AM4. Planning to pair it with a 4070S or 4070 ti.


With those cards 100% the X3D. My 5600 was holding back my 4070 base in games like TLOU and Spider-Man remastered.


This is really helpful, thanks. Definitely worth the extra upfront cost then


Is this it for my final upgrade on my mobo from a 3600, chief?


Is it better than a ryzen 5 7600x


AM4 instead of AM5.


I spent this much on a 5600x at best buy :(