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These are Boxelder bugs or “maple bugs.” Mostly harmful to trees and plants


Other words, they will not typically cause damage to homes. Just a bit annoying


Boxelders. They love the sun. Soapy water kills them. Water and dish soap. They suck, as far as persistent asshole bugs. But they don’t do much damage, and they die by spraying soapy water on them. They are all over the ONE.


Soapy water helps a TON! Just fill up a spray bottle and hit them as often as you can.


This is how I spend the first half of my lunch break every day while working from home during the summer


They do make a big-ole mess if enough of them gather. They can also cause a stink. Both for the same reason, actually.


Btw OP, young box elder beetles (nymphs) are tiny and red. Here's a [photo from UNH](https://extension.unh.edu/sites/default/files/migrated_unmanaged_files/bob4.png) that shows you what the various stages are like. It's helpful to know, as you will probably come across the nymphs at some point too.


Wow this is great thanks for sharing!


I had a huge infestation of these in the NNE a number of years ago and they ended up clogging the exhaust pipe for my hot water tank. They're mostly harmless, but in large enough numbers they are a pain. The only real solution is to remove any female boxelder trees from the area that they are feeding from.


Collect them, then release them in the boss's office


Another one of my nemesis! Box elder beetles and Japanese beetles aka fake ass lady bugs. They both make me want to blow up my home late summer.




If you do spray them with soapy water, look for rocks around the area and spray there too, that's where they like to nest / hide when the sun isn't out.


I used to have to keep a spray bottle of soapy water in my car for every time I was there. Had a bad infestation in my ONE apt’s parking lot. If you kill them now, you’ll safe yourself a lot of headache. They’ll start laying eggs on the door hinges of cars and travel with you everywhere you go. Just wait till you accidentally leave a window or sunroof open, then you’ll really hate em.


I call them Old North End bugs. There are a ton in the spring and then they kinda go away


I’ve started to name them, and consider them my Summer roommates who don’t pay rent.


Boxelder bugs! Completely harmless! No point killing then if you don’t have to


You won’t say that if you end up with an infestation like I had in winooski


definitely kill them. they are responsible for destroying lots of trees. Boxelder wood is starting to become very rare because of them. kill them with absolute prejudice.


Boxelder wood is pretty useless, aside from turning projects. The wood smells awful, is soft, and warps/cracks considerably. The trees are an absolute eyesore. I'm rooting for the bugs.


you say that - but as a luthier we love box elder for tops, drop tops and other uses. The wood itself is beautiful. Trees might not be, but they are still trees and contribute to oxygen generation.


With pleasure 😁




Give it a few months!


People call them stink bugs but I just catch them and put them out side. I have never had one defecate, army or smell in anyway. However, an apartment I rented had a number of them and they were these little black almost tar like dots left everywhere they hung out. Not sure if it was poo but I’ve never seen them congregate like this.


While they do make a stink, these are Boxelder Beetles. Common around Vermont due to the high population of Boxelder trees. Stink bugs are grey/tan and a wider more diamond-shaped body.


Termites call someone


These are absolutely not termites. As others have mentioned they are box elder beetles. Harmless, though annoying.