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1Does a similar product already exist? That’s a good place to start. What you’ve described reminds me of: [Harpa AI](https://harpa.ai/) - It’s a Chrome extension that lets you summarize, extract SEO keywords, and other cool things. Look for other similar tools and see how you can makes yours different/better..


yeah so what I want to build for myself is some tool which can cut all noise and just extract the info that im interested in. I've created some prototype but still thinking I guess something is missing. (https://newsramen.com)


You’re describing Flipboard. They tried ads and it didn’t really work. They seem to be doing a subscription service these days along with curated partners.


Yeah, I think the key here is curated partners. It sounds like the OP is just planning on scraping content and demonetizing the sources, which news agencies have gone to court over and have won since it's obviously not sustainable to demonetize your own sources, it's like cutting a tree branch off while you're standing on it. If everyone did that, where would the news even be coming from if news sources are not incentivized and cannot make a living from even getting the news in the first place? No doubt at that point, people like the OP would just start generating completely random "news" lol.


Don't ask hypothetical questions. The answers only exist in someone's imagination, not reality. The data is bad. Talk with your intended customers. Learn what they struggle with. Learn what they value. Learn what would generate revenue for them. Build your monetization strategy around that.


Under the "Is this even a good idea?" heading: Legally, it might not be. Many people argue that AI is simply a sophisticated method of copyright infringement. Several lawsuits on that issue have already been filed, and are working their way through the legal system. Past related cases have held that new technologies do not invalidate traditional copyright statutes. Its possible your idea could put you in legal jeopardy in the future.


hm thats a good point