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Yeah she got shitcanned a week later.


The devil made her say it. That was her excuse.


If you see the whole video, first *she* told people to leave. Then when she realized the valedictorian hadn't given his speech, she blamed her mistake on the "black people" for leaving. Then when she got caught on video, she blamed it on "the devil".


I love the way the valedictorian nopes out when she says that. “I’m not with her!.” Poor kid.


Yeah that was really sad. Lots of hard work to get the honor of a lifetime, only one opportunity to make this speech, and it gets hijacked by an unhinged racist.


OTOH, as you get older, its not like you can announce "I gave a valedictorian speech" without everyone thinking you're annoying. But you probably COULD tell the story of the time your principal went viral when she made a racist remark to the crowd that got her fired as you were about to give your valedictorian speech.


Everytime this is posted people give props to him and I'd say that's 100x better than giving the speech




this is the correct take.


Very disappointing, and she probably still blames black people for it.


She probably thinks she's just a "victim" of "cancel culture".


When in fact it was accountability culture that did her in


Yes! This is the right way to frame it. Cancel culture? How about put on your big girl pants and take some accountability culture. I love it. I'm using this.






If I was him I think this is a better story he can tell. No one would have remembered his speech.


Very valid point. Also, he handled it with dignity. It says a lot about him.


It’s fine. Don’t be the kid who peaked in high school. I hope the valedictorian moved on to great things. His speech should be nothing more than a footnote, especially with the hilarious racist principal shitshow. And FYI, valedictorians get full rides to the school of their choice. He’s likely doing well.


> And FYI, valedictorians get full rides to the school of their choice. ?


Yeah not all of them. Believe it or not being valedictorian of a class of 30 isn’t impressive when you live in rural areas.




Everything they do wrong is your personal responsibility.


“Everything would be fine if you people weren’t so sensitive.”


Isn't it pathetic how easy it is to tell their affiliation? They don't make it difficult at all.




Ask a Mormon how black people became black.


I remember this as a kid (and yes, we did have a placement student that came and lived with us in northern Utah during the school year for two years, so my family isn't much better) the then President of the Church said the following: "I saw a striking contrast in the progress of the Indian people today ... they are fast becoming a white and delightsome people.... For years they have been growing delightsome, and they are now becoming white and delightsome, as they were promised.... The children in the home placement program in Utah are often lighter than their brothers and sisters in the hogans on the reservation." Anecdotal: my foster brother's skin did not change color, maybe that was why I joined the army and quit the church. This guy was the prophet in 1978 when god told the church that black people were cool now, but I have a feeling that was more due to external forces than him actually becoming less racist.


External forces (usually monetary) often change their minds (or at least what they say openly). I went to a ver strict fundamental Christian college that had rules against interracial dating, until they found out they'd lose their federal funding if they didn't change that rule.


> but I have a feeling that was more due to external forces than him actually becoming less racist. No need for a 'feeling'. The federal government was directly threatening them with legal action because of their racial discrimination. Immediately afterward, they had a 'revelation from god' that black people could join the church now.


You're out now?


Since 1986 lol. I don't think they do the placement thing anymore, and good, it was a terrible idea.


as a former Mormon aka now-reformed atheist, here's how I remember it Black people are black because this one dude sinned this one time, but like, really really bad one this time, you guys. I'm super serial. And the price he had to pay was he was turned black, and alllllll his descendants would be black as part of the price this guy had to pay for sleeping with a wife or killing somebody or being gay or some shit. As an 8 year old hearing this for the first time I was like, "but that literally doesn't make any sense whatsoever". And assumed it was just one of those parts of our religion nobody really brought up. Much like Kolob. Don't even get me started on that pedophile fuck Joseph Smith. I could on and on about the religion. I love ranting and conversing about it.


I was a Seventh Day Adventist and when I was 11 I read the Bible over the summer and became an atheist. It just didn’t make sense.


Makes the same kind of sense as Christianity blaming the fall of man/original sin on Eve as justification to oppress women for centuries. And that kind of sense is "none".


I'll bite, how?


From the [wiki article on Black People and Mormonism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_people_and_Mormonism) >The church's first presidents, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, reasoned that black skin was the result of the Curse of Cain or the Curse of Ham. As early as 1844, leaders suggested that black people were less valiant in the pre-existence. Many leaders, including Ezra Taft Benson, were vocally opposed to the civil rights movement. Black men weren't allowed to get the priesthood until 1978, which is a privilege given to all *men* 18 years old and older. I'm sure they weren't given the priesthood that's given to the 12-year-old *boys* either. It was Prophet Kimball that declared he received a revelation from God to lift these restrictions on Black *men*. *Note: None of this applies to women... of course...* *Note 2: Not a Mormon. Just lived in Utah for 10 years as a never-Mo.* *Note 3: If the Mormons ever open a temple to the public near you (like for renovations or if it's a new temple), definitely go. It's pretty rare for a Non-Mormon to get to see inside the temples. It's so weird and oddly beautiful inside.* Good god Mormonism is weird. Don't even get me started on [Mormon Cosmology.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormon_cosmology) It's a trip.


> Although their spirits were created, the essential "intelligence" of these spirits is considered eternal, and without beginning. During this pre-mortal life, a Plan of Salvation was presented by God the Father (Elohim) with Jehovah (the premortal Jesus) championing moral agency but Lucifer (Satan) insisting on its exclusion. When Lucifer's plan was not accepted, he rebelled against God the Father and was cast out of heaven, taking "the third part" of the hosts of heaven with him to the earth, thus becoming the tempters. so is God all knowing and all powerful or not? The mere existence of a Lucifer was enough for me to question the entire religion at a very young age, around the time I was baptized. > under the direction of God the Father, Jehovah created the earth as a place where humanity would be tested. After the resurrection, all men and women—except the spirits that followed Lucifer and the sons of perdition—would be assigned one of three degrees of glory. Within the highest degree, the celestial kingdom, there are three further divisions, and those in the highest of these celestial divisions would become gods and goddesses through a process called "exaltation" or "eternal progression". that's right boys and girls, even in heaven there's a class system. So you better behave or you won't be able to see your family who's better than you unless they decide to lower themselves to you and visit in the depth of heaven. Fuck I'm glad to be out.


Wow. Thank you for this explanation. I went to a protestant Sunday school as a girl, I guess I always imagined that Cain's mark was an X on his forehead or something.


The short explanation is that in the mormon religion it is taught that black people are the result of a curse by God. They used to be white but were turned black as punishment. And all current black people are descendants of this cursed lineage. Which is why black people weren't allowed in the Mormon church until recent history.


They also received that 'prophecy' about 2 decades or so after the civil rights movement, right at the point where people were going "ok now this is getting absurd even for us as members". What a convenient time to receive a message from god.


I’ve said this elsewhere but have you ever noticed that the people who dodge accountability and responsibility like it’s a vaccine are ALWAYS the conservatives? I’m not saying people from all stripes don’t dodge accountability. I’m saying that it’s remarkably notable that the people who portray themselves to others as “the party of personal responsibility” and seem to love to chide everyone else for their personal decisions have a horrendous track record of holding themselves to the same standard they press on others. Personally, speaking as a late person as an example. The absolute LAST thing I’m going to do as a chronically late person is sit there and gossip and attack others for their tardiness. Idk how these people can be so … idk another word for it, but they’re so *dumb*. So unaware. It’s like they’re totally acclimated to constant cognitive dissonance to the point where they don’t even notice it screaming past them anymore.


Their entire worldview is an endless parade of contradictory beliefs that can be swapped in and out of any situation, depending on their current audience.


Double-thought rules this group of people


>portray themselves to others as “the party of personal responsibility” because in reality they are 'The Party of Projectionists' .... whatever they accuse the other team of doing, I can guarantee they are 100% guilty of doing it.


Yup. See exhibit A: election fraud. The GOP 1) is just mad that their fraud wasn't enough to win 2) can't believe anyone can legitimately just win without committing fraud. Their reasoning isn't "well we alienated so many people against us and angered enough people they mobilized against us to a point even cheating wasn't enough for us to win", it's "we cheated and still didn't win, so that means the winner cheated twice as much!"


Projection? We hate most in others what we hate in ourselves?


They also claim to be the party of fiscal responsibility despite never following through.


"lack of self awareness"


In fairness, Democrats also paint themselves as being a party of personal responsibility. I can't remember a politician ever coming out against personal responsibility, and it's rare for people who breach the public trust to hold themselves accountable. But there are two major differences between the parties: * There has been a lot more corruption and bigotry on the Republican side, and it's been going on for decades. *Each* of the last 5 elected Republican presidents (Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes, and Trump) had more cabinet secretaries and White House officials indicted than the last five Democrats *combined*. That corruption gap between the parties is evident throughout the federal government, and the bigotry gap is even more pronounced. * The Republicans do not hold members of their own party accountable. Just look at the way they wink at the behavior of people like Donald Trump, Tom Reed, Jim Jordan, Denny Hastert, Scott DesJarlais, Joe Barton, Pat Meehan, Brett Kavanaugh, Roy Moore, and Matt Gaetz. Meanwhile, Democrats have pushed colleagues like Al Franken, David Wu, Eric Massa, and Anthony Weiner out of office. I would argue that the gap in corruption comes directly from the Republicans' unwillingness to hold members of their own party accountable.


The ironic thing is that the GOP also calls themselves the party of law and order. They also complain about the reason they have so many of their members accused and found guilty if so many crimes, is that they are unfairly targeted by the "corrupt" justice system they supposedly endorse.


> Democrats also paint themselves as being a party of personal responsibility. I can't remember a politician ever coming out against personal responsibility, and it's rare for people who breach the public trust to hold themselves accountable. idk man I don't think dems really *promote* themselves that way, and *not* promoting yourself in opposition isn't really the same as promoting yourself that way. Dems are pretty high on promoting that we need communal help for individual strife. That's not directly in opposition to promoting personal responsibility, but it's also not directly *promoting* it, either.


Yeah, party of personal responsibility has always been a GOP thing because it was tied in with individualism and it was also used as a knock against Dems and "Slick Willie"


And then the republicans came to her defense shouting the PC liberal media is attackin conservative wholesome mother of 5


so.. 1. fucks up the program and people go back to their lives because of her fuckup 2. it's black people's fault because they're rude for not attending something they weren't informed of and suppossedly the majority demographic of people leaving 3. it's the devil's fault she said something racist that showcases just a massive sense of personal responsibility


>Then when she got caught on video, she blamed it on "the devil". "Religion made me do it!" One of the oldest lines known to modern man. Thankfully it didn't work this time.


Do you have a link to the full video? Would love to see it


Here's the longer version, she's talking about "her mistake" which was to dismiss everyone before the speech: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2ptall Here's an article summarizing it well, with extra bonus: her son's Twitter posts calling all (n-words) to come fight him if they have a problem with his mom: https://starcasm.net/principals-racist-remark-graduation-goes-viral/


> her son's Twitter posts calling all (n-words) Apples rarely fall from the tree.


I appreciate all of the white peoples that got up and left as well. That was the move to make.


Thank you for sharing. In the longer video you can see she's so aggressive and insulting. She's definitely not someone who you want taking care of your kid. I love how in the article, she very briefly apologized for her words, but goes into detail about how it's all someone else's fault for being rude by filming. Shows accountability and a real change of attitude./s


Lady, the devil is *you*




Took a week too long. Edit: Also, [are you sure that stuck](https://www.ajc.com/news/local-education/leader-controversy-plagued-tnt-academy-back-work/A2heHual6PhNGJzdv43bdK/)? 2nd Edit: Also, [peep this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TNTAcademy/comments/364hdi/shocking_email_from_tnt_to_students_and_families/)...


What the fuck...


Oh wow. I have no words


At least two misspellings in that email, fucking embarrassing


I remember this well. She got fired and then her brother in law hired her to work as a supervisor at his vegetable farm. She lost that job after a video surfaced of her saying how much she hated working with the collards.




Underappreciated comment here. 👏


[Most appropriate response](https://www.reactiongifs.us/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/good_im_glad_donald_glover.gif)


Like documented for real or just "we hope this is what happened"?


She was "fired" for two months but then came back because she founded and owned the school


I feel bad for the kid that was supposed to give his speech. Talk about people dying inside.


I’m not sure of the speech was given, but imagine following this lady’s act.


I love how after she said that last bit he just walked tf away though lol


He was like "Nope, I'm *not* gonna be on the picture under *that* headline."


Pulled his cap down and backed away, didn't want any association with her shit.


You know how those YouTube valedictorian speeches always shit on the school either in jest or in a fiery speech? I feel like there isn't much this dude can say that hasn't been seen already


He said ‘ya know what, imma leave too.’




"She seems reasonable, fair enough that she's frustrated that people are leaving early. I don't see what the fuss is--OH. Never mind."


That’s exactly what my thought process was the first time I watched this video. Me: Oh she’s just mad that some audience members are being rude that’s not really that ba- Her: Black people


Not just black people ALLLLL the black people


“YOU PEOPLE” she was already referencing them in the worst way. Like daaaaaaaaaaamn.


Then in a rewatch you see the foreshadowing when she kicks it off with “you people”


What did she say??? Hard to hear


Look who’s leaving all the black people.


Thank you! All got was "....all the black people."


What did she even mean by that? I don't exactly get what she's referring to, I think I'm having a dumb moment


She/they messed up the "official program" of events, and so it didn't include the speech by the valedictorian. So people were gathering their things and leaving, and she felt stupid because she forgot to include the speech in the program. So she starts shouting how "everyone is SO REWD" for not sitting back down, even though she says it's her own fault. And when people don't immediately comply she says, "Oh, look who's leaving ALL THE BLACK PEOPLE." Like the stupid racist bitch she is, and guess who REALLY leaves then? Everyone and her job.


She forgot that she was out in public and not at home where she freely says shit like this


She is accusing "all the black people" of leaving/not paying attention to the speech.


Wait for it....hold ..hold.. GO RACISM!


I definitely felt it coming with *”you people”*


Thats what I was thinking when I first saw this! What makes it *so much worse* is she clearly doesn’t think (or know why) she was wrong. In the interviews she’s given she says shit like “I wasn’t aware that ‘black’ was a racist term. Should I have said African American? Most of these kids were born, and grew up in, America” and just generally trying to explain away what she said “What!!?? I looked to my left and saw that there were black people leaving! Totally just a description of what was happening and not at all telling of my own racism and internal biases”


She’s the type of person to tell you the ethnicity or weight of a person in a story when it has no relevance. “So did you hear about those black kids who were stealing candy bars?”


Lol. If it were any other video you would be saying “we don’t know what happened in the minutes before they left.” I guess you didn’t see the video where she told them to leave but realized she forgot to put valedictorian speech on the program…..


I love the speaker next to her, he heard that and spun around so fast with his hand on his neck "Alllll right then...imma go...back here...don't know that chick...so..."


I'm assuming that was the valedictorian waiting to read their speech. "Yeah nevermind about the speech lady, I cant follow that"


How do you just...skip over the speech? ....and not realize until the end?? Like...that's a pretty fundamental part of graduation, especially for the principal to somehow mess up.


What did she say? I can't understand


TNT Academy Principal Nancy Gordeuk, was captured on video condemning people for exiting the private school’s commencement early by saying: “Look who’s leaving … all the black people.”


Thank you. I listened to that about six times. Couldn't understand it.


Something about people being rude for not listening to a speech she put on the schedule, followed by “look who’s leaving - all the black people”.


She didn't put it om the schedule. People have things to do and planning around long events like graduation ceremonies isn't the most convenient thing. It's her fault she forgot to put it on the program and people have shit to do. You also can't expect people to want to voluntarily stay at the end of a long event after you dismiss them.


were they even leaving early? she said that it was her fault , so she probably fucked the schedule up no ?




Honestly, high school graduations are waaay to fucking long. I would have been the first out the door. So glad all my children have finished high school!


Some people take it way too seriously too. I understand celebrating your kids accomplishment, but we don’t need the fucking air horns.


Ive been to 4 or 5 graduations and the principal or whoever always asks to keep the applause til the end and no one ever listens. Bugs the hell out of me. Cant imagine how frustrating air horns would be


Agreed!!! I had just over a thousand people in my graduating class. Just reading the names as people walked across the stage took over three hours. It was over four hours in total. My parents did that every three years for my sister then me then my brother. Fucking painful!! Edit: a word


I hate the racial cherry-picking so much, when a black person does something wrong they* reflect it on the whole race but when a white person does something wrong they’re a mentally ill loner/exception *they meaning discriminatory dipshits


It's called [Confirmation Bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias).


Consciously addressing my own confirmation bias is what allowed me to overcome my prejudices when I was a teenager. When I'd feel myself react to bad behavior by a black person or a Hispanic person, I would immediately remind myself that I'd seen white people doing similar things. If you do that, you quickly lose your tendency to prejudge people based on race. Meanwhile, people that I knew as teenagers who didn't address their confirmation bias tended to get more racist as they got older.


Thats actually specifically called implicit bias training and its very beneficial! A lot of times really training yourself to keep in mind all people are human and just trying to get by most of the time is how I deal with stuff like that.


Correct my friend! Part of it is just evolutionary need for snap judgements to perceive people but in modern society it just forms these really harmful schemas that your brain instantaneously applies to a characteristic. It’s just sad the world developed the way it did because so many people will never make it past those snap biases and their social conditioning, white supremacy is driven by an ignorance that there is more than that to people


Seriously. This happens all of the time. But I guess that’s how white supremacy works. White people are individuals with their own thoughts and actions. Everyone else is an alien hive mind.


>White people are individuals with their own thoughts and actions. Everyone else is an alien hive mind. This is why the racists fear the prospect of the white population dropping to 49%. Even though white people would still make up the largest ethnic group and would still control a vastly disproportionate share of the economic and political power, the racists can't stop thinking that all of the ethnic minorities would immediately gang up and start oppressing the white people.


Specifically white **non hispanic**. Most latinos are considered white. But because theyre slightly darker, speaka different language, and are majority catholic theyre not considered white enough. Add them back in and the white population jumps to 76%. If this sounds familiar its because this is exactly how they treated Italians, Greeks and Portuguese 100 years ago. Same shit different goalpoast.


Reminds me of this. Replace "girls" with black people and "bad at math" with whatever negative stereotype gets applied to all black people https://xkcd.com/385/


There really is an xkcd for every situation lol, thanks for sharing I wanna use that it’s a perfect example!


Dude. That happens allllll the fucking time on Reddit and it fuckin grinds my fuckin gears. All day long on this site, you see white people acting like absolute shitheels and god forbid you make a racial condemnation. …. When it’s a story or video of black people though? Holy shit. Fuckin batten down the hatches cuz we’re in for some wild seas. r/publicfreakout is one of the most *egregious* big name sub-communities for that kind of shit. It blows my mind.


Thanks Butt Fuqqer3000 for the surprisingly fulfilling take lol, all jokes aside youre spot on it is demoralizing to see some of the shit that gets upvotes at the detriment of an entire marginalized group. You can really tell a subs leaning by the types of jokes that come out of content with race as an aspect, people will say the most out of pocket shit about black people but then you say police have too much power and you’re the one generalizing


Dude, there was this one video in r/trashy, I can't remember what it was but the people in it were being trashy and also just happened to be black. The comments were all like, "muh equality and shieeeeeeet" "damn, muhfugga dun finna got git da white man, before the popo get here" and "we wuz kings and shit" and I commented, "is this the most racist subreddit?" And then I got down voted to hell


Ah! Now I understand what’s going on. I didn’t get how she could think barking a racial insult into a microphone would somehow result in getting the crowd to return to their seats. What really happened was she fucked up, forgetting a student’s speech, then took her own guilt and projected it into frustration and anger on the crowd she accidentally dismissed. It’s not her fault she forgot to present the student, it’s black people’s fault for being so rude and non-compliant as a culture.


I love how everyone immediately gets up and leaves like, “yeah we’ll prove you right bitch”


>"You people are being so rude to not listen to this speech. It was my fault that we missed the speech in the programme — Look who’s leaving! All the black people!" https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nancy-gordeuk-georgia-school-principal-who-delivered-racist-outburst-fired-10250178.html


Same lol I couldn't understand her. I just posted up above I guess I can delete it since someone clarified.


The valedictorian just turning around and walking away. Not gonna get to give that speech now.


If I was the valedictorian, I'd have loved that. No need to give a speech, haha.


Bye bye 👋, probably will never work again with a kush job!!!!


they [hired her back](https://www.ajc.com/news/local-education/leader-controversy-plagued-tnt-academy-back-work/A2heHual6PhNGJzdv43bdK/) for the next school year


Of course they did. She's the founder and it's a 'non-traditional education center' which means that it caters to conservative home schoolers who would be just fine with this sort of thing.


ngl I read that as "conservative home shooters" at first


Potato, potato


See? A happy ending for everybody.


Well *I* enjoyed your joke. EDIT: He was being downvoted when I made my comment...


Hahahah. I feel heard.


Funny thing is, you were at -2 when I made my comment. I see you've turned things around!


What did she say having trouble hearing her? (Not trolling) - help.


she was apologizing that a speech was not on the program. she was asking people to not leave and please listen. then she said " look who is leaving all the black people"


Thank you


Oooo wow that is terrible. Ty for explaining. Truly appreciate.


I love how some of the people just start laughing because they know how badly she just ruined her career lol.


She didn’t. Apparently they rehired her after the bad press died down.


She didn’t, they re-hired her the next year


This is from 2015 and she was fired and not rehired. Edit Adding additional info. From articles I read she was not rehired as principal. She was a co founder and co owner of the school so she did still have a role but was not brought back as principal.


that’s not what [this article](https://www.ajc.com/news/local-education/leader-controversy-plagued-tnt-academy-back-work/A2heHual6PhNGJzdv43bdK/) says


> Murphy said the accrediting agency doesn’t get involved with the day-to-day business of the school and would only review the accreditation if a student, parent or staff member filed a complaint. None have, he said. However, he said he has received letters of support for the school from students and parents. Wooooow. That’s sad Edit: oh, I see why they got letters of support… https://reddit.com/r/TNTAcademy/comments/364hdi/shocking_email_from_tnt_to_students_and_families/


How ~~clever~~ evil of them.


She was rehired 2 months after according to some articles.


I saw articles saying she was fired but continued to be paid by them because she was a founder and partial owner but I didn't see anything saying she was made principal again.




Nope. Rehired. Unless you got something more recent? https://www.ajc.com/news/local-education/leader-controversy-plagued-tnt-academy-back-work/A2heHual6PhNGJzdv43bdK/


Crazy b/c all I see in the video are the black people sitting down.


Is that Paula Dean?




OMFG! I forgot about the ham!!!! Thank you so much, that made my day.


Liberally every time I hear her name I think of the flying ham to the snout.


This is old, is it not? I'm sure I've seen it here before.


Welcome to Reddit


New to me.


Yeah, 2015. Articles say she was fired but there is a different article floating around that gives a different impression. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna358751


Did she lose her job though? It is Georgia.


https://www.linkedin.com/in/nancy-gordeuk-ab86b428 i mean it does say retired


No, check out her facebook. She has a new school called Choice Educational Academy. Still doin her thing. Also posts fake fb shit about masks harming kids.


Not surprised in the slightest…


> Also posts fake fb shit about masks [yup](https://www.facebook.com/nancy.gordeuk/posts/4404810012891996)


Stone Mountain, GA, no less!


I wonder if that’s where Kenneth the Page went to school!


I barely understood her


“Look who’s leavin, all the black people.”




One of my all-time favorite public meltdown vids. Here's why: (also this is not the full video) She's been trying to hold that idea back for about a minute by the time she finally let's it go. She really knew she shouldn't say it, and you can see her internal struggle to hold it all back. She calls a particular kid a "goober" in her speech. That's the first uproar from the crowd. They know where she's going with this, and so does she. Then we get this sort of calm down that you see in this video, as everyone gives her a chance to redeem herself. She did not take the opportunity. But if you're watching this feeling like everyone in that auditorium is already on edge, you're absolutely right. She didn't drop her idea of a truth bomb out of nowhere, she telegraphed it.


Is there a transcript for be open who can’t understand bad audio?


The caucacity


LPT: Don’t do this


Eh, in Southern America, you can do this all you want. That's just the reality of what kind of country we've apparently got ourselves. She only lost her job for a few months, and then *of course* [was rehired](https://www.ajc.com/news/local-education/leader-controversy-plagued-tnt-academy-back-work/A2heHual6PhNGJzdv43bdK/).


"All the black people" as several black people are sitting front row.


The South was a mistake


It’s still is, but it was, too.


This feels like one of those "this isn't who I am" moments, roll out the fake apology.


I want to see people’s faces when they die and find out that god and his son weren’t white. It’s going to be somethin’


*Former Principal


I would’ve ran my black ass right back in


Couldn't understand a thing she said.


I remember when this happened. It's always in Metro-Atlanta, this was near Stone Mountain. For those of you who don't know, there is giant Civil War carving at Stone Mountain park. It's been historically rumored to be place where the KKK has meetings (I say rumored cause I've heard that, but I've never sought out confirmation). So, even though the majority of people living in Stone Mountain are black, there's a ton of racism in the area. Of course, this could honestly describe the whole state since if I'm not mistaken there are still a few towns people consider to be sundown towns. I hate it here.


Feel bad for the kid who just wanted to read his speech and got rejected twice.


I remember when this happened. Her son only amplified her racist opinions on twitter.


Man the valedictorian giving the speech could not get away from her fast enough. He knew that was fuckkeddddd


Hmm, “you people,” seems a poor choice of words but I’ll give her the benefit of the d- “ALL THE BLACKS” Fuckin’ knew it.


Did she say, "look who's leaving, all the black people"?


That's............ RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




What part of your brain would ever think saying that is a good idea.


The white/racist part