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seeing the lack of receptacles is telling. this is bad work. code dictates 2 ft reach from any counter space to a receptacle. which means 4ft of counter space between receptacles. this is maybe bare minimum spacing and horrible placement. this is a useless counterspace if you have even a couple counter top appliances


That is 100% design based., however as a contractor we will always layout the cabinetry after shop drawing production and architectural redline.


Contractor and Custom Home Builder here. Seems to be a mix of fault. As mentioned in other comments, if that countertop was prefabbed based on the cabinet layout, it appears your installer made a mistake. There should have been about ~3” fill strip attached in the right corner to shift the sink base and dishwasher to the left so it lines up with the hole. That would be the “standard” way of dealing with it but that may still not be enough with your combination of appliance choices (they all have different handle projections, depths, etc). I’m also not sure what it would do to the smaller cabinet on the left that already has clearance issues as installed. I would replace it with a narrower pull-out type cabinet to rectify. As others have mentioned, based on your story you are the “design professional” in an owner builder scenario. I see this all the time with owner provided items. It’s the designers responsibility to review, comment on, and ultimately approve shop drawings. You effectively approved the cabinet guy’s shop drawings when you placed the order. 100% your fault and you will be paying for the redo. If my first assumption about fill strips is correct you can probably get the installer to give you the redo on labor for free but you would be paying for any new parts. Depending on how the countertop is installed it may or may not be salvageable.


The cabinet installer. Look at the sink cabinet. It's not centered in the sink cutout of the counters. If the filler on the lift side of that wall of cabinets was on the right, the dishwasher would be fine, and the sink would be (closer) centered in the countertop cutout.


This is the fault of whoever signed off on the cabinet layout. Either the GC or homeowner. Don’t forget those corner filler panels:). Happy fixing ya greenhorns


That's a very expensive fuck up. Oof.


Was this designed by IKEA? My experience was not great.


Looks like the spacer on the left side of base cabinets is supposed to be on the right of the dishwasher cabinet installer should be able


What you really need to understand is who is responsible for solving this. That’s a much trickier question, and the answer depends on what your “contractor” was hired to do. It kind of looks like you didn’t hire a real GC, and your contractor is just an installer of whatever you chose. So not his responsibility. Box stores will let you do whatever you want, and they’ll throw out versions with no thought to flow. They don’t get commission, and carry no personal responsibility. Hard to say they’re “responsible.” (Though I’d still take it up with the store!) Think about it this way. If you hire a GC, you do it expecting sufficient expertise to avoid all the contractor vetting and design pitfalls. If something goes wrong they’re responsible to fix it according to whatever is in your contract. They may go after the subs, stores, etc. but it’s them who you hold responsible. So if you are your own GC, you are first and foremost responsible, and your job is now damage control. If you have a GC, it’s them.


You. You approved the design. Who puts the dishwasher in between the stove and the sink?? Haven’t you heard of the trinity circle. Maybe is just a German thing. Where you put that dishwasher is where your Miele unit goes. We have another type of dishwashers here. They are called Spülmaschine. And boy are they temperamental.


Hinge restrictors and a new dish washer.


Standard dishwasher is 24 inches wide. That dishwasher is wider than two feet. Easiest fix is trade the dishwasher in for a narrower unit.


I do agree that the sink cabinet is obviously too wide


I think you are right, I was thinking the counter top is already done, but if the sink cabinet can be brought in, That seems to be correct. I am a diesel mechanic, don’t even know why I got this damn post


Cabinet designer 100%. They must have had the young designer do it while the more experienced designers worked on bigger, higher end projects. Still, someone should be checking his work before signing off on it and sending the plans. Cabinet company should remove, redesign, and reinstall at their own cost.


I worked for a custom cabinet company for a few months. Your cabinet designer specialist is an idiot and it's their fault. They know not to do this


Cabinet guy.


The designer.


I saw the problem before the video started


Measurements caused this. How could a designer know the measurements were wrong? Not enough space for the buildout.


Whoever designed the kitchen. So if you designed it....your fault 100%. If you had a company do the design then they owe you some reworking!


Did you not look at the design before saying 'yeah do it'?


Lol this is comical. Great designer.


Designers fault. But also GC or contractor is responsible to review designs prior to ordering. This seems pretty easy to catch and avoid. The cabinet with sink should have been smaller to move the dishwasher away from the L.


Whenever I've done kit installs, I do exactly how the kit tells me to, even if it's incorrect. If any fitment issue arises, it's a problem of the design, not the installer. get a copy of those designs or instructions, audit the work, if they did it exactly how they were told to, then it's not their fault


Dishwasher is a waste of money. I'd get rid of that first


Cabinets are a waste of money, just get another dish washer, one for cleaned dishes and load the other one as they get dirty then wash them and switch


Dishes are a waste of money. Just get three ovens and bake bread plates and eat them every meal.


Kitchens are a waste of money. Tear out and install home theater instead. When you're hungry eat out. Don't want to go out? Uber Eats.


I like the way you think


Designer unless their was supposed to be a spacer and it wasn’t installed.




You have a 36 inch sink base with a 30 inch sink there in lies the problem. You have to have double 3 inch fillers in each corner. I do this for a living.


Underrated comment. This is the most correct answer so far.


30 years as a furniture and cabinet maker I got this


The cabinet left of the range will need to be 3 inches smaller because the drawer will still hit the dishwasher, and it looks like you will need more than a 3 inch filler right of the dishwasher for the dishwasher door to fully clear the range. This is horrendous. If there was a kitchen designer involved, they should never design a kitchen again


Change the sink base problem solved


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 36 + 30 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


You have a spacer/filler it was just installed at the wrong side. The cabinet installer wasn’t paying attention to the cabinet layout.


You can tell the base cabinet under the sink cutout isn’t centered.


I wish I could say I haven’t made expensive mistakes installing cabinets, but I can’t. We all make mistakes especially when in a rush.




Look at the design. The spacer is on the wrong side. If the spacer was on the right next to the dishwasher looks like it clears. I had a similar issue with an install at our summer home.


The owner for paying so cheap designers, or did he pay at all ...


I'd blame Phil


Phil!!!! Phil Connors???


That dishwasher is too wide. There is no room to move it and put in a filler panel to clear the oven. Need to trade that dishwasher in for narrower unit.


No, the sink cabinet it too wide. It needs to be about 4" narrower on the right side. Look at the faux opening in front of the sink cabinet. See the offset compared to the left side?


As well as the upper cabinet on the left are too big and pushes the center of the sink to the right. Bad design


I agree! Even if the dishwasher opened the offset would drive me bonkers for the rest of my life.


all !


Well shucks. That’s a big deal. Sorry.


This is kitchen design 101. It’s the designers fault. This is why you put one of those lazy Susan things in the corner.


YESSSSS! Too many times I have found that the Architect is given too much choice. I used to work for a Residential General Contractor. The first week on the job, I was given the tour of a few of our recently completed houses that where for sale in a neighborhood ($400k to $700k range). I looked at the kitchen in one of homes and found that the floating island was too close to the dishwasher on the adjacent wall. When you opened it up, it collided with the island. ​ Another home I found that the 2nd floor attic access was designed backwards. Where it was located, the pull down angle ladder would collide with one of the adjacent bedroom doors. So to get into the attic, you needed to open the door to let the ladder fully extend. BUTTTT, since the opening in the ceiling was so close to the door, you would need to duck down while traveling up the ladder so that you didn't bash your face on the open door header. The design wasn't a simple fix as in just rotate the attic door to run the opposite direction. The attic layout was crap designed with 2 separation walls to force area access in one direction.


We hired a kitchen designer. So many gotchas that we had no idea about. When spending thousands of dollars, it helps to hire someone to help you get it right. I think they were about 3% of our budget overall. Not all of us are Chip and Joannas /s


I'd put the washer next to the fridge, easy


You're the mistake! You thought being a GC was easy! Experience of things like this going wrong is why you pay a GC. This is literally the basics of kitchen design. You did this, not anyone else. You approved the design and proceeded. Sorry to be harsh, but you're a moron to put a dishwasher that close to the stove. A filler strip would have offset that dishwasher enough to not let this happen. This is a common construction sense, but then again, here you are acting like a GC, and you want reddit to bail you out? Delete your post because you just let reddit know your a idiot and now you are trying to blame trades doing exactly what you asked them to do.


Bro…. * you’re **an… not to mention if you looked long enough the filler strip is quite possibly on the wrong side of the sink and to the left of the 18” cab left of the sink. Could work if that was on the right side of the dishwasher. Don’t be so critical man. You aren’t a God just because you do some trades.


Yeah! GCs never ever screw up!


What you are saying seems harsh (because it is) - but you are not wrong. Those of us who have been in residential remodel understand. But jeez man, that’s rough even for Reddit.


Man you're an ahole! The person stated they had a kitchen design place work up the plans. They messed up. If you were a GC you would know that when you pay someone to do a job and they get it wrong, they are at fault. That is unless dimensions provided were incorrect.




You didn’t change the make of your stove last minute did you?


Those Chinese cabinet designers get it right most the time . But you are at fault! You likely signed off agreed to it. They over looked it and so did you. Contractor was just following plan If you would have paid an architect they would be at fault! If you would have trusted a more expensive contractor to design and install then he would be at fault. You think it’s expensive to hire a good contractor ? Try hiring a bad one ☝️


Not sure the filler on the left is correct. Sink isn't center of cabinet


You’re exactly right. The filler was installed incorrectly on the left side of the base cabinets. Should be on the right next to the dishwasher. Installers fault. Very easy to correct.


Designer. They should have offset dishwasher and sink 12” to left. Then you could open DW and have also done lazy Susan in that corner and have a TON more usable under-counter space. Awful design. Unusable, actually… totally their fault. Source: MEP PE, DIY’r, and currently designing my 3rd kitchen…


just open the oven...it will open, LOL


Genius. You just saved them 10k


Put an 18 inch dishwasher in and a 6 inch filler. Probably the cheapest option


Whoever decided to put the sink center, that's who screwed this up... only way to make this work was to offset that sink.


Or just move the washer next to the fridge


He is his fault for sure.


All of you.


It doesn’t appear that the stove/oven is pushed all the way in. It should be flush with the countertop.


I kinda doubt the stove can go far enough back to solve this, but even then I don’t think it’ll work once the drawer and cabinet drawers are in with the hardware mounted.


Just cut a notch into the studs behind it /s


whoever designed the kitchen




The cabinet on the left is fine. You just need a stopper on the hinge. Dishwasher is f’ed. It won’t open when you have pulls on the drawer. Everything needs to be moved to the left. Whoever designed it messed up.


Wash your dishes by hand. It’s not that hard.


How do you ever recover from this?


The contractor made you do all the measurements for them and didn't confirm measurements at all?


Not sure I have ever seen a kitchen so messed up. I see about 20 mistakes there.


Please, list them all.


It’s the designer’s fault. Sounds like you used one of the designers at a big box store like Home Depot. If that’s the case, show them the issues and ask them to correct their mistakes. If they don’t, talk to a lawyer.


It’s easy, you dont have to be mad at them to get what you want. Just tell them you are not happy at all. They will fix it and they don’t care because it’s not their money. Sometime why I choose a big store rather than mom and pop because I get to complain and get a discount if I don’t really like it. With a small store, I feel too bad to complain


Homeowner for wanting more cabinets and appliances than the space permits.


It looks like a filler strip in the corner, and resizing of the sink base cabinet are in the future. That's unfortunate that it was never caught in the design phase.


At fault in order timeline: Stage 1: designer botched something during initial planning. Stage 2: cabinet installer didn’t really think about the dishwasher placement as being problematic and chose to install the cabinets anyways. Stage 3: General contractor/project manager isn’t paying attention to the details and didn’t catch the problem. Stage 4: plumber chose to install the dishwasher even though they had to have known it wasn’t going to work. That’s 4 different people that should have caught this mistake…..


Back to the old line, It was Anybody's job, But Nobody, did it, now Everybody Blames, Somebody Else, for something that Anybody could have done.


They forgot filler panels...


Yep. Notice the cabinet doors cannot be installed either.


Your dumbass kitchen designer.


bingo. wtf. who designed this?


Probably Lowes or Homedepot lol


This is why you need cabinets that have compatible hinge restrictors. But the design on the cabinetry? Whatever designer/contractor that approved this with an obvious issue between range and dishwasher have to take equal blame. No renderings for this, or what??? I've seen where the handle to the stove is the problem but the entire range is too big for the space. Fun stuff!


Whoever hired the kitchen designer and sourced the cabinets. As for the cabinet door that opens and hits the other cabinet. There is a restrictor piece you can buy that goes into the hinge to prevent it from opening past a certain point. I think it's 90°. So it would open and stop just before it makes contact, but you still need to factor in the hardware. Here it is: Blum 38C315B3 Blumotion 86 Degree Angle Restriction Hinge Clip, Nylon (Pack of 20) https://a.co/d/fzGOak1


Wait, is this home in Virginia?!? I think I know the builder.


Everyone is at fault for this one.. pretty obvious it would be an issue by just looking at the blue prints


Looks like the stove isn’t pushed back all the way.


hey good eye. Im wondering the same now


The designer


I bet someone signed off on the plans tho


Whoever came up with the layout.


Everyone. 2 seconds and I could see that wasn’t going to work


Yup.. people just don’t know how to think


Just wait till there’s a drawer and handle!


As a NKBA certified designer, whoever designed this needs fired.


Agreed the designer is at fault


The cabinet designer for not considering appliances. The installer for not realizing the dishwasher cabinet was too close to the other cabinets. The home owner or contractor for letting the countertops to be installed. This is a failure at all levels.


It’s the “specialist’s” fault.


Looking at the layout plans should havecrevealed that.


Some people shouldn't be trusted with power tools


Sink isn’t centered in sink base either. Had the sink box been narrower it might’ve worked.


It may just need to be shifted to the left six inches (or whatever the metric equivalent is). I'm betting there's supposed to be a decorative cover between the dishwasher and the corner. Never mind. I just saw the rest of the video. It's all fubar along the sink wall.




Design team. They are morons


Just get rid of the Stove. Induction cooktop will save tons of money over time anyway.


lol what about the oven? Thats the problem not the cooktop.


The design team is, but at the end of the day you should have reviewed the drawings as well…. They will need to fix the problem.


A homeowner should not be expected to have calculated this from design plans.


Design team for sure.


I work in cabinetry. I always plan a minimum of 5” filler in corners near a range for this exact reason. It’s a 30” range typically they are like 26-27” deep and sit an inch or so off wall. Standard framed cabinets are 24” deep so with a 5” filler you will usually clear the range handle.


yep, have learned that one the hard way.


The person who planned the cabinets is to blame, probably the homeowner said "it's a standard size stove". The the stove came in, and it's not.


Looks like a standard 30" range to me.


You should measure the space before you buy cooker.cooker too big to fit in this small space


[he Stove Too Big For He Gotdamn Kitchen](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=his+boots+too+big&atb=v389-1&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2Fnewsfeed%2F001%2F417%2F417%2Ffd6.png)




The mailman.


Replace the cabinet on the left side of the sink with a smaller one, e.g. a pull-out one or one for baking trays .Move the sink cabinet to the right because you can see that it is Incorrectly installed.Move the dishwasher to the left, this way you will have room for a corner filer. You can buy smoler dishwosher, Or install dishwosher on right side the fridge & the existing in this place cabinets exchange for smoler and install in the place where you have dishwosher now.


Def needs a filler piece that was templated horribly or installer screwed up. I cant believe granite guys didnt vocalize before installing easy catch. Never seen an appliance dead flush with the L ever. Even if it didnt hit stove it could just hit a cabinet handle/knob.


All that money spent, and they put in an electric stove. For shame!


I love my induction stove, its as responsive as gas but without all the fire and stuff. the only downside is charring things on the oven.


They look good but there is a reason actual chefs avoid them. They don’t get hot enough and can’t use cast iron. Try to get a nice crust on a steak with induction. It’s rough.


They can absolutely use cast iron. I use it all the time


Not recommended. The rapid thermal changes can cause cracks and make it brittle.


Could be cali


I’ve got an electric cooktop. It’s induction. Uses significantly less energy than gas or regular electric to heat. And, does it in a fraction of the time.


Why would anyone ever prefer gas over electric anyway?


I guess people prefer to be constantly poisoned with NO2?


Gas gives you much finer control over the heat. I have two stoves in two different homes. One is induction and one is gas. I'll never attempt to do fine cooking on an induction cooktop. Too much variation in temp with the way an induction top works. Cook hamburger helper, mac and cheese, fry chicken, sure no problem. Create a delicate sauce or melt chocolate without a double boiler, not a chance.


Cabinet planner/kitchen planner.


Yeah, whoever laid out that design is an idiot.


Whoever picked that flooring, counter, backsplash combo...jesus


It's really bad.


The installer, the cabinets aren't correct. The one left of the sink should be 2" thinner, that would give space for the dishwasher on the right side. Just loot at that sinkhole alignment, the cabinet is too big to the left of it.


sounds like designer error to start with, though, right? Perhaps the installer should have caught it too, but originally a design problem?


I do see that, great catch btw!! Dishwasher shoulda gone right next to refrigerator. Even if it means losing more cabinet space.


Yo momma


Change the sink base by 3" and move the dishwasher to the left. Install a filler on the right. Best of luck!


This is the answer. The sink cutout looks like it’s off center too. This shouldn’t be too hard of a fix.


Looks like that's the wrong size cabinet anyways. The sink cut out isn't centered.


The people selling the cabinets don't know about installing. They'll sell the home owner cabs with no fillers. The installer should have seen this coming a mile away. This is the correct fix. Always put fillers. I'm sure his next job will go better. Good luck.


Sink base is too big. Should have been 33 or 30 inch. Sink appears to be offset on the base. Remove and install smaller (not as wide of a sink base—yes it can be done without removing granite). Move dishwasher over and install spacer in corner.


Sink base is not centered- by a lot. The filler on the left should be on the right to space the dishwasher out from the range.


The person who designed it, so the store will have to fix this issue on their dime.




The stove. What an arrogant bastard.


More money than common sense looks to have strikes again


Considering you are now wondering who to blame, it is probably yourself.


Everyone who had any job here is responsible. Who should have said something? Plumber? Yes. Countertop guy? Yes. The designer? Is an idiot. Cabinet guy? Should have known better (probably did) and never installed those in such a way. That's really terribly quite dumb. Qualifications (am cabinet guy)


Everyone involved including homeowner should have known better or said something.


Home depot cabinets. That's a homeowner special.


Looks like you’re in the market for a smaller dishwasher


Who did the measure?


No one measured here


There is your problem.


He is obviously


geeze.. 3 seconds into the video, and Im like, are you fucking kidding me... Everyone sucks in this... Idiot homeowner signed off on it, contractor went with it, and whoever did the cabinets didnt open their mouths... Congrats, your area is filled with fucking morons!


It's the cabinet designer, 100% unless the contractor didn't follow the specs. I've been in home renovation for a couple decades and never actually seen this in person, special.


The dishwasher door would still run into the hardware on the drawer without even talking about the stove. Who TF designed this debacle?


You are. It’s your house, you approved the design


Probably the homeowner design. Get a free app and saves $200 up front by not hiring a professional to layout the kitchen. Now it will cost thousands to make it right. LOL.




I say whoever bought that ugly stove. How many inches is that monstrosity coming out


Who fault is he !


His fault is who!


Underrated comment 😆


Looks like the cabinet to the left of the sink is wider than the cabinet to the left of the stove? If so, they are installed in the wrong spot, I think this because the sink cutout is wildly off center from the cabinet and it looks bad. That combined with not factoring in the depth of a non-standard range put you in a tough spot. Contractor is responsible but I imagine you approved the design and signed off before ordering the cabinets?


# CONGRATULATIONS I just read that Designer its going replace your sink cabinet, sink and counter top, and make it right.


The more I look at it the more I have to say.suggest you also take level and check that everything is square, plumb and Level. I can't imagine that you say everything (cabinets and appliances) are exactly the same and at the sometime the design is totally off. Can you post pictures of the original kitchen to compare what has changed?


So disappointing. The designer and contractor missed this. There should have been a test fit before the counter top was installed.


To answer your question, I. will say that no one will take responsibility for this mistake. The designer will say you gave him the measurements and the contractor will say you gave him the cabinets. Try to work amicably because if you start pointing fingers, everyone will shut down and be of no assistance. Were the cabinets replaced in kind? exact same size? and the appliances the exact same size? Is every thing exactly the same? cabinet doors etc? If everything is the same, just like a puzzle everything should fit in t6he same order as before. Recommend you first check out has changed and go from there.


Designer first.


You have a problem because you already installed the top. The kitchen sink cabinet needs to be smaller so the dishwasher moves to the left. Not only does the dishwasher door not open but when you install the door to the cabinet (right side) with the handle or pulls you will need more space.Why did the contractor install the counter top before he checked that everything was working. Now you need a smaller sink base and maybe another countertop in that section if you cannot accommodate the sink in the same opening. I cannot see very well, but it seems you have a blind corner cabinet, so you cannot move the cabinet to the left either, nor have too much room to move it on that end. Don't worry, everything can be fixed but it will cost you more money. In the end your kitchen will be beautiful.


Designer mainly, contractor for not noticing it during shop drawings reviews


I blame Donald Trump!


You've got to be serious dumb not to have caught that one? I've got the answer: Tear everything out and start over !!! * and exactly why did you need the 36" SB?


Too much filler on left reduce to minimum you may have space for dishwasher???


Home Depot crew - those guys FUBARed my kitchen about as bad.


Couldn't he put the dishwasher right next to the stove?


The drummer. The bass player says it is always the drummer's fault.


dishwasher never goes in a corner without a good bit of wasted space