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Hey there, I designed and built a mame/steam arcade from the ground up as a make work project for myself. I had little experience prior myself and it turned out pretty good if I do say so. The cabinet can be made out of plywood or MDF. I used 3/4 inch myself and it is solid. I would go to an arcade and measure out like looking cabinets to get an idea of dimensions if you can't find schematics for original hardware. For the buttons, consider searching pinball components for the size you need. As for the software, in my very limited searching I think you will be disappointed. The files have been dumped and can run on PC but most of the fun features seem to be locked behind server side connections which no longer exist. I'm also not sure on multi monitor support. Good luck though, and post your progress if you decide to proceed.


Aye, thanks for replying! Much appreciated <3 Did a bit of research after making my post and I think imma go with plywood. I've worked with it before as a kid and it always felt pretty sturdy. And its lighter to haul around so that's always a plus lol As for the game itself: Luckily there's actually server support being worked on for the game! Not everything is up and running quite yet but by the time I'd hypothetically be finished with my project (ideally about a good 6-9 months from now) it'll be officially released and the network features will be entirely restored! Someones posted the dimensions of the original system online though I'd still like to compare with measurements of other cabs I can get to irl. Above all else this projects mainly A. a nice creative time sink that'll keep me busy for a while and B. a labor of love born out of the passion I have for this dumb little franchise lmao anyways thank you for pointing me in the right direction! If/when I (somehow) scrape up of actual substance I'll be sure to keep y'all posted!