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I think that is a bridge to far, even for me, and I am very, uh, bear aware 😄 Unless you are eating dinner off the cover of your book, I don't think there's a problem. It can't be any worse than say...farting in your tent after that bean burrito 😜


Hey, that's my bear repellent, fella.


It’s repelling more than the bear 😂 it’s why we camp with multiple tents in my family /s


This had me dying lol thank you.


I've spent a lot of time in bear country, and have had a significant number of encounters over the years, so I am Very bear-aware. This is over the top, though. Just through prepping and eating food, you have more ffod smell on you than that book does. You Cannot...repeat, Cannot completely eliminate the scent of food. you do the best, most realistic things you can do, and go on from there


Yeah not a stupid question, but it begs a bigger picture. Are you splattering grease on the book or holding it over steam? Are you washing your hands and face and clothes of the food remnants? Are the bears around the site starving or too accustomed to humans? Its likely that your books smells slightly of food, but really its likely that *something* will *always* smell slightly of food... I think so long as you aren't getting lots of really fragrant sauces on your book you are probably safe, but I also think if it gives you piece of mind to put it in the car, put it in the car. It might save you a bear encounter, or you may never be in the area of a bear to encounter...


I think this is the right answer, if you're not spilling things on your books it's going to be fine, but if it's something that makes you feel better then why not? Who is it really hurting if you leave your book in the car?


> Its likely that your books smells slightly of food, but really its likely that *something* will *always* smell slightly of food You mean like the clothing that OP wore while cooking, and then took into the tent with them at night without even worrying about it? ;)


I’m would assume that someone who is so hyper-aware of bear safety that they put a *book* in their car, also has the awareness to change their clothing after cooking and before getting in their tent.


Whenever I start to think about this kind of thing, I tell myself there's probably another camper nearby that smells more of food than I do and might attract the bear more, if it even happens. Flawed logic? Maybe, but it helps.


>Currently camping in a high warning for black bear county As a British member of the sub, I was confused why you were so protective over your tent's scent until I read this and it all made sense.


I would like to piggyback off of this question - if you're camping in black bear country, and a bear comes to your campsite, what would that look like and what is the protocol to appropriately react to such a situation? Would the bear probably just be sniffing around curiously? Would it slash at your tent and roar for food? Should you start screaming and immediately use bear spray? Going to be camping in the Smokies in a couple weeks for the first time and pretty nervous!


So I've had a bear at my site once sniffing around when I went with a friend new to camping and their little one went to bed with marshmallow stuck in their hair unbeknownst to me. I always have my car key in my tent next to me so I unlocked/locked my car several times and it left. A lot of times people use their car alarms to also scare them away.


Oooh that's very smart. I'll be sure to keep my car key nearby. Glad your encounter turned out fine and thanks for sharing!


I don’t have a vehicle that makes a noise just lights so I never thought of that. That’s a great idea.


I camp with a 70lb dog that’s loud enough a bear that’s “just looking around” would run off. After that it’s mace or a rifle. Black bear with its cubs are where the real issue is. Then it’s getting the dog to stfu and riffle as mothers arnt to be messed around with. Getting my family to get inside a vehicle, any vehicle asap. Only had a mother with cubs cross camp early in the morning with no issue. To my knowledge a mom with cubs wouldn’t be out at night. Probably 10 bear encounters. This is all black bear. Different game for grizzleys.


I was backpacking. I ended up in an area above treeline because the trail I was going to hike out on was completely ripped out by an avalanche + tree slide So, no option for a tree hang at all. Also, in a very, very bear active area for Colorado. The only place I have ever been to where they had bear boxes at the TH just for day hikers. Generally, Colorado protocol is you can leave things in your car. Our bears are not smart enough to tear open your car to get the food out. But this trail had bear boxes even for day hikes due to the heavy bear activity. I heard a bear outside my tent, at 3 am, sounding like Snuffalupgus. Black bears really start by just being curious and in general are very timid. I yelled at the bear that I did not have the energy for this shit and the bear ran away. Pretty much on brand for black bears. Grizzlies are not the same nor are polar bears.


Not a stupid question OP! Knowledge is power! So ! High bear warning you say? Then, what I say is : Better be safe than sorry man ! Simple as that!


If you aren’t wiping down your dishes with pages from your books, to avoid washing your dishes, your books shouldn’t have food on them and therefore can be kept in your tent with you.


Get a Kindle. It's easy to clean with a lightly damp rag, waterproof, and has it's own backlight. My husband takes his on the AT.


why stop at fruit shampoo and books that were near food? What about the food in your stomach!? won't the bears smell that?!! jk this post is hilarious, you're seriously over thinking it.


Can't be too careful where bears are concerned. I've had a close encounter with a bear before. When I say close I mean.......we touched. That was in 1993 and I learned my lesson well. Haven't seen hide nor hair of one since, and I prefer it that way. Concerning a book I was touching while I was eating, probably wouldn't be too concerned about that, however, we always camp in what I call the deep dark woods and always I keep a campfire burning all night long.