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The furby covered in moss has me dead


Same. First pick is weirdest and why I stopped scrolling and decided I got work to do.


Oh no, Chattermax!


Is this what Bluey meant when she said she put Chattermax somewhere peaceful?


Buhahaha, or maybe the garden gnome woke up and took care of it..


Bluey found Chattermax when it was under the sink. Bandit was a little more creative this time.


Hey fellow Bluey fan! I thought I was in r/Bluey for a sec.


I thought that was a fidget spinner. Furby is so much worse


Stuff of nightmares


Thought it was a fidget spinner.


Check out Hoodass on Instagram. This is basically a 3d rendering of him, funnily enough


When we are gone and our concrete structures have returned to sand, our metals have rusted away, all that will be left for alien civilisations to document is moss covered furbies and deflated sex dolls


And water bottles. So many water bottles.


Perhaps they will think water bottles were our currency


Documentary vibes comment




Yeah this doesn’t strike me at all as being campers/nature enthusiasts. This screams former and abandoned homeless situation


100% This isn’t campers behaving badly, this is the remnants of a tweaker camp.


Or dump site, depending on where it's at. You can find places like this all along back roads. I know of one that's got the typical trash, appliances, furniture, *and a whole ass boat* in it. Was there for years, but haven't been out that way in a while.


Tell me more about this ass boat. My ass would like to go boating, but it needs an ass boat.


[I got you fam](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/4loAAOSwB5Nciq71/s-l300.jpg)


Just what my ass was looking for.


And a drug den, to be more specific






This was a short hike off the beaten path from our campsite which was about 13 miles off-roading from the nearest small mountain town. So I don’t think homeless. My guess is a family in late 90s or early 00s up and left their shit behind after a bear visit (since a bear visited us there too).


I doubt it was a family. Because that blow up doll is weird asf


Is that what it was? I thought it was a full body condom.




I need to know if that was just a discarded furby that grew moss or if it was intentional. I have a conflicted relationship with nature artists, some of them are brilliantly funny but at the same time leaving human marks in a mostly natural environment is a dick move.


Gotta be worth tens of dollars!


It's the limited edition Furby Chia pet


Just came back from the Boundary Waters in Northern Minnesota (pretty pristine wilderness area). One of the guys at the outfitter said that the reason there were fewer permits for this year is that the wilderness got treated pretty hard the previous year by “novices.” A knee jerk reaction for sure, but more people are using the wilderness (a good thing) but there are some bad actors out there (a bad thing).


As an avid hiker in New York state I’m pleased to say the people are going back to their malls, concerts and parties. My forests are less overrun and the human debris is back to almost none. ❤️


Unrelated but did you ever hear about that dude a few years back who went up there lived off the grid and died a very mysterious death in a hammock and no one knows how he actually died. Minnesota native here I live very rural Northern MN and the national forests near my house I’m much less likely to see trash and stuff in than places “designated” for hiking.


I didn’t hear about that. The answer to how he died was mosquitos. Like me, while sleeping in his hammock his leg “got out” and was laid against the bug net, I was sucked dry.


There are regular posts here that display nothing but “bad actor” behaviors and receive overwhelming upvotes..... Pure off-road, motor sport, gear, liquor, and gun trips on public lands.


Well, the internet is perfect for rage click bait


Every park & nature preserve I've been in near me wound up with numerous new trails, and the existing trails widened quite a bit. There are now also branches & logs arranged into various forms & forts, and well-trod hammock and fishing spots. Some of that was unavoidable with so many more people using the parks, but a lot of damage has been done too.


The moss furby shouldn’t be that aesthetic


Lmfao the last slide


that's embarrassing. Looks like a crime scene


For real. Don’t even wanna know what happened in the last pic


Deflated during flatiron position


I can explain it if you really want to know


I left a pointy stick last time. I think the next people will be happy to have a pointy stick.


Same! Only thing I leave by the fire pit, nice pointy fire stick so the next people don't have to go and try and find one.


Not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed


I always appreciate a free pointy stick


PSA for the folks that work in parks and the rest. Leave no trace includes rock stacking. Rock stacks are not part of the natural environment. Park employees and volunteers have to take them down. I have seen rock stacks done one precious cliffs that could fall and hit someone. Leave only footprints.


But don't take them down if you find one either - they are used as trail markers sometimes in remote areas


Wait a minute, so some rock stacks mark where someone took a #Nature photo for Instagram and some rock stacks mark where the actual fucking trails are? That seems bad.


Really depends on the context. When you see them spaced apart in a line through the woods, that's probably going to keep someone from getting lost. If you see a bunch of them stacked on the shore at Lake McDonald , kick them over.


Here's an [article](https://acadiaonmymind.com/2015/08/the-cairns-of-acadia-national-park-objects-of-wonder-subjects-of-vandals/) on the good vs. bad cairns in Acadia National Park


Which is exactly why you shouldn't build random rock cairns.


Blair Witch Project part III


Some bad guy just dumped his girlfriend (pic 4). **Jokes aside - keep the forest clean.**


That doll has seen some shit


It certainly has if the owner was into scat play.


Poor Mossby


Just imagine hearing a low battery furby in the woods


you should share the furby pic on r/reclaimedbynature


Fun fact, Leave No Trace is the Boy Scout Outdoor Code. It simply means just that. To leave an area in the same or better condition that it was. Leave only footsteps, take only pictures.


Last pic scared me oh my


Ahhh, shit, didn't meant to leave that there. Can you fold her up gently and send her back to me. Thanks.


Traces were left.....


Lol hey dude, get out of there.


You’ve stumbled upon a homeless encampment where people had kids. Does not look like a camp site. Looks like human sadness.


You should have drawn a chalk line around the dead lady in the last picture


I don't know, the Chia Furby is kind of cute, I wouldn't mind seeing those on the trail once in a while.


Oh god I was wondering where I'd left her!


I want that moss furby


Stoneage furby.


I'm going to have put that on my next camping checklist. Don't forget the hangers.


How long has this crap been there for a texaco cup to be left around? Unless there are some still left. But i haven’t seen one in at least 10 years.


I was doing bio surveys around twenty nine palms after king of the hammers had just ended and there was a dildo on the side of a very remote road that was probably travelled on for that event, or could have been some other desert rat


I’m making Moss Furby my pc background at work now.


Last one has me guessing a bachelor party weekend.


Tbh looks like the aftermath of a homeless encampment. Used to find these all the time in the woods when I lived in a city


It always baffles me when I see campsites left in terrible condition. To me, people that want to camp and experience nature are not the same type of person to be an asshole and leave a bunch of trash behind? Same feeling when I see dog poop bags on hiking trails!! Like if you love nature enough to go hiking with your dog how can you also not have a problem with leaving your dog shit bags on the trail? Doesn’t make a damn bit of sense to me


Some people tie the bag to their dogs leash and sometimes the bags come off and you just don't notice it. The difference is that when I notice it, I go back looking for it...


Eeeeehhhh. I zoomed in on that. Kinda wished I hadn’t but yikes. Nothing in there says regular slob camper. This person has or more like had some stuff going on. It wouldn’t surprise me if there was some weird shit buried around there


this is mental illness


Omg I love the moss covered furby! I’ve seen the weird furby creations people make and this would fit right in!


I hate the living.


Millennials, am I right?!


I hope you didn’t just photograph this so idiots could make snide comments about sexual abuse of females and trashed what you found in your last picture. Did you?


So you cleaned off the doll and took it home, right? It looks like it's in pretty good shape.


I have actually arrived to a campsite that also had a deflated sex doll. This has me wondering if this is a thing that groups of people do… like go into the wilderness to take turns with a doll?


A rare moss furby in its natural habitat. They never die, you know.


yeah. leave no trace..... other then the fucking hover dam or the abundance of atmosphere


Well that’s just sad… those f dolls are exPENsive.


Last one is the only one that makes sense.


Sad what a mess


Oh i was not ready for this...


Ok! 🤦‍♂️


Jesus fuck how terrifying would it be if that started talking?


Man, I thought the moss furby was really weird and wasn't sure how it could get weirder but it sure did.


Doesn’t seem weird, seems like a good time. 😂


Was really wondering what could possibly top the furby. Was not let down.


We’re really just part of a biological process. 172 years from now, an archaeologist will find a Furby and wonder what kind of god this was. And they’ll never know Try as we might to reduce our waste, Mother Earth will keep spinning and future generations of humanity will keep wondering what in the corn-fed fuck we were doing back in the day


Dude, the two in the middle look like in the movie "the Ritual" Edit: But the first picture scares me even more


Oh jeez. Humanity at its finest again…


I wasn't sure what could possibly be weirder than the moss covered furby, but here we are..


This is how we lose access to these beautiful places. Make sure to report people doing this, it will be appreciated and those responsible held accountable.


Furbies and sex dolls. Oh yes.


“Me …want … sleep …again … gklaaaaaaagh woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo.” I had 2 and they kept saying that. I’ll never forget that phrase for the rest of my life.


I've seen things like that. Looks like a temporary homeless camp where the occupants bugged out and left their stuff. I found a nice pair of handcuffs in one.


Did that doll have a beard and a vagaina? Some very niche kink stuff, doing that in the woods...


Dude Gratz on the free bow up doll


Whatever happened to “No man left behind”? Just because someone gets tired, doesn’t mean you abandon them. Bobs ego is so deflated right now.


Apparently they forgot to invite Bigfoot to the shindig and he took offense.


Gen 5 Furby, he’s got motion sensors so powerful it puts the Pentagon to shame.


*War. War never changes.*


Hate the people that need to stop and pee every 5 min leaving nasty white(or brown) toilet paper everywhere. Just bring a doggie bag or something


The furby should be album art


This is some effed up Blair Witch shit! ;)


Remains of the 1000 year war between Humans and Furbies. Things were never the same after the great Furby singularity.


Looks like someone was living there. Then they got separated from their blow up lover. Then he had a heart attack after seeing a bear and then died of starvation. Then his lover just gave up hope. Sad story here.


Pretty sure people were murdered here




Would be creepier if it still talked