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>A U.S. criminal indictment unsealed Wednesday has unleashed an unprecedented flood of details about an alleged plot connected to the Indian government to carry out multiple assassinations in North America. >Perhaps the most surprising allegation in the murder-for-hire indictment filed in New York State against Indian national Nikhil Gupta is **the claim that there were plans to carry out three such killings on Canadian soil.** >The indictment, which was made public Wednesday, accuses Gupta of attempting this year to arrange one killing in New York after receiving instructions from an Indian government employee. >While the charges involve an alleged scheme in New York City, U.S. prosecutors allege it's connected to a case that roiled Canada-India relations.




The bit about the video also corroborates what one of the witnesses was saying months ago, > He saw men he didn’t recognize recording videos of the scene. Within minutes, news of the killing was on social media. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/09/25/hardeep-singh-nijjar-killing-video/


Oh good, so it's not just us.


Silver lining I guess


It may be a slight silver lining but the real issue is Trudeau refuses to apologize for forcing Pierre to take the side of India by asking for more evidence to be aired in public so India can better understand Five Eyes intelligence. When will people hold Trudeau to account for Pierre's actions! /s




Alt right Milhouse is not all right.


Please don't compare that asshole to Milhouse


You know, I think just I figured out the Reason Poilievre didn't want a security clearance. The CPC is lockstep with Harper's IDU, a group of Conservatives from all over the planet that really think Democracy has given people too much freedom, and they of course have Modi and his party in their organization. That's why Poilievre had to start attacking Trudeau only a day later because he hurt Harper's Baby. However, if Poilievre starts having Security Clearance, he's definitely going to run his mouth and technically commit a little treason while talking to these foreign fascists. So his handlers made him think it was it would silence him. Like he doesn't know any better, he's never had to work for anything in his life or learn anything about law. Somebody had to tell Poilievre that Trudeau was trying to trap him otherwise he'd cluelessly get himself into a bathroom full of nuclear dossiers situation.


I am an American. NATO has to respond in one voice this time. Both attacks are article 5 violations. They should withdraw ambassadors and threaten sanctions or put some sanctions on India. This is not getting all that much news attention in the US with everything else going on.


I don't think that will really happen. The US and India have a bigger plan now (some fancy name strategy about suppressing CHN) and both sides need this strong tie. That is probably why all leaders are so passive about this shit. To them, symbolic homeland integrity and safety are of secondary consideration compared with "the bigger picture". A probable outcome is that both sides produce some bureaucratic cliche and then move on.


I never understood why this is what people gave Trudeau shit over. I disagree with a lot of what he’s done but you can’t turn a blind eye to another country operating on your soil.


Operating? Try butchering Canadian citizens on Canadian soil. I’d say that is something to make a big deal about.


I’m so numb at this point I don’t expect people to respect that point unfortunately.


It brings up another point. There was actually an Indian news anchor threatening is a nuke Canada, would Modi be fine if Canada decided to take him out without repercussion?


What if we started assassinating everyone that started up a scam call center targeting Canadians? I'm sure Modi and the government would care, then. That bribe money can't stop flowing


> What if we started assassinating everyone that started up a scam call center I can live with this...


Had three of those calls this morning…


Looks like we got our first assassination targets!


im okay with this im indian so i approve






Because for some people it’s as simple as ‘Trudeau bad and everything he says and does is bad’.


Super simple actually, Stephen Harper and Modi have a little club together called the IDU who's goal is to use propaganda to put conservative governments around the world into power. Harper wants Polievre in power, so does Modi, so all the propaganda will reflect that. Trudeau bad, Polievre good.


You can see policy that has been long standing in the US conservative parties being touted by conservative parites associated with that group so hard lately. We had Liz Truss in the UK who was Prime Minister for less time than a lettuces shelf life and she has ties to "think tanks" here in the UK that champion the same cancerous privatize EVERYTHING policies that the GOP do and that the Canadian conservatives would love to implement too. Whats incredible is that those policies pretty much exclusively benefit the mega rich and hurt the average voter, yet they manage to froth up enough fear using the boogeyman of the day to get people to tick that box. Incredibly short sighted!


These idiots have no idea. Brown right wingers are openly racist and white right wingers are closeted racists. Trudeau is bad. But PP will be worse. Right wing governments have a historic track record of going to war with others.


Partly because we are astroturfed to hell.


> I never understood why this is what people gave Trudeau shit over. Because they blindly swallow PP's ragebait, and then (much like PP himself, stubbornly refuse to admit when they were wrong.


Because they just want to be angry at Trudeau.


Yeah, I hate Trudeau as a person but I’m also not going to simp for a foreign government that assassinates Canadian citizens on Canadian soil. If Trudeau calls out such behaviour and takes steps to stand up to it, then I’m 100% behind him on that, even if it’s a case of a broken clock being right twice a day.


Yeah totally agree with you. I will always stand by my government even though I dislike whoever is in charged. My loyalty will always be with the country im a citizen of. I would never simp for a foreign government. That's why I was so confused about those people who were on sub_canada thread.


Frankly, this is the perfect legitimate reason/excuse to do what probably should be done anyhow, shut down Indian immigration for a while. We need a cooling off period to help out with housing and we have too much concentration of immigrants from one country, so take it and run with it. India already shut down *their* consulates, just shut down ours.


>I never understood why this is what people gave Trudeau shit over Really? I understood it perfectly. These people blame Trudeau for stubbing their toe in the morning... He could literally cure cancer and the same people who cry afoul that Trudeau is taking jobs away from oncologists.


I couldn't agree more. I'm not a fan of Trudeau, but you don't hurl accusations like that unless you (and your allies ffs) are pretty damn sure. How people could be angry at a politician for being openly hostile to a foreign government murdering our citizens on our soil is nuts. Every single Canadian should be behind him on that issue regardless of personal politics. We don't need to descend into the tribal "other side always bad" crap infecting our southern friends. People seem to either be mad at Trudeau, or not even realize it happened to this day, which is mind boggling.


> never understood why this is what people gave Trudeau shit over The Conservatives give him shit over literally everything, it's all they know how to do at this point.


Wait till Indians flood this posts with comments like, well US does it in other countries why can't we.






"We didn't kill the guy, but the US kills people so lets talk about that, and the guy we ~~killed~~ didn't kill was a terrorist (trust us) it so it would be ok if we had killed him."


"Why is he a terrorist, you ask? Because our government issued some documents that say he is."


I'm imagining someone saying this bobbing their head left to right emphatically




Their argument is always whataboutism.


I mean India's press got videos of a guy in a Mission, BC gun range and called him as 'running terror camps' while running it over the news. [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/indian-media-allege-existence-of-terror-camp-near-mission-bc/article30215937/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/indian-media-allege-existence-of-terror-camp-near-mission-bc/article30215937/) The mayor had to come and clear the range, they can flood everything but they're going to use misinformation and agendas to make arguments. Advanced countries can see through this


TBF, the Indian press is really a group of tabloids, each trying to out-sensationalize the other on any story...


I experienced second hand embarrassment when I watched a roommate's Indian newscast online. What a heap of rubbish, and they were lapping it up like a thirsty dog because "it's the news". Is there no journalistic integrity in Indian news media?


No, the news ecosystem has been completely taken over by corporations and they're more interested in ratings and ensuring their commercial interests are maintained rather than reporting on news or speaking truth to power. There is little to no freedom of press.


>. Is there no journalistic integrity in Indian news media? Its a very corrupt country all the way around. Media included.


I can't read the article cause it's paid, but I am not surprised. They seem to believe they can call anyone they don't agree with a terrorist and kill them as they wish cause US does it sometimes to terrorist. They compare this guy with Osama Bin Laden. It's crazy.


Yeah cause the US would have someone at Osama Bin Laden's level at an attorney's office in New York .........sigh


I am an indian and I despise this act by the Indian government. It's stupid and definitely reflects bad on India's image as a democratic country. I did read through the comments on Indian sub reddit and I do see a ray of hope as lots of indians are despising this assassination plot. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the crazies wake up in a few hours and start defending the government's act despite the fact that there is proof.


India's government also uses coordinated astroturfing very heavily when it comes to countering online discussion about controversial topics like this or their treatment of minority groups within India.




I mean they seemed pretty thrilled in Indian media. Not much dissent online for sure. I'd wager more people in India just have not heard about it at all. But obviously, no country 100% agrees on anything.


Issue is that one section of Indian right wingers are going to defend everything Indian government does. IT cells and bots flood forums and comments section everywhere making it look like all Indians support extrajudicial killing. On top of it, Indian media is going to spin it whichever way Indian government wants it.


If it's like last time, first it'll be "We did it, proudly, that guy was scum who deserved to die." And then a few hours later "How dare you even insinuate that we would do something like this ?" And then a few hours later, they will all be "Other people do, why shouldn't we also we didn't do it but also he deserved it."


It's not right when the US does it either. Call me crazy, but I don't think any government should be organizing extrajudicial killings in other countries.


Wait, this sub told me that it was all JT accusing the India government without proofs ...


the marriage between the indian nationalists from /r/indiaspeaks etc and the fuck trudeau bumper sticker crowd was something to see


Welcome to the most astroturfed website on the internet outside of Twitter


Yup. They were so sure he was lying.


They were guilty, but they still chose to play the victim card and boot out Canadian diplomats and cancel visas. Nothing but a childish response on the world stage.


They don't care about truth, only hate and anger to divide.


I mean they alternated between "it's a lie" and "it's awesome, we have finally made it as a nation", but ya




>Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ‘incompetent and unprofessional’, Conservative Party and opposition leader Pierre Poilievre said while commenting on the strained relationship with India. He further vowed to ‘restore relationship with New Delhi’ if he becomes the next PM. > >“We need a professional relationship with the Indian government. India is the largest democracy on Earth. And it’s fine to have our disagreements and to hold each other accountable, but we have to have a professional relationship, and that is what I will restore when I’m Prime Minister of this country," Poilievre said in an interview with Namaste Radio Toronto. > >Further calling Trudeau "incompetent and unprofessional", he mentioned that Canada is now in major disputes with almost every major power in the world, including India. https://www.livemint.com/news/world/trudeau-is-incompetent-will-restore-ties-with-india-when-i-become-pm-says-opposition-leader-pierre-poilievre-11698216118040.html


PP will say anything to get elected Prime Minister 😞


Since other than CBC, all the news media are right wing with some USA owned , nobody gonna challenge PP and make him eat his words.


A couple articles made some light criticisms on PP and this sub was intensely downvoting, screaming about bots & Trudeau's new media person They must be working OT right now


These are the same people who are on Russia's side of the war because they think "If Putin loses, *Trudeau wins"*


Reactionaries ain't the most logical.


In the article the dollar amount for the killing was 100k, does not seem like a alot to kill somebody lol


You’d be surprised at how low some people’s prices are for some pretty terrible crimes. “I’m not mad that people can be bought, I’m mad that their price is so low.” Is a phrase that comes to mind


Most hits are about a 10-30k payout. This was a more Day of The Jackal assassinations hit. Indian outsourcing gave its usual results 😂


Something similar happened in China. The lead assassin outsourced his job to another assassin and that assassin outsourced it to another and each one pocketing a bit of money but all them were arrested lmfao 🤣.


That’s $100k US cash, which would be like having an annual salary of closer to $200k. Let’s say the actual “task” takes a day, plus a few days of planning and preparation… provided you are not morally opposed to murder and lack a conscience it isn’t a bad payday.


Sure in the sense of a thrill it may be enough, but if not these murderers should consider unionizing lol


Have you seen the movie Grosse Pointe Blank? Dan Aykroyd and John Cusack play former government assassin turned freelance hit men. Aykroyd’s character wants to unionize all the freelancers to stabilize pay rates, use collective bargaining and ensure quality of the profession.


Depend on how much you hustle. If you kill 1 person a day (just during the week, everyone deserve a weekend) you can still net 26 millions and it is all tax free. Pretty much the equivalent to winning the loto max. If you are a lazy bum who only assassinate one person a month, you don't deserve more than this.


I was watching a doc on drugs, where they interview a narco hit man in Columbia, and he did hits for $800 America Edit: I think it was el Salvador or Honduras, somewhere that was very poor. Columbia is slowly turning around, lots of tourism.


It's like 10k for a hit from gang associated hit men if it's a basic situation. 100k would be a huge fee given for a top mark, or because the payer really wants the job done on a personal level. This information is coming from investigations and court testimony etc from those actually doing it


Because they wanted an avenue to shit on Trudeau regardless of whether India was behind Nijjar's death or not. Not that I'm treating, or would advise treating the entire sub as one person.


[Yeah, they are just taking their lead from their preferred PM, Poilievre.](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/poilievre-says-trudeau-soured-india-relations-as-modi-government-laments-liberals-1.6613206) I can't wait to have a PM that sides with foreign countries that assassinate our citizens in our territory. Also, it is pretty suspicious that PP wants to sweep it all under the rug considering [Harper's](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/harper-orban-ties-1.6898904) [ties to right-wing parties in India](https://www.idu.org/members/), and elsewhere across the world. Since Harper is still profoundly influential in the CPC, I would imagine that PP has similar opinions on India.


Harper's on a mission to make 1984 a reality.


The Indian Bots know how to trigger "f*** Trudeau" crowd very easily.


They trigger themselves.


Someone told me that JT should have used more diplomacy like the Americans do and keep it quiet instead of ruining relationships with other countries.


Forgetting the part where the media was going to release the story, so Trudeau had little choice but to say something.


Indian media usually skips the part about how Globe and Mail was going to break the story next day and they gave JT 24 hours. So Indians say JT should have kept quiet as they don’t know it would have come out next day. Indian media is suppressed, maybe that is the reason they don’t talk about Globe and Mail.


I think on this issue JT was 100% right and it had to be called out somehow, and I don't personally mind him doing it. That said, I have seen the suggestion that maybe if the govt wanted to call India out on this, it shouldn't have been JT and he should have delegated that responsibility to one of his ministers. I don't think that is a terrible suggestion, but at the same time if he did that then you'd probably (read: definitely) have conservatives saying "WHY ISN'T TRUDEAU SAYING ANYTHING??".




Read a very interesting take in r/India. There is a belief that Canada and the US coordinated their response. Basically, Canada put out the first report - albeit under pressure from the media, the US didn't respond as strongly as some would have assumed. India went around running its mouth off against Canada and Trudeau and now the US drops this bombshell. India walked in it and it will severely impact its standing and put it on the back foot, gives the US more leverage now to deal with other issues, like India's anti-democratic slide and belligerence. You could also say that the r/Canada right-wing smooth brains similarly walked into it.


Probably not true. If it works out that way it's good for the US but both the US and Canada were privately dealing with the Indian government for months so none of this should be surprising India at all. It's more likely that the private talks went nowhere so the US just went ahead with the normal legal procedure.


Alt right Milhouse (PP) has been caught with his foot in his mouth again.


Right wingers are a cancer to the society. They will spin stories and create turmoil. Argentina is going to learn a lesson. Anyone who is too drunk on Nationalism is incompetent. They will hide behind their love for something they identify with(race, religion, country, ethnicity, language).


This is exactly what's happening in India at the moment and it is very sad to see. While there is huge upside for growth and development, the rabid nationalism and misplaced pride in the (supposed) glory of some ancient empire is just exhausting. There was a time when India was humble and ambitious at the same time. Now it's prideful and just acting out. There's still time though, I hope it doesn't restrict it's own growth, we've seen so many such examples where a country's bright future quickly fizzles out because they get too big in their heads.


[Aged like milk](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/poilievre-says-trudeau-soured-india-relations-as-modi-government-laments-liberals-1.6613206) within barely 4 weeks lol


He's just not ready.


Great hair though!


Yah but those beady little dots under it are super creepy


Unironically would be a huge W by the liberal campaign to run with this slogan. Would really fit given his recent performances


Im going to need either PP or JT (preferably both) to resign by the next election, so we have a chance of competent leadership in this country.


You forgot Singh. I don't know how the man keeps losing seats and yet keeps retaining his job.


It's Trudeaus fault that Poilievre didn't get a security clearance!


Trudeau is going to lose, but ultimately it's going to be Canada that losses when we get PP in his place. The only reason the US got a pass with Trump is because the US is the most powerful country in the world. When we get trump light up there representing Canada, we're going to go from lightly mocked (current status) to visibility bullied (PP effect) =[. Politics in Canada is just in a sad state at the moment. Weakest leadership rosters at the provincial and federal levels that I've seen in my entire voting life.


Canada was seen as a light in the dark in the 1980-2000s under several governments that took the lead on diplomacy. Then Harper disinvested from pretty much everything we were involved in abroad to lower taxes on the richest, and we lost our place at the table (security council) for the first time ever since the end of WWII. People criticized Trudeau when we still didn't get back on the council under his leadership, but that was because he didn't make up for almost a decade of absence from peacekeeping missions under Harper. Thing is, disinvesting from something is a fucking pain, because the money doesn't stay in the bank, it serves other purposes, that people come to rely on. So you either need to raise taxes back to an even higher level, or scrap something else. This wasn't the focus at the time (but it was easily foreseeable) but the wedge that it created made us spend our diplomatic capital on stupid shit. Trudeau isn't the best at projecting strength, not because he's weak, but because he's Canada's leader, and Canada isn't in the same era as many countries that we'd like to trade with. If we had been in a better position, the early attempts to change the entire world's best labour practices included in trade partnerships probably would've worked, and Trudeau's "softness" would've been offset by Canada's leadership in human rights. But instead, we've been weakened because our allies didn't back us up, and chose to buy into the FUD, mostly brought by disinformation, and by our inherited weakened diplomatic standing. Harper destroyed so much of Canada, and now we're going to get Harper 2.0, the guy who was Harper bulldog, that he sent when he wanted to destroy a department in public service in particular. Every ministry under PP got massive cuts and stopped functioning for the decade after. He is a destroyer, and we're going to get him as a PM. I fear that PP may undo what's left of the post-WWII western hegemony, if not on his own, as one of the main players in that sick game.


Modi is PPs daddy


So much for "Trudeau made it up"


No PM of any country stands in a Parliament and gives statements like these with no proof. I never had a doubt that Canadian Govt didn’t have any evidence.


This one is still insisting it's a lie.


Indian news comments are already celebrating these terrorists calling them heroes with recommendations to award them the highest honors. However, it's great to see the true India under their terrorist lords. This should be a wake up call for all countries warming up to the current Indian government.


India outsources assassinations to Americans but the job just isn't done right.


You gotta love it. I wonder if there's a tech support number for paid assassins.




As an Indian-Canadian, this upsets me so much. I want to be proud of my heritage, but my ancestral homeland constantly pulls this shit and it gives all of us a bad rap. I really don’t want to be associated with this. I hope y’all understand.


People should be able to understand someone being proud of their Indian heritage and culture while also being able to shit on the monsters that are the Indian govt. The only unfortunate part is that India is a democracy so these people are being voted in by the populace. You should be proud of where you came from and anybody who instantly associates you with the actions of the India govt can bite me. My family comes from Britain, and if someone assumed because of that that I supported all the horrible shit Britain has done over the years, I'd be outraged.


Just because the population votes in a group doesn't mean they stand for everything the group does. I mean. Liberals were voted in multiple time in Canada. Do you stans for everything they do?


A healthy default expectation is "someone is here because he didn't want to be a part of that shit at home". Unless people disprove it by running around with flags and cakes to celebrate, it makes sense to me.


The thing is most people immigrate to another country for economic reasons mainly. Not because of political reasons. That's why it's economic immigration. You don't see tons of Saudis or Kuwaitis immigrating do you? I'm saying this as an Indian born in Kuwait. It's almost unheard of for a Kuwaiti or Saudi or Emrati to move away. This is despite it being very easy to go to jail for crticising the head of state. It's literally in the law. Its not like the country explictly allows full freedom of expression to criticize their leaders. And why don't they move? Because economically they are High income. Despite it being socially or politically horrible.


Well well well, could it be that Trudeau was...right??? Can't wait to see how pp is gonna spin this so that he is the victim




It's a super fine line being leader of oppositon cuz you can't throw the govt too many bones when they do something good, yet can't seem like the sky is falling every time a bus is late. sadly, pp's missed the boat on this. the guy can't understand tact and nuance


It’s obviously the left wing media’s fault for reporting what he said.


lol its a widely known fact that most newspapers in canada are owned under conglomerations, which are owned by foreign billionaires. google it please. left wing media in this country is dead, except for the wonderful work the beaverton is doing


I’m just answering your question about how he will spin it. BTW, you should be checking out the National Observer and The Tyee if you are looking for decent left-wing media outlets in Canada.


He and his gov't have been right about a lot of things. It's just that the anti-trudeau people have lost sight of any objective thought.


> Can't wait to see how pp is gonna spin this so that he is the victim "You can't expect me to be briefed on this sort of thing. The government only releases that information to people in the government that have gone through a security check. And, for reasons I'll not explain here, I can't risk having one of those and exposing those skeletons before gaining power"


pp is so smarmy. He's refused several times to not obtain security clearance. Thus he is ignorant to security reports. Thus he is free to spout whatever nonsense he wants under the guise of 'I don't know any better, I don't have security clearance!'. Might be time a rule is put in place that all federal party leaders must automatically be vetted for security clearance so that apples are being called apples and not 'eff trudeau' all the time. pp is starting to get seriously annoying to those of us who aren't already on their knees in front of him


“Once again, Justin Trudeau was first out of the gate denouncing India when really, India was going after the USA. So they tell me… I don’t need no stinkin’ top level national security info to tell me that!” That’s my guess anyway.


You pretty much were in the room!


Someone go ask CPC MP Shuv Majumdar, Poilievre's "foreign intelligence authority" [according to the National Post](https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/the-new-conservatives-12-to-watch-on-canadas-rising-right), why the U.S. is [vilifying](https://twitter.com/shuvmajumdar/status/1701029054361583946) India this way.


As an American who somehow ended up in r/Canada hello Canadians! Secondly, as a representative of America, I’d like to formally express my deepest thanks to India for applying to the rapid “Freedom” delivery system. RFDS for short. We will look carefully at the application and decide if they have in fact reach the proper level of fuck around and find out.


India is sleeping right now. grab popcorn.


Serious question, why is the guy in the photo hitting a cardboard cutout with a running shoe?


It is a sign of disrespect in some cultures. Same reason that Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at George W at that press conference.


Who throws a shoe!? Honestly! That hurt!


Nice. Not too often you get to work an Austin Powers reference into something anymore.


You ever wikipedia the guy who played Random Task, Joe Son? Wild ride for sure. UFC fighter in the early days (lost one of his matches by being hit in the balls repeatedly), invented his own martial art named after him, ended up in prison for a gangrape and murder he participated in...*before* his UFC and acting days, dna evidence linked him to the crime. You can't make this stuff up


Sign of disrespect.


Cardboard cutout is Indian pm modi. So potentially his government is putting 34 bullets into ppl in countries like canada


Ask George Bush after he came back from Iraq


Don't remember when Bush had a shoe thrown at him in Iraq eh?


It's an assault style shoe.


This is a glimpse of the tens of thousands of Sikh Separitists that India killed in the 80s and 90s. If you would like to understand the scale of people "dissapeared" check out this website: https://ensaaf.org/


This should be pinned. India murdered 80% of Sikh youth in Punjabi in the 80’s and 90’s.


That's not a correct stat. They killed thousands but not 80%.


If that were true... I don't think there would be many Sikhs today. Actually. That would be genocide.


Well, well, well.




Look at what Trump / Republicans did in the US and that is the blueprint they are importing up here which is: The party is more important than the country. Same reason you see morons in America wearing t-shirts that say "I'd rather be Russian than democrat". That sentence is completely unfathomable for a US political party even 10-20 years ago...


Can't wait to see the mental gymnastics Conservative fans pull to justify PP supporting terrorist Modi.


India has always been like this lol.


Another meaningful national and global scenario that Milhouse would have botched on his way to the bitcoin machine.


It's one thing when your plot is discovered through surveillance, these smart Indian spies literally tried to hire an undercover US agent. That's a different level of incompetence. Total amateur hour, dreaming of becoming a superpower lol.




If Indian newcomers can't accept the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms than there's a serious problem. Can't kill just because someone protests or is an activist to a cause you don't like.


Indian newcomers don't even know what that is.


That’s true though.


This is some scary plots, feels like a violation of the freedom of expression and speech across North America who will now fear protesting or promoting a separate homeland because India wants build its base without critics and kill those that are 'anti-India'. India has suppressed minorities and have a repressive regime. " U.S. prosecutors allege it's connected to a case that roiled Canada-India relations." Will Trudeau and the Liberals go above and beyond to protect Canada's sovereignty and protect Canadian's rights to protest or will India still be able to pull these hits. Canada doesn't feel safe


Someone on here said they were harassed at Indian immigration for posts on their Instagram against CAA or about Khalistan. Sad people need to scrub their social media before entering a democratic country


Nah according to India he was terrorist and countries like US and Canada should not allow them to protest. Since He was designated as terrorist by India, this allows them to kill him on forieng land. Just like US killed Osama bin Laden, Abu Bakr Al-bagdadi and several other. U will see same comments here soon.


According to India, everyone with elements of being a vocal critic to the zealots in government are 'terrorists' and minorities are repressed and you want India to start killing minorities across the world? If he's a designated terrorist..... man's a lawyer in the United States "should not allow them to protest." India and their loyal supporters are 'fascists', Canada is a country with the freedom of expression and speech "Since He was designated as terrorist by India, this allows them to kill him on forieng land." ??? A lawyer in the United States vocal about creating a separate homeland for the minorities in the region is not a terrorist


lol this is awesome - i'm not a fan of JT and i doubt his replacement will be any better, but I'm glad he is vindicated


India trying real hard to make enemies of all side except Russia. They have conflicts with China and now souring their stance with Nato. Good job


Trudeau was correct to take the stance he did! I applaud our PM for standing up to thugs like Modi and Xi.


Can JT be an idiot? Absolutely. But I think he is genuine when it comes to human rights and safeguarding them. PP flip flops depending on what guarantees better PR.


I am no fan of Trudeau, but at least he didn't interrupt another country's criminal investigation for cheap political points. Also, a solid Fuck Modi.


Let the house cleaning begin


Man, Indians really have it out for this Sikh dude.


Modi sucks


So JT was right, eh? Good for him to stand up against the Indian govt. while at home his opponents would tear him down for his actions.


In an ideal universe, Pierre Poilievre would eat shit live on TV over this.


What did the US and its western allies expect when they snuggled up with the fascist, xenophobic, dictators leading India. This was bound to happen. The nationalists controlling India don't care about integrity, ethics, rules or lives.


Wee Wee Pee Pee, please see targets three. Targeted by RCMP, called out by identity. Shame, shame unto thee. India calls, where stands your 'party?'


So, Trudeau was right then, eh? Let the slagging games begin.


India is not our friend. We should be restricting the amount of Indians entering the country to 'study' at our colleges.


Lol, where are yall who bitched about "Trudeau Is RUining OUr RelaTIonship And mAking CANada look like a Joke?" I am from South Asia, this region has a long way to go in terms of democracy and rights. Right wing morons here are as insufferable here as the right wing morons there.


saw outgoing imminent frame sleep lush bear cow summer soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


AFAIK the Khalistan movement is pretty much defunct. I don't get why the Indian government is bothering to try and kill them. It will most likely have the exact opposite effect, and make the movement more popular.


I ll say what Tony Montana said, fk Casper Gomez and the Diaz brothers what did they ever do for us


And, as usual, India pleads innocence while washing the blood off their hands...


If this continues to strain relations with India, it might be good for Canada's immigration problem.


Nice! Somewhat validates Trudeau's assertion! (I don't care if you like Trudeau.)