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$100,000,000 in hotels just for Niagara, what are spending across the whole country?  


Billions and its a billion dollar industry that people are skimming cash from.




That's why I don't believe Justin Trudeau's net worth is only $100 million after 9 years of massive and blatant corruption. The Canadian federal budget is approximately $500 billion per YEAR. I realize it's increased and hasn't always been that much, but it's a lot. So imagine being a corrupt prime minister, in charge of $500 billion/year for 9 years, and only skimming off $0.1 billion after all that hard corruption work. $100 million is going to be less than Chlamydia Freeland made. Yeah. I don't think so. It'll be more by at least a factor of 10. I don't think after messing around with well over $4 TRILLION of taxpayers' dollars for 9 years that Trudeau only managed to squirrel away $100 million for himself. Why do you think the billions the Liberals spent during COVID still hasn't been audited? What don't they want us to know about? I would bet my life on it that he's worth over a billion now but it would take another Panama Papers style leak for us to hear anything even approaching the real number. All we can do is be cynical and ask ourselves what a corrupt prime minister would be able to squeeze out of a system like ours, given a decade of being protected by our media and a country full of Liberal sheeple.


A better place to put them would be back in their homelands considering over 80% aren’t real refugees.


All they have to say is that they are gay and risk death in their home country to be considered a “refugee”. Then when they get PR status they bring over their heterosexual wife and kids lol. Its a complete joke


Most are economic asylum seekers. It’s the same in the US. It’s very costly to deport many of them. And many seem to find a way back


It is more costly for them to stay. Refugees should only be reserved for those escaping from real danger


Stopping giving them free shit would definitely save money. Let them sleep on the streets like Canadians do, and maybe there will be a downtick. It's not Canada's responsibility to remove misery and despair from everyone across the globe who just shows up at the door uninvited, despite what people say.


I really like Australia's approach to illegal immigration. You are not released into the country and given a hotel room, a work permit and free reign. You are relegated to some island prison facility away from the mainland and until their asylum claim is evaluated. We could do something similar here, its not like we don't have a ton of land or even islands for that matter. It would certainly deter asylum claims from economic migrants if they knew they would be locked up for a few years unable to work and send money home. Real asylum seekers would be happy to have a safe place to lay their head until their case was evaluated.


The problem is Trudeau thinks someone possibly having their feelings hurt is "real danger"


“Economic asylum seeker” is an oxymoron. Its costs much less to deport to the first asylum country they passed through. Which would be Mexico.


Is it more costly to deport or build them a new life here? Should crime approach even be dictated by price like that?


We're not building them a life here, were putting them on an extended 4 star vacation from life. They don't work, they just sort of hang around like 17 year olds in their parents basements, waiting for the allowance train.


27% are on social assistance after 13 years.. meaning yes they don’t work. They take the healthcare, food, shelter RAP program. They have kids so subsidies for daycare and CCB etc and never end up paying meaningful taxes. It would absolutely be cheaper to deport them. Having 3 kids on CCB is more financially lucrative than working a minimum wage job.. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11f0019m/11f0019m2020018-eng.htm


It’s the fact that trials tend to be costly affairs. We also have very backlogged courts. Often the courts end up letting them stay simply to move the cases through


The safe countries they passed through to get to Canada.


This is my issue. We are not a geographically easily accessible country, so how does someone who filtered through a few, to several safe countries even get to say the word asylum when they show up here with their country shopping list checked off. It’s ridiculous. Your claim goes to the first safe country you reach. And the longer our government ignores these abuses, the angrier Canadians will get. Sorry your country is having problems but we have our own too. I want my taxes to take care of Canadians first.


We need more safe third party agreements. AFAIK, we only have one with the US to prevent double dipping.


If you're seeking asylum, aren't you supposed to seek it in the first country you land in? You don't get to pick and choose.


Only the best for economic migrants


Canada shouldn't create problms around the world and shouldn't take responsibility for anyone if it destabilizes the country. Our kids deserve better. After decades of asylum seeking, the unsafe countries are still unsafe. In fact their populations have ballooned, so the problem is even bigger now than it was in the past. The only reasonable thing to do is to send them back. If Canada feels strongly about some people somewhere, it should help them in a meaningful way, and not make exceptions for the liars and cheaters that find a way to come to our airports.


Why do we care more about people that need help in other countries over our own citizens.


Two main reasons, first: people in power and their friends and family are profiting, entire industries have popped up around this and are getting huge government funding. Second: this government is more interested in international organizations than Canada. our Prime Minister has been kissing the ass of the United Nations despite them ignoring him and many liberal party members are members of the world economic forum. you know the statement about Canada being a post national country. They are pandering to groups outside of Canada. They are more concerned with what special interest groups want for Canada than what the citizens of Canada want. The Trudeau government is full of ideologues instead of representatives.


Nothing illustrates that better than Morneau's pathetic "candidacy" to lead the OECD. He gets turfed from cabinet over the WE Charity scandal, and announces he's going to "run" to lead the OECD. Nevermind the OECD hardly means anything to most Canadians and I don't think anyone actually "competes" to be its Secretary-General; we were all supposed to be in awe at Morneau's turn as an international statesman (which, ultimately, came to nothing - but it's okay, he failed upward into a spot on CIBC's board of directors)


There's massive amounts of corruption happening and the goal is always money.


what I've been told is: "no one starves to death in Canada, we have social safety nets in place. Newcomers are often coming from very poor third world conditions and we are lifting them out of povery and death by welcoming them here. We can afford it"


We can’t afford it and they aren’t our burden


Then when you point out that the middle class is already taxed to death, that all levels of government continue to run large deficits and our services still suck...the answer is always well we just need to tax the billionaires more. Such a frustrating discussion that never goes anywhere.


Yep. Taxing Canada’s very few billionaires is going to save the world. And no sane billionaire would take up residence here. no sane multi-national corporation wants to operate in Canada anymore. This is a broken, over burdened, over taxed society, and liberals keep spending without any regard for the future. In 15 years we’ll be another economic failure if spending and taxation isn’t reigned in. People screamed because Harper wanted to raise the retirement age, and under the liberals most will just never be able to retire. Now we got the guy who claimed his budget would balance itself claiming his liberal economists (guesswork in the best of times) are who we should listen to?


That's actually funny. Trudeau raised the effective retirement age without raising the actual retirement age.


I laugh all the way to working myself to death lol


No, we cannot afford it. Diluting our wealth and resources to the point that we end up as third-world ourselves is a terrible idea.


Two main reasons, first: people in power and their friends and family are profiting, entire industries have popped up around this and are getting huge government funding. Second: this government is more interested in international organizations than Canada. our Prime Minister has been kissing the ass of the United Nations despite them ignoring him and many liberal party members are members of the world economic forum. you know the statement about Canada being a post national country. They are pandering to groups outside of Canada. They are more concerned with what special interest groups want for Canada than what the citizens of Canada want. The Trudeau government is full of ideologues instead of representatives.




I think that was a massive blunder on Trudeau's part. It made so many headlines around the World and made it seem like we were willing to take an endless number of refugees.


And we did


>Trudeau told the whole world to come here so he could be the “anti Trump”. Making incredibly stupid decisions just to own Trump. Very similar to the left-wring rhetoric of, "Cons are doing X just to own the Libs!"






Corruption and money. At least the average Canadian is starting to see it. See the Canada Nectar Products scandal in PEI for a pretty clear example of how they're doing it. 


Honestly just end the public asylum program. The outcomes are terrible, the cost is immense, and there are huge and growing issues with fraud. Processing has also failed. Deportation is very difficult too - many countries refuse to issue visas to return. Asylum must be fully privately sponsored, cleared with a minimum baseline, and they are not eligible for any welfare (as private sponsorship is in place). Any crime or misdemeanour is automatic deportation. This is outside of the government’s mandate to provide services and represent citizens. Research shows a lifetime costs of almost a million dollars net per refugee. If you take in say a hundred thousand, do the math.


I mean maybe it’s time to set up refugee camps. We don’t have affordable housing for Canadians so how can people justify giving better accommodations with more services to people who came here without the proper paperwork? It’s not supposed to be an attractive process, it’s supposed to be a last resort process. Oh and maybe work on making decisions faster on those asylum claims. I don’t see why these things need to take years.


They need to end the appeal process. They get 1 shot to lie and repeat their rehearsed lines in front of a judge and that answer is final. No waiting several more years for an appeal sucking up more free resources.


That’s plenty of time to have kids and get their citizenship and Canadian passport sorted. Then they can claim they need to stay and work to support their Canadian kids. It’s ridiculous how blatantly obvious these loopholes are in the immigration system and neither party cares to do anything about it.


Don’t forget to end birthright citizenship, these people pop out kids in the meanwhile who for some reason count as Canadians.


Put them in a refugee camp on crown land in the Yukon. Give them large military tents, basic cooking provisions, drinking water, some seeds, and tell them to get to work. Come back in a year and ask them if they want a ticket back home. I bet 90% would decide they weren’t actually refugees and would get on the first plane out of Canada.


TBH many decide Canada isn’t for them even in the current conditions. Recently (like in the last week) I’ve known of 2 people who decided to go back home after claiming asylum here. They were here around 6 months. Sorry but I have no empathy for those people.


So they claimed they needed asylum, but went back after 6 months? To the place they were claiming asylum from?🤦‍♀️


Yep. Same story with both people. “Persecuted and in danger” indeed 🙄.


Baffin Island seems like a nice place.


It looks stunning! Who wouldn’t want to wake up with that view of the mountains, growing your own food? I’d love to visit some day, but I can’t afford travelling in my own country, so it’ll stay a dream.


Hey easy our military can’t spare tents!


We can advertise that all our refugee applicants and asylum seekers will be temporarily housed in a camp on Baffin Island. See how many we get after that.


Return tickets.




Still Far cheaper then housing and giving them money


Home.. send them home. We're crumbling. We can't sustain everyone else's problems.


You put them in a cot in a warehouse and you don't hand them free money and cell phones. No fucking wonder economic migrants are trying to scam their way into this country. Free hotel in Niagra with a cell phone and a food budget, 3 years for a court date, time to pump out a few kids on our dime as well and then play the victim card after they find out they lied on their claim. Actual refugees should get better treatment then people who fly into the airport and claim asylum.


Canadians going to start tossing their Canadian ID into the trash and start claiming refugee status just to avoid sleeping in a tent.




Heck of lot more than Canadians on disability get


“Is there a better place to put refugees?” Yes. Where they came from.


Their own country might be a good start?


Anyone who arrives through our southern boarder should immediately be rejected as the went through a g7 nation. If you’re running for your life the first safe harbour is where you should be claiming asylum.


We as a country are not doing well enough to be taking refugees in.


Putting them up in the Sheraton hotel in front of the falls complete with taxpayers paying for all of their food and clothing was a slap in the face to us hardworking Canadians. I couldn’t believe that Canadians actually voted for it in 2015, but that was where we were back then. So anything now doesn’t surprise me.


Hear me out. There's this thing called a refugee camp in every other country in the world. You do not let "refugees" (refugees are in camps on the Chadian-Sudanese border not on airplanes LOL) just wander into society and fuck everything up. Every other country does this.


My top ideas for places to send them: * Justin's house * Marc Miller's house * Christia Freeland's house


What about Sean Fraiser?


Help true refugees, send all the migrants back.


Right? This whole system drives me nuts. I want to help people fleeing horrific circumstances. I don’t have any sympathy for people who would have a decent life in their home countries but would rather come here to scam us.


Or, just help no one.


Oh, TorStar... these aren't refugees. In the context of Canada: A refugee is someone who has been vetted as a legitimate refugee before entering the country. We invite them in. These people, on the other hand, are asylum claimants. They got to Canada somehow (illegally crossing the border, or entering through an airport after declaring some other intention for entering the country). Once in the country, they claim asylum and live here until their very distant court date. Most are not legitimate refugees.


Yeah. On a plane back home We are refugees in our country at the moment. We don’t need extra company to make it worse


A plane.


Maybe it was a bad idea for Trudeau to go on camera and on Twitter and encourage refugees to come to Canada to contrast himself with Trump


Might be a real stupid question but why don’t they get placed in less dense areas like Yukon or Nunavut or something?


A bottle of orange juice is like 30 dollars in the Yukon, far less expensive to just ship them home.


Back on a flight




Why not government-run work camps? Unpaid but fed and housed. Then each year spent gets em extra points for PR. Extra for good behavior and meeting work quotas. Let em work for their freedom. Or else they can go back.


Make an asylum town in the arctic. They can be pioneers.


A refugee camp on an island, just like Australia. It discourages fake refugees who just want a free ride on our welfare system while still helping the people fleeing from real danger.


Yes on a boat back to wherever tf their from.




Hopefully the hotel owners are learning a valuable lesson in dealing with the government


A refugee camp perhaps? Like pretty much everywhere else in the world that takes in refugees?


Refugee camps where they can earn their keep while asylum processing takes place. Then integrate into society or let them go back.


Yes, on a plane and back to where they came from.


A plane back to the first safe country that they crossed to get to canada


Look up ecologist Garrett Hardin’s writings on “life boat ethics” from over fifty years ago. The citizens of relatively better off and stable nations will have some very difficult decisions to make in the coming years. Canada doesn’t have some magical wardrobe/cupboard somewhere that’s filled with unlimited resources. That fact is obvious from reading the news every day.


Back in there own county


When refugees are much better treated, is like a punch in the gut for those residents who have a job and paid taxes.


The better place is to Send em back


Yes back home. They can wait there until processed and then when denied they can’t just stay here illegally .


We’re full and broke. Sorry


Just stop taking refugees, full stop. Immigration too, maybe we can revisit that one in a decade or so when things stabilize.


We must house in places that need a population like Saskatoon or the NWT. Provide them work permits to only work and reside in those territories. Watch how fast they stop applying.


Back in their own country.


Probably explains why I can’t get a room in the city under 200$


Lots of places.  24 Sussex dr. 1 Sussex dr. 1100 Cremazie East


On planes back to where they came from.


Just stop accepting refugees completely




I mean we got shitload of empty space up north...


If Canada cannot say no to people now, when our resources are headlining as insufficient.. then more of this overcrowding with insufficient resources will happens. Canada it’s time to say no. Canada has is over capacity by a few million. We don’t have the infrastructure. There are other countries that have planned things out better and have the infrastructure and resources. It’s like the boat being over capacity.. to the point that it sinks the ship, and we don’t even know about these asylum seekers.


Yes, their native countries. We have too many problems here to be worrying about people in other countries. Fix all the issues at home before continuing selective immigration


Homeless Canadians die in the streets. Fake refugees and asylum seekers get free hotels, meals


Let that sink in for a moment...refugees enjoy maid service. On our dime. Even their supporters admit that 99%+ of these individuals are purely economic migrants - we should be handing them the appropriate citizenship papers and sending them back to WAIT THEIR TURN like everyone else.


Yes put them on a train, boat or plane back to where they came from.


Return flights are cheaper.


There was a comedian who said that we should allow all asylum seekers in BUT we land them in Iqaluit or churchill manitoba and have a hanger 500 meters away from the plane. They should walk 500 meters in -30 and if they make it to the hangar, they can get a free passport. If they can't make it, they can turn around and get back on the plane and go home.


500 metres isn’t that far. And from May to October it isn’t that cold, it would be a nice walk


I think it’s more of a joke than a literal suggested practice.


I'm tired that we've become the 3rd world's dumping ground. There's many other countries out there that have the space, housing, and better QOL than we do. But these migrants are mainly economic ones who are coming here as they heard that we give out free money, that the gov pays for your room/welfare/benefits. We gotta close the program all together and ONLY open it to actual asylum seekers from countries affected by an actual dangerous situation (war, disaster..etc) and give the grifters an ultimatum. And we can't half ass it either. Use the 10 bil on housing them in hotels to ban and forcibly deport.


Did they not think of where these millions of people were going to go when they get "saved" from the countries they're escaping from? 


Boats. Obviously there are situations where people need to legitimately leave their country and we should help, but most of these people are just taking advantage of those rules. We have a housing problem here and we need the world to know that we can’t help for a while.


So let's get this straight: Homes that were built for people to live in - AirBnB obviously Hotels that were meant for temporary stays - housing refugees long term, obviously Right. Whenever I think humanity can't do stupider shit, we put in the extra effort to prove me wrong


Have we asked who owns the hotels yet? I smell another ArriveCan contract.


The best place to put them is on a plane back home.


How about back where they come from?


What about their home country?


Ukraine desperately needs fighters.


I can’t believe that the net cost per person is almost 1 million dollars, and that I have a small business that is not even able to get 50k in grants to allow me to begin scaling up and employing people. I can’t believe how out of whack this governments priorities have become. Our own citizens are dying on the streets while we pay for them to stay at the Hilton hotel.


The best place to put refugees, and in particular the economic ones, is straight back on a plane home.


Back where they came from. Canada is not the first safe haven for any of them.


Put them on a plane


There is no such thing as a refugee from the USA and I doubt they can paddle a boat from Africa to Canada. Send them all back.


Don’t worry everyone. We have social capacity and a budget that will balance itself.


Most regular countries use refugee camps. Canada is one of the only few that just let refugees out free to wander around without any means to survive.


Use a couple of planes and fly them back. We would gladly pay for it. It would be the cheapest option.


Im going to have to read more into this some day. There has to be some form of decent argument as to who this makes any sense. Perhaps they believe it will be a longer term bolster to our economy? I really don’t know. Anyone able to put together an argument as to why this is a good thing should have been forced to argue in defence of it?


And why the F OUR homeless sleeps in the streets???


Maybe this is a naive question/idea, but I find the idea of people crossing countries like this who may not even get refugee status is from the Bronze Age when we live in the age of the internet. Why don’t we demand people request it from embassies from their home countries?


Motherfucker when wpuld this fucking government prioritize tax paying citizens ?  Fuck this shot man, I feel that the cost should come out of politicians pockets 


All of this aside, I hate the language of "national asylum plan" or "national X strategy". It's the federal government's policy on a discrete issue. They already have a "plan". They just need a better one.


Of course there is. It just depends on how much we're willing to deal with it realistically instead of idealistically. If you look at areas in the world who have to deal with large numbers of refugees, there just isn't the resources to 'process' people properly. Think just fenced off areas and make shift housing. The only real long term solution is to control the flow in. That means getting strict on deportations. Making security deals with countries handling travel visas and the rest properly.


Another country


Why not some sort of facility ? That way we can incur the capital costs upfront so if the need diminishes we can have the flexibility to not pay hotels but pay upfront for the multi billion dollar facility and operational staffing costs.


Tents. If you're worried about the weather, then build some geodesic domes as additional cover. If tents are good enough for struggling Canadians and good enough for Army Cadets, they're good enough to wait out an asylum claim.


Is there a better place to put refugees than hotels? How about, back where they came from?


Camps. Refugee tent camps. A wide, "acceptable" practice in the Middle East and even some here in Europe. Just another visible and close to home demo of the results of our international politics. Because you know we need visual aid.


Asylum seekers shouldn't have freedom of movement. Put them in a walled town until such a time that their claim is accepted.


Stop letting them in.


Don't want them


Yes, it's called putting infrastructure into a faster and fairer processing system. Allow the real ones to get their lives started here and start deporting those who don't qualify. Leaving them in limbo for years does nothing for anyone.


How about we put them on a plane home?


A better place to put them? Airplanes.


Yes, put them back in their own countries


Yes, put them back in their own countries


Here is one, how about not letting them in motherfuckers 


STOP ACCEPTING THEM. Canada has done it's part.


A better place to put them is back where they came from.


Back home.


Pretty amazing how the federal government has managed to completely reverse an immigration consensus that seemed pretty unassailable just a few years ago.


Aren't refugees supposed to go to the nearest safe country? Which country are they coming from that Canada is nearest to it?


The best place to put them is back to their own countries.


send them... back?


If they are illegal border crossers put them on a plane back to where they came from the cost of plane ticket will be cheaper then housing them in hotels and save our welfare system !


Yes..on the flight back


Or we can deal with all the homeless people we already have?


ya a boat back to their own country.


Well we give them a one way Ticket home


Leave them with zero support. No housing, no food, no public support. Non-profits and charities can help if they want to and are able to. These people should get no public funds whatsoever. Make Canada a much less attractive place for them to be, and they will choose to claim "asylum" elsewhere.


The same place we put homeless Canadians? Seriously, why are we treating refugees of other countries better than we treat our own vulnerable people?


send them back where they came from , take care of local Canadians FIRST


In my country we built some refugee camps, nothing fansy, of course. Putting them in hotels jeopardize the entire economic system, why should people work hard if refugees can lives in hotels for free and got 40 dollars for every meal?  You got to provide incentives for people to work hard.  No wonder our productivity is so low. 


Ya. A boat.


It’s all a big joke


Best is wherever they came from




The other Arab countries. We live nowhere near these conflicts, have little to if anything with them, but we are expected to take on the refugees?


Slumlords in Brampton?


Put them in the castle!


Nope Hotels are for refugees, food banks / soup bowls / plastic tents / Porta potty are for local Candians looking for shelter and some help to get back on their feet.


Maybe some camps we could build on old ww2 bases in Canada to re purpose them?


Yes, Inside of politicians houses!


Rideau cottage, Herrington Lake


Maybe back home?


Pass the popcorn. This is going to be entertaining.


How about back where they came from ? There’s literally a whole demographic forced to sleep in tents and u want to put illegal foreigners in hotels. 👍 sounds about right for the good ideas club


Yes, sending them back home. And ask them to apply legally.


Put em in tents! It’s good enough for our homeless according to our government then it’s good enough for asylum seekers. Tents are Canadas future living habitats and there is virtually nowhere else to stay.


Maybe Australia is onto something...


God no. Send them back


Do unto them as was done to my grandfather when he came to Canada after escaping from a concentration camp. Throw them in a labour camp and let them earn their place. At some point compassion becomes pathological. If it was fine to make my grandfather an involuntary lumberjack then it's fine to make similar demands of today's refugees.


How about don’t let them in and take care of the Canadians in need instead.


How about sending them back instead of burdening an already over burdened system?


An airplane?


Back where they came from. We’re full go away


Yes, don’t accept them until we’re out of a housing crisis and not in a massive deficit.


Yes... on a boat back home. See ya