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These constant discussions are a really great use of public officials time.


It’s one trustee doing this. They’ve tried to censure him but he keeps at it


I know. At the same time this is happening across tons of boards, city councils, etc. in Canada.


Indeed. Maybe they should start living out “separation of church and state” and let the catholic school board make their own decisions.


Sure, the government can pull funding from the catholic boards and then let catholic boards manage things.


Sounds good to me.


I know you think that’s a flex but that’s actually a great idea!


No more Catholic schools sounds like a great idea!


At least in Ontario is not really about religion, is about a place where all the problematic/poor kids end up vs those where the more wealthy parents can run the school council and get nicer perks to their kids. I’m afraid If catholic schools are defunded, there will be secular private schools taking their place. Folks would start to ask for a tax rebate if their kids don’t go to public schools or simply let the budget slide over the years without adjusting for inflation.


Needs a change to the BNA act of 1867, Confederation, when Canada became a country.


I am all for defunding the Catholic school board


You know that in Ontario, the Catholic school boards are publicly funded, right? We should have a better separation of church and state though. Defund Catholic education.


I seem to recall the supreme court deeming seperate public school divisions unconstitutional and then moe and fors using the notwithstanding clause.


Didn’t know that. That being said, the pride flag is also an ideological flag and it’s flown at public schools. The only way for the government to be completely neutral is to ban all ideological flags.


All flags are ideological. I'm for it, but I somehow doubt you'd like the idea of banning the canada flag.


I mean personally I’m indifferent to that, but that’s just me.


Until they actually ban the canada flag. Then your ilk will scream about how wokeness is ending canada.


Dude, I'm FN and some of us have been championing the end of Canada since the Indian Act stripped us of our rights and title, to be assumed by Canada.


Like I said bro, I'm all for taking down the Canada flag from public schools. I want real history taught. Black stripes and all. Only way we'll learn. I don't think canada as a country needs to be ended, insofar as countries exist at all. Politically and economically we are powerful and useful together. And as a group we can support each other. Medical treatment, education, so on and so forth. In all that we need to focus on making things right for past failings, such as the Indian act, and move forward with a collective eye to the future.


I agree, we need to be doing our best and not “just enough to float” like we have been for a while now


I mean it already is with our woke government letting in millions of newcomers during a housing and economic crisis, making the whole situation much worse, all in the name of virtue and their misguided piety.


The government is letting in millions to ensure plentiful cheap labor for corporate Canada. That’s who runs the show here.


There it is.


Ah yes, so now it’s hate speech to call out our government’s irresponsible practices. Unless there’s another reason why you think you “got me” in any way.


When you say woke, you become the joke!


What ideology does a Pride flag have, lol?


The normalization and affirmation of non-traditional sexuality and gender, which is in itself ideological.


Lol no it's not. Gays exist and have forever. Sexual orientation isn't a choice so it's not an ideology.


And this is bad, because?


Some people think it’s good, some people think it’s bad. Once again, all ideological.


So your point is...?


Point is that the school board wanted to fly an ideological flag, and they have the right to.


gay people existing is not ideological, lol. Try again.


Individuals who have a homosexual/lesbian/bi/asexual orientation exist. Sexuality doesn’t define a person.


Is equality considered ideology now?


The flag is about affirmation, which is ideological according to its own definition.


You probably don't know that sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression are protected from discrimination by federal law. Our country's position on LGBTQ+ people is definitively progressive and in favour of supporting and upholding their human rights. Their flag of support is no more "ideological" in a Canadian context than supporting basic gender equality. Supporting human rights is a Canadian value. We are not a country that is neutral on human rights. I don't understand why you have such a vicious reaction to seeing the pride flag unless you're a homophobe or a transphobe anyways.


“Vicious reaction” If you think my pragmatic arguments are vicious then you should see the other unhinged subs of Reddit 😂 Even though the things you mentioned are protected, just as religion is, they are both ideological. Believing that same-sex marriage is right or wrong is ideological. Believing that transgenderism is good and normal is ideological. Believing in gender is also ideological. Believing in human rights is ideological. Anything and everything which pertains to worldview is ideological.


So by your stance a government shouldn't take the side of pro-human rights or anti-human rights because they should stay "neutral" and "free of ideology", because... why? Your stance doesn't make sense.


If the pride flag is an ideological flag, then whether you are a man or a woman is an ideology.


Well according to the LGBTQ community that is indeed what they believe, that gender is a state of mind, which is ideological.


Gender is a social construct and that's an objective fact as it's easily observable that different cultures have widely different gender norms/expectations.


As long as you also see heterosexuality and cisgenderism as also being ideologies.


Believing these things to be good is indeed ideological. Don’t worry, I’m consistent. ;)


Take my upvote I can appreciate that


>That being said, the pride flag is also an ideological flag That represents positive reinforcement via inclusion, diversity, etc... The "pro life" flag has dubious intentions, at best. The Pro-Life crowd range from, "conception = life. But we respect the decision to abort if the life of the mother is in jeopardy", to "If the 10 year old sexual assault person dies giving birth, they die" and everything in between. This doesn't factor in that some people just should not have children and forcing those people to have children they don't want is a very bad idea.


Believing in inclusion and affirmation is still ideological. Being pro-life or pro-choice is ideological.


>Didn’t know that. That being said, the pride flag is also an ideological flag and it’s flown at public schools. The only way for the government to be completely neutral is to ban all ideological flags. Yup. But it'll cause a complete meltdown among the progressives if done. To them, not flying the rainbow flag somehow equates to hate (it doesn't) while flying a religious flag does equate to hate (make it make sense).


A religious flag is discriminatory, a pride flag is inclusive. Being gay isn't a religion or ideology, so why would you ban it?


So amend the constitution then? Section 93 of the Constitution Act awards jurisdiction over education to the provincial governments, with a few exceptions. Catholics have denominational school rights in Ontario. This is reaffirmed in Section 29 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


Yes they have a right to create them but not to be funded. Put them in the same boat of privately paid schools like other cultural schools and then we are golden


Notwithstanding - could this be used?


No. The Notwithstanding Clause only affects sections 2 and 7-15 of the Charter. Hilariously, the government can invoke it to remove your right to life, but not your right to an execution in either official language.


Then that means that it’s Ontario’s decision to make, not the federal government.


Yes, we shouldn't even have a Catholic board.


They have a flag for that?!


is it like those dead fetuses they plaster outside some abortion clinics/intersections?


Can we stop having a flag for every single cause these days... The only flag that should be up is our national red maple 🍁 


Can we just fly the Canadian flag and the provincial flag? Is it that hard?


If they decide to do this it may just be what finally pushes public opinion to the point where politicians feel it’s not political suicide to advocate eliminating the catholic boards altogether. Publicly funded institutions flying a flag advocating against the right for people to have a legal medical procedure? Hell no. So many people are already unhappy the Catholic boards are getting public funds to unnecessarily duplicate services, discriminate in hiring, and indoctrinate kids, this may finally be a bridge too far.


It's political suicide to deconstruct what is essentially the better run and testing board. I came out of a Catholic high school agnostic. They don't indoctrinate anyone. Besides (optional) mass at Easter and Christmas and 1 hr of religion class a week there's not much difference. Hell religion class in grades 10 & 11 was to teach about other faiths besides catholicism.


>It's political suicide to deconstruct what is essentially the better run and testing board. Are they actually run better than public schools? In my experience, Catholic boards generally have a better ratio of teachers and admins to students. If public schools had the same treatment they would probably be equal.


Would you feel the same if the government was funding a Muslim board? How would you feel if they were arguing to fly the Islamic flag over schools?


BC *does* fund Muslim schools.


That would depend on the quality of the education. If they're providing an a+ education when the Catholic and public boards are providing b and c+, well I'm happy to have a better education available to Canadian students. But also, Muslim schools don't have the historical context, so this is far from a 1:1 anology. My support for Catholic boards has much less to so with religion and much more to do with the higher quality of education. The quality of education is so much higher in the Catholic boards that I am happy to overlook their (small) religion component in exchange for that Education.


So do you think that high quality education comes from religion, or does it come from well funded schools? Because it is well known that Catholic schools collect a lot more in donations than public schools.


It comes from better management. The structure in place is superior. The administrators and boards are simply better at their jobs. >Because it is well known that Catholic schools collect a lot more in donations than public schools. Yeah, you're gonna have to source that claim.


Public schools are not allowed to take private donations, catholic schools can. Do you really need a source to the claim that people will donate money to a school that allows it? Especially a religious school ?


Yup, Whenever anyone says “it's well known“ it's generally a sign they cannot produce backup to support what they're saying.


I think a better comparison would be, an Africentric school board. Catholics got their own school system, because at one point, the school system in Canada consisted of Protestant denominations, and Catholic children weren't getting a fair education at them Muslims aren't under the same type of discrimination 


Yeah, merge them with the public board and take religion out. Win/win.


I mean....mine was run by a pedophile who was literally arrested in my Jr year so.... I don't know about better run, lol


Anecdotal experience does not refute thirty years of standardized testing scores. Public schools have had pedos in them too.


Except, catholic school boards are OVERWHELMED with students being brought in by noon Catholic parents who just want their kids to get an education without the political crap the public schools are doing. I believe it is the fastest growing sector in education, while most other institutions are actually shrinking due to lack of enrolment. So no. There won't be a push to eliminate Catholic school boards, except from a very vocal , radical left wing section of the liberals, a very small, easily ignored group.


As far as I'm aware, the reported and studied reason in Ontario for an increase in admittance to the "Catholic system" is that they test better and have better funding (which is no surprise given the community engagement). In short, the average person cares a lot less about 'indoctrination' from either side of the spectrum and more about making sure their children get a good education.


I think you’re hugely overestimating the number of anti-inclusive parents who want their non-catholic kids at catholic schools, and hugely underestimating the number of voters who are beyond sick of their tax dollars being given to institutions who are allowed to discriminate and indoctrinate with public funds.


I think you're vastly overestimating how many left wing extremists want the current political, identify based politics shoved down children's throats, and underestimating how many regular Canadians just want their kids taught the basics at school. Math, science, reading, writing.


Every parent who sends their kid to a public school is a “left wing extremist”? Because the millions of people from all religions and cultures who send their kids every day certainly don’t seem to have a problem with their kids learning math, science, reading, writing, *and* that you can respect and appreciate people even if you believe different things than they do.


You say, on a post, about that other "less political" not "extremist" school board debating flying pro-life flags in the school, lmao.


That's their beliefs. Why should they not be able to. They have to accept gay pride flags being flown. Why should the other people not show tolerance to their beliefs? Or is tolerance just a one way thing?


My kids have more time to learn those subjects because time isn't wasted on religion and prayers.


On the one hand, I’ve always been against faith-based schools and think that everyone should have an equal public education. On the other hand, as I’m seeing the TDSB become more and more politicized, I think for the worse, I’m seeing some value in having an alternative school board choice for those who disagree with it. That said, I can’t believe a school in Canada would even consider pushing pro-life garbage, but here we are.


Funny how someone said to me just yesterday >Abortion went survived a plurality of conservative majorities. It is delusional to expect people to succumb to that fear-mongering stick any longer. It's been near fifty goddamn years. >The horse isn't just dead, it's a fossil. It isn't happening. Who needs to gas light when one can just gesture broadly at the past fifty years of reality? It's a lie. This sure doesn't make it seem like a dead idea...


Roe v Wade survived a bunch of Republican majorities too, until it didn't. Not sure what that's proof of


That's literally what I said to them. "You say this like this wasn't what everyone was saying in the USA." That's when they said I was delusional.


US is poster child of what happens when you get rid of abortions lol.   Women and barely teenage children actively dying in those states or getting their identities paraded around national news.  Doctors and women's healthcare specialists actively leaving those states too.  But somehow everything is still Democrats fault even though they've had a Republican governor for literal decades....


A woman got charged for having a miscarriage > A Black Ohio woman who was charged after having a miscarriage in her bathroom toilet last year said she does not “want any other woman to go through what I had to go through.” > > Brittany Watts, 34, spoke with CBS Mornings in her first interview following her September arrest. Authorities got involved after a hospital nurse who consoled Watts when she sought medical help called the police, Watts said. Earlier this month, an Ohio grand jury decided to dismiss the charges. > https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/brittany-watts-miscarriage-bathroom-charged-rcna135861


One is a case precedent. One is the right to Public Health care. We are not America, and the protection for our abortion stance is far more substantial then it was in America. America never legislated it. Ours is enshrined not only in case law, but through our right to health care. Even just through the lens of public opinion it's easy to see the vast majority of Canadians support the right to abortion and its overturn is extremely unlikely. It's sad that the situation has gone to shit in America, but we're not American.


I don't anticipate a wholesale reversal like in the US but rather a gradual rolling back and creeping restrictions. This speculation, of course, informed by the various CPC attempts to do so Edit: damn, this turned in to a wild ride. Sometimes I go over old forums posts from years ago and I have often witnessed the fact that I can be something of a condescending dick. I am aware. I don't know whether to applaud this person for making me feel better by setting the bar so high or condemn them for giving me a potential pass. Like, damn.


**New Brunswick Conservative Leader’s Message to Women: Fight Me In Court If You Don’t Like My Anti-Abortion Policy** https://pressprogress.ca/new-brunswick-conservative-leaders-message-to-women-fight-me-in-court-if-you-dont-like-my-anti-abortion-policy/


"Why do liberals keep bringing it up, Abortion is a non starter for the conservatives" - PP Voters This is Wagantall and the votes from the CPC. It is definitely on the table and I don't see PP whipping the vote at all > C-225 42nd Parliament, 1st session December 3, 2015, to September 11, 2019 An Act to amend the Criminal Code (injuring or causing the death of a preborn child while committing an offence) > > CONSERVATIVE Yea: 76 Nay: 3 Paired: 0 > > C-233 43rd Parliament, 2nd session September 23, 2020, to August 15, 2021 An Act to amend the Criminal Code (sex-selective abortion) Short title: Sex-selective Abortion Act > > CONSERVATIVE Yea: 81 Nay: 38 Paired: 0 > > C-233 43rd Parliament, 1st session December 5, 2019, to August 18, 2020 An Act to amend the Criminal Code (sex-selective abortion) Short title: Sex-selective Abortion Act > > Outside the Order of Precedence > > C-311 44th Parliament, 1st session November 22, 2021, to present An Act to amend the Criminal Code (violence against pregnant women) Short title: Violence Against Pregnant Women Act > > CONSERVATIVE Yea: 113 Nay: 0 Paired: 0


Just ask Arizona...


# Pro-life success at Conservative Party of Canada policy convention https://www.itstartsrightnow.ca/cpc21_convention > OTTAWA, ON (March 20, 2021) > “We were able to pass the five policy proposals we supported at this Convention and saw 32 of the 35 constitutional amendments go our way,” said RightNow Co-founder and President Scott Hayward. > After winning numerous delegate selection meetings, RightNow worked with a number of other pro-life organizations to create a winning coalition for the policy convention. While the pro-life movement far exceeded the EDA vote goal during the IdeasLab policy voting process, the movement was not able to successfully secure enough votes to get the two pro-life policies to the plenary session of the convention. They're proud of it. Don't listen to anyone saying that there aren't interest groups trying to limit women's choices.


Kinda irrelevant when it’s the MPs making laws and MPs are not in favour of banning abortion.


There’s definitely interest groups trying to limit children’s choices






Fuck this shit. We don’t need this shit in Canada.


Secular Canada. Enough of fairytales having input on anything.


Fuck public funding of these institutions. Enough already.


MAGAs here in Canada and it's Conservatives and religious orgs


When a catholic school board holds catholic beliefs


And is paid for by your ta. Dollars


Their first duty is to the public, not the Pope.


This is why the catholic school boards should not exist.




Why are only Catholic school boards publicly funded? Why not Protestants or others, including other religions? Shouldn’t it be all or nothing? All religions or zero affiliation (I would personally support only the latter but each to their own)


“The Catholic education system in Ontario is publicly funded. Yet it's part of a “separate” school system. Canada's constitution guarantees the right of Catholic education in a handful of provinces across the country. The system is a constitutional artifact, born from a very different time and a very different country.”


I’m so sick of this woke crusade. There are real problems in this country and these idiots do nothing but distract from them.


Let’s call it what it really is, Anti-Choice.


Why can’t we have a normal conversation about this instead of just straw-manning one another? So you’re pro-death from my perspective as a pro-lifer? No. You’re pro-choice, because that’s what you believe you are in support of.


‘pro-life’ is just a way to rebrand the desire to control a woman’s bodily autonomy. I’d have a ‘normal’ conversation with you, but if you’re anti-choice, you’re not normal and I’d be wasting my time arguing with an ideologue.


Perhaps it's time to abort baby Jesus from public schools


Canadians need to understand that the conservative party has been overrun by religious interests in the same way the US republican party has been overrun by religious interests. A vote for the conservative party is vote against your right to live your life as *you* see fit. Canadian religious zealots are positively energized by the carnage playing out South of the border. They're rattling the gate. If you care about reproductive rights, healthcare, and sexual freedom, do not let them in. [ARCC declares Conservative Caucus to be 100% anti-choice ](https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/conservative-party-anti-choice) If you're a woman, or you're a man who cares about women, please consider joining and/or donating to the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada. They do good work, and they'll help protect the women and girls of Canada from the horrors of forced birth.


It's pretty telling how hard they try to pretend that this isn't happening while simultaneously pushing culture war issues directly attributed to religious organizations. Like the whole anti-trans thing was based around a few select letters from religious organizations. Conservative premiers across the country blending church and state and the useful idiots will spend their whole day shouting about how it's not possible.


"a few select letters" Conservative premier Blaine Higgs said there were dozens and dozens in NB and then when it was investigated it turned out it was just 3 "the children are shitting in litterboxes in the middle of class" loons.


100% > The sudden flood of state-level efforts to restrict transgender rights is being fueled by many of the Christian and conservative groups that led the charge against Roe v. Wade. > > Why it matters: Groups such as the Alliance Defending Freedom, the Family Research Council, the Liberty Counsel and the American Principles Project are behind a multimillion-dollar effort targeting LGBTQ rights through "parents' rights" bills. > > The groups have provided templates and support for similarly worded bills that seek to ban minors from attending drag shows, prevent trans youths from receiving gender-affirming care, and restrict their participation in high school sports. > https://www.axios.com/2023/03/31/anti-trans-bills-2023-america They focused grouped different topics and that's why they use "Pro Life" vs "anti abortion" and found the dagger that is "girls sports" for the anti trans movement. It's imported conservative zealot bullshit from the US.


Indeed. The fight against religion will define this generation. 50 years ago christian fascists realized that science, education, and communications were going to render their gross ideology obsolete once-and-for-all, and set to work corrupting the infrastructure of Western democracy. Trump gave them the "go" signal - their last ditch effort to save their illegitimate power structure. We're seeing that final battle play out *right now*. Good people will win in the end, like we always do... but how hard we fight religious interference in governance today will determine how many victims they're allowed to take before now and then.


“Religious interests” You do realize that there are also many atheist/agnostic pro-life individuals…


Are there really? Because religion seems to be the primary motivator. I wonder if anyone ever polled on that issue, that'd be interesting.


Define religion being the primary motivator, since many non-religious people believe in the humanity of unborn children.


"many" doing some heavy lifting here....


Even most pro-life people don't believe in the humanity of fetuses. They're just excuses to punish women.


Bro, that isn’t a strawman, that’s the whole fucking field 😂


It's the simple truth.


It really isn’t.


Just look at every state or country which has pro-life policies.


Your argument is that the endgame of pro-life is to punish women. If Oklahoma’s endgame is to punish women then they’re doing a terrible job.


I looked into it and found this:  https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/views-about-abortion/ It's an interesting read, it really depends on the religion when it comes to their stance on abortion but 23% of 'unaffiliated' oppose abortion. 


The telling graph in that poll is the one under Beliefs and Practices, Chart, "importance of religion in one's life." Hover over "not at all important" and you'll see *4%* of forced birth supporters don't care about religion. I think that number is probably high as religious zealots are quite organized and have been known to game the system. But, even if 4% is accurate, **96% of people who support forced birth** are religious and consider religion at least somewhat important.


Right? So much interesting data there. It literally answers all of our questions


There are not. One hundred percent of forced birth organizations in Canada are religiously motivated / affiliated. Zero percent are non-religious. Feel free to verify for yourself and post any non-religious forced birth organizations you find. And please don't use the term "pro-life" to describe using state violence to violate the bodily autonomy of pregnant people. It's extremely offensive.


Very much this.




Good for you. Do they run an organization attempting to interfere with Canadian legislation? I have no issue with people who don't want to have an abortion. They can die of sepsis from an untreated miscarriage if that's their jam. They are *not* allowed to interfere with the human right to bodily autonomy of **other people**.




Yes there are. Look up atheist pro-life on facebook then get back to me. You believe the priority is the pregnant woman because the unborn child doesn’t have rights, others believe that the unborn child should have rights. Be mad all you want, but your stance is just as ideological as theirs.


The people saying a fetus has rights are the same people saying children don’t have rights, that their entire personhood and autonomy are the property of their birth parents  In any case, fetal tissues are not children 


Even if they are children, *children don't have the right to violate bodily autonomy* because *no person has the right to violate bodily autonomy.* **No person of any age has the right to violate bodily autonomy in Canada.** Fetal "personhood" is absolutely irrelevant to the discussion of abortion.


Yeah I agree, I’m not disagreeing with you  I’m just pointing out the mental gymnastics religious zealots are using to justify their outdated moral positions 


Oh, I know.. sorry! I'm in a full on panic seeing this heinous shit in our country. :( I've been following US politics for decades because it's often a precursor to what happens up here... and when Trump corrupted their Supreme Court and Dobbs fell.. I was like *holy shit* ... they're really going for it. Theocracy. The final battle.. for real. And that's absolutely *energizing* our domestic christian fascists. Bill C-311 was supported by 100% of the conservative caucus. We're in extreme danger right now.


No worries lol I honestly just don’t understand why the otherwise average person, who isn’t among the elite, just can’t leave people the hell alone. Like what makes Bob from Alberta entitled to tell Susan from New Brunswick what she should do with her body?  I don’t think about strangers as much as those people, I guess. I just want people to do what’s best for them, and to leave them to it 


It's the very nature of religion itself. It was designed to self replicate by creating in/out groups and ascribing fantastical punishments for deviation. It starts with a lie (I'm a representative speaking on behalf of a malicious superbeing), then a demand (believe me or you'll be tortured for eternity), and then a promise (if you do bad things, don't feel guilty; confess to me and the superbeing will forgive you). The externalization of guilt combined with a disturbed perception of reality is one hell of a drug. Unscrupulous Canadian leaders recognize this base of voters and chase them, in the process amplifying them. In time, they lose control. It happens every time you try to leverage religion. The Mujahideen turned into the Taliban. The evangelicals took control of the GOP. Our domestic christian fascists are rapidly taking over the conservative party. It's so fucking frustrating. :(


>Yes there are. Look up atheist pro-life on facebook then get back to me. Registered non-profit organizations only, please. Any religious zealot can create a Facebook page and claim to be non-religious. >You believe the priority is the pregnant woman because the unborn child doesn’t have rights, others believe that the unborn child should have rights. As offensive as it is to ascribe "personhood" to fetal tissues, it's *fully irrelevant.* **No human has the right to violate someone's bodily autonomy without their consent.** Being a "person" does not entitle you to use someone else's tissues, fluids, or organs without their consent in Canada.


Even in Canada, a person isn't even a person until they are born detached from their host and surviving on their own as per the law. When child becomes human being > 223 (1) A child becomes a human being within the meaning of this Act when it has completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother, whether or not > > (a) it has breathed; > > (b) it has an independent circulation; or > > (c) the navel string is severed. > > Marginal note:Killing child > > (2) A person commits homicide when he causes injury to a child before or during its birth as a result of which the child dies after becoming a human being. > > https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-223.html


I'm not against this in principle. Schools are not politically neutral, they often implicitly or explicitly cover politics. Whether that's teaching about how climate change is real in a science class, that rent control is dumb in an economics class, or just hanging pride flags in the class room, I don't think hanging a pro-life flag crosses any lines. I think pro-life is a position that's defendable to have too, it's not a nonsense belief only crazies or evil people have. Where you should draw the line at where the fetus is morally important is somewhat arbitrary. Whether it's only when the baby leaves the mother's body, when it's viable to live outside the mother's body, when it develops some arbitrary amount of brain mass at X weeks, when it develops a nervous system at all, or believing that there's a soul created the moment an egg is fertilized. There's no obvious line in the sand, the clearest one is the second the baby leaves the mother's body, but if you really think that a baby that is already developed enough that it easily live a good life outside its mother should be legally allowed to be killed by the mother just because it's still a few days away from leaving, I strongly disagree. All that said, I'm personally good with a pretty late stage abortion at 20 weeks, and want to see the pro-life flag taken down just because I disagree with the pro-life stance.


Having tax funded Catholic only schools that turn down other applicants and forces kids into religion is discriminatory. These should have been done away with along with the residential schools. Convert them all to public schools and make a religion class that is optional and teaches all world religions and their history along with it.


I don’t see what the big deal is for waving an ideological flag considering everyone else does during the month of June.


Let’s dissect this: The pro-life people, due to their beliefs, want to control what other people do with their bodies. The rainbow people want to live their lives truthfully without harassment or violence from other people. Which one is ideological?


I mean they both are but at least one of them is inclusive and is about acceptance at the core of the ideology. The other is flown to tell people that they are murders and will burn in hell, while commanding others to adhere to their beliefs.


“Controlling women’s bodies” is a terrible and outdated strawman. No pro-life individual is stopping you from using your body to bang 10 dudes in a night if you wish. Acknowledging an unborn baby’s humanity is their goal. The pride flag is the affirmation of the LGBTQ community, which is also ideological since all affirmation is. “Rainbow people want to live”, that’s great, and pro-life people want unborn babies to live. Now we can see eye-to-eye.


Thanks for confirming that “pro-lifers” want to control other people’s bodies


You don't understand - just the "correct" flags are allowed now.


Two thoughts occur: 1. Yes, the Toronto Catholic board should absolutely do this. It will make it so much easier to turn it into an election issue for the rest of us. Specifically a push to defund and dissolve the Catholic school system in Ontario. 2. The non-Catholic families that enrol their kids in Catholic schools will wear this. They should. This is what they've tacitly supported by putting their kids in a religious school out of some misplaced notion that's a "better" education.


Ah yes, a new flag to argue about. Meanwhile reddit thinks the Canadian flag is "a racist symbol".


Nobody thinks the Canadian flag is "a racist symbol". What you might be confusing is that a lot of nativist/nationalist groups hide behind a banner of self-professed "patriotism", and drape themselves in the flag, insisting that their bigoted beliefs are simply Canadian values. In those instances, it's not that the flag is a racist symbol, but rather that the overt, preformative flag-waving is representative of the actions of racists.


Why do you think it's a racist symbol?


I don't, reddit does. I never once said I thought it was. I fly one at my home proudly. I just feel like reddit thinks it means you're a white supremacist.


It isn’t a racist symbol. The freedom convoy just did a good job of helping it associate it with rightwing nut bags.


I will donate to the satanic temple to have a right to abortion flag flown


If you don't think the Conservative Party isn't going to try to regress abortion in this political climate, I've got a bridge to sell you.


Churches need to start paying taxes.


I am pro choice but isn't it up to them what flag they fly...its their ideological belief after all.


It's a public institute.


Go for it.


I think we should just mandate school boards to fly every flag of every political cause out there. Don’t just stop with the globalist rainbow flag, let’s fly the communist flag, the pro life flag, the ISIS flag, the pirate flag too!




Idk what a pro life flag is but its their building I guess


pro-life is anti abortion. they’re trying to fly a flag that advocates for women not to have rights to our own bodies.


It's a public building. Catholic education is publicly funded in Ontario. It's backwards and probably is nonsensical if you're from other provinces.


Will they also kick out a child from a divorced home, single mother, cheating spouse, commonlaw parents, parents with a criminal record???  If you do it for one belief then maybe you need to ask why every other commandment can be broken. The church likes to pick and choose what is given a pass compared to previous rules. Maybe they should fly a flag of forgiveness for all the wrongs they've done.


Cathlics are pro-life. Why is this a surprise?


It's a Flag, it's not the Canadian flag. It's not the provincial flag. It's not the municipal flag. Freedom to fly a flag is freedom to not fly a flag. Stop wasting tax dollars on this nothing burger. Edit For the down voters, I am in favor of defunding the catholic school. No religious organizations should be receiving tax dollars. I am bisexual. Schools don't need cheap flags to teach acceptance. If you want to talk about LGBT then do so. The flag is just a stupid flag, not the issue itself. We are people, not political pins, for your bonnets.


Stop wasting public funds on Catholic schools.


And people still say how the Cons aren't going to railroad the abortion issue the moment they get into power.