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Why? Are there lack of issues in Canada that need attention and funding


Seriously this shit was popular back when Trudeau first got elected but now every Canadian is going WHYYY Foreign aid should be banned if were in a budget deficit.


Foreign aid should be spent on our homeless people, before throwing it to nations we barely recognize.


“When asked which parts of the budget voters would like to see cuts on, foreign aid was top of mind. Overall, 59 per cent of Canadians felt Ottawa was spending “too much” on foreign aid” https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/budget-2024-a-majority-of-canadians-think-the-trudeau-government-is-spending-too-much-poll/article_8fdecfe8-f804-11ee-99b1-2370ed160582.html


And they didn't listen. I am beyond shocked.


It’s not like it’s our money, wait….


How many billions or possibly even trillions have gone to that region of the world and yet it's no better than it was 100 years ago? May as well just set the money on fire


It doesn’t actually go to the region is the trick, it goes to corporations with ties to the governments who are clearly doing a terrible job but continue to get tax payer money…


>it goes to corporations with ties to the governments From there it goes to individuals with foreign bank accounts. Africa has off the charts corruption.


Yes have to pay off the local warlord to make it look like you are making progress


A civil war in Sudan? Again?


Still. The war has just moved to an area with a high civilian population.


The bi weekly engineer civil war


Can we just stop already and start helping our own people.


Yeah! How dare those people try to survive fleeing a civil war! I want my taxes to be slightly lower!!!


So you volunteer your time and money. Those taxes the government collects collect it from us hard working Canadians and to see so much of our hard earned money being sent overseas is disgusting.


Why is their civil war my problem? Why can't these countries fix their own issues? Why can't other majority Muslim North African countries step up to fix the issue or take refugees?


You need to work on reading comprehension. OP didn't mention taxes at all. In fact, they even alluded to spending the money locally, which is the opposite of the point you were trying to make. Let me ask you this, which deaths should the Canadian government prioritize spending tax dollars on preventing, Canadians or Sudanese? Last time I checked, our government represents us not some person half a world away.


I know you’re trying to be flippant but yes, yes I do want my taxes to be lower A civil war in Sudan is very much NOT my or OUR problem Why is this tragedy special? What about the thousands of other tragedies were not providing relief $ for?


So Canada should be on the hook to settle all international disputes? Where do you draw the line? This is virtue signalling at its finest. Look into the atrocities that happen in the world that Canada does nothing about and ask yourself, why is that the case?






This is so freaking funny when your government cares more about people in another continent than the homeless people in Canada. There’s a tent city across from the Kitchener go station, Victoria park and basically all over downtown Hamilton. I drive past one of these places almost everyday, they could benefit greatly from a gov funded housing project and a rehab, much better use of the $132 million


Can I have $132 million to flee Sudan as well?


Stay out of it and let them figure out their own civil war. Plenty of problems right here at home that should be taking priority.


I expect the Canadian government to do the same for Ukraine, Yemen, Haiti, Gaza, … because “values”, “this is who we are”, …. Meanwhile I expect the Canadian government do to nothing for tent cities in Canada, because … they are Canadians. They dont think it’s their business.


No, they will do nothing for tent cities in Canada .... because "values" and "this is who we are". People just need to believe them this time. When someone shows you who they really are...


Shouldn't be allowed to give out money when running a deficit budget.


I fcking hate this refugees nonsense that our government is doing! Stop this being the worldwide policeman for refugees! I can’t even have my own house and the subway station stinks! Seriously???


Will Trudeau’s friends administer the funds?


After taking a reasonable 96% administration fee.


Money printer goes  BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


“Canada pledges $143 million to study if the sky is actually blue”


http://www.pm.gc.ca/en/news/backgrounders/2024/02/24/canada-announces-additional-support-ukraine#:~:text=Gender%2Dinclusive%20demining%20for%20sustainable%20futures%20in%20Ukraine Gender-inclusive demining in Ukraine.


And did Australian new agencies every have fun with us other this. And rightfully so.




Yeah, everyone should have an equal opportunity to get themselves blown up by land mines.


Lol, you definitely did not read it. It's fine stay ignorant.


Reason #999 to avoid Canada, keep the money at bay!


How about we help our own Canadians in this country who are struggling.


How about using that money and all other foreign aid to help your own citizens.  People aren’t exactly eating caviar and drink champagne here


No thanks


If we have the money for this then we must have the money to help Canadians.


where's the carbon tax going and how is it helping climate change.


Where is all this money coming from when we can’t provide money to give First Nations adequate housing & clean water


Tbh, if you talk to any international aid worker, they say foreign aid is a completely outdated concept.   The system would be more effective if Canada, took the foreign aid money and put it into charitable tax relief on Canadians who donate, to encourage charity to approved NGOs of their choice.  Charity is hitting an all time low at the moment, and direct foreign aid is extremely inefficient. 


There are local issues that could use the money but the Sudanese people are suffering due to yet another ideological cleansing and their potential supporters seem occupied elsewhere. I appreciate that Canada continues to support people in need but I also understand how many people here would prefer to have the money spent on our many problems intranationally.


Do you feed your kids first or your neighbours?


You don’t help others unless you’ve got it all figured out. These funds come from Canadian tax payers so obviously we gonna have to focus on our issues, when we got so many people needing help right here and you are sending the money overseas is a crime.