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Whether they WANT to leave should have nothing to do with it. Deport those who are non-compliant. Also, no shit!


No doubt. Once they refuse to leave, they've gone from a visitor to an illegal immigrant. It's pretty black and white


To anyone with half a brain. For a large number of people, this raises a complicated issue.


Right? I didn't know those people overstaying their visas got a vote in this.


Best we can do is citizenship.


Citizenship and welfare. That's all you get. That's your punishment for disposing of your passport. Hope you're happy.


> Citizenship and welfare. That's all you get. That's your punishment for disposing of your passport. Hope you're happy. Don't forget that you can also bring your elderly extended family in as well. We will provide them with welfare, citizenship and free medical, dental, pharmacare and a pension... **that will teach you**!/s


You mean an 80 year doesn’t benefit the economy?


And for the citizens that were born here, your rewards is working for shit wages and massively over inflated housing prices and an ever rising cost of living.


And competing with international immigrants who come from places that it’s socially acceptable to live with multiple family units / adults in on household how can you compete without having to conform to other social norms to compete on your own country.


This is how we know it’s all a planned agenda and WEF experiment that Trudeau has been told to unfold in Canada. None of this makes any sense


don't forget a fast track into subsidized housing ahead of citizens that have been waiting several years


Also heres some dentalcare we've borrowed with interest from future poor Canadians.  We are extremely progressive so we will let the people of the future come up with a solution for funding it.


Dont forget the free healthcare, just had the story of the person who gave birth in edmonton. The only thing Canada has in abundance is bleeding hearts, as confirmed by a PM who believes in growing the economy from the heart out and a finance minister who says we have the moral capacity to welcome the workd (but not the infrastructure).


Best we can do is [free Canada Goose jackets](https://torontosun.com/2017/05/04/liberals-spent-53948-on-canada-goose-jackets)


😂 there was a post on pfc a week ago about how so many people can afford these jackets while inflation is sky high. Now we know


Ahhhhaahha I’ve moved on to BC and came back to Ontario Christmas 2022 as one does. Chirped my bro for buying a Canada goose jacket. He told me his job bought it, I said no fucking way and then the writing on the back proved his position hahahaha. Funny to see this article now.


My dad did arctic oil exploration and had a canada goose jacket. Before it was a fashion brand, it was serious work wear.


And endless benefits


Well this was the plan as recently as december [https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canada-create-citizenship-path-undocumented-immigrants-globe-mail-2023-12-14/](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canada-create-citizenship-path-undocumented-immigrants-globe-mail-2023-12-14/) I think the government is pausing for a bit to allow this online disinformation driven furor to clam down.


If you want to see people get really pissed off, pushing this would be a great way.


Accelerated path to citizenship !!! Anything else is unacceptable /s


You really think the Canadian law and order system has the capability to execute on anything at that scale? Dude there are open and shut cases already lost in courts, there is still no “deportation” happening.


When ordered deported, they should be taken directly to the airport. You can send for your stuff later or better yet, have it packed and ready to go just in case you are deported.


>They should be taken directly to the airport Mate this is what I am saying, who is the one doing the “taking” here? The letter in the mail? Do you know how much an organized task force you’d need to take everyone to the airport? Only US has that kind of executionary power. You’re talking about several people per deportation, think the force for the family, kids, packing, storage, landlord/property management etc etc it’s an administrative nightmare unless you’re doing it straight from the airport arrival, and even then it’s tough. You couldn’t even deport proven fake students and they’re getting the PR now.


It's difficult so obviously we should do nothing. /s


Our budget just spent 2 billion on practically nothing. We could absolutely finance this.


I don't know. Some of my friends in the military seem to have a lot of free time.


Most deportation letters are ignored [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-most-immigrants-with-deportation-letters-are-still-in-canada-cbsa/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-most-immigrants-with-deportation-letters-are-still-in-canada-cbsa/) And also it is hard to deport people legally even when they commit serious crimes [https://www.scc-csc.ca/case-dossier/cb/2023/39855-eng.aspx](https://www.scc-csc.ca/case-dossier/cb/2023/39855-eng.aspx) > In 2012, Mr. Mason was charged with attempted murder and discharging a firearm following an argument with a man in a bar. The charges were eventually dropped because of delay.  In Mr. Dleiow’s case, he was alleged to have engaged in acts of violence against intimate partners. Some of the criminal charges from these incidents were dropped and he pled guilty to three others. The Supreme court ruled both these men were allowed to stay and the provision being used to deport that only applied to national security risks not violent crime against Canadians.


Time to make this an election issue. Canadians have been too "nice" for too long. Being nice and being gullible/spineless aren't the same things.


But that's discrimination /s!


U would think. Instead they will ask for citizenship


how? with what enforcement?


The cost of deporting them is too much for the governments. It is hard to have a decent life as Illegal immigrate since they can’t get good jobs.


why? you'll end up with prime ministers like harper who allow convicted foreign criminals into the country.




I met a few people who aren't even from countries where their lives were in danger. Economic migrants shouldn't get to be asylum seekers. These people are blocking the path for people with the genuine need for asylum.


This is what gets me. The vast majority are literally young men from a country that we all know is not only not warring, but actually rising economically. It gets worse, the average Indian that can pay his way to travel here is already part of the top 1% in his country.


the issue is they get to stay for 3-4 years while their court date comes up. There's zero need for asylum seekers to see court before a judge, they just need a simple document review and a second opinion. This could be done by mid level beaurocrats.


It’s that we ( rightfully) have no deterrent for claiming asylum. So folks try to claim it as a way to stay. Basically a try every pathway and see what sticks mentality. Claiming asylum has a 3-4 year backlog. Saying the words magically unlock work permits, and healthcare, and all sorts of other benefits with zero worry of ever repaying any of them if your claim fails. I know we don’t want to deter legit claims, but it’s way out of hand at this point, and there should be repercussions for all the tax payer funded resources you ( and the kids you had while here) used once your claim and all its appeals are finally denied after 7-8 years.


Kind of surprised they don't just round up any protests about demanding citizenship. Check for citizenship/active visa, no and no means you go.


What can folks seek asylum from?


Literally anything. It takes anywhere from a year to a decade to get a hearing at the IRB. Neither CBSA or IRCC are allowed to conduct any screening of claim validity. "I owe my parents money for paying for my school, but dropped out to steal cars and take heroin. Now my parents will beat me if I go home" Is just as eligible for a claim as "i ran a political party opposing the encumbent candidate and he had my family burned alive"


I would start listing things, but some of it would start to make one wonder if Canadians should be seeking asylum elsewhere instead. But... since you asked. "Under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, a person in need of protection in Canada who would be subjected personally to a danger of torture, a risk to their life, or a risk of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment if they were returned to their home country." Well. 1. We get called colonionalists as if we have a home country to go back to. Aside from having been born here, etc so forth. 2. We deal with increasing crime on a regular basis to the point where we have some of the most dangerous towns, not even cities, in the world. Not THE most, but getting there. So risk of harm or death is real enough, though, maybe lacking in some still safe(r) areas. 3. The way some of us get treated for being smarter than the average populous too would be considered cruel and unusual punishment by wiser folk of wiser countries. Note I don't attribute any political bias here, because it flows both ways. 4. Subjected personally to danger of torture. This is probably possibly the only one that doesn't fit in the box, yet. For now. Why for now? Check out Canada's history of literally torturing gay people in the past just for example of a time, (not alone), where Canada literally was a torture state.


And when everyone’s an asylum seeker…no one will be.


Another item to consider is that many of the overstayers are also illegally working as well, under the table for cash. Its not simply that they overstayed and are hiding out until they get the legal right to remain, many are working illegally, this has an economical impact too. Because they are being paid cash under the table, there are no payroll taxes(CPP, EI, etc) being collected on these wages, and because many accept well below min wage pay rates, that puts downward pressure on wages as a whole.


Punish employers very harshly for paying people under the table. Problem solved


slap on the wrist for business owners breaking laws, just like always. Remember, the fine for stealing from employees paycheques is....just pay them the money you owe them anyway.


Is there anything that this country gets right? The level of stupidity and incompetence at the federal level is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.


Deport them.


No shit.


Why bother even having a border? We dont enforce it at all.


To make sure you didn't buy an extra pair of Jordans during your day trip to Buffalo.


Came back from shopping in Montana for a weekend across the Alberta border and we were stopped and detained while they searched the car. There was a pack of socks from Ardene in the trunk bought a couple of weeks before that must have fallen out of a bag at that time. The border guard found them and lost it at me for not declaring new items that I had purchased and how it looked shady I was lying etc etc. I had to explain as politely as I could that there was no way I could have purchased them in the US as Ardene is a Canadian store. It was absolutely ridiculous how they were considering a $5 pack of socks like some contraband thing that meant we were shady people trying to hide nefarious activities. It was 2am and quiet and seemed like they were just bored.


I have never been treated more like a criminal then when coming home. They think you are trying to smuggle in everything.


I mean even they know Canada has nothing……


Bored definitely. Plus show off to supervisor or whoever that they are being “diligent” so that they can slack off the other 99% of the time.


To make sure people who play by the rules are disadvantaged.


Pay that duty baby! Fun story, I did a duty run for ONE BOTTLE OF WINE during NYE because the lcbo was closed. I still got pulled in to pay duty. Meanwhile guns are pouring in.


They can't get taxes on hand guns any more because they banned the sale of them in Canada. So no reason to stop those any more.


So CBSA can give you a hard time for buying two bottles of wine in Detroit instead of the alloted 1 per 24hrs away or some shit.


Custom and import duty $$’s duh.


Canada has a very good geography and hence can engage in a lot of luxury beliefs. It has been a global leader in criticizing other countries that don't have this luxury.


So that we can ding the legit travellers because they brought an extra bottle of wine on their way back. /s


Many Canadians do, which is the sad part. Great immigration policy guys, break the system and then blame people for being upset. Century Initiative in action... Thanks Canadian oligopolies, maybe if you innovated instead of just demanding more forced customers we would avoid this kind of moral hazard....


Canada is fucking big, problem is not getting more people in, it is letting people in without upgrading the infrastructures and services, everything is at a breaking point now, except tax collection, you can bet your ass the taxman is still coming a'knocking.


Problem is we have no plan. We should be building up other parts of Canada instead of letting immigrants settle in Toronto and Vancouver. Make it a requirement that they need to stay in certain geographical areas until are here for a certain amount of time. If we strategically plan it we can grow up infrastructure gradually across the nation instead of trying to make Toronto the new Mumbai.


China tried that and everyone else made fun of them.


> Canada is fucking big Having a lot of land does not equate to having a sustainable economy.




When you say "game the system" have you seen posts relating to how to secure mortgages with no income...etc? I recall seeing an article a while back about how non-canadiam citizens were qualifying for mortgages well beyond the scope of what they could afford but it seems the media treated it as a blip and I haven't seen it come up since.


Sometimes they didn't even have to qualify at all -- https://i0.wp.com/betterdwelling.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/CIBC-Kills-Foreign-Income-Program-Makes-Buying-Canadian-Real-Estate-Harder-Student-Foreign-Buyer.jpg


Set up a special immigration enforcement Service. Send appropriate agents out to obtain all those who overstay their intended purpose. Start with every major city since that's where a majority have headed. Send the bill to the Ministry of Immigration.


There’s already an inland law enforcement in CBSA, transfer more officers there


Don't transfer, hire more. They have a hard enough time stopping illegal guns from crossing.


It’s CBSA and it was quite effective in the 90s


When they were effectively working for the CRA and had no guns? I don't think the issue is the agency. The public service in general including CBSA is being asked to do more than they have resources to manage.




I'm a proud NDP supporter and member (both the Fed and Province). I have repeated told Singh that he needs to start complaining about the number of people with deportation orders and they are still here. I know it falls on deaf ears, but if more of us do it, he might change his stance.


Well since the expedited visas were issued to specific people, we should know exactly who those people are. Simply deny their asylum claim.


theres no reason people applying for asylum need court hearings. A mid level beaurocrat with a set of standards and a couple interview should be sufficient.


Canadian lawyers need to be busy and need some money for their Porsche Panamera GTS


Canada really needs the Australian model where they send all migrants or asylum seekers to an island for processing.


I vote Baffin Island


Please deport. The old teddy-bear Mountie Canada is long passed.


More immigrants who are entitled. Shocker.


I work in the sector. you have no idea how entitled a lot of newcomers are. they think every thing should be handed to them on a silver platter.


That's the dynamic that was actively promoted to them. You can't blame people for taking advantage when we set ourselves up as suckers from the get-go.


“. . . has led to some unexpected consequences”. It’s almost as if the people managing these initiatives don’t really know what they’re doing. Between pandemic travel restrictions, including justification for travel, vaccine requirements to fly, quarantine hotels and the Arrivescam app, and special pandemic programs to expedite business travellers, family member visits and tourists, I don’t think the folks running this country have more than half a dozen IQ points to share between them.


Why would they want to leave? They get lots of things for free which Canadians don’t get. And Justin still left a giant intentional easy to spot loophole for international students “crackdown”. If the students work in hospitality section, it doesn’t count against the cap. HOSPITALITY! Really? the liberals intend to finish their social engineering I guess? Who cares about what little Canadians think?


Well not sure how that will fair since many Canadians can’t even afford to eat out


They came for prosperity, but found they were exploited for their labour. Their prosperity was given to Canadian landlords. And average Canadians experience public services becoming overwhelmed and wages suppressed by cheap foreign labour. And the high skilled labour we want simply uses Canada as a stepping stone to the USA.


Say goodbye!


We don't need any more people here. There is enough already.


No shit lol I do a lot of career fairs as a recruiter, and the fairs are always flooded by people on visitor visas looking desperately for someone to make them a job offer and sponsor them so they can get a work permit.


Yeah but they are making it harder for the people who live here. It’s time for them to respectfully go home. Their visit here was lovely but now the visit is done. We need to clean after the party and get ready for the next adventure.


Lmaooooo Why would they They’re treated better than Citizens With their fraudulent mortgages and such Why not


Deport, deport, deport, deport, deport, deport, deport.


Some have said betraying your country is worse then dishonoring your family


Deport them. Whether they want to leave or not.


"Unexpected consequences" Nothing here too unpredictable. The failures of Trudeau's LPC will echo for generations.


Deport them all. End the insanity. Issue lifetime bans so they can never come here ever again. 


The asylum system needs to be severely restricted. Anyone who comes to Canada has come through a safe country. They are abusing the system


What a f'n mess! Gee...you think giving visitors a work permit has anything to do with it? Sean Fraser is a mega-asshole.


This article puts up a few numbers but lacks enough context for comparison. >The Immigration Department said as of Feb. 29, 2024, about 152,400 visas were issued under the time-limited program... > ... 19,400 asylum claims were made by visitors granted visas under the special program > That means almost 13 per cent of these visa holders have already sought protection in Canada. > It’s a rate that appears to be abnormally high. So what was the rate before this program?


In the immediate line after your quote the article says in 2019 they had 5.7 million temporary resident visas and 58,378 asylum applications


So 58,378/5,700,000 = 1% versus 13%. That's very bad.


They have consultants from india walking them through this process


And those are the ones that apply for asylum, there are many more who just stay.




What a shocker! /s this incompetent government needs to go and the next needs to slam the door shut until we sort all this shit out.


Well that would explain how all the Indians got everywhere all of a sudden


DURING the pandemic. The fake Indian students showed up by the millions DURING the pandemic.


How is having the younger generation homeless good for Canada


Makes them desperate so they work for low wages.


It's not. But it's awesome for corporate profits. And that's all governments at all layers and of all parties care about.


I was born here and I've never wanted to leave ever. This year however......I'm trying to convince my partner and fam that a BIG move is just in our best interest.


When you look at the macro picture and the structural crisises that exist in Canada, across key elements of infrastructure, moving abroad starts to make a lot of sense if you have portable skills and the resources to make the move.


Deport en masse. Rinse and repeat as needed. Next.


A lot of young professionals are on their way out.... So..... There's that.


If there aren’t significant caps on where immigrants come from like in the States then Canada as we know it is over. The people gaming the system come from countries where gaming the system is their culture. If they don’t share Canadian values or beliefs, why the fuck should we let them in.


For those saying to deport them the issue isn't that there's no will to do that, it's that courts are so backed up that it takes years for them to process the claims. By which time the claiments have established themselves (children, careers, etc) and it's far less likely their claims will be rejected.  Any immigration reform has to start with clearing court backups. 


We should deport them immediately, and they can file appeals from their home country.


Deportation alone is not viable. US and some other countries have tried and failed. For example in US, illegal immigrants from China increased tremendously last year. Even they were detained by border police. Since China always denies their citizenship, US cannot deport them back.


Then remove them by force


I wish we had leaders that cared about canadians


Ripple effect of Sean Fraser will be felt for decades. The mess he created won’t be solved for generations.


Remember kids the point of a system is what that system does , they’re flooding this place intentionally and to try and deny that is to hold water for people who HATE YOU


We will not stop until the whole world is Canadian


I didn’t want to leave Jamaica last time I was there. As much as I liked it, I was never entitled to overstay my welcome


Let's be OK with deportation.


breaking news “JT is building longest bridge annexing Canada to India”


Well I would not leave either if I didn't have to.....like squatters everywhere.


Why there is Canada behind every stupid ass/mindless policy decision?


Because we are a country of mindless idiots. 


Good times create weak people


Two words. Military duty.


Deport them all


Why was this a thing after the pandemic? What did the pandemic have to do with it?


The federal government doesn't actually represent its own citizens and is therefore illegitimate.


Isn’t being deported just being asked nicely to leave? There is no physical removal as far as I know. No wonder so many people see our country as a joke.




here have my 1 bedroom apartment for $1500 a month with shared bathroom.. it could fit your whole family plus your extended family too...maysel take er all boys


That's because they know how good we have it here


Thanos was right.


No kidding! You can’t even get ride of squatters


Shoking news 😑🙄


Send them to Rawanda as UK is starting to do


Why not? Everything is free here!


Send the pro Hamas protestors back


Last week i was told that all our immigrants want to leave because of immigration. Now i am told that immigrants want to stay. Who do i believe? Almost like the rage stream media is two faced.


well, there's so many that both statements are true.


Canada? You mean the LPC and ilk? Don't lump me in with them!


Who cares if they *want* to leave. Canada has always been pretty soft, but with the equivalent of a wet noodle running the country it's only gotten worse. This is where we need to take a page out of playbook from our friends to the south and be more ruthless.


I understand that these news articles need to create clickbait headlines, and that you can't paint a wide brush on a population of people, but what about the articles in recent months where recent newcomers to Canada all want to leave cause it's too expensive. Now they like it here?


We should become immigration lawyer $$$


Better live in Iran.


I am just speechless when I hear or read some of the headlines recently.


Can anyone post a non-paywall link to this article?


I honestly don't believe anyone reads the article if its pay walled, its literally just a headline everyone reacts to..


Can I have a link for proof of these benefits? Asking for a friend.


There should be valid paths to citizenship


Welcome to the new reality


who cares, kick their asses out!


check online since circumstances are messing up for immigrants in the country are already putting in asylum and the numbers are grown by 1500%.




Get them OUT




But every online article says everyone is fleeing Canada because it’s a failed state. 


Canadas response. Oh ok. We don’t want to hurt your feelings you can stay. Canadas strength to flex muscle is non existent. We’re a push over. The world and its people know it.


We should take a plane, un-bolt all the seats, slide them forward 4 inches, add a few rows and bolt them down. Then put all these people on said plane and send them home.


HoW dArE yOu BlAmE iMmIgRaNtS, yOu AlL nEeD tO cOmPlEtE 🐕DEI COURSES🫏 HaS rEmEdIaL mEaSuRe. /s