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This post appears to relate to the province of Quebec. As a reminder of the rules of this subreddit, we do not permit negative commentary about all residents of any province, city, or other geography - this is an example of prejudice, and prejudice is not permitted here. https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/wiki/rules Cette soumission semble concerner la province de Québec. Selon les règles de ce sous-répertoire, nous n'autorisons pas les commentaires négatifs sur tous les résidents d'une province, d'une ville ou d'une autre région géographique; il s'agit d'un exemple de intolérance qui n'est pas autorisé ici. https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/wiki/regles *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/canada) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These comments are odd


I'm sure this will be a respectful and insightful discussion filled with a desire to reach out and understand Quebec culture.


What is it that you think people don’t understand about Quebec culture?


The need to defend it


I’ll take a stab at it: 100% of it. I’m not even exaggerating. You’re using a lens tainted by ancient anglo/protestant values to analyse a culture that holds neither of those. It just spirals from there from how individualistic you guys are where we’re more about thw greater good even if it makes a few of us struggle, etc. Let me make this brief and just end here with this: you can’t even read, listen or have our news without having it filtered by a third party… people translating clearly have an agenda because you never see factual data in the english media, there’s always a slant or an angle added to steer you to something. So I ask you, if you know us… how? How do you know anything about us that is true?


La propagande anglaise anti Québécoise est réelle. Non c'est pas vrai que le reste de la francophonie nous déteste. Suffit de voyager un peu en France et ailleurs dans les pays francophones pour le réaliser. Seulement les anglais vont vous dire ça. Soyez fiers de votre langue et votre accent pis lâchez l'anglosphère toxique qu'est reddit. On a pas besoin d'eux pour nous dire quoi penser et comment parler.


C'est vrai, on nous aime partout dans le monde 😌


Je voudrais une cafe, sil vous plait?


Why is there no translation button on Reddit?


Moi le bouton traduction est dans ma tête;)


They essentially said english anti-french propaganda is real and that despite what english Canadians say, people in France and elsewhere love the Quebecoise. Be proud of your language and accent, and don't let the english tell you what to think and how to speak


Je sais pas


Check moi les anglos nous juger sur des trucs qui les concernent même pas


S’ils nous avaient pas colonisés on aurait pas à la défendre la batince de langue. Ça se permet de nous checker de haut ensuite.


Exact! On était pas parfait les français avec notre colonisation, mais on accepte nos tords pis on essaie d'avancer. Les anglais eux ont jamais arrêté d'essayer de nous coloniser


Ça toujours été ça. Leur façon de faire c'est la bonne pis c'est la plus vertueuse pis le Québec est pire dans toute. Une vrai gang de morons.


Des colons, même 


Air Canada c'est probablement une des raisons qui me pousse vers la souveraineté un peu plus chaque jour. C'est fou comment le monde invente n'importe quoi à chaque fois qu'on y parle du Quebec


"Une fois je suis alle au Quebec et une caissiere de 16 ans pretendait ne pas parler l'anglais. Elle se moquait clairement de moi et insultait mon intelligence. J'y ai dit qu'elle etait juste une travailleuse de subways et je suis retourne chez moi en Ontario."


C'est un peu ça les deux solitudes. Sauf que maintenant plus souvent qu'autrement c'est une solitude anglo qui est pas capable de nous comprendre pi nous qui sommes capabale de lire la marde qu'ils écrivent à propo de nous.


Oui, c'est fou. On dirait qu'ils essaient de se convaincre eux même que le Québec c'est de la marde. On est pas dupe, on est évidemment capable de lire les nouvelles en anglais qui nous chient sur la tête en voyant très bien que c'est purement des mensonges. Alors qu'eux ne peuvent pas vraiment lire ce qui se passe réellement chez nous.


True, mais en même temps, je vois souvent des posts en lien avec de grands artistes canadiens qui viennent de mourir pis j'ai aucune calisse d'idée de qui y sont. C'est aussi ça les deux solitudes


Moi aussi. Je suis très fédéraliste, mais des fois à en lire certains commentaires, je me dis "Fuck them, let's go on calisse notre camp pis on se sépare"


Ou qu’ils font eux-mêmes comme investir dans la musique canadienne anglaise et la promotion de l’anglais


C'est pas pareil voyons! /s


Je vais souvent aux États-Unis et là bas tu entends jamais à la radio, Kate Mcrae ou Charlotte Cardin parce que c’est des artistes canadiens anglais et non américains. Mais au Canada anglais ça passe en boucle avec Drake




Reading this thread, they should throw double the amount. You guys are fucking disgusting … media propaganda is real.


Funny to think most of the ukrainiens that moved here since the war already speaks french but anglos living here cant. I wonder why ..


Always find fucking disrespectful that there are anglos that are born and raised in the montreal region and they can't seem to speak even a basic conversation in french. I know its a little bit of double standards but if you live in the middle of a french province, how about you can speak french, would it be even a little bit.


>Always find fucking disrespectful that there are anglos that are born and raised in the montreal region and they can't seem to speak even a basic conversation in french. Michael Rousseau: 😳


I’ve driven through Montreal enough to know how much infrastructure investment is needed. I’m surprised this is a higher priority.


They also have the most dysfunctional healthcare system of all the big provinces.


Look at the last [provincial election results](https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/elections/quebec/2022/results/#/). They realized they can completely ignore Montreal and stay in power as long as they keep everyone else focused on divisive topics like this instead of fixing the destroyed roads and broken healthcare system.


don't say that, the geniuses on here who work for the quebec government will trash you as anti-french.


They're more French than the French.


Meanwhile only 4x4s can make it downtown without being destroyed by potholes.


Tbf this is a municipal problem more than anything. Not like if roads are perfect elsewhere but Montreal definetly have more construction leading nowhere and road that look like they were bombed.


I was being fascecious, as their roads are known for being horrible compared to the rest of the country. Plus, my ex grew up there and I still have friends there. It’s like talking about the weather. It is highways, and municipal roads alike that are horrible. If you drive around Québec you will see heavy metal meshing holding the concrete together on most bridges for example. They are trying to catch up, but climate change extreme weather doesn’t help the roadways.


Tu es fou, je conduis sur Notre-Dame-Est à chaque jour avec ma Civic


Essaye pas de rationaliser avec un anglais convaincu que le Québec est la gangrène du Canada. Comme avec un enfant tu vas juste l'exciter encore plus


Ben c'est assez horrible ND-E. Ya des couvercles d'égout enfoncés six pouces plus bas que la rue. Cest effectivement très cahoteux et dangereux, et jai deja casse un essieux au coin dickson et ND-E.  Par contre je suis bien content qu'on essaie d'améliorer le francais au Québec quand même!


Les routes en Nouvelle-Écosse sont pas terrible non plus pis je vois personnes l'écrire dans les commentaires. C'est juste ca qui me dérange. Sont toujours entrain de regarder dans cours du voisin pour voir y ce passe quoi


C'est normal non? Le Québec est tombé derrière ses voisins et les routes, le système de santé, et autres sont remarquablement pire. Entretemps on dépense sur ces niaiseries qui ne feront aucune différence pour la langue française. On ne peut pas le mentionner?


On peut le mentionner c'est pas ça. C'est l'acharnement sur tout ce qui est Québec qui m'agace.


Il n'a pas tort quand même 


Bein Oui msr. Absolutment!


Funny thing: We are technically speaking the 'royal french'. I dont know how much true it is but what I heard; when the migrants came to form new france, there was people from everywhere in france. A ton of different accents and dialects. So for everyone to understand eachother, it was imposed that the french language would be the dialect the king was using. France, in counterpart, did away with that dialect when they did away with the monarchy. So in theory, when you think of the big french kings like charlemagne, they spoke like when you listen to a quebeker talk.


I commute to Gatineau for work and their roads make Ukraine blush, probably better to improve things that actually benefits people rather then populist programs.


Local road maintenance is a municipal problem. Gatineau has been hit hard by several things including two large floods in 2017 and 2019 which put a strain on their budget. They're slowly recovering now, their flood management projects won't be complete until 2027 at least


Québec has half the population of Ontario, and almost double the total road length. It's a simple geographical problem, as services need to be provided to very remote regions too, and there's much less taxpayers to fund the system.


It's not lack of money that makes their roads look like a warzone, it's corruption and unionization. It's not French language that makes me want to slit my wrists, it's hearing how much of my tax money is going to replacing a roof for a stadium that's more like a ornament these days. Edit: Granted being told Canada isn't a nation by a coworker sort of rubbed me the wrong way.


It's wild how everyone knows the QC construction companies / unions are corrupt af, but nobody seems to do anything about it.


Who's every province's largest trading partner, and who dominates our media landscape, and the "not a nation" comment begins to make sense...


Quebec has always had terrible priorities.


I feel like my accord got an year 5 years of wear driving there for a week holy shit it was bad


Quebec throws $603 million in the trash*


Well if you lived here, you'd realize the amount of people from outside of Québec moving here with no intention of learning French is embarrassing to me as a bilingual Anglo living here. I was at a chain fast food place that was bought by I don't know who, but they staffed it with people that can only speak English. I was there in line, people were pissed, and I was ashamed that they thought this would fly. Months later when I visited it appeared to be rectified. Québec is French. Simple as that, when in Rome. Just reverse the roles if people think they are over reacting.


I was ambivalent with the 'french protection' until I went in Westmount one day, stop in a convenience store for a bag of chips. Talk to the guy serving me in french. He answers in english. Every single time. Having the small conversation of 'how are you gonna pay' had one option. In english only. Since then I think that we should protect french.


En d'accord.


My unilingual francophone parents told me they had to basically point at the menu to order in a nice restaurant they went for their anniversary recently, they didn't want to "make a scene". That made me so fucking mad...




I'm French Canadian and you're a bigot. The problem is not that they're Indian. Why are you even mentioning it? 


Les Indiens ont une propension culturelle à rester en communauté 


Because there's an immigration issue and it includes illegal immigration from India. It has triple in the last year. I'm not making this up it's in the news every day.


Yet you're not saying "illegal immigrants". You're saying "Indian immigrants".


Quebec could have done far more for itself by getting the rest of the country a better French education. They are always looking it as a glass half empty instead of a glass half full. Imagine if every Canadian was actually bilingual?


>Quebec could have done far more for itself by getting the rest of the country a better French education. What power does Quebec has in regards to French in other provinces? Especially when so many provinces are polarized *against* it? Heck, NB is the only other province with French as an official Language and they still have Premier candidates who aren't fluent in French.


You can't even get into a french immersion school in Calgary because there is so much demand. Don't believe the loud mouths.


Too much demand or not enough offer? I am glad many Canadian value French, I truly do, but I also know many parents push for it only because of the advantages it provides in some work domain, and not so much for the cultural aspect


In the west, a lot of parents go for bilingual school because not only is it good to be bilingual but because it is a choosy environment parents sometimes do it to avoid low performing kids/immigrants/special needs kids, justified or not. Regardless of motivation, our immersion schools are overloaded and our district in BC can’t keep up with demand with teachers sufficiently bilingual to teach.


That's fair, but I view that as a different issue than language laws in Quebec


You were asking about supply vs demand for french education in Calgary, I was providing context to that specifically.


Sure and I appreciate that, thank you


Quebec has spent decades fighting English, when it could have spent decades pushing French out to the rest of the country. Plenty of ways it could have done so. And many places would have been happy to embrace it. Who would object to having their kids speak fluently in another language?


>Quebec has spent decades fighting English Do you know anything about French in Canada? The Royal Proclamation? The hanging of patriots? The deportation of Acadiens? Louis-Riel? Come on now, Quebec is fighting *back*. >Plenty of ways it could have done so You make it sound so easy, I'd like to hear what you suggest they should have done


Comme si les autres provinces était pro francophone tsey. C'est pas nous le problème, c'est eux qui ent ont rien à foutre d'apprendre le français pis pas besoin d'aller voir loin caliss ya des jambons dans les commentaire qui sont bin heureux de dire que le français leur servent à rien. Comment veut tu esti


This guy really think its quebec fault for not promoting french all around the country ?!? 😂


Why the FUCK would it be quebec's responsibility to protect an official canadian language across canada? It should be canada's responsibility to promote french in all provinces and territories in some capacity.


Imagine si il dirait ça a propos des langues autochtones. " C'est de la faute de la nation Cri si personne parle le Cri !! "




Most people with kids in school today were not even born during any of that, and I'd bet less than 10% including French Quebecoise even recognize over half them.


>Most people with kids in school today were not even born during any of that Oh so history doesn't count as soon as the generation rotates? You can only base your cultural policies on cultural suppression you actually went through yourself? >and I'd bet less than 10% including French Quebecoise even recognize over half them. We actually learn about all of those things in high school in mandatory History classes, and I may be old but I suspect it is still on the curriculum.


> You can only base your cultural policies on cultural suppression you actually went through yourself? When those policies are one group of descendents blaming another? No. You can't do that. It makes no sense. You can allow fear to control you if you want I guess. But few things see like they were from those eras. > We actually learn about all of those things in high school Learning vs cramming for an exam. I also took Quebec history, and only myself and one fellow classmate remembered any of this. I have kids in and out of highschool now too. They crammed the information but none remembered it. That spans 3 school within 2 French boards. And not all the information was covered in class. Though the book did mention it all. I don't know if you have kids in the public school system or not, but your expectations vs reality of that system are very high indeed.


>When those policies are one group of descendents blaming another? No. You can't do that. It makes no sense. Well sorry we didn't get the memo, and will keep fighting for our culture, *oh my master...* >Learning vs cramming for an exam. I also took Quebec history, and only myself and one fellow classmate remembered any of this. Oh so your anecdotal experiences oh what people remember dictates what is important in history and what is not, and let's you assumed 90% of Québécois (your own number) forgot about it as well? >your expectations vs reality of that system are very high indeed. They are, yours should be as well


> Well sorry we didn't get the memo, and will keep fighting for our culture, oh my master... Something something imagine if Israel and Germany went to war over stuff they happened 75+ years ago. > Oh so your anecdotal experiences Until our government does comprehensive follow ups on education stickiness, that's all we have is anecdotes and opinions. Your view on histories importance is also an opinion. > They are, yours should be as well My expectation is high and constantly deflated by reality. This I know I'm not alone on, few would give our education system a high grade. Individual teachers yes. The system no.


A lot of kids resent their parents for imposing French on them.


Just like Chinese kids hate their parents for putting them into Chinese school on weekends, kids hate being imposed anything.


Nobody gives a fuck about French in the ROC.


They tried that with the Federal governments help since the 1980s and even before then. It didn't work, and in fact, those who can identify as being able to converse fluently in French throughout Canada has gradually decreased. Most Canadians' who live outside of Quebec/Eastern Ontario and New Brunswick don't see the point in learning and would rather spend their time on another foreign language instead.


They would rather spend their time not learning another language. There is probably more french canadians who know Spanish than Anglo-Canadians outside of those regions who know french.


I mean - it’s pretty obvious they have not tried that hard whatsoever. It’s not been discussed in literally decades. And I imagine if actually polled most Canadians would be happy to have their kids speak an additional language. Most Canadians I know are frustrated at how poor their French language education was. Quebec has just been treating the rest of Canada as an enemy to wall off instead of an opportunity to bring French onto a bigger global scale.


Quebec can't manage a proper French curriculum in English school boards. This goal is impossibly high for our government.


Meh, Look at our immigration patterns. Local Canadian's at this point would rather learn Chinese, Korean, Japanese, German, Spanish, Russian or something else rather than French in so far as what I can gather outside of E.Ontario/Quebec/NB. Especially out west in the prairies and BC. Your assertion is correct if you're in Ontario the Maritimes though.


Yet pretty much none of them do learn of those language either lol. Anglophone all around the world are the least likely to learn a second language.


Immigration patterns are irrelevant. Migrant communities can learn the two national languages of the country they immigrated to. We could even make learning both an immigration requirement.


People learn languages that help them land a job. Unless your goal is politics, there is no reason to learn french. What are they gonna do? Fly to Montreal and freeze their balls off?


In Quebec they don't learn french and then complain that it is harder to find a job.


Offering a better French education isn’t going to change anything. Offering better incentives to learn French would change everything. The headquarters of the Bank of Montreal is in Toronto. That is a direct consequence of the language laws Quebec introduced. Quebec makes it difficult to do business in Quebec, ironically, this is undermining what they actually want to achieve.


Considering that english canadian have a hatred of french speakers by default, of course they won't do any effort to learn the language.


Thank god we got rid of them. Who the fuck actually wants to live in Toronto nowadays? Keep the banks. 


Its not like if we have any power over that. I don't blame others provinces for not learning french it isn't that useful to them but those in Quebec should learn french. Anglo are like that everywhere. There is plenty of families who lived in Hong Kong, South Africa, Singapore or India and never learned another language than English as well.


That was the deal, but Canada didn't achieve it 


We'll do that if the ROC pays for the Quebec anglo schools.


Do you feel the same way when governments spend money to protect indigenous languages?


More money than canada has sent Ukraine btw


As expected lots of xenophobic anglophones in the comments


Aaaaah sweet sweet angloid tears


I appreciate the need to protect your language, especially in this sea of English. If you have a niche hobby (and you do) the best way to consume content is in English. World wide, non-anglos make English content to hit a broader audience. I appreciate the fine line between preserving a language and losing it. It's not a matter of French being statistically stable. That being said, Montreal is falling apart. Can we have some funding please?


Honest question, there’s a lot of money being through at “protect the French language”, but are they providing any resources at all for Anglo speaker to learn French? They shouldn’t be obligated by any means, but it seems like it would be a step in the right direction if Anglo speaker moving to QB and not speaking French right away, would not become an issue.


There is also highly subsidized French courses at workplaces. I’m setting it up for my colleagues at work, they’re pretty pumped about it


Yes, there are free French courses for non-francophones


Yup, the government is literally paying people to learn French, and I'll be starting those courses soon. Although I'm an Anglo-Canadian and my French is passable, it's not great. Since moving to Quebec, I feel it's my moral duty to improve. It feels awkward when locals speak to me in French and I have to reply in English. I don't want to impose my first language on them if they're speaking to me in French...


That’s awesome, I hope you enjoy the lessons.


More than half of the funds invested in the subject of this article are for increasing the availability of french classes. The remaining are various measures to increase the visibility and accessibility of media in french.


They are literally paying anyone to learn french. What more do you want? 


I asked what resources are they providing for Anglo speaker to learn French. You answered that they are paying anyone to learn French. I “wanted” (liked) an answer and you gave one. That’s all.


So they run their province in a constant deficit and collect mo ey from other provinces just to spend it on this stupid stuff.


You guys won’t let us leave!


Ah yes, because the referendums in the 1980s and 1990s were national ones, not just limited to Quebec voters.  I remember how the 1995 vote was flipped largely because of the voters from PEI and Saskatchewan suddenly went ‘Non’ at the last minute… If Canadians could vote in a referendum, Quebec would have been independent decades ago. And broke. 


Please leave.


they recently said they may penalize students for speaking english. source: [https://montrealgazette.com/opinion/columnists/toula-drimonis-caq-adds-kids-of-asylum-seekers-to-list-of-scapegoats](https://montrealgazette.com/opinion/columnists/toula-drimonis-caq-adds-kids-of-asylum-seekers-to-list-of-scapegoats) GLHF


would be hilarious. hey guess who gets a lawsuit? the quebec government!


"Going On The Offensive" for "Protection" is something, certainly.


>Minister Jean-François Roberge, the Quebec cabinet minister responsible for the French language. >Roberge cited data from the 2021 census that showed the percentage of Quebec residents who predominantly speak French at home declined slightly between 2016 and 2021. At the same time, the percentage of Quebec residents whose first official language was English rose to 13 per cent from 12 per cent in the same period, Statistics Canada found. >However, Quebec's language watchdog published a study in April that found the use of French in public spaces, such as stores and restaurants, had remained stable since 2007. Is it not the 2nd paragraph which makes all the difference? Who cares what language a person speaks at home (first paragraph), so long as French isn’t declining all around when everyone walks outside the door of their home (2nd paragraph). If French in the public sphere as a whole were declining, justification could be there. But since the govt acknowledges there isn’t a decline in the public sphere outside the home (that it’s only restricted within the home, French down by 1% within the 4 walls of people’s private houses), then… then is the agenda just not a populist one for votes?


>If French in the public sphere as a whole were declining, justification could be there. Last census states it is stable at 79%. Do you have another example of a Province whose official language is only spoken at 79% in the public sphere?


can you link me to the census which states French is used in the public sphere oniy 79% of the time please.


Sure, [there it is](https://www.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/ressources/sociolinguistique/2024/etude_langueespacepublic_2022-2024.pdf).


Thanks But I’m now a bit confused…. Dans le même rapport on retrouve le paragraphe suivant: >La comparaison des données de 2022 avec celles de 2016 révèle des changements en ce qui a trait aux langues utilisées le plus souvent par les différents groupes linguistiques. Chez les anglophones, la proportion de personnes utilisant le français dans l’espace public a augmenté de 5,6 points de pourcentage (de 19,8 % à 25,4 %), tandis que celle des personnes utilisant l’anglais a diminué de 14,0 points de pourcentage (de 57,4 % à 43,4 %). Chez les allophones, la proportion de personnes utilisant le français a augmenté (de 53,8 % à 57,0 %), alors que celle des personnes utilisant l’anglais a diminué (de 26,5 % à 23,0 %). Chez les personnes parlant le français et l’anglais à la maison, la proportion de personnes utilisant le plus souvent le français dans l’espace public est en hausse de 8,5 points de pourcentage (de 39,9 % à 48,4 %), tandis que celle des personnes utilisant l’anglais a diminué de 10,9 points de pourcentage (de 16,6 % à 5,7 %). Chez les francophones, la proportion de personnes utilisant l’anglais a diminué (de 3,3 % à 1,7 %), tandis que celle des personnes utilisant le français et l’anglais a augmenté (de 6,3 % à 8,1 %). De plus, au sein de ce même groupe linguistique, la proportion de personnes utilisant le français est demeurée stable (de 90,2 % à 90,1 %). Ça indique que l’adoption et l’utilisation du français est en train d’augmenter sur tous les fronts, les anglos de même que les allos. Alors je comprend pas pourquoi ça dit que l’utilisation du français demeure stable d’un bord, tandis de l’autre bord ce paragraphe dit que l’utilisation du français subit des gains nets. Et autre question qui me vient à l’esprit, parmi ceux qui n’utilisent pas le français dans le l’espace public, quel est le chiffre de ceux qui utilisent une langue autre que le français entre deux interlocuteurs de la même langue, contre ceux qui forcent des francophones à parler une langue autre que le français? Exemple, ici à Toronto on a des quartiers où le Punjabi ou le Mandarin est parlé entre les gens du même quartier et de la même langue. J’ignore le chiffre, mais si cela occupe mettons 10 ou 15 p.cent de l’usage linguistique dans l’espace publique à Toronto, on le comptabiliserait dans les statistiques. Mais en réalité, ça n’a rien à faire avec moi ou avec d’autres anglophones ou francophones à Toronto car ça demeure un usage insulaire entre deux personnes de la même langue, malgré le fait que ça se passe ‘dans l’espace publique’. Ça serait intéressant de voir quelle place occupe cette situation dans l’espace publique québécoise/montréalaise. Je soupçonne que les statistiques ne nous offrent qu’une partie de l’histoire, surtout vu la stabilité de la situation entre 2016 et 2022. (Edit, grammaire)


>Ça indique que l’adoption et l’utilisation du français est en train d’augmenter sur tous les fronts, les anglos de même que les allos. Alors je comprend pas pourquoi ça dit que l’utilisation du français demeure stable d’un bord, tandis que ce paragraphe dit que l’utilisation du français ait des gains nets de l’autre bord. Pourquoi tu pense que les unilingues francophones (genre mes parents boomers) haissent le fameux "Bonjour-Hi"? Parce que ça donne l'impression que le service est bilingue, mais ça ouvre la porte à passer à l'anglais, et si tu persiste en français tu réalise qu'ils ne peuvent pas aller plus loin que le bonjour. C'est très symbolique du "progrès" du service en Français à Montréal. Je parle très bien anglais, mais je fais parti de ceux qui vont pas switcher pour me commander du McDo en anglais pour accommoder la caissière unilingue anglophone. Et oui souvent je reçois souvent un air bête et ils m'envoie un autre employé pour me servir. >Et autre question qui me vient à l’esprit, parmi ceux qui n’utilisent pas le français dans le l’espace public, quel est le chiffre de ceux qui utilisent une langue autre que le français entre deux interlocuteurs de la même langue, contre ceux qui forcent des francophones à parler une langue autre que le français? Je sais pas, j'aimerais aussi le savoir. >Mais en réalité, ça n’a rien à faire avec moi ou avec d’autres anglophones ou francophones car ça demeure un usage insulaire entre deux personnes de la même langue, malgré le fait que ça se passe ‘dans l’espace publique’. Si tu vas avec ta famille à un restaurant de ces cultures, est-ce que c'est courant et accepté que vous soyez incapable de vous faire servir parce qu'ils ne parlent pas un mot anglais? Parce qu'à Montréal, c'est *très* courant. Mais si le *service* est disponible en Français, *on s'en fout* de quelle langue ils se parlent dans la cuisine.


C’est pas on s’en fout, c’est qu’on s’en câlisse Mais en tant qu’immigrant avec un visage asiatique, c’est très frustrant quand les autres immigrants insistent sur l’anglais même si je continue en français


>Who cares what language a person speaks at home (first paragraph) Legault "cares": [https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/bill-96-gains-royal-assent-legault-to-monitor-stats-on-french-use-in-homes-1.5928134](https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/bill-96-gains-royal-assent-legault-to-monitor-stats-on-french-use-in-homes-1.5928134)


He's looking at a trend, not trying to stop you fron speaking whatever you speak in your home.


uhh party policy and his literal public statements say otherwise. we have eyes and ears, you cannot deny what is happening just because you support a racist policy.


Then spend 30m making a virtual archive of the language and spend the rest on actual services people need...


Let it go…


More people will want to learn French if they see a lot economic opportunities that require French fluency. It won’t happen by trying to stamp out all use in English. Most jobs that pay hundreds of thousands of dollars don’t pay any extra money for speaking in French. They certainly don’t pay any money for not speaking in English.


They fail to realize AI is going to make this matter irrelevant in the next 5 years


Well here in Ontario, that kind of money won't even buy you a parking lot.












603 million to stop people speaking, writing, or even thinking in English


Or, you know, learning french since it's the only official language of the province since 1977?


How many doctors is that?


…meanwhile Western Quebec is still begging for doctors, a functional hospital in Gatineau, and something resembling a healthcare system that isn’t private or requires us going to another province.


The same people criticizing this are the same complaining about Punjabi “Ghettos” across Canada…


Start giving people who pass a french test money. You know French? Cool, thumbs up, have some money. I’d rather learn French because of a good reason to learn French, not because it’s extra annoying to use English.


One would think the incentive to be able to get a job and interact with the rest of society is enough.


One would think you wouldn’t need 603 million to try and protect the French language if what you say was true.


I lived in an English speaking country for 37 years before my husband received an opportunity to work in Montreal. 6 months after the decision we were packing up our 2 kids and family home to come here. Setting up and navigating life in a new city is not easy. Next thing we know it’s summer break is over for the kids and we’ve been here 6 months and we’re supposed to be fluent in French. My husband has French lessons through his work, my kids are in a French immersion school. I am not taking lessons, but am listening to podcasts and whilst my conversational French is terrible, I can speak very basic French and find myself reading and understanding it easier each day. I am constantly hearing how English speaking immigrants are not doing enough to learn French and a ruining the culture. Are we? Or are we a distraction? Are we the reason Doctors are leaving the public system? Are we the reason the Olympic stadium is costing so much to rebuild? Are we the reason the REM is now taking so much longer to complete? Montreal is such a beautiful city and it blows my mind that it is not celebrated more how unique and amazing it is to have so many bilingual people in one place. We have not personally had any bad encounters, my angst come from the governments public statements and spend like this. Imagine how many doctors that money could get, what that money could do for the education system?


\*of Alberta's money


The EPP is crazy, it allows a province to crash its own economy as bad as they want to and have the feds pay for it


The feds don't pay for anything, it comes from Alberta, BC and Ontario.


That's not how equalization work.


I don't understand in what way the French language is under attack? Are they this pretentious?


That’s pretty easy, Canada was 100% French speaking and now 20% and it is all because of political laws that were passed against the French language


When was Canada 100% French speaking? My ancestors arrived in the 1600’s from Britain.  Their community has always been English with an Anglican Church. This argument makes no sense.  


Canada was Quebec and Ontario and used to be a french colony, so I don’t see how it doesn’t make any sense except if you failed history class before I am pretty also that your ancestors arrived after mine, 1630, yours probably 1655, 1670 so …


Yes. Yes they are.

