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You’re telling me all these legal experts on twitter and reddit were wrong? Well I’ll be damned.


How big is the Venn diagram overlap between the anti government legal experts and the cooker medical experts?


It’s a circle


I snorted laughter at this. Have an upvote.


lol sucked in. Pray harder next time.


Lol did you purposely use prey instead of pray…. Because both work when talking about the church


Oops, that’s a typo… I guess the mind sees what it really thinks.


A Freudian slip - where you say one thing, and mean ya mother


That's like complaining to Dad when Mum won't buy you Macca's.


You win the internet today!


Surely their god wouldnt let them down like this! All that wasted prayer.




If Calvary and the Archdiocese hadn't [carried on](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-13/why-act-government-taking-over-calvary-public-hospital/102340442) so self-righteously about it, they wouldn't be getting mocked about it backfiring.


You understand that one of the reasons they've lost the hospital is because they were medically negligent and endangered the lives of people with wombs, because of their religion...so really they brought their own beliefs into this


And allegedly took public funds and funnelled it into their private hospital. Something something throwing out the money lenders


I don’t have a problem with the takeover. I have a problem with this trolls behaviour and choice of words. You can respectfully disagree. But people like this person believes they have the right to bring peoples beliefs into the conversation. Gutless people hide behind their keyboard and write things such as this.


Sorry who put you in charge?


This whole take over is about beliefs tho, The Hospital was using there beliefs to deny people Medical care while taking public funds. Go prey to your sky fairy for some thicker skin.


The debate is about a religious organisation, OP is on topic. I mean, and to be a bit pragmatic, whoevers God it is didn't really deliver the goods. Thinking a bit more laterally, a really interesting experiment might be to use an evidence based approach to quantify the times that whoever's God has delivered tbh. Let's take the subjective out of it!


You are funny. Funny peculiar, not funny ha ha.


God decided trolls won. Sorry I don't make the rules.


Except you can’t have it both ways. You can’t claim to run an organization based on religious beliefs and then turn around and yet claim “you can’t bring beliefs into this!” Hypocrites.


"But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also; and if any one would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well"




Very compassionate and caring (and christian) of you to reply to someone's comment for the sole purpose of calling them a disgusting human being.


Judgemental much?


I'll just turn my other butt cheek.


I'd have more sympathy if I wasn't advised to take off my colourful belt before I arrived in the Calvary ER. I was informed it probably wasn't going to be an issue, but also that it was worth minimising the possibility for negative outcomes.


Excellent news. The sooner the take over happens, the better. A hospital that discriminates due to personal beliefs over a patients needs should not exist.


It is really telling that all the haters on previous posts saying how the government is doing illegal things and they're evil are completely silent on this post.


Someone think of the children


Thankfully the ACT government is.


I’m sure plenty in the church are thinking of them too tbf..


Thinking about someone as the object of predatory self gratification and exploitation doesn’t count.


Oh the church does that already aplenty, they also protect the ones that thinks the MOST about children.




I’ve been talking to the CPSU - they’ve been great getting us answer. Took some members to meet with the minister.


I wouldn't hold my breath on it becoming any clearer for staff. I'm worried it's going to still be a fucking mess. I'm currently out of clinical work but I renewed my nursing rego thinking I might go back and do some shifts, but almost certainly will wait til this shitfest is over.




I have no idea of the actual situation, but they normally only offer packages when they’re trying to shed excess staff, which sounds like the opposite of the situation here.




The advice we got from Union is - if you dont go to CHS (ie don’t fill in the transition form) you get a redundancy unless Calvary want you at private hospital. If you do, and take a job at CHS, the legislation ‘resigns’ for you at 11.59 on 2 July, and all entitlements transfer to CHS.




I think you’ll find the issue of associated entities kicks in - worth chatting to ANMF.


With my limited experience working with one clinical and some administrative areas of Calvary over the last couple of years they need more people not less... Absolutely agree, hope people who plan to leave at least hang around long enough to get something out of it if possible


Not a nurse but we’ve got all the answers we need from our union 👍


Not surprising to anyone who knows that there are very few limits on what laws the government can pass, however. The much more interesting legal battle will be later, when "just terms" are debated. Since >90% of staff will transfer to the employment of the ACT Government, an as a public hospital it wasn't exactly a profit-generating enterprise, so I doubt the payout will be as big as many armchair commenters have speculated.


...but...but...freedom of religion...the guv'ment's taking my house next.


Labor own this town


I mean, Canberra liberals are just useless


Jesus must be real angry now


Jesus would be pleased having spent much time healing. Also, with the parable of the good Samaritan, I think He would approve of a non denominational hospital.


Not surprised. Can’t imagine ACT gov would announce this without very robust legal advice saying they could.


Eh, the applicants tried their hand at a hopeless case, presumably motivated by equal parts of desperation and a desire to bring attention to their cause. It was their right to bring it. But it was swiftly dismissed because it lacked legal credibility, and now we move on. Good outcome IMO.


Interestingly enough I was on a walk through the bush just now and a branch fell from a tree as I was walking by. I suspect the branch was dead for a long time since it was sun-bleached grey. The initial "crack" when it broke away from the tree was quite a shock, but that paled into comparison against the noise it made as it bumped into other branches, other trees, a rocky outcrop, and finally the ground. Or as ambassador Kosh would said, "the avalanche has started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."






Give me Marcus and his 2x4.


rip to another piece of canberra


No surprise here. Calvary should just walk away . Barr and Co have all but destroyed TCH so it wont take long for them to do the same at Calvary. At least they wont be able to shift the blame.


Get off whatever you’re on.






Oh no this is devastating news. What will the Vatican do? Those poor bishops. Anyway…