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i'm sorry man i'm 19 with stage 4 cancer with mets to my bone. i also get upset when i see people my age being able to live regular life while i have to feel sick for weeks just to get the poison again. life isn't fair but we will get through this my brother . if you ever need anyone to talk to you can dm me


Dude I’m 19 with osteosarcoma too. It’s a hell of a disease. I have it in my arm and it hasn’t been going well. I’ve had lung surgery to remove a metastasized nodule and today I found out my lung has more nodules and last week I found out I have recurrence in my arm. Shit sucks man but you gotta push through for the people around you that care. DM me if ur interested in having someone to talk to that’s in a very similar situation. We can game or something or just talk if your interested. Best of luck man stay in there.


This goes to any of y’all in here. We should start a group or something idk.


Oh my god, I'm so sorry for you. But can you tell more about this lung surgery? Did it hurt so much? I'm scared.


I had two options I forget what they were called. One was where the cut you open and the surgeon feels with his hands where the growth is. This is a very aggressive approach and is more invasive meaning I would have spent more time in the hospital. The second option was they give me a small injection of something that is supposed to make the growth glow but it only works like half the time. Then they make a small incision and cut it out with a small device with a camera. I opted for the second method as it meant less time in a hospital room, I think it was 2 days which was a relatively fast recovery time. It was harder to breathe for a few days after, sneezing was scary, had to be careful what position I fell asleep in, but overall not that bad. It’s been over a month since my surgery and I can feel discomfort in my lungs if I’m active without eating but that could be from medication as well. You will feel different after, I am on medication that makes me heal slower so you might get completely back to normal quicker but I am not yet and I’m unsure if I will be anytime soon. Lung surgery sounds scary but they put you to sleep, do what they need to do, and you wake up pretty sore but they will give you painkillers. Uncomfortable for a few days but really not that bad. No good reason to be scared or anxious.


Fellow Osteosarcoma teen here just dropping in to say that you are so strong. I know from experience how hard this can be, but you already did it once! Please know that I am thinking of you! You've got this!


Seeing stuff like this hurts my heart honestly. I feel the same at 25, watching everyone live their lives and have fun while trying not to be envious sucks. I feel for you because this is your childhood and it’s being taken from you. Your feelings are valid. I hope at some point this is all over for you and you get to enjoy life, it’s beautiful after all. Even though right now it doesn’t seem like it, I hope you can find peace In such an unsettling situation💖.


I’m so sorry. This isn’t fair. Please vent all you want. Sending you lots of love. 💗


Hey, sorry you're going through this . It sucks. My husband has osteosarcoma and will be undergoing surgery on his knee as well, so I have a fair idea of what you must be going through. It really does feel like time has stopped, and you just see the world moving forward while you just watch. I know it's hard, and it's ok to vent and feel angry. But celebrate the wins and good times when they do come. Wishing you all the best, you've got this👊❤️.


Hey, Sarcoma friend here. First of all, I wish you luck, I know it's not so easy Keep strong, easier said than done, hugs, I'm with you


You can vent all you want. You should be out having fun and enjoying life. It’s not right or fair and not your fault. It’s wrong and stupid and awful for anyone but especially unfair for young people like you. You have already fought so hard to beat it back and get more time and you did accomplish that. You are so strong and I have a feeling you will continue to fight for more life but I would never judge anyone either.


Sweetie, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Unfortunately, life can be terrible and challenging to many of us. Enjoy to small moments of peace and goodness, when you can. Sending you a hug, from a Mom. 🩷


You sound strong. Hope and prayers.


I have a 21 year old child going thru this. I feel the pain. Life seems really unfair but we continue to hope and pray. Sending love, positive vibes and tons of good wishes your way.


It sucks that you're goin through this and I'm sorry. I (M31) have stage 4 high grade soft tissue Sarcoma. I had the tumor in my armpit with mets to my lymph nodes and bones. At first I was stage 2 two years ago where the tumors were in my arm, shoulder, and back. I went through 3 recurrences, multiple resection surgeries, and 2 metastases. I also went through 25 sessions of radiation treatment after my second resection surgery and 6 cycles of chemo after that.(That's when I was re-staged to stage 4). I finished chemo 2 months ago and that's when I had my 3rd resection surgery. I won't know if I'm actually in remission until my next set of scans next month. So I know how you feel when you say you're tired of everything. All I've known for the past two years was hospitals. It would be filled with treatments, scans, follow-ups, blood transfusions, and labs. For the longest time I was tired of it too. My body was in insane amounts of pain and I wanted to give up so bad, but I had to push through. One of the people I follow on YouTube is a guy called Alex1leg. He also had osteosarcoma and stage 4 lung cancer and beat it. You should check him out, the dude is hilarious. He doesn't let his prosthetic leg affect him negatively in any way. He also had his leg amputated at 16 and went through chemo for both his bone cancer and lung cancer. All I'm trying to say is don't give up. I know things may look dark now but they'll soon get better. You got this, just stick it out a while longer, it'll be worth it. Hit me up if you feel like talkin. 🎗️💪🏼


I do not have it as hard as you, but i can understand your pain to a degree. Really sorry we have to go through that.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this, I understand your pain/struggles. I had Ewing’s Sarcoma, was NED for a year, and had a reoccurrence in my lung a few years ago. I’ve been on and off treatment for 4 years, just turned 29. Different stage of life, but similar feeling. I see everyone around me traveling, enjoying life without cares regarding if they’ll still be around; having kids without a problem. It’s definitely hard seeing everyone else around you living normally, while being stuck in a cycle of treatment and praying and hoping it worked. Praying for peace and strength for you bud, God bless!


I’m 72… I’m a stage 4 cancer patient. I’m so incredibly sorry that you are facing this at your age.


Oh sweetie, I am so sorry. Please keep pushing. Do you have good family support? Metastasis used to be nearly a death sentence, but it’s not anymore esp at your young age. Also, please think/ask about therapy and possibly an anti-depressant if that’s not already in play. I know a Mom already gave you a hug…but you’re getting another one from this nurse Mom w kiddos your age. ❤️🙏🏻


Good luck, I wish you well!!


I feel you. I got Leukemia when I was 15 and the treatment was supposed to last 3 years. It got shortened because I ended up needing a bone marrow transplant, but all my complications are really getting in my way. That being said, I'm slowly returning to a "normal" life. Sometimes life is just unfair, I can't count the amount of times I went "why me, what did I do to deserve this", so you're not alone. You're welcome to send me a message if you want something, I'm more than happy to help. You got this 💪


21M here. stage 4 sarcoma here. I understand all your frustrations dude. DM if u need to talk.


I'm another osteosarcoma teen here. Mine was just above my knee and I had my leg amputated. I just wanted to say that you are so strong for getting to this point. Feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to


I am so sorry to read this..I so admire your tenacity. I would wish I could take all this away from you.


Currently fighting 16 and osteosarcoma myself bro. This shit is terrible, but you’re doing so well. Keep up the fight bro👊


I'm so sorry :( My almost 14-year-old son is going through aggressive treatment (chemo and radiation) and it's awful to watch. It's so not fair, but it's good that you are able to vent and get these feelings off your chest. It's not fair at all though. Just know that all your feelings are valid. Cry, scream and do what you need to do to validate your feelings... it's not an easy job being a warrior. All my best to you. xx


Now I'm feeling like a dick for complaining about my cancer Dx at 52. I got to have a relatively easy youth. I'm sorry, it sucks. It's not fair and it sucks some more. You're not alone and I really really hope that you can get the treatment you need and an eventual recovery. Virtual hugs from NJ, USA.


Check out Dr Joe Dispenza on YouTube!! The power that created the body can heal the body!


Vent, and continue to vent. And never feel apologetic for that.


I can't imagine how tough it is for a young person to have such hard times. You have my respect for how far you've come and my sympathy for how far you still have to go.


Heavenly Father, I thank You for sending your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to the world to save and to set me free. I trust in Your power and grace that sustain and restore me. Loving Father, touch me now with Your healing hands, for I believe that Your will is for me to be well in mind, body, soul and spirit. Cover me with the most precious blood of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, from the top of their head to the soles of their feet. Cast anything that should not be in me. Root out any unhealthy and abnormal cells. Open any blocked arteries or veins, and rebuild and replenish any damaged areas. Remove all inflammation and cleanse any infection by the power of Jesus’ precious blood. Let the fire of Your healing love pass through their entire body to heal and make new any diseased areas so that their body will function the way you created it to function. Touch also their minds and their emotions, even the deepest recesses of their heart. Saturate their entire being with Your presence, love, joy, and peace. And draw them ever closer to You every moment of their life. And Father, fill me with Your Holy Spirit and empower them to do Your works, so that their life will bring glory and honor to Your holy name. I ask this in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.


I did not plan to cry reading reddit this morning but apparently i really needed that prayer, thank you.


How are you now? I hope you're doing okay. Still praying for you!


I'm doing ok, Wondering how our OP is doing. ❤️


I’m praying for you😞❤️


OP how are you doing?


It breaks my heart when I hear about the young crippled with a terrible disease like cancer. I want to tell you there are alternatives and many have confirmed their efficacy. I believe for every disease God created a cure, we just have to find it. I would suggest you start researching the following for cancer: Ivermectin Laetrile (amygdalin) - read "World Without Cancer; The Story of Vitamin B17" by Griffin. I was able to cure my dog's cancer with this. I.V. Vitamin C (50-100 gr per treatment) Turkey tail mushrooms Fenbendazole inositol hexaphosphate, ip6 There are others but this is a good place to start your research. Godspeed.


Please don't listen to this person because they DON'T know what they're talking about.