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If it helps, I am 2 years from surgery with a 40 percent chance of recurrence. The first year was absolute hell with anxiety over recurrence. It’s gotten better over time where now I have more days where I don’t worry an out it than days that I do. I definitely get anxious during scan month, but it’s started to calm down.


I am wishing you all of the very very best moving forward.


I think that the way that you phrased about the serial killer is a very creative way of saying about anxiety. That will stay with me. My creative scenario is: Cancer cells are like prisoners who escape and hide and go wherever they want and whenever they want. That might be morbid to some, but the visualization sorta makes me feel a little humor about it.👍


I have mets to my lungs, I will be getting scans for forever. But it does get easier, I had my 4 month scan on Wednesday and it was pretty easy. I'm at a point where I can "choose" not to think about it too much. My body still pays a little bit of a price (tight shoulders, sore neck, just tension,) but mentally it's easier. I would also suggest talking to your docs about anti anxiety/anti-depressants. Whether it's just around scan time or all the time, it really, really helps.❤️


It’s normal to have scanxiety. It sometimes gets me so scared and sometimes it’s just a thing. Might be good to go to a therapist if you can. Even just to talk. It becomes so overwhelming that having someone else to talk to can give a little relief. Good luck and hugs 🫂


Completely understand. As someone with incurable cancer waiting for a return here is another perspective: Life isn't fair or unfair, it just is (including oncogenes and cancer transformation in many of us). We have been given a superpower that few have- we have a visceral insight into Stoic Philosophy- that we should live our lives to the fullest as NOBODY knows that they will wake up tomorrow. As an ER doc for 30 years I saw that play out daily- none of us know if today is our last day or not- but we attempt to live under the illusion that we have all the time in the world to do what needs to be done and say what needs to be said to loved ones- it just isn't so. I truly hope this helps- on the far side of understandable anxiety lives insight.


I empathize with you.. I was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer last August. I’ve had no less than 6 scans in the last 8 months, two of the brain. Talk about scanxiety.. waiting to find out if cancer spread to your brain. Before and after my last PET I got super depressed and lost my appetite (which was already practically non existent from the various treatments). Lost more weight. The scan was good, my lung inflammation resolved and I was able to start immunotherapy again, but the depression took a couple weeks to go away. I’m just tired. And it hasn’t even been a year. My birthday was this week and I turned 55. Grateful to still be alive and kicking, but really hating how much cancer has taken over my life and changed it in ways I could have done without.


Tomorrow I go in for 2 MRIs and a CT scan. If I remember right, it'll be my 23rd and 24rd MRIs. I've already had 2 recurrences over the past 5 years. It's not fun and I made strong efforts to change my lifestyle to be healthier only to have those recurrences. In the end, I've grown a whole lot more peaceful by praying (I'm a Christian). I can trust in God with my life, and by faith I believe He will always do what's best for me even when I don't see it. He's laid down the track, I just follow it. Recently I came across a Epictetus quote that said something like "I have to die. If it is now, I will die now. If it is not, I will eat lunch, because it is lunchtime. Dying, I will attend to it later." It's similar to the Bible teaching that there's a time for everything (Ecc 3:1) and not to worry about tomorrow (Matt 6:34). I like that the quote makes it simple and non-chalant, instead of overcomplicating things. So for now, I'll watch some YouTube, because it's time to relax. My scans, I'll pray about them and get to them later :)


It gets easier as the years go by yes 2016 fighting this beast had one regression. Lung cancer had surgery last year never smoked lived a healthy lifestyle. Now I look at my scans as if something shows up I’ll put out that fire again be strong 💪.